D001749C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR l roved Copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: - City Clerk (Original) BUDGET REVISION - Financiai Services - Aecounting 1 � G - Requesting Dept No: �l31� � � / / Date: p�`, y � ` Y �� ADMINISTRATIYE ORDER, Consistent with the authority graMed to the Mayor in Seetion 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Office of Citizen Service to amend the 1999 Budget of the Generzl Fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget as follows: DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED FUND , ACTIVITY AND OBJECT: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET Citizen Service City Clerk Records GL - 001 -00250-0111 Puil Time Permanent GL - 001 -00250-0439 Fringe Benefits 66,d88 (20,Q00) 46,488 3T,333 (5,OD0) 32,333 Property Code Enforcement • Gl - 001 •00256-0171 GL - 001 -00256-0439 FuII Time Permanent Fringe Bene£ts 854,555 (36,000) 818,555 267,998 (9 ,000> 258,998 GL - 001 -00256-0211 GL - 0�1 -00256-02A1 GL - 001 -00256-0295 GL - 001 -00256-0299 GL - 007 -00256-0818 GL - 001 -Q0256-0895 � Architect Fees Printing Moving Other Misc Services Office Fumiture Building improvements 0 4,400 4,4UQ 3,000 700 3,700 0 4,000 4,000 1,933 7,466 9,399 0 31,500 31,5�0 0 22,584 22,534 1,231,307 6 1,231,307 ��� r,.-. �:� �- J � - � � App ed y: Director of Financial Services Date � bb 17 ;�� Peterson 266-8435 � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET No 61700 InXIaIIDffie NItlYIDab 1 or.�u,rertowccroR c.vc�ca ❑ tIIYAlidUEY � CRYRiRK �Ril1�I1CU11.iERVICFSLVL� �RL111C1111.tFR1AAlIL'CTC Frt\ ❑YYOR(GM1I1tRSfA1Ri ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of admiuistrative order/budget revision to utilize salary savings from vacant positions to renovate work space to accommodate the Rental Regislration Program and the Code Enforcement Vacant Building section that was not completed when Code Enforcement merged with the Citizens Service Office. PL4NNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Has this persoMrm erer vrorkeA uMer a con4ac[ for this departmeM� YES NO Has this pereoNfirm ever been a dqr empbyee9 YES NO DoestFr� Pe�sonlfi�m DDasess a sidN fat namallYP� bY anY curtent citY emPbYce? YES NO I8 Nis pereonlfirm e farpded vendof! YES NO The new Rental Registration Program will be located in the Citizen Services Office, Division of Code Enforcement. Presently there is a laqk of work stations available for the new Rental Registration Prograxn and for the Code Enforcement Vacant Building section. Rooms 170 and 190 in City Hall will be renovated to accommodate new work stations for the program. Work space area for the Rental Registxation Program and the Code Enforcement Vacant Building Section will be provided. None IFAPPROVED Lack of work stations for the Rental Registration and Code Enforcement Programs. S $7�,��0.�� SOURCE Salary Savings Q(? 1 COE7/REVENUEBUDQETED(CIRCLEON� � �� 002 and 00256 NO INFORMATON (IXFlIJNJ