198697- 198697 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL ENCIL NO. FO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COMMISS ONEY -� DATE August 30, 1960 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Pratt's Express Co. 614 Olive Pri.Gas Pump App.9892 Renew " n VM Loc. " 11 11 Albert F. Ruzichka ?79 Randolph Grocery " 10037" 11 ' Butcher 11 " 11 Off Sale Malt 11 Cigarette P.T. & J.E. Bowes 170 N. Pascal Warehouse Foods" 10135" Overton Sales Co. %Minn. Plastics Corp. 45 E. Maryland VM Loc. 11 10141" Robt. Kroiss %Minn. Plastics Corp. 45 E. Maryland VM Loc. " 10143" Oleatha Oil Co. 86 Rice Gas Sta. 6P 11 X014811 11 ' Orig. Cont. �� " 11 " Cigarette 1' It if James L. & Rena Townsend 1199 Jackson Restaurant 10161" 11 If On Sale Malt 11 If Off Sale Malt It If Cigarette " " If Erickson Petroleum Corp. 1100 N. Snelling Gas Sta. 11P11 10200" 11 11 Fuel Dlr. 11 11 11 It 11 Orig. Cont. If " Cigarette Joseph F. Fischer 499 University Barber t1 1020511 Marie A. Dockett 1344 Thomas Ldy.DC Pickup ° 10256f1 George Anderson 969 Rice TV Master " 10266" Jack N. Karter 777 University If " 10268" 11 1 Serviceman " " " COUNCILMEN Council File No. 196697 —By Robert F. Peterson— Milton Rosen — d by the Council 19 Yeas Nays Resolved, That licenses applied for by the persons named on the list attached to this resolution be and the DeCourcy same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such Holland licenses upon the payment into the City treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council August 30, Approved 19 Mortinson 1960. Approved August 30, 1960. (September 3, 1960) Peterson Rosen Winkel A gainst Mr. President, Dillon bM 7 -69 QP0.8 198697 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK • CITY OF ST. PAUL FO ENCIL NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED I NER DATE August 30, 1960 Contd. Page 2 Melvin Groetsch & Walter Schulz 505 Park Gas Sta. 3P App.10277Renew Gen . Rep . Gar . n n VM Loc. 11 11 Cigarette Farwell, Ozmun Kirk & Co. 160 E. Kellogg Cigarette 11 10309" Emporium of St. Paul, Inc. 121 -39 E. 7th TV Master If 1032311 It 3 Servicemen 11 11 " Overton Stiles Co., Inc. %Minn. � Mutual Ins. Co. 345 Cedar VM Loc. " 1032911 Hardware Stores, Inc. 2439 W. 7th Hardware 11 10332" James Dorfman 474 S. Cleveland TV Master 11 10346" 11 11 3 Servicemen 11 10346" Shell Oil Co. 2057 -9 Marshall Gas Sta. 6P 11 10371" Robt Kroiss Watson Bros. Transp. Co. 1.907 Charles VM Loc." 1039011 " %Minn. Mutual Ins. Co. 345 Cedar VM Loc. " 10383" " %Ry. Express Agency, Inc. 290 E. Kellogg " " 1038511 Francis G. Wardner 1675 Grand TV Master " 10386" 11 11 Elec.App.Rep. 11 11 11 Michael Myers 2052 St. Clair TV Master " 1039411 James W. VanPelt I77 S. Smith " " 10399" ' 2 Servicemen 11 " " Edward N. Weber 1279 Randolph Bakery if 1040411 Vern P. Borman 882 Selby Gas Sta. 3P 11 10410" If 11 VM Loc. 11 11 11 Herman Cohn COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourey Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 a�8 687 S. Cleveland Gas Sta. 3P " 10414" If Adopted by the MCounc ' ii 11 19 " Tn Favor Against Approved 19 Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Contd. Page 3 Norman M. & Benjamin C. Rose 266 E. 7th Spector Freight System 661 LaSalle Gerald C. Lehmann 324 Minnesota 1986? COUNCIL NO. FILE August 30, 1960 Cig. Oper.7514t App.10420Renei VM Loc. " 10424" Restaurant " 10425" Minn. Mining & Mfg. Co.' 900 Bush Pri.Gas Pump " 10434" Mitsch & Heck'Co. 201 -11 If. 5th Gen.Rep.Gar. " 10436" Superior Dairies, Inc. %Merchant's Mtr.Freight, Inc. '2625 Territorial Rd VM Inc.., " 10442.0 St. Paul 7Up Bottling Co., Inc. Merchant's Mtr. Freight, Inc. 2625 Territorial Rd. VM Loc. App.1044311 Canteen Co. %Merchant's Mtr.Freight, Inc. 2625 Territorial Rd. " " 10445" St. Paul 7Up Bottling Co., Inc. °,Noland Bros. Trucking Co. 2409 Valentine VM Loc. if 10447" " %Richard H. & Albert H. Jr. Truso 632 -40 N. Prior VM Loc. " 10449" Canteen Co. %Quantrell Cadillac, Inc. 400 Selby VM Loc. " 10457" " %Transport Clearings of the Twin Cities 2453 University, Oil Loc. 5 %Ry. Express Agency 290 E. Kellogg b0 Skelly.oil Co. 733 Grand Cigarette " 10465" Canteen Co. %Minn. Transfer RR Co. 508 N. Cleveland VM Loc." 10470" Vendall Co., Inc. %Minn. Transfer RR Co. ° VM Loc. 1' 1047211 Lawrence Janecek 376 Main Gen.Rep.Gar. " 10492" Charles Rembold 584 Stryker Gen.Rep.Gar. " 10491" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7 -69 8 In Favor Against Approved 19 Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK J CITY OF ST. PAUL LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE NO.- w ' PRESENTED BY 0 t ll 1860 COMMISSIONER DATE August 3 Contd. Page 4 Oscar Ostrom 270 -2 9. 8th Gen.Rep:Gar. App.10494Ren. Robt. Kroiss %Farwell,Ozmun Kirk & Co. 160 E. Kellogg VM Loc. 1110509" Sacred Heart Men's Club 831 E. 5th Cigarette " 10511" Vendall Co., Inc. 1820 E. 38th St. Peterson Mpls. Cig. Oper.18M " 10514" Clifford Gustafson 249 S. Snelling Cigarette " 10515" R.C. Rohweder 613 Grand TV Master " 10517" 11 11 3 Servicemen Nelson Oil Co., Inc. 1406 Arcade Cigarette " .10521" Hetfield- Queenan, Inc. 1039 University " " 1052211 Gold Medal Beverage, Co. 553 N. Fairview " " 10523" Coca Cola Bottling Co. of Minn., Inc. 84 S. Wabasha Cigarette "105241, Midway Ford Co. (SD Corp.) 1850 University Cigarette APP-1052511 Nalpak, In•c. Fairway Foods, Inc. Clifford Helling 333 Sibley " 1930 Como if 543 N. Cleveland " 11 1052711 'il 10528" 11 1052911 Robt. Kroiss %Midway Hospital 1700 UniversityVM Loc. " 10532" Robt. C. Hendricks & Charles W. Heringlake Peterson - 1666 -8 White Bear Hardware 10539" Roy E. Petefish 1546 -9 White Bear " " 10575" Miles E. Efron 402 Robert Cig. Oper. " 1059311 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Hollan d Mo rtinso Peterson In Favor Rosen 'nk 1 Against Mr. President, ` 5M 7 -59 8 Adopted by the Council AUG U 19 AUG 3 01960 Approved 19 4 Mayor �