Council File No---- ------------------ ------- ------ 196475
By.................. ...........................
Resolution Ratifying Assessment.
In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for
wading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block ,44, St. Anthony
Park; Subdivision of Lots 18 and 19, St. Anthony Park; and Subdivision of Lots 16
and 17, St. Anthony Park; from Blake Ave. to Atty St.
under Preliminary Order .... 1$65.72_.......... Intermediary Order ...... x.87852........ Final Order ----- laU35
approved .......... ---- july- -.6 x ...............
A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment
having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore
RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the"i
is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be pay
in __..- •----- -..... ........equal installments. -
MAR 3 0 1960
Adopted by the CounciL. --
Approved---- - -------- - -------------------------------------- 19
Form B. B. 18
File 1+035
... - ........... ---- ..- .... 19.........
y Clerk.
.._ _�_........... -------- - - - - --
• . ------ ...- .- ....---- ... t - Ma
I4 _.: -
Report of Completion of
'4In the matter of the assessment of
March 1, 19 60
benefits, cost and expenses
grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 44, St. Anthony.
Park; Subdivision of Lots 18 and 19, St. Anthony Park; and Subdivision of Lots 16
and 17, St. Anthony Park, from Blake Ave. to Atty St.
under Preliminary Order 186572 , approved March 11+, 1958
Intermediary Order 187-852 , approved June 10,_],958
Final Order 188235 , approved July 8, 1958
To the Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the ex-
penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz:
Cost of construction . ............................... $ 3x751.00
Engineering ........ ..............................$ 331.00
Inspection fees ...... ..............................$
Postal cards ......... ..............................$ 2.16
Publications ........ ..............................$ 10.80
Court costs for confirmation ........................ $ 3.60
Total expenditures .............................$ 4.098.56
Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, to -wit: the sum of $4,098.56 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as
completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be
considered proper.
r ze _
Commis Toner of Fina y • JP
2M 12 -62 8
rte: Y ' _ ^' ' • `•. , '.. • _. _ '* •� ytin
...xwa�„t�- �=k. .. - ♦ � • x ��{4y�. W.iIG[f
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` Jahn iff: (Jp'RVMTd[ f ...• ` _ _ .` a iQ60 MAR 30 ; AM
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-. _ •,� - _ ,1', ' C C•. ,i , .s- - ^ is r 3` ��s FA�yJf( 1� {1`�,fdCCJ�I 1 {�1- .
The -CItp of Saint'. Patel ,,'s • ' ti,.f;_ • ` • F
�ound:il of' the 'City' of Saint Paul
r ;Pau
- � .. De.�$rttnetet off, 'Fitiariearaf- tYte - Ci�9..of, S��•'�t ?�a�?� -,- '. - -_ :.: - , ' , ..=
.Asses meni; .,of heliefirsl'£pr..grading -4zid l
surfao ng -wi_th 'bituminous 1material `thy ,
t _
alley iii' Block 44.,- St. Anthony Park; tuB
18 •and 19, St. 'AntTioriy 'Parr; and
sub . of l it 5: #nd 17; -St.. Anthony Patk' - ,
- ft 1' BXaite'Avende_�t6 `Atty Sereet,` File
:r 'No. 14035, -Page,
r Nowt, chats Paul. `L. Myers and-Qatherine,N. - Mayers; hie,'wife, -iecord'fee
Qw ers zif ;that prtsperr}*i]per ted .fn ;�he`-"COunty '' of :Ra. sey and St$to -of
Minn e ata .nnd deseribecd aII . T
1,at 9,, .Block 44, .�C., Anthony Park; -
e -eocot_ ding..to the plat thereof on' F
' file -and of. rprgor& id' thi Office ,of
the tegister of Deeds; in -and fob ,.
•- TM .. the County o `Raebsey-,
.at?d objects,_ -ta i ie aaseasmegt Qi � p niaf .ta proP.osec 'b -tl�e _4ouncil �f pit saf Wilt Paul;.." arid.. set for_pAl bearirt ,in tha Council Ci�ambers' of • ? -
- -- the Qourt':house_ 8u31diiig'_at lU - otelock &M,, -ea .K rZh 30, 1960y ion' .tie- ;
grounds ,that the said" a set nie#it: is im r e , i.11e a1= without' authotit
8r ope Y
of •law and �ithaut. � -eg�rd -t .tha " "�fgiits of -the avneri3 andi `to the benefits_
' at•isiez9, from the' gradi rg surfed ng - of .the aiie3r re€ rred to. ;
'' V. - -'a' ' , - - - _ ♦ .. .- ' h '•. • ' �' - FE7.iSS' Jaa %'M* ,,4ASM M .a1• - 37AA►►!. " -• k • • • •- . `
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' �dfntt� al. �Hagrrx • .. - - � �- �ttuL 1, �iaat., °_ - :. ` -_�•, ', - - ' � .. _ v, t °••} .
- 4 •hh��tt� J; Aft.. w �LA} tttl 4 -7431
v�70V MQ� ''� • ' , c
A141 •
_ March 2$,: 1966
T'he , dity . of Saint Paul'
'r Council o f -- the • City of .Saint Paul; a ..
epartp6nt of Financb' of the City- 'of-SalliE Paul., ..
O CQuk t FIouaa -
St.' Paul 2, kl,innesota`
p ,Assessment of bens €its fbr grading rend
.' surfacing with bituminous °material the
T _ alley lu 3 ock 44, St.- Anthony -Park, sub. r
of Lots 1 and 19 i% St. ' A phony Park; and
suli, of Lots- 1$=ad 17, ,St; i�nthany Park
frost 31&ck Avenue• to Atty_-Street, .f'i1e '
- -la. 14035, Page' 4.
27ow comes lfilliat� 3. 14 yens, and• r4!ices .Myers; his wife, record foe - ±'
owneris of that `property located,tn'Aa c'6. jty of Ramsey'and State of
mtnnesbta and described a4:
lot (0, Bloke' 44, -6t. Anthony Park,
..' : Ac ordin -to_the pia-t thereof 60, rr-
f ile and o f ,vdeord in- the Offtca ' of
,r the RO-gi ter of Deeds., in and ' for �..:
the County df, . Aaittsey',
Arid oWpcts td.-the -asse;gtmient'=a •tiene its proposed by tie Council of the
City of Saint _Paul; and set for public hearing fn the Council'Chambers of
thei Cvurt' -House Building at_ 10,.o'clock A,..M..' on. 'March 30, 1960, on the
grouhds'that the s3atd'assessment'is �u r�,pet,,: G11eSal, without:authmrfty
of: law aid without, regard to the',xights .of the -owners, a7ad o- the..bene €its:
prising €iota the'gradiag and surfacing' of t cloy
referred .to.
- WillUW. J.ru s .nth k` aneeA .1yo4
j T '. _ .• -` s. ' ' . _ . %hztr •Attornsy
V• 1K•, L'i