195277PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 195277 Council File No------------------- - - - - -- pouncil File No. 195277— Whereas, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Open, widen and extend a street to be known as Leone Ave. from White Bear Ave. to the west line of Lot 5, Auditor's Sub No. 55, by taking and condemning for street purposes the south 60 ft. of the north 445.71 ft. of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Auditor's Sub No. The undersigned hereb y p ro osesthe making ofthefollowin g public im rovemen 55 . Also lso open, widen and extend Louise of Rowe & - ---x- __-� ------ __ --.,,. - .--- T=-- �-- z- I- �-- --- -- ------- r - - -��. S1vet from the west line ....._.._ .... ......... tf y ..a. -. ......d ....... ..... .... _ --:_. .. _.s _. .... X6'rr.(X i r 0penp, widen `and- extend �a _ 'Street to r be known as ;Leone Avet' fr6m ...a..._...... '. Rhi. te° Bear- 1�ve:' "�o th'i west °line °'of Lot, ° ;- Auditort_s -Sub' taking and coiidenni.ng for 'Street purposes the south 60 ft.of the- north ..- ...... 5;71 ft•; of Lots 1- arid' S ;uditor�;e dub No.S ?... .. ._..,. , .......... . ..... ................. _._- _.. ...... . .._._....._......... .._...... ........... ..._ ........ .. A.lsd open;.4iden afid, extend,''Louise• Ave°. -from the 'West] line ;of. Rowe 8e `Snudson' +Atonieibte� a'ar platted to..f,Y�e::r7Fe�t line of,'�St'S �uclitor +s i Sub :'96.55s :'by taking and. :, od inning ,the lvtatk� 30 ft, ,Lots sand S�. Fthe ; y not '30 ft. of Lots 19 and 2 ©, a17-11i" ditprts uli To'.55� :Alpo. �tiieQ�squt _ •_ 30'; fto of Lot 3;, ; except, that "part nor platted in _ ROWr `& Oud.son+ s Afton , H ®ightti,' and _the north 30 ft. of. Lot. 20; guaditor� s' Subs No.55,. except tha part platted ii1 Rowe de Snu�soiita Afton Heig itse _ A'1so' lr3 deri. and extend::l�ennar$..from Leone Avg:' 'as propJoaed to . `rTaou d :live ai- .0apropo poi, ,by J_ak ng, {&nd,jaondemh ng:afor s meet purpose'S the ,re ,t''30��ft, of Lot 5,,;�uditorla Sub 11 ,,frbm'the south liri ®'off' I,eon�e Ave., as',propoOed,to -the; north -line of Louise Ave.- as proposed, and the - east 30 ft. �- r r. _ �, s of T,ot {6; Au.tor!',s' �if S, tifrom .,the nortYi'; ].i:iie of;.S,ean�' *ye. as . proposed'�uctended, to''tii�a south''13 ' e''of ",Lbuiei6 •Av'e ash proposed. _ �' J.•L F `X.�f,�4� "� , W RYA � i�i•.'1. Lt '1' t ��;�"": �'*- t.rt•' Q' i � � „ r -, ib ' - ,Also oPin;.lr Ld ®ri 1and�e�teild' ata +� dtli' o�', 60 ft; "a street _ to ' b®' 6own, `hi �} Lyon 'St. y the: cQi t r„ pk,.,gf whial�.eis. •deporibed as foll -,? Cotnmaneing -at ;a , � Y `- '�„tl i-J�j�' r r: ,�C.?� �i r ,�..F r tl, � �i ; point on~th ®' ®s line of . of _20 and''3o ft.- _s0�ttth,''pf':,the no'rtli�;res r' aorrle y �Y > �J.y .`�. F .. T ` fZ fi}1 �.7. 1 ! 'T` 1' v4 L .� - o o .20 udi�i3 ! e .Sub' No` 553ythep..ge �jp�you`th �oiig "t�e,'�est�Iine�gf,'I,ot 2'0- L _..r - 1�► =_ 13 ti � t. t0 '.ii'i',T..s t}, `j' -' }•1, F to'a.'poJ*,AatL des , 'ft',I� nor h� of a.:pbint tot-, the,, we t6r1. yiline; df.' I;o 2Q �r .. - ..y� dr* 4 b e -• !" 1./.l. T, , i� (% --, ir7i 'Fnn1'a;Crrh'�11Tt�:�•[;:',A1 u i 131 �'A Arl1A(��: _rit14Ti- Ti}7,��1 ='irtli!!$SterTV '�. 2ie,'dOf �TUpp'er -iftor Rn. as���rj+gZaic`�' out ;'i}ri�dpYea.taisYie'd�'s1anc. a3l�tha`t,a`part" ?cif, ' <IY(,_ ,� 4 � �`t NV);1. �It( 1' -N }. • 4 • /4. 1 -�r 1 ' -s Au'ditorl's,Sub';�No:S a tom) ,t a�$;,t a proposed'east�lfne' of a id ` street and-ra' line.xhioh�is: °the ,aro lof a circ�.e having a 50 ft.red us, the cent ®r of he,1 `i:ry3:e ei nQ o}� the 'des, lot' f i Aelof„ Lot 20 and �00 ft. ry north . r..•1J v i 1,+8 i i�1 r.a Y� fit' a� •''' •1." 7 1 i i' '' S• '�J -3 •� T Zot' �8� p ii't..on the ,westerl__ -',line of `IQt „,20,,,' it-*t6 ub_No.S ;a vita i:nteri- r x-.::. �ti, 1 F:. r lf•1 _ s ®�tionithrthe}noxYieasterY�r liner <pfplpp @Afton .Roadi,`gnciw'laic3,out_ �M1h .sv h v J M r h -.. �� �.� )'i =T i}1. •1' r .k 'a.i ` an$� ®atabl3hed�la'o.- e17:tha't part o'fLot 19.uditora'.Sub'�Ido:SaoY??;� a v' r r� rte,; �; ; r 1 �. -1 07� t�C�en the�pro� Qsted; est irley;of,�said, R�x etyand a line irYiich` 3 S. tH® ara Ve:,. ui tt ►i+.4 s }ll 'i �' .r..lea i �. 1' I'Lii +�. "'i• 2J,• . 1 ✓�'�• �tFA Q o$y oero3:e Yiav3ng a�0 �t.radiu8� t1e. enter of'tli® circ�.e iieing''on the: p+,vM •fit+ ..iG, y fir, j! 1.'%i�tiJ r'.a •fit(. .I `. ^.1"!_ j wdat,,:li,ne. of Lo '20 and 400 ft; north Qi?, a. point, on , the xesterly, line of � ti lbt z2�, AuditoF `t��$ub�,No�.55,9.4 its intersection xti th the nort2ieast.erlyr ] ine' r r -f Rxiii Tio L� �x ,.tn as i k ton ad� Tas- xioir� �,�,a�r3."� o t n�. �sta�blish ®d. �7;'a^.5 .}! �...rf va. !I- :x.4.1.• M �t4.7�,►'+i1'::.,�1 i ?d .1.�JS.*.0-si i a f ,painf; on th* vazt list„' of Lot 20 end 30 ,ft, ,Couxh of tho _ _o f _tot_ 2C3 ; U_Ili ' rrt 4 ' �'�_ }�;;.»; ' tiioiicie sou cn -along the west-line of Lot 20-- to a point t4at�lieEr_400_,ft; north of a point on the westerly line of Lot`20, i Auditorts Sub; P[ot55, fit; its. intersection with \the northeasterly Iliine ,of t Upper AftonoacI]�as ow-laid out and established.`'';a- nd`,all that.part...of....... AiLot��20,�Auditor�.s Sub No-55., lying between the proped east line of said r.�� 3 7street and a line.which is the are of a cirAe having a 50 ft.radius, the , center of the circle being on tV west lot line' of =Lot 20 and 400 ft, north of a point on the westerly line {{o`f T,o't 20, Auditorts Sub No.55,at its inter- section with the northeasterly Upper Afton, Road, as now laid out and established. Also all that part of ,Lot 19, Auditorts Sub Noo55, lying ,between the proposed west line of said street and a line which is the are of a circle having_a„50_i`t.r_adius� the, center ;,of_the,-circlel�beingTon the west line, of tTlot ' 20 and l�00, ft: north -oV a-. ' o n•� - on the westerly line of r ?got 20r Auditort`s,Sub lio:. 55 ,at.it6,int.ersection•w'ith'th' northeasterly line ;.; of 'Upper -Afton Road,., as noW 'laid: out ,and. established,` _ • ,.A�-”' =' �' ti. .. •'1'_, /- 1 y i• , �6. •, -• a 1'1.- ii�rM - - - ' - • _ .l• -. .. r .