198667AG &L TOO CITY CLERK ' PRESENTED BY COMMISSION Council File No. 198687 —By Robert F. Peterson — Whereas, It is the desire of the De- CITY OF STS p 'tention and Corrections Authority of the City of Saint Paul and the County OFFICE OF THE CI 'paRamsey nt f and the tCity'ofh Saint fP ul De- OFFICE RESOLUTION— in effe t transfer the police matrons the Public Safety Department so that they may ultimately- become em- Dl(? PP$ of said Detention and Correc- x 98667 WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Detention and Corrections Authority of the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey and the Public Safety Department of the City of Saint Paul to effect transfer of the police matrons in the Public Safety Department so that they may ultimately become employees of said Detention and Corrections Authority; and WHEREAS, it is presently thought desirable to have special legislation passed so as to insure protection of their retirement rights established under police relief association statutes of the State of Minnesota prior to effecting a transfer of employment of these individuals from the City of Saint Paul to the said Authority; and WHEREAS, it is now desirable under the operation of the new -joint City - County Workhouse to have available at said workhouse -the services of the aforementioned police matrons as soon as conveniently possible,and it is now proposed that certain of these police matrons be immediately assigned to the new workhouse under an agreement between the City, the Authority and the County, pursuant to which the Authority would have avail- able the services of certain police matrons, for which the Authority would reimburse the City by monthly payments of the salaries of the matrons so assigned together with reimbursing the City for any other current expenditures in connection with the employment of said matrons which the City would be called on to pay, Now, Theref ore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the Commissioner of Public Safety of the City of Saint Paul to assign any or all of the following listed police matrons to duty at the new joint City - County Workhouse to carry out their duties in behalf of the City at said location: Mrs. Lillian Carter Mrs. Magdalena Hutchins COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Vavoulis sm 5.60 °QGW2 J� ORIGWL TO CITY CLERK - ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM r' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Page 2. Mrs. Laura M. Maas Miss Anna L. Paulsen Mrs., Dorothy L. Paulsen be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that any or all of such matrons as the Commissioner of Public Safety shall transfer to such duty shall continue to perform their duties at the new joint City - County Workhouse as City employees under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Safety and under the supervision of the Detention and Corrections Authority of the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey and its supervisory personnel; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Safety is authorized to assign any or all of the police matrons to duty at the joint City - County Workhouse whenever, in his Judgment, it shall be convenient for his department and the Authority to make such assignment of personnel; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City shall be reimbursed by the Authority on a monthly basis for the services of the matrons who are assigned to duty at the new workhouse. Reim- bursement by the Authority to the City with reference to per- sons so assigned shall include the salaries of such individuals together with other current expenditures made by the City in connection with such personnel, including, but not limited to, such expenditure items as health and welfare, workmen's compen- sation payments, or other expenditures to which they would be entitled by virtue of their employment with the City of Saint Paul. The agreement hereby authorized shall become effective upon adoption of concurring action by the Board of County Com- missioners of the County of Ramsey and by adoption of a concur- ring resolution by the Detention and Corrections Authority of the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey. AUG 25 IWO N667 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nay N 2 5 WA •� Holland Ap ovesd� 19- A�Yoss Tn Favor �gortinson — Peterson Mayor oxen Against 119r. President, Vavoulis ISM E -60 2 .QUA D$ I} &1 1.4 p law"TYLNY CITY OF ST. PAUL CO NC IL NO.- .• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED K DATE NMERM9 it is the desire of the Distention and Corrcetjou,� Authorityr of tha City of taint Paul and the County of Rome and the Public Safety Department of ttie City of Saint Paul to *If act tromf er of the police matrons In the PiAblic SafetIdDe"rtn"t so that the ay ultimately became e+eployess of sa Detsntioa sad Cosr.ct�oas Authosityt and Ni' MUMs it is presently thought desirable to have sPOCial legislation passed so as to insure protection of their re Ui Ment rights established under police relief association statutes of iG state of Minnesota prLor to effectit�q a transf Ar Of o � Aat of these individuals from the City of Saint Paul uthwLty j and RHE>f"t it is now desirabld under the Vocation of the am Joint City -Count Morkhousa to have available at said us wwkhoe the services oI the aformantioncd police matrons as GOOD as GOAVenisntly possible and it is rw proposod that certain of theso police matrons .Q :nrnf+di�t :.ly isseignad to the , am workhouse under an agreement bstweirn the City. the Authorityy &ad the Count�I pursuant to which the Authcrity would have avail- able the services of certain poiico matro;A, for which the Authority would reimburse the City by monthly payments of the salaries of the astroas so assi6ned toaathor with reimbursing the Cit�r fos any other currom exppenditures in connection with the employment of said Natrona which th•* City would be called on to Pays Nor# Theref ors. be It RMLVW# that the Council of the City f Saint Paul hereb authorises the Cow..issioner of Public Safety of the City of Saint Paul to assign any or al: of t; ,3, t 7,llowing listed polce sessions to duty at the new joint City- County Workhouse to carry out their duties in behalf of the City at s -did LocAtiont COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis `M ago jWWi Mrs. Lillian Carter arse l iagdalens Hutains T_ ___In Favor __ -Against Adoilw! io Cic i',,uncil. Mayor 1 OYADRUrWGAT{ T!p IMPARTMMT J - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.— t, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM P16SENTIO By COMMISSIONEI_— -- -- _ - --- _ — - - -- — - - -- -_DATE -- _ — — -- -- -_ -- _ _ Poo* 2• M" o Law M. Its" o Miss Anna Le Paulson Kno Dorothy L. PoulseM be it V IIN !ZR MUM that aMry or all of such matsoaa N the Cwatssilow of P014 "f sty shall tssnaiss to such dewy 0411 *@Mims to Worm their duties at the am joint Cit y Vwk owe as City mety leyees wiles the srp.svislon Of —1 sioass of tublU an d o under the sopmevision sf this Detea lea and Cur"tions A ty of the City 01 Sant ftel &W Us Cwaty of AsmW and its r4mvisery pesssaasl s Fursm R " W f a, That the Commissioner of Public isf st is 4trt!>rori>sed to •46190 • ss all of the polise Mtsons to illy at the joint CLty-County 0orkbome whenevers in bis Mats it shall be ssarsnient tss his de"rU at and the ate to malts stub 4"Lgam t of personnels be it PIIW m JIMM tO that the City_ shall be sei� mood by this Atlrssity 04 a msat�il basis for ie services of the irt"m who ass ass to Lty► sit the am w=khowe* heir btlssaswt tbs !iFfmclude ty to the City► with ref essase to soar so ass the selasles of such individuals --W-- with other avreent expenditures made by the City in oso>MS%Um with susb psssoaael, Lmlud .hurt mot liaitid to. Oak 4"I" ditrse items w lisaltb ow tell are, wo tknom•s f4 Mats. or sWeadituees to which they would Sat tls/ gavirtus e! this wwppl�oy■�.at with the City of faint The ----m -oat hereby 4ut!>,oeised shall become effective adeptioa et comtursi action by the Board of County Coo - iioasss of the Oswrt WoMien f 11�amasy and by adoption of • coasuar- An sal by th o and oor"etloas Authority of t►s City faint Pi@4 and the County ad Ramsey. COUNCELNZN Yea& Nays Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis er s •- .44W2 — Tn Favor _- _— Against Adopted by the Council _ __ a`r7] 9 to Approved Mai or A) Countp gubitor's Off a MITY long St. Paul, Minn., Me No. 104. 14WINN 9-5625 AVG� At i96D The attention of 00=tY AMMOV - CIVII Servi,00 - City Clerk Dotention and Corrections "bority is reqwtfuIly called to the following Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County, Minnesota, adopted at the meeting held on Mpst 29, 196D By Commissioner Dwbwyl WMMM M AUSVOt'25o 1960, the City CIO=qiI of the City of St. Paul adopted A resolution (City 00=11 PUO 40. 19MO auft*IZUS the cmiAsatober of Public Safety to waiga azy or OU of h-la pdalce patrons to duty at tba nm City and County World2owol ouch. effective vvort;wwwring aetion by tho B=d oi;,,counW emmisdoners and the Mention wA Ciorrectiora Autboritys nw, More, W, It, MSCLVED By tho Board of IRO=qY County 0=1001oners that the actiono:C the CQ=dl of fte City of Bt. I?P.Vl as Set out in ZaJ4 City . Coto oil nip No. 198667., 4 copy, of VUch, 10 on tile in the C=V .Board =-a No. 104., vhereln tho Oornlssior4r of P%blic SaqV wo autlyirized to OSSIP any '4r 0a of his .ce. natroto to duty at the My vay and County 'Vorkbouso be, ana it heroby to oorwed to biocom efTectivo upon adoption 02a. O==XnS action by tho retention and co=cetlona Authority of the City of St a Paul =,a the COWXty Of BMW-ey. Tom At A. SO EUGENE A. MONKS. County Auditor I[k uti.