198428Council File No ............... RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING w ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES J RING ASSESSMENT NANI] TIME OF HEARING THER FIXING TIME OF HEA] THE AWARD OF DAMA( L ^ouncil FYle No 4,198428 = �r In the matter of. ..... coademnimg- and..t�I constructing and maintaining a public sewer (sanitary) in a tunnelrfbelow elevation 45.00 City of St. Paul datum and above elevation 15.00 City of St. Paul datum, said easement being in the SF1 Section 36, Township 29, Range 23, Said easement extending from Rondo Street to Rice Street beneath Lot 3, Block 2, WESTERN AREA ADDITION, the center line of said easement being described as follows: Beginning at a point that is the intersection of a line that is 157.50 feet west of and parallel to the east line of the SE-41of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23 and a line that is parallel to Rondo Street and 84.75 feet south of the north line of Rondo Street produced easterly; thence extending on a straight line to Rice Street on a bearing of North 24 020' East under Preliminary Order ................. 196.59, .......................... approved APr4__6 ... 1960 ---- ..-------------------- - - - - -, Intermediary Order - ..................... 19- 7. 6 9- 6............................ a pp roved- - - - - -- J 1 __... 0 , FinalOrder------------------------- •------ - - -1 -98 9.---------------------- - -.. -, approved - _ ...... uly_ �9, - -- 1960. ..----------------------- - - - - -- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ---- _- 7- th --------------------- day of ........................ Se_p-temb_er................ 19- 69-..., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Ccuncil ----------- AUG ------ AN 91960 Approved---------------------------------------------- ----------- - - - -- 19-- ... - -- File 14883 Councilman Councilman Holland Councilman Loss Councilman Mortinson Councilman Peterson Councilman Rosen Mayor vavoulis ------------------ - - - --- 19-- - - - - -- C &R