196431ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 4` *. —� CITY OF ST. PAUL • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RLSOLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY too COMMISSIONER DATE COUNCIL NC•1 FILE Council File No. 196431 —By Joseph E. Dillon, mayor - Resolved, By the Council of the City of Saint Pall as determined by the housing and Redevelopment Au- thorlthority of the City of Saint Paul. t .....�-..�.'I.e11 orte.; --a .,.7 RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that as determined by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, by its pertinent Resolution No. 60 -19, dated March 24, 1960, it has become and is necessary to the proper and successful conduct and completion of the Eastern Redevelopment Project U.R. Minn. 1 -1 and in connection with the proposed Revised Redevelopment Plan for said project area to file an Application for Amendatory Loan and Grant with the Housing and Home Finance Agency so that the Loan and Grant Contract No. LG-1, dated March 2, 1953, between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of�the City of Saint Paul and the United States of America, acting by and through its Housing and Home Finance Agency, be amended to embody provisions necessary to approval by the Federal Agency of changes resulting from the proposed Revised Redevelopment Plan for said project area; and 4 RESOLVED FURTHER, that said Council hereby approves the.Application of said Housing and Redevelopment Authority addressed to the Housing and Home Finance Agency and the filing of the same with the latter for said changes and amendment to said Loan and Grant Contract, the granting of said Application by said Housing and Home Finance Agency and the approval by said Federal Agency of the Amendment to Loan and Grant Contract pursuant to the same; and RESOLVED FURTHER, that said Councfl on behalf of said- City-hereby -' approves the filing of said Application for said Loan and Grant Contract Amendment with the Housing and Home Finance Agency and the execution of said Amendatory Loan and Grant Contract in accordance with the aforesaid changes in proposed land uses, minor changes in boundary description of the project area and budgetary changes to be incorporated therein by the said Authority with h the Housing and Home Finance'-Agency after the granting of said Application by the latter. MAR 291960 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy 'NAP 2 9 1960 Rolland Approve 19 Martinson Tn Favor Rosen Mayor Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7 -59 c 8 DUPLI LATE 'TO ' PRI NTER CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL NO. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that as determined by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, by its pertinent Resolution No. 60-19, dated March 24, 1960, it has become and is necessary to the proper and successful conduct and completion of the Eastern Redevelopment Project U.R. Minn. 1 -1 and in connection with the proposed Revised Redevelopment Plan for said project area to file an Application for Amendatory Loan and Grant with the Housing and Home Finance Agency so that the Loan and Grant Contract No. LG-1, dated March 2, 19539 between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul and the United States of America., acting by and through its Housing and Home Finance Agency, be amended to embody provisions necessary to approval by the Federal Agency of changes resulting from the proposed Revised Redevelopment Plan for said project area; and RESOLVED FURTHER, that sr-id Council hereby approves the Application of said Housing and Redevelopment Authority addressed to the Housing and Home Finance Agency and the filing of the same with the latter for said changes and amendment to said Loan and Grant Dontract, the granting of said Application by said Housing and Home Finance Agency and the approval by said Federal Agency of the Amendment to Loan and Grant Contract pursuant to the same; and RESOLVED FURTHER, that said Council on behalf of said City hereby approves the filing of staid Application for said Loan and Grant Contract Amendment with the Housing and HomF Finance Agency and the execution of said Amendatory Loan anO Grant Contract in accordance with the aforesaid changes in proposed land uses, minor changes in boundary description of the project area and budgetary changes to be incorporated therein by the said Authority with the Housing and Home Finance Agency after the granting of said Application by the latter. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Mortinson N Favor sen gainst at, Dillon MAR 2 919% Adopted by the Council 19 MAR 2 9 TV Approved 19 Mayor Dousing and Redevelopment Authority OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Saint Paul Ramsey County Court House Saint Paul 1, Minnesota Gentlemen and Madam: 1745 City Hall and Court House SAINT PAUL 2 MINNESOTA March 25, 1960 w 6'�3j Re: Application of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul for Amendatory Loan and Grant - Eastern Redevelop- ment Project U.R. Minn. 1 -1 On March 24, 1960, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority adopted its Resolution No. 60 -19 authorizing the filing of an Application for Amend- atory Loan and Grant for the Eastern Redevelopment Project U.R. Minn. 1 -1. A copy of said Resolution is herewith enclosed, together with a copy of Res- olution No. 60 -20 of the Commissioners directing that the Authority forthwith submit a request to the City of Saint Paul for approval by resolution to the filing of said Application for Amendatory Loan and Grant for said project area. The proposed Revised Redevelopment Plan for said project area substantially changes the land uses from those specified in the approved Re- development Plan for the Eastern Area and this Revised Redevelopment Plan contemplates the sale of a tract of land to the Ancker Hospital Building Commission for use in location of a new public hospital facility in the project area. The Revised Plan will be submitted to the City of Saint Paul for ap- proval pursuant to statutory requirements after it has been approved by the Urban Renewal Administration. The Federal regulations require that there be processed for ap- proval by the Urban Renewal Agency an Application for Amendatory Loan and Grant coincident with the Revised Redevelopment Plan because of the substan- tial change in land uses, minor change in the boundary description which merely corrects the previous boundary description of the project area, and because of the revised estimates of the gross and net project costs resulting from changes in the Redevelopment Plan. Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Saint Paul -_2 - March 25, -1960 A draft -of a proposed Resolution for your consideration and adoption is also submitted herewith, and it is necessary for the Authority to have your'consideration on this matter -at an early date in order to _ expedite the processing of the Revised Redevelopment Plan for the Eastern Redevelopment Areae Very truly yours, Harold L. Rutchick , General Counsel HLRspky Enclosures RESOLUTION NO. 60 -19 Ma r Ch 241, 1960, RESOLUTION OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN AMENDATORY APPLI- CATION FOR LOAN AND GRANT FOR PROJECT U.R. MINN. 1 -1 WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint-Paul, Minnesota, has entered into a Contract with the United States of America, Contract No. LG -1, dated March 2, 1953, for a Project Temporary Loan in the amount of $2,875,851.00, and a Project Capital Grant in the amount of $1,865,376.00 for the undertaking of the Project described in said Contract, and r WHEREAS, it has been -determined that a revision in the Project Tem- porary Loan in the amount of $ 2,804,976.00 and a revision in the Project Capital + _ Grant in the amount of $1,484,976.00 is necessary in.order that the,Proj_ect may be properly and successfully_ carried out, and WHEREAS, the Housing and Home Finance Administrator approved Budget No. 1 for the Eastern Redevelopment Project U.R. Minn. 1 -1 on Marsh 3, 1953, and approved Budget No. 2 on October 29 1953, which revised the previously ap- proved budget for said Project Area, and approved Budget No. 3 on May 19, 1954, which revised the previously approved budget for said Project Area, and-ap- proved Budget No. 4 on December 14, 1956, which revised the previously approved budget for said. Project Areal and - WHEREAS, the Authority is considering the adoption of a revision to -the Redevelopment Plan for the- Eastern Redevelopment Project U.R. Minn. 1 -1, which will result in the following changes: (a) No changes in the project_ Area or in-the Project boundaries, r except to correct the boundary description to include the land in said Project Area intended to be included in the boundary description of the Redevelopment Plan adopted on February 5, -19529 and _amended on February'20,- 1953, and to include only 'that land acquired or to be acquired by the Authority as part of said Project Area.- The corrected boundary description now includes a- small.rectangulafr tract -of land previously acquired by the Authority situated North of Valley Street between the boundaries of the Eastern Redevelopment Project Area and the ` Mt. Airy - Low -rent Housing Project Area, and excludes a small rectangular tract of land situated on Twelfth-and Temperance Streets which has not been acquired and is not to be acquired as-part of•the Project Area. (b) Revision of the estimates.of.gross_ and net Project costs from' the Ala test app roved budget estimates accept6& and; approved by the 'Housing and Home Finance`Administrator : on December 149 19569 as shown in the followings ':' -4 _ s. Latest Accepted Revised Estimate Estimate - December 14, March, 1960 1956 . Total Project Expenditures $33,035,851.00 $29804,976.00 ..Cash Value of Land Donations (Non -Cash Local Grants-in-Aid),- 40,650.00 Project or Site Improvements 3969347.00 - 1799_107.00 Supporting Facilities ., 5539298.00 4549-801.00_ Total Non -Cash Lo_ ca l' - - Grants-;-in-Aid- 6429738.00 - 6749558.00; Gross Project Cost 30678,589.00 394799534.00 Sale Price of Project Land = to be Sold - 809,550.00 19320.,000.00 ; Total Proceeds from Project Land 809,550400 19320,000.00 Net Project Cost 2,869,039.00 291599534.00 -_2 - ``a _ •� 1 - (c) The Revised Plan substantially changes the land uses specified in the approved Redevelopment Plan for said'Project Area and- contemplates the disposition of the land in the Project Area for the following uses: In Area "A ": A tract of land proposed -to be designated as Parcel 'I containing approximately 18 acres to be sold to the Ancker Hospital Building Commission for the construction thereon of a new public hospital- facility. A tract of land proposed to be designated as Parcel 2. r containing approximately 9 acres to be dedicated to the -Department of Education and Department of Parks and Play - " •'grounds_of the City of Saint Paul for school and park purposes. A tract of land proposed to be designated as Parcel 3 con- ,_ - twining approximately .3 acres to be sold to the Department of ;Parks and Playgrounds, City of Saint Paul, for playground purposes. Tracts of land proposed to be designated Areas a, b, c, d and e, totaling .42 acres, to -be sold to the Mt. Airy Public Housing Project. In addition, it is contemplated as ohe- of_the alternative uses of Area "A ", or a part thereof, that a tract of land may be used for a Public Housing Project. In Area "B ": A tract of.land containing approximately, 20 acres designated as an area reserved for sale and transfer to -the Department of Highways, State of Minnesota, for-con- struction of the Inter -State Highway System. The remainder ofthe'Project Area is to be dedicated to _ the City of Saint Paul and to be used for public street - .purposes within the Project Area. A strip of-land lying _ along Jackson Street to be used for the widening-of - • a - Jackson Street will be sold to the City of Saint Paul. WHEREAS, it has been determined that the adoption of said Revised b Redevelopment Plan' for'the Eastern Redevelopment Project U.R. Minn. 1 -1, and the changes to said Redevelopment Plan and budget for said Project.Area are necessary and desirable to the_undertaking:of ='the Project and -- become a part an Amendment to said -Loan and Grant Contract. _of NOW, THEREFORE, BE rIT -RM0LVED -by the' - Commissioners of the ko*6ing and Redevelopment Authority of the City offSaint:Paul•, Minnesota, that an -' Amendatory Application-on behalf ofthe•Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, be filed for the following reasons: 1. For a decrease in the Project Temporary-Loan under said Contract to the total maximum amount of $2,804,976..00 - and for i.-decrease in the � Project Capital Grant under sand Contract to the total maximum-amount available under Title 1 of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended prior to August 2, 1954. 2. To revise the'Project Area description -in said Contract to . _ read as follows: ` - 4 - 3. To approve the changes in the land uses specified in the Revised • Redevelopment• Plan for the Eastern Redevelopment Project U.R. Minn. 1 -1.- -_4. To approve the revision of estimates of the-gross and net Project costs for said Project Area; , is hereby approved and that the Chairman or_.Secretary of the Authority is hereby authorized and.-directed to execute and file such Amendatory Application with the Housing and Home Finance Agency and to provide such additional infor- mation and,to furnish such documents as may be required on behalf of -said Agency and -to act as the authorized correspondent of the Housing and Redevelop- .'_went Authority,of the City of Saint Paul. 5 : :. - • Lam' RESOLUTION NO. 60 -20 March 24,•1960 WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota,- has determined that it is necessary to file an' application with the Housing and Home Finance Agency for an Amendatory Loan and Grant for the following reasons: 1. For a decrease in the - Project Temporary Loan and for a decrease in the Project Capital "Grant under the Contract with the United -States of America, Contract No. LG-1, dated March 2, 1953. 29 To revise the Project Area description of the Eastern Redevelop- ment Project U.R. Minn. 1 -1 to correct certain minor errors in the boundary description of.said Project Area. 3. To'approve the-changes in the land uses specified in the_ Revised Redevelopment Plan,for the Eastern Redevelopment Project U.R. Minn.- 1 -1, and' 4. To approve the revision in estimates of Gross and Net Project Costs for said Project Area, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 60 -19 adopted by the Authority on March 24, 1960, authorizes the filing of such Application for Amendatory Loan -and Grant for the Eastern Redevelopment Project U.R. Minn. 1 -19 and WHEREAS, the filing of an Application for Amendatory Loan and Grant for said Project Area is necessary in order that the Project may be,properly and successfully carried out. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, shall forthwith submit a request to the City Council of the City of Saint Paul for its approval by Resolution to the filing,by the Authority-of an Application for Amendatory Loan . _r and Grant for the Eastern Redevelopment Project U.R. Minne 1 -1, and obtain such Municipal approval as may be necessary in connection with the submission by_the.Authority of its Application for Amendatory Loan and Grant -for said Project Area *` - 2 - ' r - D R A F T _ March 259 1960 RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that as determined by•the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul,-Minnesota, by its pertinent Resolution No. 60 -19, dated March 24, 1960, it has become and is necessary-to the proper and successful- conduct'and com pletion of the-Eastern..Redevelopment Project U.R. Minn. 1 -1 and in connection with the - proposed Revised Redevelopment Plan for -said project area" to-file an Application for Amendatory Loan and Grant with the Housing and Home Finance- Agency so that the Loan and Grant Contract -No. LG -1, dated March 2y' 1953, between the - Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul and the United States of America, acting by and through its Housing and Home _Finance Agency, be amended to embody provisions necessary.to approval'by, the Federal Agency of changes resulting from the proposed Revised Redevelopment Plan for- said project area; and RESOLVED FURTHER, that said Council hereby approvesLthe-Application,- of said Housing and Redevelopment Authority addressed to� the Housing 4n'd Home Finance Agency -and the filing of the same with the latter for said changes and amendment to said.Loan and Grant Contract, the granting of said Application by said Housing and Home Finance Agency and the approval by said Federal Agency of the Amendment to Loan_and Grant Contract pursuant to the same; and RESOLVED FURTHER, that said Council on behalf of said City hereby approves the filing of said Application for said Loan and Grant Contract Amendment with the Housing and`Home Finance Agency and the execution of said Amendatory Loan and Grant Contract in accordance with the aforesaid changes in proposed land uses, minor changes in boundary description of•the project area and budgetary changes to be incorporated therein by the said Authority with the Housing and Home Finance Agency after the granting of-said Application by the latter. - 2 - HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL t 1 (5 1 - P I ,'eft- i\,v JJ D_k� P The Honorable Joseph E. Dillon Mayor of the City of Saint Paul City Hall and Court House March 28, 196o V L°AIN'r pi in r.A,A 60 EAST FOURTH STREET SAINT PAUL 2, MINN. CApital 7.7524 Saint Paul 2, Minnesota a a 114 91959 Dear Mayor Dillon: iwrit °iJ We are submitting to you for your review a copy of the revised Redevelopment Plan for the Eastern Redevelopment Project, UR Minn. 1 -1, dated March, 1960. This plan is in conformity with official decisions previously made by the Ancker Hospital Facility Building Commission, the Ramsey County Commissioners and the City Council of the City of Saint Paul relative to the location of a new Ancker Hospital. other proposals are included to provide for past considerations and to relate in a harmonious whole all portions of the Project Area in conformance with an overall plan for the City as proposed by the City Planning Board. The Redevelopment Plan has been officially adopted by the Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, and has been reviewed and approved by the Saint Paul City Planning Board. We hope that the City Council will provide the necessary official approval required so that it may be transmitted to the Urban Renewal Administration for final action. ism M! Respectfully submitted, �21io' son Exe cut iveD irector • _ <t a �' ` • •x � ` - io ill rt u r ;W4 newkl i 'K3 J'�%''wf Y;i�7:."+ ���r• �r$vxid::x `�j:�s1. tsl4 3�"':« C��[iu wr;�Ei;iNi'�Fp4?F ",ten �'r7 f. i �,�,, r3t�:�n� S� it �•3�r1� +3 +1•wy.;°:la..'��f`� } }:�,x �„' -`� 4':k T!`,�y .a' �•1.Y1� .�-•5 ••.., .�k�`:..:J V•C - �A +:.•1.: �.r. t.:,1f'.'1�i ii? 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Q'.L •+ :aJ.,.! .� e_'1 ,i• �:' �t��. f :•�..r� -A. �tir a � i � J. ii �...+t r� m a i m z M M °m rn 0 3 z a m D c 3 z z m N O D O O O ED A fD of ID D C) m _r z N m D Z OG �y5 � o` F 0 4l IN,� 110�L y S FO Z � o� y S ° 0 x O o ° z O m Od c v a D A X rd ol °I= o m °` �" ° 'D 1 r z N r I (1) G) -1 m m Z -I m o O Z D C � < A T Q O (A r fmll a 71 i = o 3 O -1 o m r w o o D z z m I r ~ m O m 3 o _ a m a_ z _ p ~ D x O m m 1 y 1 n r r m r D D r < r M 0 { c z 0 W / L WALES 1� 1 I I N i i 1 I � 1 I .. I \ LORI ENT G Wq r MISSISSIPPI I--�j 1 D 9 A � S m c r� ry o m z m m K S o iy m o m n w N m m N A D m N v o ^� A p _ s i < g r a 9 n n r m m o o gi �i p s 0: m m m o m r O 9 y 2 0 m 0 n y m y c m m 1 K 1 2 9 2 H N O D p z m 9 A w 0 c m c v r r m � m r ` 1 ` r m m /J mz N O 0 / m x m C- < m c r Z m m z i cu OC ����ti � �' �WAN es z z �G B ° m W r_ rru to m D 'L • I =, m r N _ _ L m yip ��. Oi C1 W A' N Sd p a y pc+F yip 'o �-- a a m m F,p�Gys N 0 1 0 m m x ID N 10 I -= L0RIENT Od�aO VP vo 0 Z d \ _. o w c0i m m Fy 9s 0 x 0 s ? � y C - ° O OI m �O MISSISSIPPI F �- N $ 1 = O O z 1 :0 Ix c < < -+ m 1 N n m o z m 1 T Z Z $ m v m0 cn m m 2 o•� m C Z z m Z a O Z m o D c s Ig 3 < e go n� I ° ° z °a _ C r m a o $ — c z s = O K r Z m N o N �^ O y ~ D s REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE EASTERN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT U.R. MINN. 1 -1 Revised March, 1960 This revises the Redevelopment Plan for the Eastern Redevelopment Project U.R.Minn. 1 -1 previously adopted by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, on February 5, 1952, and approved by Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, on March 6, 1952, (Council File No. 159030), and amendments thereto adopted by the Authority on February 20, 1953, (Coun- t cil File No. 163108). This revision constitutes a reaffirmation and readoption of the original Redevelopment Plan, as amended, retaining all essential elements of the original Plan providing, however, for the following changes: 1. No changes have been made in the Project Area or in the project boundaries, except to correct the boundary description to include the land in said Pro- ject Area intended to be included by the boundary description of said Rede- velopment Plan and to include only that land acquired or intended to be ac- quired by the Authority as part of said Project Area. Said corrected boun- dary description now includes a small rectangular tract of land previously acquired by the Authority situated north of Valley Street between the boun- daries of the Eastern Redevelopment Project Area and the Mt. Airy Low -rent Housing Project Area, and excludes a small rectangular tract of land situ- ated at Twelfth and Temperance Streets which has not been acquired and is not to be acquired as part of the Project Area. 2. This Revised Plan substantially changes the land uses specified in the ap- proved Redevelopment Plan for said Project Area and contemplates the dis- position of land in the Project Area for the following uses: in Area "A ", a tract of land proposed to be designated as Parcel 1 contain- ing approximately 18 acres to be sold to the Ancker Hospital Building Commission for the construction thereon of a new public hospital facility; a tract of land proposed to be designated as Parcel 2 contain- ing approximately 9 acres to be dedicated to the Department of Education and Department of Parks and Playgrounds of the City of Saint Paul for school and park purposes; a tract of land proposed to be designated as Parcel 3 contain- ing approximately .3 acres to be sold to the Department of Parks and PlaYgxounds, City, of Saint Paul, for playground purposes; tracts of land proposed to be designated Areas a, b, c, d and e, totaling .42 acres, to be sold to the Mt. Airy Public Hous- ing Project; in addition, it is contemplated as one of the alternative uses of Area "A" or a part thereof, that a tract of land may be used for a public housing project. in Area "B ", a tract of land containing approximately 20 acres designated as an area reserved for sale and transfer to the Department of Highways, State of Minnesota, for construction of the Inter - State Highway System; the remainder of the Project Area is to be dedicated to the City of Saint Paul and to be used for public street purposes within the Pro- ject Area. A strip of land lying along Jackson Street to be used for the widening of Jackson Street will be sold to the City of Saint Paul. These changes have not been adopted as a second separate set of amendments to the original Plan, but have been incorporated into a complete revision and consolidation of the Plan into one document to eliminate the need for reference to scattered documents duly prepared and adopted over a period of time. All maps, charts, narrative statements and other material heretofore submitted as part of or in support of the Redevelopment Plan for the East- ern Redevelopment Project U.R. Minn. 1 -1, previously duly approved and amended (said maps, charts, narrative statements and other material being now on file and of record in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul in connection with Council File No. 159030 and No. 163108) are excluded from this Revised Redevelopment Plan, except as and to the extent they may be expressly adopted and included herein and including the Relocation Plan, as originally approved and amended, and the Financial Plan which accompanied the submission of the original Redevelopment Plan to the City Council of the City of Saint Paul; all such maps, charts, narrative statements and other material are, however, hereby established by reference as exhibits indicating the background and history of this Revised Redevelopment Plan for the Eastern Redevelopment Project. - 2 - REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE EASTERN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT UR MINN. 1 -1 Revised March 1960 I. ITEMS INCLUDED IN THIS REVISED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN A. DEFINITIONS As used in this Narrative Statement; these terma shall be defined as follows: 1. City: The term "City" shall mean the City of Saint Paul, Minn- esota, or its physical area, depending on the context. 21 County: The term "County" dhell mean the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. 3. Authority: The term "Authority" shall mean the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. 4, Stater The term "State" shall mean the State of Minnesota, including its duly created administrative departments and agencies. 5. Code (s).: The term "Code(s)" shall mean codes, ordinances, laws, resolutions and administration regulations of the City or State and their duly created administrative departments and agencies. 6. Plan: The term ''Plan" shall mean this revised Redevelopment Plan for the Eastern Redevelopment Project, UR Minn. 1 -1, east of the Minnesota State Capitol, revised March 1960. 7. Project or Project Area: The terms "Project" and "Project Area" shall mean the area within the "Project Boundary" as indicated on the "Project Area Plan ", Map A, and as described in the legal boundary description. B. THE NARRATIVE C. The following maps dated October, 1959: Map A: "Project Area Plan" Map Br "Street Adjustments" Map C: "Sewer Plan" Map D: "Water System Plan" Map E: "Private Utility Adjustments Plan" Map F: "Zoning Plan Project Boundary Map - 3 - D. The Relocation Plan, dated 1952 (as adopted by the Authority Febru- ary 5, 1952 and amended by the Authority February 20, 1953, without subsequent amendments..) II. OUTLINE OF THE NARRATIVE STATEMENT The Narrative contains discussions of the following: A. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AREA AND PROJECT BOUNDARY MAP B. PLANNING PROPOSALS 1. General 2. Specific Planning Proposals a. Right -of -ways and Streets b. Zoning Plan c. Regulations and Controls to be Applied C. RELATIONSHIP OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN TO LOCAL OBJECTIVES 1. Relationship to the General Plan 2. Relationship to Local Community Objectives Do SITE PREPARATION PLAN 1. Sewer and Water 2. Private Utilities E. OTHER STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS 1, Discrimination and Segregation 2. Relocation Resources and Plan 3. Financial Plan F. OFFICIAL AND RELATED ACTIONS REQUIRED G. CHANGES IN APPROVED PLAN III. NARRATIVE A. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AREA The Project Area lies generally between Mississippi Street on the east, the Mt. Airy Public Housing Project on the north, Jackson Street on the west and Twelfth Street on the south. Its boundaries are specifically indicated on Map A, the "Pro- ject Area Plan ". Its precise legal boundary description is as follows: - 4 - BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION EASTERN REDEVELOPMENT ROJECT, UR MINN. 1 -1 That area known as the Eastern Redevelopment Project which is bounded as follows: Beginning at the Northwesterly corner of the intersection of Mississippi Street and Grove Street, which is the southeasterly corner of Block 4, Dayton's Addition, thence Southerly in a straight line to the Easterly corner of Lot 7, L. C. Dayton's Enlarge- ment, thence Southwesterly along the Southeasterly line of said Lot 7 to the Southerly corner of said lot, thence Westerly a distance of 13 feet more or less to a point on the Northeasterly line of Lot 2, Block 3, Vandenburgh's Addition to Hoyt's Addition to Saint Paul, which point is 52 feet Southeasterly from the Northerly corner of said Lot 2, thence Southwesterly on a line parallel to and 52 feet Southeasterly from the North- westerly line of said Lot 2 to the Northeasterly line of Canada Street, thence North- westerly along said Northeasterly line of Canada Street 25 feet more or less to the point of intersection with the Northwesterly line of Twelfth Street extended, thence Southwesterly across Canada Street and along said Northwesterly line of Twelfth Street to the Southwesterly lot line of Lot 7, Block 4, Markley and Walker's Addition, thence Northwesterly for a distance of 25 feet along said lot line, thence Southwesterly and parallel to the Northwesterly line of Twelfth Street to the Southwesterly lot line of Lot 10, Block 4, Markley and Walker's Addition, thence Northwesterly for a distance of 16 feet more or less to the Southeasterly lot line of Lot 3, Block 2, Whitney's Addi- tion, thence along said lot line to a point of intersection with the Northeasterly line of Temperance Street, thence Southwesterly across Temperance Street to the South- easterly corner of Lot 20 of Prince & Desnoyer's Rearrangement of part of Block 3 of Joel Whitney's Addition, thence Southwesterly along the Southeasterly line of said Lot 20 and along the Southeasterly line of Lot 7 of said Prince & Desnoyer's Rearrangement, to the Northeasterly line of Jackson Street, thence Northwesterly along said North- easterly line of Jackson Street to the point of intersection with the Northwesterly line of Lot 3, Block 21, Ashton & Sherburnfs Addition, thence Northeasterly along said lot line to the Northerly corner of said Lot 3, thence Northerly along the Westerly line of Lot 14, of said Block 21, to the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 14, thence Easterly along the Northerly line of said Lot 14 to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 14, thence Northeasterly across Ashton Street to the Northwesterly corner of Lot 11, Block 22, Ashton & Sherburn's Addition, thence Northeasterly along the Northwest- erly lines of Lots 11, 10, 9 and 8 of said Block 22, to the Southerly corner of Lot 16, Block 22, Ashton & Sherburn's Addition, thence Northwesterly along the Southwesterly line and Northerly along the Westerly line of said Lot 16 to the Southerly line of Bellevue Avenue, thence Northwesterly across Bellevue Avenue in a straight line to the Southwesterly corner of Lot 15, Block 19, Ashton & Sherburn's Addition, thence Norther- ly along the Westerly line of said Lot 15 across Valley Street to the Northerly line of Valley Street, thence Westerly along the Northerly line of Valley Street to the Easterly line of Wales Street (formerly Warren Street), thence Northerly along the Easterly line of Wales Street to the Northwesterly corner of Lot 23, Block 16, Dewey, Bass & Rohrer's Addition, thence Easterly along the Northerly line of said Lot 23 and the Northerly lines of Lots 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 and 15 to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 15, thence Northerly along the Westerly line of Lot 33, Block 16, Dewey, Bass & Rohrer's Addition to the Northwesterly corner of said lot, thence Easter- ly along the Northerly line of said lot to the Northeasterly corner thereof, thence Southerly along the Easterly line of said Lot 33, for a distance of 130 feet more or less to a point, thence Easterly and parallel to the Southerly line of Lot 34, Block 16, Dewey, Bass and Rohrer's Addition to the Easterly line of said lot, thence South- erly along said lot line to a point, thence Southeasterly along the Northerly line of Lot 12, Block 16, Dewey, Bass and Rohrer's Addition to the Westerly line of Lot 11, Block 16, Ashton & Sherburn's Addition, thence Northerly along the Westerly line of said Lot 11 to the Southwesterly line of Mount Airy Street, thence Southeasterly along the Southwesterly line and Northeasterly along the Southeasterly line of Mount Airy Street to the Southwesterly line of Broadway Street, thence Southeasterly along said Southwesterly line of Broadway Street 170 feet more or less to the intersection of the Southwesterly line of Broadway Street with the Northwesterly line of Lot 10, Block 18, Ashton & Sherburn's Addition extended, thence Northeasterly along said Lot line ex- tended and along said lot line to the Northerly corner of said Lot 10, thence South- easterly along the Northeasterly lines of said Lot 10 and Lots 11 and 12 of said Block 18 to the Easterly corner of said Lot 12, thence Easterly along the Northerly line of Lot 14 of said Block 18 and along said line extended to the Easterly line of L'Orient Street, thence Northerly along said Easterly line of L'Orient Street to the Northwest] erly corner of Block 1, Dayton's Addition, thence Easterly along the Northerly line of said Block 1, Dayton's Addition to the Westerly line of Mississippi Street thence Southerly along the Westerly line of Mississippi Street to the point of beginning, all in accordance with the recorded plats of said Dayton's Addition, L. C. Dayton's Enlargement, Vandenburgh's Addition to Hoyt's Addition to Saint Paul, Prince & Des - noyer's Rearrangement of Joel Whitney's Addition, Ashton & Sherburn's Addition, and Dewey, Bass & Rohrer's Addition, on file and of record in the office of the Register, of Deeds inland for Ramsey County, Minnesota. i B: PLANNING PROPOSALS 1. General This Plan provides for- the redevelopment of the Project Area in accordance with the provisions of the Minnesota Municipal Hous- ing and Redevelopment Act as amended. It includes the acquisi- tion of all property within the area, site clearance, vacation and abandonment of some public rights -of -way, the dedication and widening of other public rights -of -way and the adjustments of street and utility easements. It further provides for the con- solidation of certain existing blocks and parts of blocks into larger areas, the replatting and rezoning of the land, and for its disposition by sale, lease, dedication or exchange under suitable safeguards, restrictions, covenants and conditions. Various parcels are designated for public and residential use. These are-more.-specifically described and delineated in the narrative below and in the maps which constitute a part of this plan. 2. Specific Planning Proposals a. Right -of -ways and Streets (1) Major Streets and Highways - Portions of three principal transportation routes will be built within the Project as indicated on Map A, "Pro- ject Area Plan" and Map B, "Street Adjustments Plan ". (a) One is the street which is indicated as entering the Project Area from the west at Jackson Street and leaving the Area to the northeast at Fourteenth Street. (b) The second major transportation facili- ty to touch the Project.is an east -west and also north -south section of the Fed- oral Interstate Highway System. (c) The third major transportation facility improvement is Jackson Street. (2) Local Streets - A number of internal street ad- justments will be made to reduce traffic conflicts within the area and with bordering streets while at the same time providing adequate access to all areas within the Project requiring such access and - 5 - to the vicinity of the Project. These ad- justments are noted on Map B, "Street Ad- justments ". (3) Lighting - Existing facilities and easements for street lighting will be eliminated and new facilities and easements created to pro- vide a standard of lighting suitable for the normal use of the reuse parcels. b. Zoning Plan The zoning classifications and plan proposed for the Project are shown on Map F, "Zoning Plan ". The pro- posed zoning is in accordance with the General Plana for the Central Area and the Preliminary Land Use Plan for the City as approved by the Planning Board. c. Regulations and Controls to be Applied The purpose of these regulations and controls is to insure that the land uses will be harmonious; to pro- vide for the proper arrangements of buildings, open space and parking; to insure that the buildings are well designed and in harmony with the character of the entire project; and to prevent an adverse effect on the future development of the surrounding area. It is intended that these requirements supplement but not supplant official codes, ordinances and other legal controls of the City and State. (1) Land Use - The plan provides for the follow- ing land uses as indicated on Map A, "Project Area Plan "; Area "A ", of about 28.3 acres, shall be for alternative public, institutional or residential use, some of such uses being the following% Public Use post office school street city hall public housing project library vehicle parking facility expressway park playground hospital Institutional Use scientific educational religious public health public welfare charitable hospital eleemosynary nursing homes Residential Use multi - family row house Other uses which are similar and compatible with those listed may be per- mitted only by•approval of the Authority. These may include commercial ac- tivities of a limited nature designed primarily to serve only the land uses within the Project Boundary. Area "B ", of about 20.7 acres shall be for public use as in Area "A ". In this instance for use by the Interstate Highway System. (2) Major Building Requirements - The requirements for development of the various areas within the Project are stated in the following Table and the narrative that follows: T A B L E I MAJOR BUILDING REQUIREMENTS Areas of the "Project Feature Controlled Area Plan" Map A Area Area B a. Per cent of Net Usable Area Covered by Structures (Maximum) Row House 35% - Apartments, public or institutional uses 2 - 3 stories 35% - 4 - 6 stories 25% - 7 - 9 stories 20% - 10 plus stories 17% - b. Dwelling Units per Net Acre of Usable Area (Maximum) Row House 29 - Apartments, public or institutional use 2 - 3 stories 44 - 4 - 6 stories 63 - 7 - 9 stories 73 - 10 plus stories 87 - c. Distance between Structures and Street Right -of -ways (Minimums in feet) One 'Story 301 - Additional Stories 21 - d. Maximum Height (In feet) 1401 These requirements shall be made binding upon all purchasers of Project land, their heirs and assigns through contractual agreement, deeds, covenants and other instruments and means as the Authority shall find desirable or necessary. The requirements shall be effective for a period of 40 years from the date on which this Plan is approved by the Saint Paul City Council. In order to determine that the Building Requirements will be complied with, the Authority will require prospective developers to submit such plans, speci- fications, drawings or other information as it deems necessary or desirable prior to the sale of Project la nd. When approved, these plans may be incor- porated in contract agreements and other sales documents. After the sale of - 7 - the land, the Authority may require the developer to submit such plans, draw- ings, specifications or other information as it may find necessary in order to determine that the Building Requirements are being observed in the de- velopment of the parcels. Representatives of the Authority, the City and appropriate County, State and'Federal agencies shall be permitted to inspect the work of the developer at any reasonable time. Developers will be re- quired to obligate themselves to construct, within a reasonable period of time, the improvements which will carry out redevelopment of their proper- ties. (3) Parking Requirements - The minimum parking requirements are as followss Public Use POST OFFICE - One (1) parking space for each two (2) employees plus additional parking space to accommodate all trucks and other vehicles used in connection with the opera- tion. SCHOOL - One (1) parking space for each ten (10) seats or seating places in the main auditorium. CITY HALL - Three (3) parking spaces plus one (1) additional parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of floor area devoted to office use in excess of one thou- sand (1,000) square feet plus additional space to accommodate public use vehicles. LIBRARY - Parking space equal to fifty (50) per cent of the gross floor area of the building. HOSPITAL - One (1) parking space for each three (3) patient beds (excluding bassinets), plus one (1) space for each staff or visit- ing doctor (average), plus one (1) space for each employee including nurses. PARK OR PLAYGROUND - Parking space shall be provided with consideration given to the fol- lowing factors: The number of employees driving cars, the number of patrons or visi- tors who are likely to come by private vehi- cle, the size and frequency of use of the fac- ility, the traffic characteristics of adja- cent streets, the land use characteristics of the neighborhood, and the local and type of facilities provided within the park or play- ground. Parks and playgrounds located adja- cent to schools may utilize school parking space. Institutional Use SCIENTIFIC EDUCATIONAL RELIGIOUS PUBLIC HEALTH PUBLIC WELFARE CHARITABLE All such uses which are office type in char- acter shall have three (3) parking spaces plus one (1) additional parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of floor - 8 - • 4 " area devoted to office uses in excess of one thousand (1,000) square feet plus additional parking space to ac- commodate all trucks and other vehic- les used in connection with the oper- ation. For uses which are non - office type in character, the following specific re- quirements shall apply: SCHOOLS - One (1) parking space for each ten (10) seats or seating places in the main auditorium. CLINICS (MEDICAL OR DENTAL) - Three (3) parking spaces per each doctor plus one (1) space for each two (2) employees including nurses. CHURCHES AND OTHER AIDIENCE USES (EX- CEPT SCHOOLS) - One (1) parking space for each ten (10) seats in the main auditorium. SCIENTIFIC, RESEARCH, AND OTHER SUCH USES NOT OF AN OFFICE TYPE NATURE - One (1) parking space for each two (2) employees plus additional parking space to accommodate all trucks and other vehicles used in connection with the operation. REST HOMES, CONVALESCENT HOMES, HOMES FOR THE AGED, AND ESTABLISHMENTS OR PLACES OF ANY KIND OR CHARACTER (EX- CEPT HOSPITALS) WHERE OLD, INFIRM, SICK OR DISEASED PERSONS ARE CARED FOR - One (1) space for each four (4) employees including nurses, plus one (1) space for each resident family, plus one (1) space for each six (6) patient beds. HOSPITAL - One (1) parking space for each three (3) patient beds (exclud- ing bassinets), plus one (1) space for each staff or visiting doctor (average) plus one (1) space for each employee including nurses. Residential Use MULTI - FAMILY AND ROW HOUSE - One (1) off - street parking space for each dwelling unit. General Requirements Requirements for the provision of parking facilities with respect to two (2) or more uses of the same or different types may be satisfied by the allocation of the requisite number of spaces for each use in a common parking facility provided that the total number of spaces designated is not less than the sum of the individual requirements. In the case of mixed uses, the parking facil- ities required shall be the sum of the require- ments for the individual uses computed separ- ately. - 9 - C. RELATIONSHIP OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN TO LOCAL OBJECTIVES 1. Relationship to the General Plan This revised Redevelopment Plan conforms to the General Plan of the City of Saint Paul as to land use, community facilities and transportation and circulation. It is coordinated with the City's public improvement program and with zoning and sub- division regulations. The accepted City Plan for the Central Area of Saint Paul calls for development of the area immediately around the State Capi- tol for Capitol grounds and approach. It is to be the location of State Office Buildings appropriate to a State Governmental Center. The Eastern Redevelopment Project is situated slightly east of the existing Capitol Approach Area. Closing streets within the Project Area and development of the extension of University Avenue generally along the existing Fifteenth Street right -of -way to Fourteenth Street, the widen- ing of Jackson Street and the construction of the Interstate Highway are in accord with the transportation and circulation plan considerations for the Central Area of the City. 2. Relationship to Local Community Objectives This plan is in conformity with long standing local community objectives. It is part of a coordinated program for the re- moval of slums and blight and the renewal of the City's cen- tral area. The program for renewal of the central area in- cludes State and City land clearance for the Capitol Approach in addition to two Federally aided Title I Redevelopment Pro- jects and the Mt. Airy Homes Public Housing Project, all pro- jects of the Authority. Specifically the Plan provides for the followings a. It provides for the clearance, replanning, reconstruc- tion and modernization of a substandard area. b. It provides opportunity for the achievement of the Plan by returning cleared land to its best use. c. It permits the benefits of nearby public improvements including the Capitol Approach, the Interstate Highway and the Jackson Street improvements and the extension of University Avenue to extend over a wide area. d. It contributes to the provision of a safe economical - 10 - and adequate street system in its vicinity. e. Through Land Use and Building Requirements, it raises the standard of protection of the public health, safe- ty and welfare. f. It permits the planned use of the Project's strategic location, near the central business district and adja- cent to the State Capitol and major transportation routes. g. It is in accord with and helps to carry out the Cen- tral Area Plan and the Preliminary Land Use Plan, as prepared by the City Planning Board. D. SITE PREPARATION PLAN 1. Sewer and Water: The general location of easements for sewer and water lines, including those existing and to be abandoned or provided, are shown on Map C, "Sewer Plan" and Map D, "Water System Plan ", respectively. 2. Private Utilities: Proposed adjustments to be made in private utilities and utility easements are shown on Map E, "Private Utility Adjustments Plan ", E. OTHER PROVISIONS NECESSARY TO MEET STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Discrimination and Segregation: All conveyance and leases by the Authority shall contain a covernant running with the land and forever binding on the grantee or lessee, his successors, heirs, representatives and assigns, that no discrimination and /or segregation against any persons or groups of persons on account of race, creed, religion, national origin or an- cestry, shall be practiced or tolerated in connection with the sale, lease, sub - lease, transfer, use or occupancy of such land and /or its development, and that, in the event of any breach of such covenant, a legal or equitable action to enforce such covenant or to obtain damages for its breach may be brought by the Authority or its successor or succes- sors or any person or persons segregated and /or discrimin- ated against in violation of the covenant. 2. Relocation Resources and Plans The findings and proposals of the Relocation Plan (dated 1952), as amended, are hereby reaffirmed. The Authority accepts its responsibility under the State and Federal law for the relocation of displaced - 11 - y * 4 families. 3. Financial Plans It is required under State law that a finan- cial plan accompany the submission of a Redevelopment Plan to the governing body of •a municipality. The findings and pro- posals of the Financial Plan originally submitted in 1952, as revised from time to time and approved by the Administra- tor of the Housing and Home Finance Agency are hereby reaf =. firmed. Any future revisions of the Financial Plan will ac= company the Redevelopment Plan when submitted to City Coun- cil for approval. F. OFFICIAL AND RELATED ACTIONS REQUIRED 1. The Authority will take action, where it has not already done so, to accomplish this Plan. a. Acquire lands necessary to carry out this Redevelopment Plan inciudinq that owned by the Zion Society for Israel. b. Relocate residents of the Project in accordance with the Relocation Plan as necessary to accomplish this Plah. d. Remove aiid/or demo ' ish structures and street improvements in the Project as necessary to accomplish this Plan. d. Remove or cap existing public utility lines which are to be abandoned. e. Building new public utility lines in accordance with this Plan, as necessary to adequately serve street adjustments. f. Rebuild Fifteenth Street adequately to serve the Project Area and to conform to the City major street plans. g. Make agreements and covenants, necessary to accomplish the purposes of this Plan with land purchasers and others. h. Develop that Area which will be used as a public park. i. Sell and donate lands for use in accordance with this Plan. J. Replat the Project Area for filing. 2. City Planning Board - Review and make recommendations to City Council in respect tot a. Conformity of this revised Redevelopment Plan with the general plan for the development of the community as a whole. b. Land uses proposed in this revised Redevelopment Plan. c. Zoning changes proposed in this revised Redevelopment Plan. 3. Chief City Engineer - Review and make recommendations to City Council in respect tot a. Vacation of existing public right -of -ways as proposed in this revised Redevelopment Plan. b. Acceptance of proposed public right -of -ways and improve- ments as indicated in this revised Redevelopment Plan. - 12 - 4. Department of Public Works a. Acceptance of the vacation of existing public right - of -ways as proposed in this revised Redevelopment Plan. b. Acceptance of proposed public right -of -ways and improve- ments as indicated in this revised Redevelopment Plan. c. Purchase of right -of -way for Jackson Street widening as proposed by the Department of Public Works and indicated in this revised Redevelopment Plan. 5. Department of Parks and Playgrounds a. Review and recommendations in respect to acceptance of any neighborhood park proposed in this revised Redevelop- ment Plan. b. Acceptance of the responsibility of ownership and main- tenance of any park or playground proposed in this re- vised Redevelopment Plan. c. Acceptance of the responsibility of developing any play- ground area proposed in this revised Redevelopment Plan. d. Acceptance of the responsibility of making available to Saint Paul Public Schools enough land for the construc- tion of public elementary school facilities. 6. Saint Paul Public Schools - Acceptance of the responsibility of construction of public elementary school facilities at such time as it is feasible for said construction. 7. State of Minnesota - The State Highway Department agrees to the acquisition of land within the Project Boundary for the Inter- state Highway System. S. City Council - Acceptance and approval, after due notice and public hearings as provided by the Charter of the City of Saint Paul and the Minnesota Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act, as amended, of: i a. This revised Redevelopment Plan b. The zoning changes required by this Redevelopment Plan c. The public lands and right -of -ways and the development thereof as included in this revised Redevelopment Plan d. The feasibility of relocation plans necessitated by this revised Redevelopment Plan e. The conformance of this revised Redevelopment Plan to the general development of the community as a whole G. CHANGES IN APPROVED PLAN 1. This Plan will be administered by the Authority. Determinations as to area boundaries, public right -of -ways, utility and other easement limits, shown on Maps A through F and the Project Boun- dary Map are approximate. When exact and accurate descriptions and data are available, they may be substituted for the approx- imate data without further reference to the Authority or City - 13 - for approval. 2. The provisions of this Plan specifying the Land Uses and Building Requirements for the Project shall be in effect for a period of 40 years following the date of approval of this Plan by the Saint Paul City Council. 3. This Plan may be modified, amended, revised, altered or relaxed only as permitted by State Law. 4. In case of an inconsistency between this Narrative and the maps which constitute a part of this Plan, this Nar- rative shall govern. - 14 - m -v D I m /U D z pz jl jj i IIf11I ;u c- Il 0 m TT m N Z m D m m Ci D o .�v r -4 Z d� 0 m m z z z -+ r Z D m D_ m O D T d��d C m C z D y z O m � r = N O D � D v Z _ c� OG � o w f F O 0 0 m m ID N t0 ° °I0 x 0 0 m D H N O m 0 c a °O - _ cn Ix o � x O m m °Im o � m A T o O N G D .Q � m ° I D 2 0 c O - r m a - o - 3 � z = Z o m x N _ m o y D i 1 ^\ s� s F� y5 C yam' ". •.:•,'k ;+ti. 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C. Dayton's Enlarge- ment, thence Southwesterly along the Southeasterly line of said Lot 7 to the Southerly corner of said lot, thence Westerly a distance of 13 feet more or less to a point on the Northeasterly line of Lot 2, Block 3, Vandenburgh's Addition to Hoyt's Addition to Saint Paul, which point is 52 feet Southeasterly from the Northerly corner of said Lot 2, thence Southwesterly on a line parallel to and 52 feet Southeasterly from the North- westerly line of said Lot 2 to the Northeasterly line of Canada Street, thence North- westerly along said Northeasterly line of Canada Street 25 feet more or less to the point of intersection with the Northwesterly line of Twelfth Street extended, thence Southwesterly across Canada Street and along said Northwesterly line of Twelfth Street to the Southwesterly lot line of Lot 7, Block 4, Markley and Walker's Addition, thence Northwesterly for a distance of 25 feet along said lot line, thence Southwesterly and parallel to the Northwesterly line of Twelfth Street to the Southwesterly lot line of Lot 10, Block 4, Markley and Walker's Addition, thence Northwesterly for a distance of 16 feet more or less to the Southeasterly lot line of Lot 3, Block 2, Whitney's Addi- tion,' thence along said lot line to a point of intersection with the Northeasterly line of Temperance Street, thence Southwesterly across Temperance Street to the South- easterly corner of Lot 20 of Prince & Desnoyer's Rearrangement of part of Block 3 of Joel Whitney's Addition, thence Southwesterly along the Southeasterly line of said Lot 20 and along the Southeasterly line of Lot 7 of said Prince & Desnoyer's Rearrangement, to the Northeasterly line of- Jackson Street, thence Northwesterly along said North- easterly line of Jackson Street to the point of intersection with the Northwesterly line of Lot 3, Block 21, Ashton & Sherburn's Addition, thence Northeasterly along said lot line to the Northerly corner of said Lot 3, thence Northerly along the Westerly line of Lot 14, of said Block 21, to the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 14, thence Easterly along the Northerly line of said Lot 14 to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 14, thence Northeasterly across Ashton Street to the Northwesterly corner of Lot 11, Block 22, Ashton & Sherburn's Addition, thence Northeasterly along the Northwest- erly lines of Lots 11, 10, 9 and 8 of said Block 22, to the Southerly corner of Lot 16, Block 22, Ashton & Sherburn's Addition, thence Northwesterly along the Southwesterly line and Northerly along the Westerly line of said Lot 16 to the Southerly line of Bellevue Avenue, thence Northwesterly across Bellevue Avenue in a straight line to the Southwesterly corner of Lot 15, Block 19, Ashton & Sherburn's Addition, thence Norther- ly along the Westerly line of said Lot 15 across Valley Street to the Northerly line of Valley Street, thence Westerly along the Northerly line of Valley Street to the Easterly line of Wales Street (formerly Warren Street), thence Northerly along the Easterly line of Wales Street to the Northwesterly corner of Lot 23, Block 16, Dewey, Bass & Rohrer's Addition, thence Easterly along the Northerly line of said Lot 23 and the Northerly lines of Lots 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 and 15 to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 15, thence Northerly along the Westerly line of Lot 33, Block 16, Dewey, Bass & Rohrer's Addition to the Northwesterly corner of said lot, thence Easter- ly along the Northerly line of said lot to the Northeasterly corner thereof, thence Southerly along the Easterly line of said Lot 33, for a distance of 130 feet more or less to a point, thence Easterly and parallel to the Southerly line of Lot 34, Block 16, Dewey, Bass and Rohrer's Addition to the Easterly line of said lot, thence South- erly along said lot line to a point, thence Southeasterly along the Northerly line of Lot 12, Block 16, Dewey, Bass and Rohrer's Addition to the Westerly line of Lot 11, Block 161 Ashton & Sherburn's Addition, thence Northerly along the Westerly line of said Lot 11 to the Southwesterly line of Mount Airy Street, thence Southeasterly along the Southwesterly line aNONortheasterly along the Southeasterly line of Mount Airy Street to the Southweste'. y line of Broadway Street, thence Southeasterly along said Southwesterly line of roadway Street 170 feet more or less to the intersection of the Southwesterly line of Broadway Street with the Northwesterly line of Lot 10, Block 18, Ashton & Sherburn's Addition extended, thence Northeasterly along said Lot line ex- tended and along said lot line to the Northerly corner of said Lot 10, thence South- easterly along the Northeasterly lines of said Lot 10 and Lots 11 and 12 of said Block 18 to the Easterly corner of said Lot 12, thence Easterly along the Northerly line of Lot 14 of said Block 18 and along said line extended to the Easterly line of L'Orient Street, thence Northerly along said Easterly line of L'Orient Street to the Northwest- erly corner of Block 1, Dayton's Addition, thence Easterly along the Northerly line of said Block 1, Dayton's Addition to the Westerly line of Mississippi Street thence Southerly along the Westerly line of Mississippi Street to the point of beginning, all in accordance with the recorded plats of said Dayton's Addition, L. C. Dayton's Enlargement, Vandenburgh's Addition to Hoyt's Addition to Saint Paul, Prince & Des - noyer's Rearrangement of Joel Whitney's Addition, Ashton & Sherburn's Addition, and Dewey, Bass & Rohrer's Addition, on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. r:,