D001753CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR city qerk Finance ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Current Budget $191,678.00 P7-930-90306-0547-77126 Neighborhood investment Initiative Grant • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, ConsisteM with the authority grarrted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the DepartmeM of Pfanning & Economic Development to amend the 1999 budget of the City Sales Tax Capital Projeots Fu�d, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is autho�zed to amend said budget in the foilowing manner: WHEREAS, Council Resolution 97-1276 designatsd $750,000 from the 1997 STAR progrem and $125,0�0 from the Generaf fund balance for a one-time neigNborhood imestment initiaUve; and WHEREAS, Ward 6 has designated the Payne Avenue Streetscape and Facade Improvements project (97-946) as the recipient of a grent of $125,000; and NOW THEREFORE, staff recommends reallocating $125,000 from project code 77216, the Neighborhood Investment Initiative Grant, to project code 77299, Payne Avenue Streetscape. Fund 930 City Sales Tax Capital Prajects Fund P7-930-90306-0547-77299 Payne Avenue Streetscape NetChange �CJU.�-� `t�S 2( epa tivity anager [ ate nt�� � �qLeste b : epartment �irector Date) $0.00 Change ($125,000.00) $725,000.00 $0 Ho: � Date: y-fl-7K -`-'_-_ Amended Budget $66,678.00 $125,000.00 �a�,r,�-.�-�-�Q `� � �-`'79 A oved y: irector of Financial ervice� � Lesch ���� GREEN SHEET 1}�o<'s3 No 102�26 � ca..t�rto.ec+aR V anca.R ❑ u`r�nasEr � arvasx �wu��aEaNCCSm. � aenw�eti¢_ � ���� [ I�Y�Hammer (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATUREa TOTAL # OF SIGNATl1RE PAGES reallocate budget of $125,000 from project code 77126 to 77299 PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMRTEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION riae mie D�soMrm euuworked urMer a conhact t« tnie EepartmeM4 YES NO Fles tlus Pema�firm erc been a dty empbyee7 YES MO Do� ttus perspUfirm a�es a sbll nd � M� am' d+�� �' �WoY�? YES NO la tliis pe�sWfirm atargetedvendoY7 YES MO Ward 6 has designated the Payne Ave. Streetscape project (97-146) as recipient of a grant from the Neighborhood Investment Initiative(project code 77126). A projecC-code of 77299 has been set up Eor the Payne Ave. Streetscape pxoject ? � f'` �! 4I�(1 �t�' 7 1999 - " � :;LERK AMOUNTOF _�� STAR P7-930 COSTAtEVENUE BUDGETm (CIRCLE ON� �crnirr nwaeen net effect to the budget is zero /�,,, i� YE3 / NO ��