198678ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK .- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE CO CIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED MSSIIONE DATE AUGMST 26$ 1960 WHEREAS, Comptrollers Contract L- 6164 -A, Ashbach Con - Struction Company,- Contractor for the Grading and Paving of FAIRVIEW AVENUE from Summit Avenue to Selby Avenue; also Storm Sevier from Hague Avenue to Portland Avenue, has been substantially completed, and WHEREAS, said Contractor requests that a portion of the 15% retained under the contract from estimates for work done, be paid in advance of the final co mpleit16n,. of the contract, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner and Chief Engineer of the Department of Public Works approve the payment at this time of 08,000.00 of the $ 10,682.82 retained, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper City Officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay an estimate-in the amount of $8.,000.00 from the retained percentage of w 10,682.82 to said Contract- or, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that or effect unless the consent thereto and City °Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DZeuru— Rolland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis sm 8.ao °Qjo. Z this Resolution shall have no force Sureties on the Contractor's Bond file such consent in writing with the Council File No. 198678 —By Milton Rosen— Whereas, Comptroller's Contract L- 6164 -A, Ashbach Construction Com- ppany, Contractor for the Grading and g of FAIRVIEW AVENUE from Summit Avenue to Selby Avenue; also Storm Sewer from Hague Avenue to Portland Avenue, has been substan- tially completed, and Whereas, Said Contractor requests that a portion of the 15% retained under the contract from estimates for, work done, be paid in advance of the final completion of the contract, and Whereas, The Commissioner and Chief ^�1n _-r the Department of Public ti`s - - ^_ vrrtet at this AUG 2 6 1960 Adopted by the Council 19— AUG 2 6 1960 pproved 19— In Favor , o Mayor Against DUPLICATE TO PRINTER [� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. �n/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE AUGUST 24, 1960 WHEREAS, Comptroller's Contract L- 6164. -As Ashbach Con - Struction Companyp Contractor for the Grading and Paving of FAIRVIEW AVENUE from Summit Avenue to Selby Avenue; also Storm Sever from Hague avenue to Portland Avenue, has been substantially completeds and WHEREASs said Contractor requests that a portion of the 15% retained under the contract from estimates for Work dones be paid in advance of the final completibnnof the contracts and WHE EASs the Commissioner and Chief Engineer of the Department of Public Works approve the payment At this time of 080000;00 of the $ 10,682.82 retained$ therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper City Officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay an estimate in the amount of $8,000.00 from the retained percentage of $ 10t682.82 to said Contract- or # and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution or effect unless the Sureties on the consent thereto and fil -t such consent City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays .DsGeur-cy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis SM E -60 a®.2 `min Favor 0 Against shall hav a no for oe Contractor's Bond in writing with the AU U � 6 W60 Adopted by the Council 19— Approved AUG 2 6 "" 19 Mayor