196518ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK Y OF ST. PAUL OFFI E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL E OLUTION— GENERAL FORM COUNCIL N0651 FILE File No. 196518 —By Milton Resolved, That the resolution of the card of Water Commissioners of the Ity of Saint Paul, dated March 23, 60, providing for said Board's re- n - -d emnlnvm -Pt. rt C+-:_ 7 i, PRagTIW F' UK/ RESOLVED, that the resolution of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, dated March 23, 19609 providing for said Board's retention and employment of The Pitometer Associates, Engineers, for necessary professional engineering services to be performed by The Pitometer Associates, Engineers, for said Board and to consist of a flow survey and partial waste water survey of the water distribution system of said Board's Water Works and report thereon, in accordance with the proposal of The Pitometer Associates, Engineers, dated February 26, 1960, a copy whereof is filed herewith and by reference made part hereof; that such retention and employment of said professional engineering services shall be the Subject of a formal written contract hereby authorized to be made therefor by and between said Board and The Pitometer Associates, Engineers, and sub- ject to the provisions, terms, and conditions of the same, which, among other things, shall limit the compensation to become payable by said Board to The Pitometer Associates, Engineers, for all such professional engineering services, thereunder, to a maximum sum of $9,000; that the proper officers of the City of Saint Paul hereby -are authorized to execute such for4i41'written contract as the same shall be approved by the,Corporation Counsel on behalf of said Board and said City. _- COUNCILMEN Yeas - Nays DeCourcy Rolland Martinson ee a Tn Favor Rosen vRffm Against 1'88ide,ni - _iUQ 6M 7-59 c®,8 ., - APR 1 1960 Adopted by the Council i 19 proved 19 Acting Mayor _ A DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, that the resolution of the Board of Vater Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, dated 14arch 23, 19609 providing for sold Board's retention and employment of The Pitometer Associates, Engineers, for necessary professional engineering services to be performed by The Pitometer Associates, Fngineers, for said Board and to consist of a flow survey and partial waste water survey of the water distribution system of s ?id Board's Water Works and report thereon, in accordrunce with the proposal of The Pitometer Associates, Fngineers, dated February 26, 1960, a copy whereof is filed herewith end by reference made pert hereof; th ?t such retention and employment of said professional engineering services shall be the subject of a formal written contract hereby authorized to be made therefor by and between said Board and The Pitometer Associates, Engineers, one sub- ject to the provisions, terms, and conditions of the same, which, among other thingp, shall limit the compensation to become payable by said Boa.rO to The Pitometer Associa.tee, Fngineers, for all such professional engineering services, therFunder, to a maximum sum of F%000; that the proper officers of the City of Saint Paul hereby are authorized to execute such forrlol - written contract a- the same shall be approved by the.Corporation Counsel on behalf of said Board and said City. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson re4epoon �In Favor Rosen r del-. Against Mr P��+ 1lRlon 5M 7 -59 I!W8 Adopted by the Council APR 11960 19 Approved 11960 APR 19 Mayor THic PrromETm' Ass=ATEs • ENGINEERS 50 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK 7, N. Y. NiEw Yo*K February 26# 1900s. V1. owe vwior department* Its 16ull, •ins, Dikat fir I • Complyin with your requiost of recent date# we Wink to submit 4 the followi4 proposal for resuming the Water Makta survey of aertain areas �Pe 40 W%t#r ."S.ViIiNkties $rates of the City of Ste PaUL& 1111MA*"tae OF ix** TV!, as WAR t Mum f, A complete Suftey of Pitometer $action No. 4 of the rater d Lot ri I)uti ax system., Z. A re•me"aroment *f the o0whMptiou In as many. of the fttts" gis@Ums Into *1ch them systm Is d1►1&" as UM •U2 Permits 3. Further Lavesticatlom to tkoss sections ftssdMr0d lb*r* tk;w ratio of the aiaiwum night rate of flow to the total ocasaimption In sufficiently high to i,ALcata.tho eziatuaco OZ ITOW41016 V%4t4be !leis will result in the location, of all naftrgrovad leaks at the mains and verwUms jano,smough, to be seem" with the Pitometor, mW will j0daft soqar"y tests of motors 4-Ins, In &Umetsr MW largerp wW a skeek an all IdAustrial coneamers to detect the unauthorised use of 1010100te'l 8 water*. 4* At 00 sU*loUsa at, hie '&W1MY a report of the VMk in 69tall will be subm1tt*dq by a map MkoolUM fte bommOrles -ot ouft distrUtp the location of all ~.mg points; mad obarts obowift . Mq vartatLom a flow into each districts, We will undertake as wAck of the wwk outlined -above as eon be oompleted in 100 man dayop for the Van of Nine Thousand' 09#000.00) doll&rso this sum to la""o the sar"oeos *9 our engineers and the nee of the sooeseary hydraulle equipment. Mobimory 26, "W ! @it7 �Il �iMhala Ali empmatiolt soon at Miata ,ipatot fq► mar aatiata•as owly o=voumt labor tar oomtfat !*tuffs 10%b% awtnwt OW fasaii arofltw balls tw as um of m r uwtrmwUty mm Swum* trma wfttioa aaaarat y a. • ' taw+sl�' to�inotiat too irrMOi►. • it mum NO to frill be rit amtuysl baaot wpm the 'MM*pM` at • MM, ftp* mrftd 6wift do atatbo g 6W ov IW ?a' mWimewi Yowl► . � rae•art ia. w s�..t salt. y . a tt • 1 _ - 'WATER DEPARTMENT LEONARD N. ON General Manager anager SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA C. W. HAMBLIN BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS Ass't General Manager COMMISSIONER MILTON ROSEN, President C. A. FLACK ADRIAN P. WINKEL MRS. DONALD M. DeCOURCY Registrar William P. Behrens, Deputy Commissioner 8 { MARCH 31, 1960 MR. LOUIS P. SHEAHAN CORPORATION COUNSEL CITY OF SAINT PAULA MINN. DEAR SIR: ROY W. HOLZER Supt. of Distribution F. W. GALLAGHER Supt. of Water Supply ROSS A. THUMA Supt. Filtration ATTACHED IS A COPY OF A RESOLUTION PASSED BY THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS AT THEIR MEETING HELD MARCH 23RD, IN CONNECTION WITH A PROPOSED CONTRACT WITH THE PITOMETER ASSOCIATES, ENGINEERS, FOR A WASTE WATER SURVEY OF THE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM PARTICULARLY IN THE DOWNTOWN HIGH CONSUMPTION AREA. THERE IS ALSO ATTACHED !A PROPOSED COUNCIL RESOLUTION. IF THIS MEETS WITH YOUR APPROVAL WILL YOU KINDLY HAVE IT PRESENTED AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING, YOURS VERY TRUL,YP C. W, AMBLIN CWH —D ASS STANT GENERAL MANAGER (ATTACH. ,V D MAR 31 9�y� CORFORAU01V WATER IS THE LIFE BLOOD OF A CITY CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By COMMISSIONER DATES ygmew "a Vallwtowa -Aal"s 041010 tbo ftt=t" "wast"o ftweust t& =k* a n0W,8ft"W- Ord tatUal to w-Ur sur"y,,O fte v&W 4tdftbmUoa gy3t= of the Vater Vapoett"t., u4 IDWAS* AL Vwt, POVU04,0f 4hri OU-Ont0d C=tr"t Vas uaftssW to Votdwt. t—he flow Suroy of *ho, lArpr vdm of th* ftstrtbutlon aptm, allogUe varl Ut voloX on a v=t* imtor aavW, 4ns VM4* 9=7 cbwzgc* bzva been =ft In tha dtstrOatim jy4m idi= the lest -920tO vater VurM v4$ ftudaotod lin 193.5! Amd tho syat• to ow tw=Vfjv* ja�rz oldor; 44 =Zb=rUlZ zWrRV w$l report to idotamloc 00, arew vV had u4cr vft to 8VA tha =Mt of alwbuadtol, U, ct, Valuo to ith& vowt grit f zw. thuVrorai U IT WAZVM,.: That tba ouginwrim Vial of Tim Pitozoter Anaaates* tnAum", crigaged U u vwt* vator aurvV as M­tha 4LI�tuo.W PMO-101 of the OOU fttozaar AssodAtO4 zacwwa%. Water Commissioners Yeas Nays Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners accogowr 'a'A0,00 '9080 Peou Rooto In favor Opposed ASST.SECY. IM 11-58