08-556Council Rile # � 7�
Green Sheet # �$�
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1 WHEREAS, MTI Distributing, Inc., a turf equipment distributor, wishes to exchange
2 the use of a TORO 3500D 68: SideWinder Rotary Mower by Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation for
3 advertising space at the Midway Stadium; and
5 WHEREAS, Parks and Recreation is in need of such a rotary mower, and the value of its
6 use is equal in value to the cost to MTI of advertising space at Midway Stadium; and
8 WHEREAS, parties wish to enter into the advertising sponsorship agreement attached
9 hereto: now, therefore, be it
ll RESOLVED, that the City Council bereby authorizes the appropriate city officials to
12 enter into the attached agreement to allow MTI to exchange use of a rotary mower for the rental
13 of advertising space.
Requested by Department of:
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Adopted by Counc�P Date �j ��' ✓O
Adoption Certified by Council Sec eta Fom
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Approved by yor� at � � d By'
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� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
PR — Pazks and Rureation
Contact Person & Phone:
Vince Gillespie
must se on
I E-DOCUment Required: N
� Document Contact: Vmce Giflespie
I ContaM Phone: 266-6408
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Green Sheet NO: 3053682
0 arks and Recreation
1 arks and Recreatiou De artrnent Director
2 i Attorne
3 a or's Otfice Ma orlASSishant
4 ouncil
5 ity Clerk Ciry Clerk I
6 arks and Recreariou Vince Gillesuie
Approve resolution authorizing the appropriate City officials to enter into an agreement with MTI Distributing for City use of field
equipment at no chazge, in exchange for advertising at Midway Stadium.
iaanons. �+pprove �H� or n
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civil Service Commission
1. Has this persoNTirm ever worked under a contract Sor this department?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain ali yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
For a number of yeazs, the City has been provided a key piece of Toro field equipment for use at Midway Stadium at no chazge to the
City from MTI Distcibutors. In exchange, the City arranges with the St. Paul Saints for sinage far MTI at Midway Stadium. The
Co.mcil needs to approve authorization for the appropriate staffto enter into the attached agreement.
Advantages If Approved:
The City is provided a necessary, new piece of field equipment at no chazge.
DisadvanWges If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
The City would have to expend approximately $2Q000 for the equipment.
Funding Source:
Financial Information:
V� 1 1 1
CostlRevenue Budgeted:
Activity Number:
May 15, 2008 10:03 AM Page 1
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WHEREAS, MTl DISTRIBUTING, INC. (MTI), 4830 Azelia Avenue N., Suite 100,
Brooklyn Center, Minnesota 55429, a turf equipment distributor, wishes to secure an advertising
space by participaring in a sponsorship agreement with the City of Saint Paul (City) at Midway
Stadium, 1771 energy Park drive, Saint Paul Minnesota, 55108 on the outfieid billboards; and
WHERBAS, in lieu of payment of sponsorship money, MTI has indicated its desire to
provide the use of a TORO 3500D (modei 30839) 68" SideWinder Rotary Mower; and
WHEREAS, the City has agreed that the benefit of the use of the equipment is fairly
valued at $6,000 per year, and that this is equal in value to the benefit of the
advertising{sponsorship space;
Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual agreements and consideration contained
herein, the parties agree as follows:
MTI will receive a 16' high by 8' wide billboard space behind the third base bleachers at
Midway Stadium for a period of one season/year, from April 15, 2008 to October I5,
2008. The sign must cQmply with the policies of the Division of Parks and Recreation
and the applicable city ordinances. Finai approval of any dispiay is at the discretion of
the City.
2. The City will receive the use of the Toro 3500D Rotary Mower for the same period of
time. The City is responsible far a11 maintenance to the equipment during that period of
time. The equipment may be used at City-owned locations other than Midway Stadium.
During the period of this Agreement it is understood that only City employees in the
classification of Parks Worker III or Golf Course Worker III will operate the equipment
for the pwpose of grounds maintenance with a masimum use of 300 hours on the mower.
4. The City waives any claims for damage to persons or property caused by the operation of
the equipment, except to the extent the damage would be covered by a manufacturer's
5. At the end of the Agreement term, the equipment wi31 be returned to MTI in good
condition, normai wear and tear excepted, and the City shal] be responsible for any
damages caused to the equipment during the term of the Ageement for whatever reason.
MTI and City acknowiedges the value of the equipment to be �34,173. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, damage caused due to manufacturing defects is not the responsibility of the
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6. Either party may terminate the Sponsorship Agreement, with or without cause, by
notifying the other party in writing and giving at least thirty days written notice of the
intent to terminate. In the event of early tennination by either party, no additional
compensation wili be sought by either party and the retum of the equipment by the City
and the removal ofthe signage sponsoring Toro will complete the termination.
Dated this G(�� day of }' F( . , 2008
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By its: (,! �/ (� f /' /�f'lGr (�d
in 'ce Director
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Director of Parks and Recreation
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Approve s to Form
Assistant City Attorney
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