196417Council File No. 196417 —By Bernard 1, 9, 641 0 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK T. Holland — Severin A. Mortinson- Robert F. Peterson— CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. Resolved, That licenses applied for LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY by the persons named on the list attached to this_ -es ,)Jution be anct COUNCIL RESOLUTION G ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � March 24 19 60 COMMISSIONE SAT P RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. John S. Sonnen n n Jack Wysoki 1216 Selby Grocery Npp.6779NewOld Butcher 11 11 11 " Cigarette If If 11 If II Off Sale M. " 11 11 11 350 E. 6th Foods MPDW " 7087" " Robert S. Baldinger 1759 Selby 'V VM Loc. 11 7099" Red Star Yeast & Products, Inc. 2466 Franklin Foods MPDW 11 7254" 11 n 5V #1110 -1114" 11 11 New Old " Waldor& Paper Products Co. 681 LaSalle Pkg. Lot 25ct" 7349" n Canteen Co. of Minn., Inc. %George Gibis 1137 W. 7th VM Loc." 7389" " Coca Cola Bottling Co. of Minn. Inc. %John C. & John H. Weyh 229 Snelling VM Loc. App.-M.91 " Jimmy Jingle, Inc. %McGee Truck, Inc. 2535 University VM Loc. 7412" If Easy Wash, Inc. 2250 University Ldy.DC PU App.7413" New George Stein & Nathan Hoffman 682 Selby Butcher " 7429" Old Maynard L. Freier % Easy Wash, Inc. 251 S. Snelling VM Loc." 7442" n " %E & R Gontarek 513 Jackson VM Loc. " Lily C. Curran %Cody Apts. 189 W. 7th Cigarette " Mid central Petroleum, Inc. 874 White Bear 11 235 N. Snelling Daniel Paul 736 Walsh Mtr.Veh.Dr. " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Favor Rosen Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon bM 7 -59 S 7445n n 7475" New 7509" 11 7510" " 75411, VAR 241 0 Adopted by the Council 19 MAR_ 2 41960 Approved 19 Mayor