Presented by
Council File No
Council File No. 196562—
j_ Tjq'thq„•.matter_ q#_the j! eWe7xt_,9�
CITY OF ST. PAUL i t euh"'
Resolution of Council Approving Assessment
and-l'ixing Time of Hearing Thereon
In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for
•a -;e•-
�' , _ .impov3n}:(orge Stre�,.Oh3treety'ir�fret� fi
Street P c 'South �i�basY
�com�-$mi tY 1Aeriue to `+Corzodrd Street bye revig w bl stirfaciag. } *t
on'.Cleor' a .`Street' 0 5 ,:►,
_ ,
g fr m Emil Avenue to,:xeans. Street
and.4t?:'iredt t
from 'Charlton.• :Street to Stry$ei- Street 'and bui u
_ _base V. a6licrete Vr ie36,,iie;cez3art;to bring mot] ace o `the conc'CY�te _beat.
`�-to the groper.,sub =grade of the new asphaltic
con crete' Bur facng or by con-
structing new concrete base where necessary and aurfacing with asphaltic
concrete the reconstructed concrete base within these st'ree.t"'limits; by
undcrsurfacing jwithl asphaltic, concrete the exi1sting sandstone_••wearingr{ course.
qn George ' Strreet _from Orleans Street-'tq Ohio. Street; by surfacing., wi
L�►t_r,asphaltie`.concrete the�Wki- ting -sandstone •wearing course oil' Ohio- 3tr'eet
from.Ge,orge Street to Winifred Street; by surfacing with asphaltic,concrete
F';?1t,ltLei;existing,•san,�s e�wei rYtlg cQurse.,pr��.Winifred Street= +:fron�.Oh o Street •,
to Charlton. Street and from Stryker 'Street t_o South Waba$ha Street; by
1 •rsurfacin t Y {-. a nrFv, r }1-
. .,co�i%�'Jp a�c st
on Wabasha Street ixo i 9d � Sn §twing asphalt
b2 re,�s.S�ree to ncard S�rcet ;, by sort wearing
th,i 'Kfaciriggw th gsplialfi9 'co4pr`ete, the a`X eting'tr`ack''a'ree'irhere� ;the"track�` course on
paVin�; is aclequatel,a d,by xemoying,th, , track -and track paving where S.Wabasha
ar�d rewired: ahi�'re , r: ; -, :. fl:, > ; I' p St. from,,
Q paving the'eame'with, new concrete base and as haltic concrete
surfacing; by�reconsl ructingcthe�pavin ; � rbingand,sidewg4s_ on;intersectin.g
urf 1
,s beets 'wher'e of in confoz^m3.ty with said improvement and by doing all other
ywork which is: neeessar and, ineidenta]. td, said {
J- L.,'�,iJLYL':.I,L:', .aspx ...._- ...�.... _ w �±!�+rxoV;emeZlt
d,ir ni 4RLi�_ ?�!! ` }'_s.i ;. �lr of In r►'r'lndt A. ni. T11 lx+ (� ;1t.'il t ll�tlYt;1�� pf_.
the Court house and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance
give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of
4 '
hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the
lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed.
File 1+025 AP® 51960
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council l��
Yeas Nays
Tn Favor
2M 1-60 8
APR 5'
Ap ved
'4atling Mayor