197203ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,e, COUNCIL, RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY % � ,J COMMISSIONER f '/ - - DATF COUNCIL NO. � 97203 FILE RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Rice- Phillips Laundry Company, dba Model Cleaners and Launderers,from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, the commercial use authorized on a portion of Lots 5, 79 $, 99 10, 11 and 12, Auditor's Subdivision No. 72, situated at the southwest corner of-East Seventh and Maple Streets, is hereby extended to cover all of said lots, and permission is hereby given to the owner of said lots to devote the same in their entirely to commercial use, with the same intent, purpose and effect as if each said lot had been entirely classified under the Zoning Code, as amended, in a Commercial District. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Mortinson --Pe-t'U'i qM?--. Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 a 8 Council Pile No. 197203 —By Bernard T. Holland — Resolved, That upon appeal of Rice - Phillips Laundry Company, dba Model T Cleaners and Launderers, from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Pubilc Buildings, and upon the favorable recommenda- tion of the Board of Zoning, the com- Lln In Favor Against MAY 181955 , Adopted by the Council 19 MAY, 18195® Mayor OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota I 1w ��• MAY iCoRppft,41 ION COUNSEL May 12, 196o. Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the appeal of Rice - Phillips Laundry Company, doing business as Model Cleaners and Launderers, for extension of Commercial use to cover all of Lots 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and -12, Auditors Sub. No. 72, situated at the southwest corner of East Seventh and Maple. JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder Ve ry truly urs ty Clerk • � N 91 8 MINNESOTA 8 ......................... �. <;;? R D OF ZONING, CITY O F SAINT PA U L :il7i�t�IlYJ06k, ss1- 252 -253 115 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 7, MINNESOTA May 12, 1960 Mr, Joseph Okoneski City Clerk - Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the appeal of the Model Cleaners and Launderers for an extension of commercial use to cover all of their property located on the south- west corner of E. Seventh and Maple Streets. The property is described as all of Lots 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Auditors Sub, No, 72. The E. Seventh Street frontage was zoned commercial in 1922 to a depth of 100, feet from the street line. However, E. Seventh Street was widened'14 feet on the south side in 1929, reducing the commercial classification to a depth of 86 feet. The zoning classification beyond this point is "B" residence. Over a period of years, beginning in 1930, five requests for zoning extensions have been made and granted. There has been a dry cleaning and laundry business on this site since 1923. The applicant has recently purchased this property and operation as they are being displaced from their present_location by the Sixth Street freeway. They propose to enlarge the existing facilities by erecting a connecting building between two of the existing buildings, thereby consolidating this operation under one roof for a more efficient operation. North across E. Seventh Street is Hamm Park, east and adjoining is a multi - family residence fronting on Maple Street which is bounded on two sides by the existing laundry buildings. Farther east across Maple Street is a vacant lot, also front- ing on E. Seventh Street;'south and adjoining are the rear yards of residences fronting on E. Sixth Street; west•and adjoining are the rear yards of residences fronting on Bates•Avenue, and a three - family residence fronting on E. Seventh Street. This is an irregularly shaped tract of land having a frontage of 280 feet along E. Seventh Street and 116 feet along Maple Street, resulting in:an overall area of approximately 56,500 square feet, or 1.3 acres. Field investigation discloses no objections to this extension as the proposed development will not be extended beyond its present limits, but will be an addition connecting the existing buildings. On April 26, 1960, the City Council granted an informal approval to this appeal after being advised that the Board of Zoning had reviewed the matter and would later submit a favorable recommendation. In consideration of the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends the grant- ing of the appeal to extend the commercial use to all of the above described property. HCW: FGI Encl. Sri %ncerely,,,,! H. C. Wieland, Secretary Board of Zoning I iLLD OFCIi. CLERK 1960 APR 14 AM 10 06 APRIL 13, 196o SAINT PAU; THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 1, MINNESOTA GENTLEMEN: THE UNDERSIGNED RICE — PHILLIPS LAUNDRY COMPANY, DOING BUSINESS AS MODEL CLEANERS AND LAUNDERERS, ,H1EREBY APPEALS TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL UNDER SECTION 64.03, PARAGRAPH A OF THE ZONING ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF •SAINT PAUL, FOR THE EXTENSION OF THE COMMERCIAL USE NOW EMBODIED IN LOTS 5, 7 AND 8 AND PARTS OF LOTS 9 AND 10, AUDITORS SUBDIVISION NO. 72, TO INCLUDE ALL OF THE SAID LOTS, TOGETHER WITH ALL OF LOTS 11 AND 12, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 72. RICE - PHILLIPS LAUNDRY COMPANY RECENTLY PURCHASED THIS PROPERTY FROM MOTHERS FRIEND LAUNDRY AND TWO COMMERCIAL USERS FRONTING ON LOTS 11 AND 12. THE PROPERTY FRONTS ON EAST SEVENTH STREET AND IS ZONED COMMERCIAL FOR 86 FEET SOUTH OF THAT STREET. IT IS RICE— PHhLLIPS' INTENTION TO ENLARGE AND MODERNIZE THE PRESENTLY EXISTING LAUNDRY FACILITIES ON THE MOTHERS FRIEND PROPERTY. AT VARIOUS TIMES IN THE PAST, MOTHER'S FRIEND HAD APPEALED FOR EXTENSION OF THE COMMERCIAL USE TO COVER ITS BUILDINGS. IN APPLICATION FOR A BUILDING PERMIT, RICE— PHILLIPS LEARNED THAT AN AREA OF THE PROPERTY BETWEEN THE PRESENTLY EXISTING MOTHERS FRIEND BUILDINGS WAS NOT COVERED BY THESE EXTENSIONS, AND IS ZONED "B„ RESIDENTIAL. THIS IS THE AREA IN WHICH RICE — PHILLIPS PROPOSES TO BUILD A CONNECTION BETWEEN THE PRESENTLY EXISTING BUILDINGS SO AS TO HOUSE ONE MODERN LAUNDRY FACILITY UNDER THE SAME ROOF. THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT THIS BUILDING WILL ENHANCE THE APPEARANCE AND THE EFFICIENCY OF THE LAUNDRY FACILITIES. THIS COMPANY WILL EMPLOY SOME 250 PERSONS AND WILL BE A DEFINITE ADDITION TO THE CITY. RICE — PHILLIPS HAS BEEN FORCED FROM ITS PREVIOUS LOCATION BY CONDEMNATION OF ITS PROPERTY FOR THE BUILDING OF A FREE- WAY. PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTY OF MOTHER'S FRIEND LAUNDRY AND ENLARGEMENT OF „g y y n'H •7 Cdss,02 — ;3 --------_ aa. F.Idv. rAPPLiLl1I"t Z THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF APRIL 13, 1960 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PAGE TWO SAINT PAUL THE MOTHER'S FRIEND FACILITIES WILL ALLOW RICE - PHILLIPS TO CONTINUE ITS LAUNDRY OPERATION IN THE CITY.OF SAINT PAUL WITH CONSEQUENT BENEFIT TO = BOTH RICE - PHILLIPS AND THE CITY. RESPECTFULLY RICE - PHILLIPS LAUNDRY COMPANY, D/B/A MODEL CLEANERS ANDILAUNDERERS B 4RV P. F OUS ARD, E UTIVE VICE DENT MY CUEp;Z FILE iri.�� Af r -- - -- ;-=