08-532Council File # � � 'J , 7' Green Sheet # 3052314 RESOLUTION OF S�INT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented by WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Division of Pazks and Recrearion is one of the oldest and laz�est systems in the country, and; WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Division of Parks and Recreation sou�ht to expand community support through partnering organizations to sustain it throu� the peaks and valleys of typical legislative budgering, and to undertake special pro�ams and developmenu. WIIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Division of Pazks and Recreation like iu national peers, needs to embrace partnering organizations and opportunities to focus on, and enhance the overall needs of pazks, open spaces, and the ever-changing needs of an acrive community such as the Ciry of Saint Paul, and; WHEREAS, the City of Saint PauPs, Division of Pazks and Recreation's concept for the New Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation Conservancy is patterned afrer the successful Como Zoo and Conservatory Society. The CZV S contributes millions of dollazs for programming and capital improvement to the City of Saint PauPs Como Campus, and; WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Division of Pazks and Recreation applied to the McKnight Foundation in April 2007, for a grant to establish a process to develop and evaluate a Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation Conservancy Fund, and; WHEREAS, the McKnight Foundation supported and approved this grant application, and provided capital funding in the amount of $ ISQ000 to the City of Saint Paul, Division of Parks and Recreation, and; WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Division of Parks and Recreation supported this gzant to expand the opportunity to evaluate and develop the Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation Conservancy Fund, and; WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul City Council approved this grant, as referenced by council resolution (07-974) GS 3044911 on October 17`", 2007; and WI IEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 10.07.1 of the City Cbarter, certifies that there aze available for appropriation $150,000 in excess ofthose estimated in the 2008 budget and recommends the changes listed below; now, therefore be it, RESOLVED, the City Council approves the recommended amendments to the 2008 budget. � � ;� 29 Yeas Na s Absent Bostrom ,f Carter Harris �/ Helgen Lantry ✓ Stark Thune 0 Adopted by Council: Date �( ?� �O� —�--�— Adoptio erti e y ounc' Secretary By: Approved by or ate � By: ' 68����- Approved by�City Attomey /� ay: � ��� -v�.. j � � Approve y Iv1�} or for Submissio Council By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green 5heet Green Sheet � b8-53�- PR - ParkazndRecreation �'11-APR-08 I Green Sheet NO: 3052314 Contact Person & Phone: � Tom Russell � 2666415 Assign Must Be on Councii Agenda by (Date): Number 23-APP.-08 For — Routing Doc. Type: PUBLIC HEARING (RESOLUI Order E-Document Required: N Document Contact: Jordan Boie Contact Phone: 2666415 Total # of Signature Pages � (Clip All Locations for Signature) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 arks and Recreafian inancial Services f5ce Financial Servicu 'tyAt[orney _ a or's Office Ma odAssis[ant ouncil Ci Council 'ty Clerk _ City Clerk Approval by council to amend 2008 budget ro es[ablish proper budget fund for Saint Pau( Parks and Recreation Conservancy Fund. 1'he fund will be established with use of the MeKnight Foundation Grant, which was approved by the council on 10/17/2007 (07- 974) GS3044911. iaauons: Npprove (H) or n Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/f rm ever worked under a contract for this deQartment? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes an5wers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Saint Pau] Parks and Rec:eation seeks to amend the 2008 budgeC to es[ablish a budget for the grant to Parks and Recreation by the McKnight Foundation in the amount of $150,000. � Advantages If Approved: Approval of budget amendment would give Parks and Recreation the proper ability to manage the grant from the McKnight Foundation, and provide improved tacking and accounting of grant funds. Disadvantages If Approved: None Disadvantages If Not Approved: Parks and Recreadon would have a difficult time tracking grant use and funding. rota� wmount ot �150,000.00 Transaction: Fund�ny source: McKnight Foundation Grant Financial I nformation: (Explain) April 16, 2Q08 3:35 PM Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Y Activity Number. 33187 Page t � I I i —� City of Saint Paul Interdeparhnental Memorandum To: Matt Smith, Director From: Scott Cordes, Budget Analyst Subject: GS# 3052314 McKnight Grant Date: 4/25/2008 6����� The attached budget resolution establishes a finaneing and spending plan for a$150,000 grant awarded to Parks by the McKnight Foundation for development of a Parks foundation (based on a similar concept to the Como Zoo and Conservatory Society). Council passed a resolution accepting the grant in October. The money will be used over two years for a consultant to advise, develop and establish the new foundation. The financing plan reserves $75,000 in fund balance for use in 2009. Parks staff included a cover letter and line item detail that provides additional information. OK to sign. AA-ADA-EEO Employec Interdepartmental Memorandum �g�rj�j �-- CITY OF SAINT PAUL Wednesday, April 16, 2008 To: Bob Bierscheid, Director, Pazks and Recreation From: Tom Russell, Manger, Finance and Planning Subject: McKnight Grant / Parks and Recreation Conservancy Fund C•. Attached to this memarandum is the City Council resolution for the budget amendment and establishment of the Parks and Recreation Conservancy. The McKnight Foundation provided a grant to Saint Paul Parks and Recreation to explore, develop, and establish a process for the creation of a Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Conservancy. The budget amendment is necessary to establish the proper fund for the McKnight Foundation Grant, in the amount of $150,000. The grant will be spent in $75,000 ancrements over the years 2008 and 2009. Your approval and signature are necessary to complete this resolution. Thank you, Tom Russell, Manager, Finance and Planning