195393r Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . FORM COUNCIL N FILE PRESENTED BY ���u.4�/ DATE January 12, 1960 COMMISSIONER �—�+ RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase from HAYDEN MURPHY EQUIPMENT OOMPANY One American Hoist & Derrick Shovel Attachment and 1 , 5393 accessories, including installation on Model 375BC'Shovel Crane, City 94, at a cost of $5495.00, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge 1003 -1 Joaeph I Mitchell rity Comptroller gy puty ptroller COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland TT___..2 J...17: _ In Favor Mortinson Peterso Against Rosen ' Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2 -57 °., 2 \ Council File No. 195393 —By Adrian P. Winkel — Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized, With the cnnaenr „f +w„ hoist & Derrick S and accessories, Inc; on Model 375BC Sl No. 4, at a cost of or 'is is a patented article and no advan IFcould be gained thereby. Charge 1003 -139. Adopted by the Council January 14, 60. Approved January 14, 1960. (January 16, 1960) JAN 14 Also Adopted by the Council 195— JAN 141960 Approved 195 — Mayor Duplicate to PrIntei � ', . � 19 5 3, 9 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL Floe NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER DATE j R QLYED9 That the Purdlhasing Agent be and he is hereby autho*itedg with the consent of the Cwptrollery to purchase from HAYMN 1[WRY Zq MPMWr ODAPAXY One Mwr:Lcm Host & Derrick Shovel Attachment nand accessories,+, inaluding installation on Model 37MC Shovel Cranes City #49 at a cost of $5495.00,0 withcgt sadv*rtisement or competitive bids as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge 1003 -136. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland �&rzrteitl —� Mortinson Peterson Rosen ►�' Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2 -57 ,.2 7 In Favor C) Against Adopted by the CounciJAN 14'12160 19b— Approved JAN 14 1960 195— Mayor