196483Original to City Clerk — ' , �, CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL NO y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 'a�C &UIL RESO T N- ENERAL FORM �T �^- -^--- �---�y �� Council . H Flle No. 198483 —By Bernard ► f T. Rolland, by request - COMM COMMISSIONER BY ( D Tr- Mar Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the awards of the Purchasing RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the awards of the Purchasing Committee therefor and hereby awards contracts for furnishing and delivering the following cars to'the Department of Public Safety, Repair Shop, 1441 Rice Street, St. Paul, Minnesota - To: HETFIELD- QUEENAN, INC. 14 - 1960 Model Dodge Seneca Station Wagons, 8- cylinder, 4 -door, 6- passenger, at a price of $34,566.00; less allowance for 12 Station Wagons to be taken in Trade $5957.70, making net amount of contract $28,608.30. To: GRAND AVENUE MOTOR COMPANY One - 1960 Ford Custom 300 Tudor Sedan, 8- cylinder, 2 -door - $2550.00 less allowance for one 056 Ford $937.00, making net amount of contract $1613.00 i . ' im accordande' with City specifications therefor hereto attached and -the `Fbrmal Bid ' #7975 of said bidders, such bids being the lowest bids and said bidders being reasonable and reliable bidders and the Corporation Counsel be-and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contracts on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Formal Bid #7975. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Uaw4ge1g. It) Mortinson Rosen 5M 2.57 -3' ,.. 2 MAR 3 1900 Adopted by the Council 195 — r Approved 195 — n Tn Favor J - � ACt1t7g Mayor Against ;�rj Dupiteate to Printer CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 30, 1900 COMMISSIONER DATE MMMVW,. Teat tbo Ce0ail y 0"-by air the anards of fete Purchasing Comaitt" therefor and bo roby awarder contracts for fomiabl" w4 dellivoring the following wins to the 06partowt of kblic safety, Repair Ob)op, 1441 Aloe .street, 8t. Pa4o Minnesota Tot , im. 14 - 1990 Nadel Dods some& Htatloo masons, 8 -o7li r, 4-door, A- passe>er, at a price of ;9400".00; less alXcw for 12 f3tatioo *W" to file tabs In Trade $0057.70, sine net e mmmt. of CoUtraat W1,006.30. To: GL4ND AVV NDMU 0)WA 1A* Ono - 3990 Ford Custom 300 TUddr sedan, 8- cylinder, 2-c r - $*580.00 lass a1lowaaft for one 19w Ford 1939,00, askix tot woett of colatraot $1613106. In accordance with City specificatio nor t1wrefor berete .attaebod and the Permal Hid #7975 of said blOftri, such bids being the lorrsst bids and said bidders bid reaeeaable and reliable bidders and the Co rporatiom, Csw"I be amd hereby is directed to draw up the proper fora of oomtrao,t therefor ,red the prvper City oftidl4s hereby a" axtbriaid to oxmte mold *=tract* oo b6UIf of the City of Salut Paul. Term" Hid #7916. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Rosen 5M 2.57 iqjp,. 2 MAR 3 0 1960 Adopted by the Council � 195— [BAR 3 0 1960 L Approved 195_ S In Favor /l Mayor CJ A gainst