196506Council File No ....... _ ...... _ ...... _ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Council File No. 196506 — whereas, A written proposal for the and making of the following improvement. viz.: Construct a public sanitary sewer PRELIMINARY ORDER. <rnm- 7Z • - r ^ v -• . -x�° - ^.i;J The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: —� __ .._ —af �Z'•- --` ..- r' -iTn.r — _ ��_ _ __�_ ra•Tr:F ••�^.- 'I`.cl'i'1�rs.ir.� -it•i _•1 s -use -+- M'I..r ..........1 .....e*.'�.� �,...... r..._.... ... .{••..� -,,..- . .• . /.. ............ ... Ix ^► . •� ,• C • _ i r f'y •- ; •1_..t�...a.; .... C.�...�_1q .. 1' f oonstr idt a ublic sanitary seer from ;Burns` A�*enue ?'to Tivnk Hi ii�ra'V No.l2 } <�t in an' easement(to be obtoined) for.: sewer plii�ioses ;A and' in Trunk $ighwayt2', y �c- from said easement(to be `obtained), to,- Van•.Dyke Street ;••,in -.Van Dyke- .Stree't .- from T,imak Highway' P1o.12 to Old Hudson Rodd; in bld Hudson Road from Van Dyke a street 'tai'Vhite Bear - Avenn and' in `White Hear` Avenue' from Old ":Hudson Road;- -to Th3; rd,ESt'ge4t�7 '.Said,_easement(to be obtained) to be a 3 0; ft. wide easements the center line of said easement being the .eaatrjlifia of the ;1= 1�2'�of the. Ski` 1/4 of Sec.3��, T -c�8, R ?2, :: .L..r'� , i 1 .�.....,...., :...... , Cr, lnc`I�u�ri. ,'Also construct a storm water -sewer in Van Dyke Street from Trunk Highway No. l2' - "•rto Old, Hudson •Road ; -in Old- Hodson Road, from Tan ,Dyke- :St3�eet to..White,,.Bear Avenge, -and, in White Hear Avenue from Old ,Hudson Road to Conway Street 'RV? U 11N.,kRY ;1') DL R. „ all 'of' which id to, be- 'known is tha WHITE BEAR AVE1 ,,L.M­OLD l.', H1=04 Y3TEM:t "i =•It i�''�1Vemeni; vris - Coilstr ',uct- 'a.•Publ-ib.,sanitau; sewer••froin- ,Burns, Avenue- t6- T'r-un dkighway -No.l2 „• k r, in,an�easement(to b- obtaine,d)' for" -seen purposes; and` iii',Trunk HighiAray No.12 ;�i- ':froin'said easement'(to-be obtained)'It'o' Van, Dyke Street' " in Pan - 'Dykes Street' "' ' "' - from, Trunk High�ray No,J2 to-old Hudson Road; in Old Hudson Road~ -from Van Dyke `.Street to White Bear Avenue, and in White Bear Avenue from Old Hudson Road to k Third Street.J Said easement (to (bi obtabie'd)-'to- be. a 30 ft.,.wide_- ea semen t,:. -the th,tcepter; line of said easement being the east line of the W -1/2 of the SW 1/4 ., ,,.� oik:Seto V35i, 'rzat = he Uo tanis:.'riner of pubic V ork, be --:end ::er.,l,Y ordcroj i�nd directed: Alsd'Jcbnstruc.t taestorm',Vrater..,sdwer�l n• sVant Dyke ,iStreet7.from },Trunk--rHighway 'No.12 to Old i_Flude�on l o+ad;Atin. O1d� .H dson �Boadtlfrom`VancpDyke - Street tot White Be LAyf nge, and in White Bear ,Avenue from Old Hudson Hudson Road to Conway Street - %eu of said igvove zci_t. T5 Pura h p1^n, rol,s or z a l �•� 4. To stag- sIiethc =all. bf<<Rhich .is-rto be :know.- hr- as:ithe ;WHtITE cBEAR AVENUE: = SOLD;. _ 5 To zi Mort ktpon tali X11 ffTDSONd OAD SEq n, SYSTEM. ��„r. nr of Finant . Adopted by the Council .......................:: . — - YEAS NAYS - -' Councilman 6bmu= DeCourcy MAR 31 1960 :. Ummum= Holland Approved------------ - - - - -- ------------------------------------------------ -• - - -- l , $m nmoosxMo rtinson r if Rosen Winkel 1VI%: srlsL'r� Mayor. �•� rrvai�� �+�t1�g 3000 7 -54 Q _ a