196598ORIGIF'AL, TO CITY CLERK " CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE L NO. " FILE OFFICE O ,F, THE CITY CLERK MOM TION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY April 7, 1960 COMMISSIONER BERNARD DATE i RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby confirms the appointment by the Commissioner of Parks And Recrea- tion And Public Buildings of Bert Holmsten as a member of the Examining Board for Refrigeration Equipment Installers for the unexpired term of Harold F. Faschingbauer, who has resigned. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson e er T.. Favor R IMM Winkel IJ Against 5M 7-59 go,8 f. Council File No. 198598 —By Bernard T. Holland — Resolved, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby confirms the appointment by the Commissioner of Park And Recreation And Public Buildings of Bert Holmsten as a mem- ber of the Examining Board for Refrig- eration Equipment Installers for the unexpired term of Harold F. Fasch- ingbauer, who has resigned. Adopted by the Council April 7, 1960. Approved April 7, 1980. (April 9, 1960) 1960 Adopted by the Council APR 19 APR 7 iU60 roved 19 Mayor Ming k DUPLICATE TO PRINTER - 19,65, 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED I NER BERN= 'T. HOLLAND DATE April ?. x.960 , I RESQLVED9 That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby confirms the appointment by the Cerm 1$3i *ner of Parks And Recrea- tion And Public, Buildings of Bert Holmsten lis a. member of the Exam nf.engg Board fer Re€ lgeration Equipment Installers fox the unexpired term of Harold F. Fatchingbauer, who has .resigned. COUNCILMEN Yeas ' Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Pe6e>!w4n In Favor Winkel Against 6M 7-69 Q1W8 7 1960 Adopted by the Council APR 19 Approved_ OR 7 1960 19 Mayor ALFRED H.SCHROEDER ALFRED OF MINNESOTA CifyArchifect ROBERT A.LOBDELL DEP °� OF PARNS RECREARN PURK WINGS General Manager Parks & Recreation Citv Hall. Zone 2 CAPital 4 -4612 - Ext. 376 W.LAMONT KAUFMA BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner WILLIAM W. ROONEY, Deputy Commissioner Supt. of Parks 8 1%_15% April 6, 1960 Comsr. B. T. Holland Dept. of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings Dear Commissioner: Mr. Harold Faschingbauer has resigned from our Refrigera- tion Board of Examiners and he is the master contractor representing the contractors, according to the ordinance. The Refrigeration Contractors Association has recommend- ed that Bert Holmsten be appointed to this Board, to fill the vacancy. This office is well acquainted with Mr. Bert Holmsten and consider him a very outstanding man. I would recommend to you that you appoint Mr. Holmsten to the Board. You truly, Al ed H. Schroeder Y ARCHITECT AHS .. A