196437Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE 196437 4���:OUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY - I ORDINANCE NO I An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 10725, entitledt "An ordinance granting permission and authority to the Village of Roseville to connect the public sewer system of said Village of Roseville to the public sewer system of the City of Saint Paul and thereafter maintain and operate the same as an outlet for said public sewer system of said Village for public sewage conveyance and disposal purposes, and providing appli- cable terms and conditions." approved January 200 1956, as amended. This is an emergency ordi- nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That the first paragraph of Section 3 of said Ordinance No. 107250 approved January 20, 1956, as amended, shall be and hereby is further amended so that the same shall read as followst "That said Village of Roseville shall neither suffer nor permit the installation:, maintenance or operation of any sewer service connection between its said public sewer system and any parcel of real property situate outside its corporate limits, except that said Village may permit the installation, main- tenance and operation of a sewer service connection between its said public sewer system and the following described real property, lying beyond its corporate limits and situate in the Village of Little Canada, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesotan to -wit= The NJ of the NWJ of the SWj of Section 7, Township 29 North, 10 Range 22 West, according to the United States Government Survey thereof; and except that said Village of Roseville may permit the installa- tion, maintenance and operation of a sewer service connection between its said public sewer system and the following described real property, lying beyond its corporate limits and situate in the Village of Arden Hills in the County of Ramseyi State of Minnesota, to -wits Tract 1. Southeast Area - Commencing at the SE corner of the Village of Arden Hills, which point is also the SE corner of Section 349 Township 309 Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk IM 8 -59 a00yo.8 Passed by the Council Approved: In Favor Against Mayor Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE 196437 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. 0 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Tn Favor Peterson i Rosen Against Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: i City Clerk Mayor I 1M 8 -59 8 ' Range 23 -9 and which •point is also the center Hof the intersection of ' Lexington Avenue 'North -ar d4 County, Road :'D'; thence northerly along the •center line of said e : Lexington Avenue 7050 feet; - thence westerly -and: ,parallel' to the south line -of Section r 27, _ Township 30,. -Range '23 -approximately 2633 feet to. .the -It center - line ,.of Hairline Avenue; thence southerly along the center line of Hamline Avenue approximately 530 feet to the center line of the _Minneapolis; St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie- Railway'Company's right-,.` of -way; thence westerly along the 'center line of said Minneapolis, St. Paul and °. Sault Ste. -Marie Railway .Company t s .right m of -way approximately 4020 feet to. a point '' • on the. west ' line , of the SEg of the SE, of Section.28, Township 309 Range 233- thence southerly' along ssid'west line of, said SEJ -of SEj approximately 6.70 feet to -a point. on:. the south line of said Section 28; thence Southerly along -the -crest line of the, of the E of Section 33, Town -. ship- 30-9 Range 23j 'to the. south_ line of said' = Section 33; thence easterly.along the south - line'•of said Sections ` 6 33 _and 34, aPProx imately he point of beginning:,- ` .'Tract 2.. . Southwest-Area.- Commencing at a-point on the -south lineof'the Village of Arden Hills,9 said point being the SW ' . - , corner: of th6,,IEj • of " the Ej of Section 33, Township 309 Range -23; thence northerly along the west line of said'Ej of Ej to the' line of said-Secti.on 33; 'thence northerly. along- the West line of the _ SEI' 'o.f' the SEJ of .Section 28,0. Township 30,- - Range -23, approximately 670 feet to the -. cent_ er -line of the Minneapolis, St,. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie - Railway Company's right =of -way; thence westerly-along the - • :. center line of said Minneapolis, St. Paul '. and Sault:St.e. Marie Railwa Co_ a 's • -- Y mP nY" "right -of -way approximately 2680 .feet to a point on 'the east line of the Wi of the W'j ' of'-said Section '28; thence ,.souther.ly along - : said east line of said Wj of WJ approx= imately l9 _feet to the' south line of said Section 28; thence southerly along the east,', lime, -of the - Wj.of-'the ,NWt.of said ,Section 33, approximately - 2640"feet ;:thence.westerly along . the., south line of said Wj of the NWT °R approximately 1342 -feet. `to' the west line of. said Section:33.; thence - southerly along 'the " -west line of said Section .33; approximately' ' • 2615 - feet to the SW corner - .of . said Section thence easterly along the south line -of ' said Section a roximatel feet to:.' 33 pp Y 397.5 °t he point,,oYf 'beginning; _ ` and except that said, Village of Roseville may permit _ ` the., installation; - maintenance and •operation of a - sewer `service conneatlon' between,- its_"said - public . . -. sewer system -and: the following described real' property ' ".lying beyond -its corporate .limits and situate: in the Village; -of St._ Anthony, County..of Ramsey,- ,State,of • Minnesota; to -wits TYie. South One- hal`f and the Northwest = Quarter -(NWJ) of Section 31, ,Township - ' 0 North, Range 23;West according to 'the .United States Government Su_ rvey, thereof R - and, -.except'•,thst,-said Village of $o' = may.pe.rmit. the : installation,'. maintenance and operation' of a sewer service connection between its said public . _sewer system, and_ the - followin described real- ro pert g P P Y, _ „ r =- 'lying beyond its corporate limits,.,and situate-in the of :Shoreview; ,County_ of Ramsey, State of _ = _ Minnesota, to -wi. i Sections. `35 'ana .36 and` ala.o all that : part -of Sections 25 and 26 lying south _ of the South right =of -way . line'., of Interstate Highway. No. = 394 and also : thatpart: of said Seci+ion 25, - lying northeasterly, of=sid..Inter`state Highway and= southea`sfer. ly . of the a . = Southeasterly 'right =of Tway' line of the..Minneapolis.; St:' Paul and Eault Ste: Marie Railway; ali= in Township .,30-North.. Range 23-west- Ramsey ` - County; - Minnesota, ; acoording'_ to - the . •. = - _ United' States aoverhment Survey, thereof - I. ` • and except that said Village' of Roseville may permit _ the installation;, maintenance and operation of a ,sewer' service connect ion, bet w een its, sai d publlb_sewer system "and." the following desc`r. ibed -real `p "roperty, lying beyond : its° corporate- limits and-situate-in the Village of ; Arden :Hills, County -of. Ramsey, , -State of Minnesota" _ to =witr Commencing at , a point' on the south. tl •. ;.. line of. the Village" of * Arden • Hills; said point. being 'the 'SW .corner of the '- _ Ei .of . the Ei, of Section 33, Township p _ •-30 Range - 23 ;' -thence northerl along _ the west line of eaid Ej of 'E' to 'the north line' of, said Section 33; -thence, _ ' northerik along - the west line , .of •the - = `SEj= of ',the :SEA of;. Section :289: ,Township Y` 30, Range 23, approximately,670 feet to - the center_' line bf the Minneapolia, - ' St.`Paul and Sault Ste: •Marie`�Railway; ' . Company's; right-of- way ;� . thence easterl ` `along- the -center. Line of said- Minneapolis = _ St. Paul_ and`..Sault Ste: Marie Railway �_ Company, 's - righit -of .,w4 " 'approximately ,2060 ` feet -to "the center line. of S.'T.H.� No.. -10 ' . t { " As'-it now; exists 1thenee' northwesterly r along 'the center •line • of -ebaia S ♦ T. ,H. No..18 as it now exists approximately '1400 feet to' a.point on'-the'east line, of Section 281; Township 30, Range 23; thence: northerly along_ the - east•line of said Section 28 approximately . 3100 feet to the northeast corner of said - : Secstion 28; . thence northerly `along the -east ; • .line of Section' 21-j -,- Township ,30 =, Range 23, ` a roximatel 480 •;feet- .t o the south ri ht =of- PP �' 4 way, line of S � T ,' H: No. - 100,212 ;. thence - wea�terly `alor?g,'said nouth_right� -of =way 'line 3 approximately 2700 feet - to the east -line _ of the, • SW- of said Sect :ori 21; thence southerly, along the • eaa"t. line of said SWJ-' of• said', • Secti4n 21 approximately 580. feet to' a point on ' the -north • line of aforesaid - Section -28.; , thence westerly = _along the; north line of• said ' Section• 28 2639:0 feet - to the NW corner of. said Section' 28; tYlenae .southerly, along th4§ est line of said Section .28' 'to •the.-SW corner of said ' y Section, 281'-th6nae;= easterly i along the_ s.Quth line: . - of �sai :Sectianx28 1316 -feet to the NE corner -of:' Y- the W� or ,the: NWT of aforesaid. Section -333 -thence, ., -. southerly. _.along; the east line pf the.' W of the . NWI -.of, said.' Section` 339 approximately-264o- feet; thence westerly along the south lirie of said ; _ Wj of-$4i approximately . ,,342 feet, to of west ' �• "`�:;� ;' ` - dine of'•'said`SeotioYi 33; •. thence "southerly along', f ` `the crest -line -of said Secti' '33' �appr- oximately 261$ feet to.`the .SW corner `'of said Section 33; " thence easterly_ along the, 'south, line, of said. • t a Section 33 .approximately 397.5 feet to- the point. _ of begiriningt. according to the United States. -. Government _Survey thereof; e solely- for' sanitary sewage drainage purposes and 'eub._ _- _ - • j'ect to _all provisions- terms_. and conditions of- this•' - ordlnar�ce which are haxieby.. made applicable_ thereto with the same intent!, purpose- and effect'' as, If such nex_ t above described, r01 property were entirely -situate ' withiA, the corporate lim#,d of-- said Village , of Rosev.iile; .. .,That no connection other than that authorized under. - ` Section 1. of this 'ordinance directly ,between'the• publio ' sewer system of sa.id:'.Village. of Roseville, and the. • public. -sewer, system -of said=City shall be construoted maintained or- operated without further express author- zatipn therefor by the. Council of ,_$aid Citq�" Section '2., , =That the operativ® effect of this ordinance= r and its - amendment'. of said- - prior = 0rdinance - No. 10725 `shall be ' contingent upon the, acceptance of the . same by said- Village - o£ Roseville not, later than; sixty (60) ' days -next after: the passage ,and approval of -this ordinance.j°`sudh acceptance by said Village = to -be, rep'' •resented by ' its enaotment of an ordinance formally a .accepting -this ordinance and .agreeing to abide by all of -the provisions tarots and conditions of: the same.; and. the _f.iling' of- =a. certified- copy of- :'such ' Tillage - ordi'naric a with -the ''0 1-ty Clerk and 'with the. City Comptroller of said City _of Saint_.Paul. ; 44 e - e. 4, ?.. Poo" or, Ova _AOM 4M t - lot AA 1" . � - . I ­ ' *#Rog, Ah* 'V4 'Wim It f Ing 04 A6 of 41 oil VAI Al ­, Oxon" apaw,w Amu OMAN dac#: Al 06 st tL 3. w N,4 L , Z;,t tN 4 -W V Ai v "s 4., Aw ftot A* 1-Y! ww 'Atli --ot V it '4449 4 40 Us .4 'gw U As" A-90ft Off. • 14 Fi j -4 k i 4 7-' I. . J ie Laid over to 3rd and app 3I2 Yeas / Nays Yeas Nays olland Mortinson Pete / ose inkel /Mr. President Dillon / offlo-8 O w DeConrcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President Dillon f