198490ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOL LION- GENERAL FORM Council File No. 198490— ByMis. Donald; M. DeCourcy- PRESENTED BY � s ved „• B;; the Council of they COMMISSIONER DATE ,� ,_ r il, that said Council,1 W, 1-13- TY11 £l ' RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, tl', -.t rjGnoi�A R it l said council, in its own behalf and in behalf of the citizenry of ' ip `o E” said City of Saint Paul, hereby takes official cognizance of the �';�,_ . tit considerable and productive work in the conduct of requisite surv6�Zl and studies therefor and the formulation and presentation of the presently proposed Amendments to the Home Rule Charter of said City of Saint Paul soon to be submitted to its electors at a Special Election for approval imperative in the public interest and to the provision of vitally essential financing for said City's governmental functions, performed and delivered by the Charter Commission of the City of Saint Paul and the following coordinating volunteer organizations, namely: St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly, St. Paul Federation of Teachers, St. Paul Council P. T. A., St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, St. Paul Board of Realtors, Inc., St. Paul Rental Property Association, Midway Civic Club, Federation of Public Service Employees No. 8, Junior Chamber of Commerce, and Board of Education of the City of Saint Paul; L RESOLVED FURTHER, by said Council, that, in its own behalf and in behalf of the citizenry of said City, in permanent attestation of their aforesaid extraordinary and vital public service rendered in the public interest, said Charter Commission and said coordinating organizations shall be deemed hereby to receive the sincere and merited commendation and expressed gratitude of said Council and said City's citizenry, and that the City Clerk hereby is authorized and instructed to deliver a certified copy of this resolution to said Charter Commission and to each aforesaid separate organization with all convenient speed. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss ` Mortinson Peterson Mr. President, Vavoulis 5M 5.60 offiPo.,2 AUG 161960 Adopted by the Council 19— AUG 16 1960 Appr ved 19— Ir Mayor /" DUPLICATE TO PRINTER PRESENTED I COMMISSIO CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO. " 8 RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that said Council, in its own behalf and in behalf of the citizenry of said City of Saint Paul, hereby takes official cognizance of the considerable and productive work in the conduct of requisite surveys and studies therefor and the formulation and presentation of the presently proposed Amendments to the Home Rule Charter of said City of Saint Paul soon to be submitted to its electors at a Special Election for approval imperative in the public interest and to the provision of vitally essential financing for said City's governmental functions, performed and delivered by the Charter Commission of the City of Saint Paul and the following coordinating volunteer organizations, namely: St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly, St. Paul Federation of Teachers, St. Paul Council P. T. A., St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, St. Paul Board of Realtors, Inc., St. Paul Rental Property Association, Midway Civic Club, Federation of Public Service Employees No. S, Junior Chamber of Commerce, and Board of Education of the City of Saint Paul; RESOLVED FURTHER, by said Council, that, in its own behalf and in behalf of the citizenry of said City, in permanent attestation of their aforesaid. extraordinary and vital public service rendered in the public interest, said Charter Commission and said coordinating organizations shall be deemed hereby to receive the sincere and merited commendation and expressed gratitude of said Council and said City's citizenry, and that the City Ulerk hereby is authorized and instructed to deliver a certified copy of this resolution to said Charter Commission and to each aforesaid separate organization with all convenient speed. AUG 5U COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy A6 u b IBM Holland Approved 19— Loss In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Against Mr. President, Vavoulis SM 6.60 „/A.z QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT .K CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE COUNCIL NO. 19849 nWLVED, bT the Oounoil of the Oity of Saint Paul, that said Council# in itaz ova bdbelf and in bohraf of the citizenry of said City, of Saint Paul, beraby takes offi.cis l cognitance of tho considevrable3 and productive work In the conduct of re quisitu surveys and studies therefor and the forecul.stivu and pre nentation of the pr. aeentI7 proPoaed Amenftents to the Home Rul# Charter of said City of :Saint PAUI soon to be submitted, -to Its ejectors at a Special Election for approval Imperative In the public interest and to the provision of vitally essential financing for sAid Citrt s govera gental functions, perfomed and dol.ivertd by tho Charter Cot+tmlevion of the City or Saint Raul and the following coor#inating voluntear organisatione, namelyt Ct. Paiol Traeos and Labor Aa vorbly, St. P^ul re derAtion of Teacber.�-, St. Paul Council P. T. A., Zt, Paul Area Chamber of ta=crcet &t. -Paul Rgasrd of Ree>altorej, Inc., St. Paul 'Feat*.l P"party Aneocisa>,ti.on, Midway Civic Club, f'edelration of Public fervice Emplwycos go, go Junior Chubear of Commerce$, and Roard of Iduaation of the City of salat Pauli RrGOILY D FUIC: a by akAd Council, that, in its ova behalf and In behalf of the oitizeenry of sir: 6 City, in pox stmt attestation of thoir Aforesaid extraordinary send vital public service rendorad In the public intareat, .oaid Charter Commission and. onld coordinating oxghazations *ball bA deeated hereby to recalve the sincere and morited commendAwt:ion and exprasewed gratitude of *aid Council and avid Citira s eeitivenry, and thraot the City 01eerk bor6by is authorized and instruate d to deliver a cortificd copy of tb o resolution to sale Ch;erter Co=lssiara and to sash asforoaaid separate orgitniza't~ion nth 41 cOnvenient spe odo COUNCILMEN Yeas . Nays DeCourcy Rolland Loss Mortinson Peterson -PCsen Mr. President, Vavoulis 5M D -60 2 In Favor A gainst AU G 16 19M Adopted by the Council 19— AUG Approved 19— Mayor