196446ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRES`NTED BY COMMISSIONER y' &P CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL 4ES0,LUTION— GENERAL a COUNCIL NO. X6146 FILE FORM council File I No. 196446 —By Adrian P. Resolved, By the Council o the City of Saint Paul upon due cons�dera- tion of the report of the Commie. inn Pr RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul upon due consideration of the report of the Commissioner of Public Works and being otherwise fully advised in the premises that it satisfactorily appears and the Council hereby finds that all necessary rights and easements for the purposes of constructing, maintaining, and enlarging sewers and appurtenances reserved or granted unto the City of Saint Paul by or pursuant to City of Saint Paul Ordinance No. 3925, approved July 5, 1917, in Real Estate'to Twin City Belt Railway Company, have been exercised and the purposes of the same as contemplated by said Ordinance will be fully accomplished without the exercise of any such right or easement in the following described Real Estate constituting a fractional part of that affected by said Ordinance No. 3925 subsequently conveyed by said Twin City Belt Railway-Company to John E. Blomquist and situated in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, to -wit: s Willard Linder Addition No. 3, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, except public streets and public alleys dedicated under said plat and except easement granted City of Saint Paul under Document No. 1424433 dated - ,,March 13, 1957, and filed April 10, 1957 in` "1547 Deeds 107; RESOLVED FURTHER, that no such right or easement so reserved or granted unto said City by or pursuant to said Ordinance No. 3925 affecting said hereinabove described Real Estate conveyed as aforesa by said Company to said John E. Blomquist is necessary for any purpo or use by said City and each thereof constitute an undue cloud upon the title of said hereinabove described Real Estate and should be removed therefrom; RESOLVED FURTHER, that each such right or easement so reserved or granted unto said City of Saint Paul in said hereinabove describ Real Estate conveyed as aforesaid by said Twin City Belt Railway Company to said John E. Blomquist hereby is released, and that COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Martinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7 -69 8 Tn Favor A gainst Adopted by the Council 19 Approved 19 Mayor e ORIGINAL TO CITY, CLERK gVwCITY OF ST. PAUL FO ENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAT henceforth said City shall be deemed to hereby disclaim any such right or easement therein for the constructing, maintaining or enlarging of sewers or of appurtenances thereto which may have been-heretofore reserved or granted to said City under or"' pursuant to said Ordinance No. 3925, and all other rights and easements reserved or granted by or unto said City under or pursuant to said Ordinance No. 3925 except as the same may have been released or disclaimed by the prior resolutiors of the Council, Council File Nos. 182672 and 183331• COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncNAR 2 9 196Q 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy MAR 2 9 1960 Holland Approved 19 Mortinson E n Favor Rosen /� Mayor Winkel gA ainst Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 ,8 M��wM Council of the City of 8t. Pauli .4tiion -to- f r ; ' _sopted by Counc i 1 Juno 18, 1957 The Public - t Approved June 18, 1957 ���� Filed June U, 1937 "369" Nine. 420 C6,1-F. No . 183331 pile # 1lim11 Resoived, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul upon due considerat:101 of the report of the Cocaisaioner of Public Works and being otbarwise fully advised in the prevxoes that it satisfactorily appears and the Council hereby finds that all necessary rights and easzmento for the purposes of constructing maintaining andenlarging severs and appurtenan- ces roserved or granted unto the City of Saint haul by or pursuant to City of Saint Paul Ordinance #9995 approved July 8, 1917 in Beal Estate to Twin City Bolt Railway Company, have been esercined and the purposea of the ears as contemplated by said Ordinance will be fully sacomplieWd without the exercise of any such right or easomant in th*!foilowiog deocribed"Real Bata Le codstiituting a fractional part of that affected by said Ordinance #3923 subsequently conveyed by said Twin City Eslt Railway Company to John E. Blomquist and situated in the City of 8t. Paul, County of Ramsey, state of ilinnesota, to-wit: �•p� i111 d Linder Additi No. Z a . , except public streets ��nd public ©UC Ileys dedicated under said plat 'ad except atozwnt granted City of saint %flntber der Docuse t #14W33 dated M 18, 1957 file\ April 10, 957 in 7" Deeds 10 \ ' ±'Resolved ghat no such right or eaoemont so recer red or granted unto said City by or pursuant to said Ordinance 03925 a4fectin` said hereinabove describod�Real Estate conveyed as aforesaid by said Company to said John B. Blomquist in necessary for any purpose or um by said City and each thereof constitte an undue cloud upon taw title of eatd hereiaabove described deal Estate and should be removed therefreaee• Resolved further that each such right or easement so reservedor granted unto said City of Saint Paul in said ;hereinabove described Real Innate, conveyed an aforesaid by said Train City Holt Hallway Company to ca►id John Z. Blonquist hereby is reloaded, sa ets°- and- pubi- i-c- arY%eya- doer.- ca -ted- t:nder- e�i- d-- cla- L-ar�d exc® pt�d- �ae�t�- uode�r— aa�d_clvcuman°L- +�kl4�i433- and that henceforth said City ahall be deemed to hereby disclaim any such right or oaseuent tborein for the constructing, naiotsaaing or enlarging of severe or of appurtenances thereto which nay have been heretofore reserved or granted to said City under or pursuant to imLd Ordinance 08925 ad -e i�L,a -oo °a�- �n -i-ng s►�enla�c$iag�srer� (over) and all ottar rights and ea$ocants reserved or Wanted by or aato awlo City-under or pursusut to paid Ordinance 03925 except as the sea* &ay have bps robeacmd or di©clai.cad by the prior resolutioa of tkfr Council # 182872. ,�4 / K " �DUPLICATE Tp PRJNTEF, `CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DA' COUNCIL - -446 FILE NO. RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul upon _/Z - due consideration of the report of the Commissioner of Public Works and being otherwise fully advised in the premises that it satisfactorily appears and the Council hereby finds that all necessary rights and easements for the purposes of constructing, maintaining, and enlarging sewers and appurtenances reserved or granted unto the City of Saint Paul by or pursuant to City of Saint Paul Ordinance No. 3925, approved July 5, 1917, in Real Estate to Twin City Belt Railway Company, have been exercised and the purposes of the same as contemplated by said Ordinance will be fully accomplished without the exercise of any such right or easement in the following described Real Estate constituting a fractional part of that affected by said Ordinance No. 3925 subsequently conveyed by said Twin City Belt Railway Company to John E. Blomquist and situated in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, to -wit: Willard Linder Addition No. 3, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, except public streets and public alleys dedicated under said plat and except easement granted City of Saint Paul under Document No. 1+24433 dated March 13, 1957, and filed April 10, 1957 in "15+7" Deeds 107; RESOLVED FURTHER, that no such -right or easement so reserved or granted unto said City by or pursuant to said Ordinance No. 3925 affecting said hereinabove described Real Estate conveyed as aforesaid by said Company to said John E. Blomquist is necessary for any purpose or use by said City and each thereof constitute an undue cloud upon the title of said hereinabove described Real Estate and should be removed therefrom; RESOLVED FURTHER, that each such right or easement so reserved or granted unto said City of Saint Paul in said hereinabove described Real Estate conveyed as aforesaid by said Twin City Belt Railway Company to said John E. Blomquist hereby is released, and that COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7-59 qWS In Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19 Approved 19 Mayor DUPLICATE TO PRINTE1 "Vk U ` CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE COUNCIL NO. FILE henceforth said City shall be deemed to hereby disclaim any such right or easement therein for the constructing, maintaining or enlarging of sewers or of appurtenances thereto which may have been heretofore reserved or granted to said City under or pursuant to said Ordinance No. 3925, and all other rights and easements reserved or granted by or unto said City under or pursuant to said Ordinance No. 3925 except as the same may have been released or disclaimed by the prior resolution of the Council, Council File Nos. 182672 and 183331. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Re _ Tn Favor Rosen Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7 -69 qG10.8 MAR 2 9 1960 Adopted by the Council__ 19 Approved MAR 2 9 1960 19 Mayor