08-510CouncilFile# Dg�S�d
Green Sheet # 3 oS? f. o S
1 WIIEREAS, City officials a�paring for the Republican National Convention which will be held at the
2 Xcel Center from September i through September 4�', 2008; and
4 WHEREAS, in preparing for the convention, it has been proposed to "wrap" certain skyway bridges in the
5 downtown azea with banners which is a use permitted and regulated under Leg. Code § 64.505(b)(1)(a- fl
6 and Administrative Code § 140.07(b)(1-6), provided that the skyway banners promote a public purpose as
7 determined by the City of Saint Paul and otherwise comply with the respective ordinances time, place and
8 manner regulations for skyway banner signs; and
10 WHEREAS, City officials have determined that the proposed skyway wrap signs may likely exceed the
11 size and character of skyway banner signs presently permitted by the said ordinances; and
WHEREAS, given the national significance of the convention, its historical importance to the City and the
infliix of visitors that the convention will bring into downtown, City officials, with the support of the
downtown's Capitol River District Council, believe that there is a public purpose in permitting certain
skyway bridges to be wrapped during the period of the convention with temporary banner signs which may
be of a size and character greater than that presently permitted by the said ordinances; and
WHEREAS, in recognizing the significance and importance of the convention to the City as well as
recognizing its short duration, and given that banner signs aze permitted on skyway bridges, City Officials
and the Capitol River District Council believe that enacting temporary regulations pursuant to Minn.Stat. §
462.3597 rather than amending the City's regulatory ordinances will preserve the underlying purpose of
the skyway pedestrian system and the skyway ordinances; and
WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. § 462.3597 permits the goveming body of a municipality, following a public
hearing, to temporarily grant permission for an interim use of property until a particular date provided that
the governing body of the municipality makes the following findings:
29 1.
30 2.
31 3.
33 4.
That the temparary use conforms to the zoning regulations;
That the termination date of the temporary use can be identified with certainty;
That permitting the temporary use will not impose additional costs on the public if it is necessary
for the public to take the property in the future; and
That the user of the temparary use agrees to any conditions that the governing body of the
municipality deems appropriate for permitting the use; and
WHEREAS, City officials preparing for the convention believe that the City Council can find that the
proposed skyway banner wraps can meet the fmdings required under Minn. Stat. § 462.3597 because
banner signs are already a permitted use on skyways and therefore conform with zoning regulations, that
the termination date for wrapping skyways with banner signs in this case can be identified with certainty —
from August 18, 2008 through September 15, 2008, that permitting skyways to be wrapped in banner signs
will not impose additional costs on the public because skyway bridges are already public property, and that
City officials preparing far the convention and the Capitol River District Council have prepared a set of
43 conditions that it can recommend to the City Council for unposition as a condition of granting approval of
44 an application to wrap a skyway bridge with a banner sign; now
46 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby directs City staff
47 preparing for the Republican Narional Convenrion to prepare a report that contains the necessary fmdings
48 to support permitting the City's downtown skyway bridges to be wrapped with banner signs from August
49 18 through September 15, 2008, as a temporary use under Minn. Stat. § 4623597, Subd.2 and to propose a
50 regulatory process and conditions to impose on any applications to wrap skyway bridges with banner signs;
51 and
53 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the said City staff, at its earliest convenience, shall set a public
54 hearing date before the City Council, as provided in Minn.Stat. § 4623597, Subd3, for the purpose of the
55 Council's consideration of the staff report and recommendations and to approve granting temporary use
56 permits far wrapping skyway bridges with banner signs.
Requested by D pamnent of:
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Approved by the Office of Financial Services
Appioved b City Attomey
By -�..�l.�!/�,.-. f r� ��
Approved Ma or or Subm' i o Co il
Adopted by Council: Date �� �, � �a
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
o��'U��,����;�: �,° ��Y-0�� Green Sheet NO: 3053605
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Contact Person & Phone:
Coundlmember Thune
MUSt Be on Council Aqeni
E•DocumentRequired: Y
Document Contact: Barb Benson
ConWG Phorte: 266-8620
� � ueoarunent aent�orerson mmawace
0 ,Counci7
Assign 1 ComcD � Department Director
Number 2 �,ytyperk I C�tyClerk
RoWng 3 � _ _ I r tT-et (�
Order 4
ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip Afl Location5 for Signature)
Directing City staff preparing for the Republican Narional Convention to prepare a report containing the necesary findings to support
permitting the City's downtown skyway bridges to be wrapped with banner signs from August 18 thcough September 15, 2008, and
requesting a City Council public hearing date be set for cunsiderafion of the staff report and recommendarions.
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civil Service Commission
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2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
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3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
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InRiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
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-...._ . . ��.. �J
MAY �. 3
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May 12, 2008 3:08 PM Page 1