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4j, 4 DJ I move that ' the proposed and pending glaotrioal Await OrdLaeace, C. F. two. 196050 be amended* as to forms in thrr following pa►rtioulwas to -wits That Section 4 of the samo be &mended to read as followot " Sectien 4. During the period of this permit all of tbo rate sahaftles for the sale of olcotria energy of the Gramto® in force an tics last daffy of Doer, 19601 and on file in the office of the Co=isasioumr of Public Utilities, shell ruin in affect and continue in force instil changed an herein mad in Suction 5 provided. The Coil may, upon its own initiative, or shall, upon potiticm of the Grantee, but not more often than once each year, review the operations of the Grmtao wider this permit and after a public hearing, of which ten day's published notice shall be given, preearlt6 by ordinanoa, within sixty (60) d0ys after the filing of auch - petition, reasonable rates which the Grantea any aharge for electric caargy. "Provided, however, that the Grantee may withdraw any rate schedule which has been superseded, may revise any existing rate schedule, or eatablish other rates, providing such rates shall be re asomblo and no existing 0UJft4 atr shall be adversely affected thereby. "Such revisions, new schedules, or withdrawals Shall take etfoat sixty (60) days after written notice th*reof has boar► filed by the Grantee with the City Clerk and with Ow wOmi sti uncr of Public Utilities wileaas during much interim period the City Council shall, by have disapproved the samo . 'Within ten (10 ) days after the fliIng of such revisions, now scheduloa, or with- drawals by the Grantee, the City Clam shall give published notice of sash filing. The Council air, upon its otjr; Initiative* or upc n the petition of any custom erg review the filing and after a public hearing of which tam (10) day's published a *tioe shall bo given, r Affidavit of Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey, �Ss. Gloria Kahl M2'8. ...... .............. ............................... being sw orn, duly swo on oath says: that he now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the im et Printed ..... ". ta$a, . �.��.C; ��,4A . - . �h�.ic. 5. 0ticalf :....................... . Ole" sehedd.ufe now .......••••••••••••••••••• ••••• ........................•• Hereto attached, said newspaper in its fetter was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication Y states inn cust�ohmer will' be ed iT se four in the city of St. Paul in the County of Rare e , State of Minnesota from which it y les •d as follows: ` purports to be issued daily, at least six days of each week in column and sheet form RIC . RESIDENTIAL equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; el cu this schedule is e customers present- has been issued from its known office as above stated established in 'said said lace of ubli- + place P reunder will benefit, led ili that kl addha cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material • for pre paring and P P g able to customers hav- heating and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty -five per cent of news columns devoted rlheatin r i r utomeirs havi 9-ei't��� to local news of interest to said community t p ty Purports to serve the press work of which has been done in its known has e,ii hmers o me regular service' said office of publication; contained general news, eom- on er heating and space ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been , meet the specifications rn entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and e' WATER HEATING near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered of this schedule is ce+5eaarete�iMeterJatnd to paying subscribers; has ha and now has ea g try as second class mail matter in the a chedule Is c Isnuend- local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the The schedue le will be used office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper or hev ng p lilt- ustome iat viing, eiec. proof b one having knowledge of the facts, of its y g g qualifications as a newspaper for pub- ,tin d�egta Iftorn All EIeCir)c lieation of legal notices. stage to 4 HEAT - That the ...... TAga.l.......... NOTICE .....Said ............. hereto attached to limit was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in eandris r" of new one .. ............. Ids. as ors- , the English language, once each week, for ..... c -ate ievei is uncnan ea. $aturda CONTROLLED WA ER HEATING that it was first so published on ?........... the ....7.... SERVICE (CLOSED) + ••••••••••• day Of This schedule is changed to limit It to Installations served thereunder on November-1, 1961 and is closed to new installations Jule the Dually ........ yT ••.• .1 19.61 ,�j� 1 /,� / / / of refiring �ihe schedule eventually 1 94 7• 7• r. 7. 7. Y• `T i'7 _..__ nn r t'lr RPS- .nn +ibo ��am t T/'7" !' /y`7 /11' 7'/7'/7'/ / •/ / 7' !' /7' 1'fl' !' ! and of the above amendment f JJ J/ / //1fy� /' %/ 1 said Ordinance No. 11762 fha the o owing is a printed /copy of the ewer case alp abet rom to boL[1 me1111a1ve, e'in the office of the City i in the office of the Com- and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition of Public utilities both o + situated" In the City Hal and publication of said notice, to -wit: t House. aGNES H. O'C N City EC1e�k. a b c d e f L h i I k I m n o p g r t n♦ w x y z Subscribed and sworn to before me thisAth.day of A.c.tiO}ler ...............1 19..6.1 Notary P c, akota County, Minnesota J. N. 1- RS; Notary Public, Dakota County, Minn. My commission expires .. Wyly, commission. cxpim .4p7il. 30,9• fn . 19.... Form U5 City of St: Paul UNCONTROLLED WATER HEATING SERVICE (ol.413) AVAILABILITY Available to any residential customer having a single dwelling as distinguished from a multiple dwelling, for 240 volt service uncontrolled as to time of use, for an Approved Uncontrolled Water Heating Installation supplied in combination with Residential Service through one meter. CONSUMPTION DESIGNATED AS WATER HEATING SERVICE Uncontrolled Water Heating Serv- ice will be furnished upon written application by the customer. The consump- tion designated as water heating service to be billed hereunder shall be the consumption, not to exceed 300 kilowatt -hours in any month, which is in excess of 100 kilowatt -hours of monthly registration on the Residential Service meter. RATE 1.5¢ per kilowatt -hour. MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE None APPROVED UNCONTROLLED WATER HEATING INSTALLATION The principal specifications for an approved uncontrolled water heating installation under this rate are as follows: 1. The water heater shall be equipped with two thermostatically operated non- inductive heating elements designed for 240 volts. One element shall be near the bottom and the other not more than one - fourth the distance from the top of the tank and so connected or interlocked that they cannot operate simultaneously. 2. The water heater (both elements) shall be connected to customer's general service wiring and the energy used shall be registered on Company's Residential Service meter which also measures customer's other uses of electric service. 3. The bottom heating element and the top heating element shall each be 4500 watts or less. 4. The storage capacity of the tank shall be 40 gallons or more. 5. The water heating installation may consist of two or more tanks provided that each tank meets the specifications for a single tank and that all are located on the same premises for one customer's use. 6. A customer may not be served at the same time under Uncontrolled Water Heating Service (with or without separate meter) and Controlled Water Heating Service. 7. The installation shall not be used to supply hot water for space heating purposes. 8. The installation shall not be used to supplement any other system of providing hot water service. City of St. Paul UNCONTROLLED WATER HEATING SERVICE - SEPARATE METER (01.213 Residential) (21.213 Commercial) AVAILABILITY Available to any residential or commercial customer for 240 volt single phase service (208 volts in some commercial areas) uncontrolled as to time of use, for an Approved Uncontrolled Water Heating Installation supplied through a separate meter. RATE 1.6¢ per kilowatt -hour. MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE $1.00 APPROVED UNCONTROLLED WATER HEATING INSTALLATION - SEPARATE METER The principal specifications for an approved uncontrolled water heating installation under this rate are as follows: I. The water heater shall be equipped with two thermostatically operated non - inductive heating elements designed for 240 volts (208 volts in,some commercial areas). One element shall be near the bottom and the other not more than one - fourth the distance from the top of the tank and so connected or interlocked that they cannot operate simultaneously. 2. The water heater (both elements) shall be connected by means of a tamper- proof circuit to Company's water heating meter. 3. The bottom heating element and the top heating element shall each be 4500 watts or less. 4. The storage capacity of the tank shall be 40 gallons or more. 5. The water heating installation may consist of two or more tanks provided that each tank meets the specifications for a single tank and that all are located on the same premises for one customer's use. 6. A customer may not be served at the same time under Uncontrolled Water Heating Service (with or without separate meter) and Controlled Water Heating Service. 7. The installation shall riot be used to supply hot water for space heating purposes. 8. The installation shall not be used to supplement any other system of providing hot water service. City of St. Paul AUTOMATIC PROTECTIVE LIGHTING SERVICE (04.714) (24.714) AVAILABILITY Available to any residential, rural, commercial or industrial customer for illumination of areas of private property by means of an electric lamp in a unit supported from an existing wooden pole. RATE For units containing one F48 PG17/CW fluorescent lamp or its equivalent: $3.42 per unit per month SERVICE INCLUDED IN.RATE Company shall own, operate.and maintain the lighting unit including the fixture, lamp, ballast, photo - electric control, mounting brackets and-all necessary wiring. Company shall furnish all electric energy required for operation of the unit. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Above rate contemplates installation of the lighting unit on an existing wooden pole upon which Company's 120 volt lines are attached, in- cluding the customer's yard pole. If necessary, Company will extend its 120 volt lines on existing Company poles for not to exceed two spans pro- vided customer pays the entire cost thereof. No additional transformer capacity will be provided hereunder. 2. The unit shall be lighted and extinguished by a photo - electric control furnished by the Company. The hours of burning shall be from approximately one -half hour after sunset until one -half hour before sunrise, every night. 3. If illumination of a lamp is interrupted due to any cause except malicious mischief, and said illumination is not resumed within seventy -two hours from the time Company receives notice thereof from customer, 130th of the monthly compensation for such lamp shall be deducted for each night of non - illumination. TERM OF AGREEMENT Agreement shall be for a term of three years, and, if not then terminated by at least 30 days' prior written notice by either party, shall continue until so terminated. City of St. Paul COMMERCIAL SERVICE (22.133) AVAILABILITY Available to any commercial or industrial customer for single and three phase electric service supplied through one meter. RATE First 200 kilowatt -hours per month @ 5.3¢ per kwh Next 300 it it " @ 4.5 " Next 1 500 it IT IT T1 @ 3.5 It it Excess it it " IT @ 2.7 " it All energy in excess of 200 kilowatt - hours per month per kilowatt of demand @ 1.7 PRIMARY VOLTAGE DISCOUNT A discount of 5% will be allowed where customer takes service at available primary voltage. FUEL CLAUSE There shall be added to or deducted from the net monthly bill com- puted according to the above schedule .014¢ per kilowatt =hour on all energy billed at the rates of 2.7¢ and 1.7¢ for each whole cent by which the cost of fuel is more or less, respectively, than 26¢ per million Btu. The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the steam electric generating stations of Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) supplying energy to its interconnected transmission system serving customer and shall include purchase cost, freight, demurrage, weighing or measuring, unloading, testing, rehandling in storage, and delivery into said steam stations. MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE Secondary Voltage Single Phase Service - $1.00 for lighting, 120 volt appliances individually rated at 15 amperes or less, motors individually rated at less than one -half horsepower, and domestic type electric ranges, plus $.50 per kilovolt - ampere of all other connected load. Three Phase Service - (3 or 4 wire) - Same as for Single Phase Service but not less than $3.00. Primary Voltage - Same as for Secondary Voltage service or, at option of customer, the following: $1.35 per kilowatt of demand but not less than $33.75• (Continued on following sheet) City of St, Paul COMMERCIAL SERVICE (Continued) (22.133) DETERMINATION OF DEMAND The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15- minute load (subject to power factor adjustment) during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall it be considered less than 5 kw for secondary voltage and 25 kw for primary voltage service. For billing purposes, a fraction of a kw if less than one -half will be dropped, if one -half or more will be billed as one -half. Power Factor The customer shall at all times take and use power in such manner that the average power factor shall be as near 1000 as possible, but when the average power factor is less than 80 %, then the demand as determined above shall be adjusted by multiplying it'by 80% and dividing the product thus obtained by the average power factor expressed in percent. The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtained by dividing the kilowatt -hours used during the month by the square root of the sum of the squares of the kilowatt -hours used and the lagging reactive kilovolt - ampere -hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt-ampere- hours supplied during the period will not be considered in determining the average power factor. Where customer's demand is less than 50 kw the average power factor may at the Company's option be determined by periodic test or measurement. DETERMINATION OF CONNECTED LOAD FOR PURPOSES OF THIS SCHEDULE Motors The kilovolt- ampere connected load shall be assumed to be one kva per horsepower of name plate rating. X -ray Machines, Welders, etc. The kilovolt - ampere connected load shall be the rated maximum kva operating input to the equipment. If rated in kilowatts the power factor shall be assumed to be 80 percent. Other Equipment Not Listed Above The name plate rating shall be the basis of determining the connected load. Equipment Not Counted Lighting, 120 volt appliances individually rated at 15 amperes or less, motors individually rated at less than one -half horsepower, and domestic type electric ranges, will not be counted. Incorrect or Missing Name Plate In any case where there is reasonable doubt as to correctness of manufacturer's rating or where insufficient or no rating exists, the Company may fix the rating by test. The rated primary current of a transformer type welder shall be taken as 2/3 of the maximum final or stable short - circuit current obtainable. X -RAY MACHINES, TRANSFORMER TYPE WELDERS, ETC. X -ray, transformer type welding, and other equipment, with intermittent and rapidly fluctuating operating characteristics shall be subject to a charge, added to the above RATE (not added to the Monthly Minimum Charge), equal to 400 per month per kilovolt - ampere over 9 kilovolt- amperes of total connected load of such equipment. City of St. Paul COMMERCIAL LIGHTING SERVICE (Direct Current) (22.062) AVAILABILITY Available to any commercial or industrial customer for direct current service (limited by regulations on file with City of St. Paul), for lighting, 120 volt plug -in equipment, cooking and heating equipment totaling not more than ten kilowatts, and small motors totaling not more than five horsepower. No individual cooking and heating unit to exceed 3000 watts and no individual motor to exceed 2 horsepower. RATE First 100 kilowatt -hours per month @ 6.8¢ per kwh Next 100 if it it @ 5.8 it if Next 300 it if 11 @ 5.0 if it Next 1 500 it " It It @ 4.0 Excess it " it It @ 3.2 All energy in excess of 200 kilowatt - hours per month per kilowatt of demand @ 2.2¢ FUEL CLAUSE There shall be added to or deducted from the net monthly bill computed according to the above schedule .0140 per kilowatt -hour on all energy billed at the rates of 3.2¢ and 2.2¢ for each whole cent by which the cost of fuel is more or less, respectively, than 26¢ per million Btu. The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the steam electric generating stations of Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) supplying energy to its interconnected transmission system serving customer and shall include purchase cost, freight, demurrage, weighing or measuring, unloading, testing, rehandling in storage, and delivery into said steam stations. MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE $1.00 for lighting, 120 volt appliances individually rated at 15 amperes or less, cooking and heating connected load totaling not more than one kilowatt, and motor connected load totaling not more than one kilowatt, plus $.60 per kilowatt of total cooking and heating connected load in excess of one kilowatt, plus $.60 per kilowatt of power connected load in excess of one kilowatt. (Continued on following sheet) C City of St. Paul GENERAL POWER SERVICE (26.055) AVAILABILITY Available to any commercial or industrial customer for general power purposes. RATE First 50 hours' use per month of demand @ 5.3¢ per kilowatt -hour Next 150 11 11 11 II @ 3.0 It It Excess n It it n it n @ 1.8 n It it QUANTITY DISCOUNT First $50.00 Next 50.00 Next 50.00 Next 50.00 Next 50.00 Excess it _ of monthly bill II II 11 _ if 11 II _ It 11 11 _ is it it _ 0% discount 10% " 20% " 30% 4o% " 25% MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE - Based on kilovolt - ampere connected load which shall be not less than one kilovolt - ampere for single phase service and not less than five kilovolt - amperes for three phase service: $1.00 for the first kilovolt - ampere or less $0.50 per kilovolt- ampere for the excess kva DETERMINATION OF DEMAND a 'Connected load of 4 kw or more: The demand in kilowatts shall be the greatest 15- minute load during the month for which bill is rendered but not less than 3 kw for single phase service and not less than 4 kw for three phase service. (b) Connected load of less than 4 kw: The demand shall be considered as 85% of the connected load where the load consists of only one unit and 75% where the-load consists of more than one unit, but in no event shall it be considered less than 2 kw for single phase service and 4 kw for three phase service. (Continued on following sheet) City of St. Paul GENERAL POWER SERVICE (Continued) (26.055) DETERMINATION OF CONNECTED LOAD FOR PURPOSES OF THIS SCHEDULE Motors - The connected load shall be assumed to be :8 kw for each horse- power of name plate rating for Demand purposes and one kva for each horse- power of name plate rating for Minimum Charge purposes. X -ray Machines, Welders, etc. - The connected load shall be the rated maximum operating input to the equipment, assuming a power factor of 80 percent if not indicated on name plate. Other Equipment not listed above - The name plate rating shall be the basis of determining the connected load. Incorrect or Missing Name, Plate - In any case where there is reasonable doubt as to correctness of manufacturer's rating or where insufficient or no rating exists, the Company may fix the rating by test. The rated primary current of a transformer type welder shall be taken as 2/3 of the maximum final or stable short- circuit current obtainable. City of St. Paul GENERAL POWER SERVICE (Direct Current) (26.o61) AVAILABILITY Available to any commercial or industrial customer for direct current service (limited by regulations on file with City of St. Paul) for general power purposes. RATE First 50 hours' use per month of demand @ 5.80 per kilowatt -hour Next 150 n n n n n n @ 3,5 n n it Excess " it it of If It ^ 2.3 If 11 It QUANTITY DISCOUNT First $50.00 Next 50.00 ,Next 50.00 Next 50.00 Next 50.00 Excess of monthly bill 0% discount 10% If 20% �r 30% rr 40% r. 25% .r MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE Based on rated capacity of connected load which shall be not less than one kilowatt: $1.00 for the first kilowatt or less $0.75 per kilowatt for the excess kw DETERMINATION OF DEMAND a Connected load of 4 kw or more: The demand in kilowatts shall be the greatest 15- minute load during the month for which bill is rendered but not less than 3 kw. (b) Connected load of less than 4 kw: The demand shall be considered as 859 of the connected load where the load consists of only one unit and 75% where the load consists of more than one unit) but in no event shall,it be considered less than 2 kw. DETERMINATION OF CONNECTED LOAD FOR PURPOSES OF THIS SCHEDULE Motors - The connected load shall be assumed to be kilowatt for each horsepower of name plate rating. Other Equipment not listed above - The name plate rating shall be the basis of determining the connected load. Incorrect or Missing Name Plate - In any,case where there is reasonable doubt as to correctness of manufacturer's rating or where insufficient or no rating exists, the Company may fix the rating by test. it ri rr _ 0% discount 10% If 20% �r 30% rr 40% r. 25% .r MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE Based on rated capacity of connected load which shall be not less than one kilowatt: $1.00 for the first kilowatt or less $0.75 per kilowatt for the excess kw DETERMINATION OF DEMAND a Connected load of 4 kw or more: The demand in kilowatts shall be the greatest 15- minute load during the month for which bill is rendered but not less than 3 kw. (b) Connected load of less than 4 kw: The demand shall be considered as 859 of the connected load where the load consists of only one unit and 75% where the load consists of more than one unit) but in no event shall,it be considered less than 2 kw. DETERMINATION OF CONNECTED LOAD FOR PURPOSES OF THIS SCHEDULE Motors - The connected load shall be assumed to be kilowatt for each horsepower of name plate rating. Other Equipment not listed above - The name plate rating shall be the basis of determining the connected load. Incorrect or Missing Name Plate - In any,case where there is reasonable doubt as to correctness of manufacturer's rating or where insufficient or no rating exists, the Company may fix the rating by test. City of St. Paul COMMERCIAL HEATING AND COOKING SERVICE (23.133) AVAILABILITY Available to any commercial customer for service supplied through a separate meter and a separate circuit connected solely to cooking and heating apparatus of noninductive type. In addition to meeting the usual safety require- ments such circuit shall at all times meet the Company's specifications requiring conductors in.conduit or approved cable, Company's seal on all openings to the conductors, and permanent connection of the conductors to the apparatus to be served, except that connection through plug -in assemblies will be permitted if they are of large polarized type approved by the Company. RATE First 100 kilowatt -hours per month @ 4.5¢ per kwh Next 100 IT It 11 It @ 3.5 'I IT Excess It " " It @ 2.5 it " MORTHLY'MINIMUM CHARGE $.50 per kilowatt of connected load, but not less than 2.50. SPECIAL CONDITIONS Small motors, pilot lights, oven lights, etc., which are an integral part of a heating appliance and which operate as a unit with the appliance will be served under this schedule in combination with the heating element of such appliance. This shall not be construed to include any motors used for refrigeration, nor any motors larger than 1/4 horsepower, nor any lights used for general illumination. Unless customer uses service only for the purposes provided in this schedule the service shall be billed under other available commercial rates. City 'of St. Paul COMMERCIAL HEATING AND COOKING SERVICE (23.133) AVAILABILITY Available to any commercial customer for service supplied through a separate meter and a separate circuit connected solely to cooking and heating apparatus of noninductive type. InIaddition to meeting the usual safety require- ments such circuit shall at all times meet the Company's specifications requiring conductors in- conduit or approved cable, Company's seal on all openings to the conductors, and permanent connection of the conductors to the apparatus to be served, except that connection through plug -in assemblies will be permitted if they are of large polarized type approved by the Company. RATE First 100 kilowatt -hours per month @ 4.5¢ per kwh r- Next 100 It If If " @ 3.5 if it Excess 11 if 11 It @ 2.5 it MONTHLY'MINIMUM CHARGE $.50 per kilowatt of connected load, but not less than 2.50. SPECIAL CONDITIONS Small motors, pilot lights, oven lights, etc., which are an integral part of a heating applianceiand which operate as a unit with the appliance will be served under this schedule in combination with the heating element of such appliance. This shall not be construed to include any motors used for refrigeration, nor Iany motors larger than 1/4 horsepower, nor any lights used for general illumination. Unless customer uses service only for the purposes provided in this schedule the service shall be billed under other available commercial rates.' l ,{ Affida'v'it of Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey, }ss. al� ,(Mrs.) Moore sworn, on oath .......... Kathy..... being duly says: that he now fs; and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated ' I That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed „Leg.al.Notiee.,- „''Notice „of hereby .given'! ..................... PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That pursuant to the applicable Provisions of City of Saint Paul Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, grantln a permit therefor and regulating electric public utility service within the City of Saint Paul, Northern States Power Com- pany, the public utility electric Fenergy supplier concerned, on the wgbh day of D-ecember, 1962, filed ith "}� City C rk and with the Commitioner of ,Public Utilities, severaIaof its electric energy ser, Ice rate schedules which, as ,Particul rly appears therefrom, design to effect revisions of eral af•Its current electric sery rate soiedules and which, among. �ther things, are mainly calculated u reduce certain current commer- cial and industrial rates of said Cov many for its s lyingy of elec- ric onerpy a •' public� utility e Idslydaa ,did now” aio take effect sixty dA bBer, }tuber 28, 1962 the I wh written notice thereof W filed t er with said rate sctttt��� Ies withmfss�City Clerk licd UtfilAens uonlefs during f such shall have iiinterim geri 9bncll of said t Ct��s ', id s Y962 ss.f City CI an YYie 4office of_ said Corn toner Public U1111- @ ties In the Court House and City. Hall Building, at Saint Paul, Min - ti, nesota, sublect ai•all times to pub• g lic examination. AGNES `H. O'CONNELL, a City Clerk (Sat. Disp., Jan. 5, 1963) .....................'...... ............................... Hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued daily, at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from' its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty -five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its' said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County lAuditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the �I gal........... NOTICE .... S�ia ............. hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, I once each week, for ............1. AU .......... /d /o4sif66 X e/k/-/ I that it was first so published on ........... Y'aay�• . the ........ .............. day of ......... ... 7..... ., 19.63, /abd/Jtfie�daft�i� 6>! . ........................bf /Uh /d�e'elE TN (nW�d1Nd�Xhb� ....................... Ifliy/ 6f/ ....................... I9.. and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a b c d e f It h 1 t k l m n o p a r t u w z r z Subscribed and sworn to before me this.!P�h.day of ......... Janua.V......... 1963. i Notary Public a to County, Minnesota J. N. MEYE RS, My commission expires Vat2ry..1?ablici •Dakota' -C6bhty; - Vfirla; 19.... 1VIy commission expires April 30, 1965. F= 115 EM STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey, �ss. 9 , IC of as UF/i !0 on Uecemoer co, — shfll r 'on file In the office sa d CI Y lerk and In the office said Commissioner of Public Uti ties In the Court House and Ct Hail Building, at Saint Paul, MI nesota, sublect at all times to pu Iic examination. AGNES H. 0 itONC1e KL, (Sat. Disp., Jan. 5, 1963) Affidavit of Publication 4 r. ............................. #being duly sworn, oni oath says: that he now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed .+ "IdQt3ca • of he2'®b�r given!' . • • • • • , • • ........................... ............................... , Hereto attached said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of 'publication in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued daily, at least six days of each week in column and, sheet, form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary maierial for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty -five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of 41 which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news,, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail mattes in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, • proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper fo r73 pub- lication of legal notices 'That the ..... NOTICE .....,Said ............. hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed, and published thereia in the English language„ once each week, for ........... .......... /tdo� a/iqefgl that it was first so published on ..... 44MANOXY ...... the ........ 5t.. ...... day of ... AAmA$?.'S! ........1, 19. 01 4Yd/hlfefehftdr/d a/ ........................... df/daI fde /l/ .............. . ......... day�df� .............:.........; li9tl.'-.;'and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a b c d e f s h 1 3 k I m n o p g r t a w z y: Subscribed and sworn to before me this. Q. day of .......... 31111819 ......., 19.6) otary Public, o County, Minnesota My commission expires . Nola r N' ME : My c County; Wag. Fora 115 commission expires April 30, i96S, if Affidavit of Publication -TATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey, �ss. . ............................... being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior to the 'publication therein , of the printed ....dal • Publication , Pt.b19 g Rot �� that it was first so published on ... KQna$y........... the .. 31at+ ............... day of Jul .................. 19.67; /l. and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a b c d e f r h t j It I m m n�/ o� pp q r s t/ / /�/ uJ • w x y z zo Subscribed and sworn to before me thislbtr.day of .......JU17 ...............1 19 .6a, Not lic, Dakota County, Minnesota J. N. MEYERS, Notary Public, Dakota County,, .Mipq.• 19. . My commission expires • •MT•coiniaisiwu•eipirea April 30, 1955u Form Us- .• ......................... ............................... Hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued daily, at least six days of each week in column and sheet form 17BLTC_W0Tic equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; e Public Notice is hereby ven that �rdinance has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi- pursuant to provisions of No. 11762, approved J ne 21, 1960 regulating electric uttliiv service.(n cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and I the s P of saint Paul, Northern States Power Company has flied n tines the same has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted printing ; P tY P revision' of the following electric to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which rate schedule .• � Residential Service . Ali Electric Residential gervice' I has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- P Controlled Water Heating Service. water Heating Serv- . ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, y publication; y; P ' y, an other nblieation has not been uncontrolled "Uneontrollad water Heating serf- '. entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and ice- separala Meter. Protective Lighting near its said lace of publication to the extent of at least 240 • copies regularly delivered P P P y Automatic Service. erclal Service. to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the Commercial Heating ana cooking ,{ local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the Service. Commercial L ighting service (Di- office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper rect Curren t). General Power service.. proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub - Generai Power Service (DIcect Current) of these revisions Is y . Cu e to 7he lication of legal notices. delete from the above rate sched- ules, the Prompt Paymnt Provision which reads as follows: ` "A charpa of s% will be added lo net bill, computed at the rate T,,� q L9944:ar............ hereto schedule shown above, whit , That the .... NOTICE ...... %94M ........... attached • charge shall constitute a •di - 'count from rose bill for pay- ._ ment within a discount PSrlod." Y was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in copies -the, above amen ments relating ro OrdRinance No. 11762 are =$9 the City.,, ����� rr file m In orrice 0 the office of the tom- � the En 9h lan 8 ............. English language, once each week, for ........ that it was first so published on ... KQna$y........... the .. 31at+ ............... day of Jul .................. 19.67; /l. and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a b c d e f r h t j It I m m n�/ o� pp q r s t/ / /�/ uJ • w x y z zo Subscribed and sworn to before me thislbtr.day of .......JU17 ...............1 19 .6a, Not lic, Dakota County, Minnesota J. N. MEYERS, Notary Public, Dakota County,, .Mipq.• 19. . My commission expires • •MT•coiniaisiwu•eipirea April 30, 1955u Form Us- 0 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE Iii HEREBY GIVEN a That, pursuant to the applicable provisions of City of Saint Paul Ordinance fro. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, granting a permit therefor and regulating electric public utility service within the City of Saint Paul, Northern States Power Company, the public utility electric energy supplier concerned, on the 27th day of November, 1963, filed with the City Clerk and with the Commissioner of Public Utilities of said City, certain amendments to said Company's General Rules and Regulations for Electric Service theretofore and now on file with said City Clerk and with said Commissioner; particularly affecting said Company's Electric Rule 9 and the Rules for Application of Residential Service Rates, as shown by said amendments, none of which adversely affects or is calculated to adversely affect any customer of said Company; that said amendments and said General Rules and Regulations for Electric Service shall remain on file in'the office of said City Clerk and in the office of said Commissioner of Public Utilities in the Court House and City Hall Building at Saint Paul, Minnesota, subject at all times to public examination. The Council of said City mayo upon its own initiative, or upon petition by any customer of said Company, review such rules and regulations and any amendment thereto, and after a public hearing upon which ten drys' published notice shall bo given, enact a resolution revising such rules and regulations ! and amendments thereto which it shall deem unreasonable. �I Agnes H. O'Connell, City Clerk 1 t It M v PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That, pursuant to the applicable provisions of City of Saint Paul Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, granting a permit therefor and regulating electric public utility service within the City of Saint Paul, Northern States Power Company, the public utility electric energy supplier concerned, on the 27th day of November, 19639 filed with the City Clerk and with the Commissioner of Public Utilities of said City, certain amendments to said Company's General Rules and Regulations for Electric Service theretofore and now on file with said City Clerk and with said Commissioner, particularly affecting said Company's Electric Rule 9 and the Rules for Application of Residential Service Rates, as shown by said amendments, none of which adversely affects or is calculated to adversely affect any customer of said Company; that said amendments and said General Rules and Regulations for Electric Service shall remain on file in'the office of said City Clerk and in the office of said Commissioner of Public Utilities in the Court House and City Hall Building at Saint Paul, Minnesota, subject at all times to public examination. The Council of said City may, upon its own initiative, or upon petition by any customer of said Company, review such rules and regulations and any amendment thereto, and after a public hearing upon which ten days' published notice shall be given, enact a resolution revising such rules and regulations and amendments thereto which it shall deem unreasonable. (December 7, 1963) N" Agnes H. O'Connell, City Clerk--City of Saint Paul �r STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey, � Affidavit of Publication Dawn. M,. NPYA 9 ............................ being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ............ ............. I,e�al MO f!� C8 ....... ............................... . ... ... ........................... ............................... Hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued daily, at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has bad in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the ...... le"g93-........... NOTICE ..... sald ............. hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in one the English language, once each week, for .......... mmmomomem that it was first so published on ....�'rl? Sds Y ....... the .....5th ............. day of December......., 1 ., .........................� ........................ dAM ......................... Mr..; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a b c d e f g h f j k l in n o p g r s t uu v w z y z Subscribed and sworn to before me this.. 5th. day of ... ............. 19.13. .................. Notary Public, Dakota County, Minnesota DONALD W. FRIESEN, Notary PUMC, bVs_ =h.- ?fa;� Co My commission expires ..ley Cb ission 1f;I5k6sNov ., . 1, 19f,, Form 115 sy Wit;• X96 9y.� NSP NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY C ' ST. PAUL 2 MINNESOTA August 19, 1963 OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGER The Honorable Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mrs. O'Connell: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, Northern States Power Company hereby files the attached two amended sheets to replace corresponding sheets of the General Rules and Regulations for electric service now on file. Rule 7 entitled "USE OF SERVICE" is changed by the amendments td said sheets. It is requested that the attached two amended sheets be made effective on bills based on regular meter readings , on and after June 11, 1963. .. t Yours very truly, v Jr. F. Owens, Jr. e�- Vice President and Manager n 41— rr. rn =' V i City of St. Paul GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS - ELECTRIC (Continued) Company may, however, at any time require customer to make such changes in his equipment or use thereof as may be necessary to eliminate any hazardous con- dition or any injurious effect which the operation of customer's equipment may have on Company's employees, equipment, or service. The transformers, service connections, meters, and appurtenances used in furnishing electric service to customer have a definite capacity, and therefore no material increase in load or equipment shall be made without first making arrangements with.Company for the additional electric supply. 6. ACCESS TO CUSTOMER'S PREMISES. Company representatives, when properly identified, shall have access to customer's premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of reading meters, making repairs, making inspections, removing Company's property, or for any other purpose - incident to the service. 7. USE-OF SERVICE. Electric service may be used only for the.purposes set forth in the respective rate schedules. Company is a public utility engaged primarily in the business of supplying electric service to the ultimate consumer. Electric service is furnished for the use of customer only and customer shall not resell it to other persons or permit other persons to use it, except under the following conditions: A. Electric service may be purchased by an owner or single lessee on the applicable General Service rate, All Electric General Service rate, Large General Service rate, or Large Commercial Service rate for the use of his tenants when electric service is included with the rental of space (not metered or billed as a separate charge) when such tenants are located - 1. in a group of buildings of portable construction such as trailers, or in tourist or resort cabins or in a motel, provided such buildings are located on a single piece of property not intersected by any public road, highway, street or alley; or 2. in a group of buildings owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the owner or lessee, when such buildings are located on a single parcel, or contiguous parcels, of property and the principal use or occupancy of said buildings shall be incidental to the operation of educational, hospital, correctional or eleemosynary institutions. B. Electric service may be purchased by an owner or single lessee on the applicable Residential Multiple Dwelling rate, General Service rate, All Electric General Service rate, Large General Service rate, or Large Com- mercial Service rate for the use of his tenants when electric service is included with the rental of space (not metered or billed as a separate charge) when such tenants are in a single building operated as a unit by the owner or by a single lessee. Where two.or more single buildings are served through one meter, the billing shall be computed as though each building used an equal portion of the total service metered and were independently billed. (Continued on following sheet) City of St. Paul GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS - ELECTRIC (Continued) 1. For the purposes of this paragraph, a "single building" is defined as follows: (a) A self - contained complete structure separated by space from all other structures; or (b) A structure having common walls or party walls with adjoining structures. However, each portion of a structure separated from other portions in that structure by a fire wall as defined in the National Building Code recom- mended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, and each portion of a structure separated from other portions thereof by a street, alley, high- way or any other public way (regardless of connections over or under such street, alley, highway or public way) is a single building. 2. For the purposes of this paragraph, structures or portions of a struc- ture shall not be considered a "single building" merely by reason of the existence of underground ducts or tunnels, common heating or utility facilities,'garages, passageways, common entry halls or elevators, or any other similar facilities. C. Electric service may be purchased until December 31, 1985, by an owner or lessee on the applicable Large Commercial Service rate, or under Company's standard form of contract on the Large General Service rate, for resale to his tenants in a single building provided that the owner or lessee of such building on May 1, 1960, was engaged in the resale of electric service to the tenants thereof. However, such resale shall be permitted only through such facilities and in such portions of the building which remain materially unchanged from that existing on May 1, 1960. The provisions and conditions of this paragraph C shall also apply in existing cases of arrangements where electric service is purchased jointly by several owners or lessees,through a single meter for resale to tenants and others or electric service is pur- chased by an owner or lessee through one meter for several buildings. 8. CONTINUITY OF SERVICE. The Company will use all reasonable care to provide continuous service but does not assume responsibility for a regular and uninter- rupted supply of electric service and shall not be liable for any loss, injury, or damage resulting from the use of service, or arising from or caused by the interruption or curtailment of the same. 9. CLASSIFICATION OF CUSTOMERS. Customers will be classified as follows: a. Residential Customer A residential customer is one using electric service for general household purposes in space occupied as living quarters, such as single private resi- dences, single flat or apartment units, fraternity houses, sorority houses, and rooming houses. b. Commercial Customer A commercial customer is one using electric service in the conduct of some business enterprise in space occupied and operated (Continued on following sheet) Ik March 18, _1963 SheahBiti has borrowed letter of John E. Daubney, attorney+= for St. Paul Building.Owner6`and Management Assn.,regarding. f certain'No. States Polder Co. rates and will'return it this �afternoon..r., _ Letter_ was' dated 2 -_ 18-63 ' ? = . •• k � i _ • :'may; � •. -- -..' � - • 9 ` y _ _ �x• ti .• - ^•- °[r . _ _' ^ors+ _ 1 - - _ _ • _- . `. ... - - v .. � � , . Y } . _ _ . ' -- . _ ;� -'. ...�• ,ti, `�,___ _ ' :,• a '♦• la ,•� ,` �•- r - `_ ' - y _ r+ - � j, _ • ._ ' _ air- _ I Sept. 27. 1963- Mr. Louis P. Sheahan. Director of Law:' - Dear 'Sir; Attached is a letter of J. r., on behalf of Northern States,Power Company, concerni ed rate schedules under their ordinance No. 117 Will yoU please - ise us'as whe er or not we are required to publish a noti of this ch ge in a daily newspaper of general circulation, an if we are uired to publish such a notice will you please prep it for Very truly yours._ City Clerk 14SP NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY ST. PAUL 2 MINNLrSOTA September 27, 1963 OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGER The Honorable Bernard T. Holland Commissioner of Public Utilities Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota _ r Dear Mr. Holland: Pursuant to Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, Northern States Power Company hereby files the attached rate schedules: AUTOMATIC PROTECTIVE LIGHTING SERVICE - New` This schedule is new and makes available a mercury vapor unit as well as the presently available fluorescent unit for illumination of areas of private property. The Company will own, install and maintain these units. AUTOMATIC PROTECTIVE LIGHTING SERVICE (Closed) Supersedes present "Automatic Protective Lighting Service" rate schedule. This schedule which provides for fluorescent Automatic Protective Lighting Service is being closed to new installa- tions. Units presently served will continue on this schedule for a period of three years, which is the term of the agree- ment with our customers. No existing customer will be adversely affected at the present time. ur s very truly, N J. F. Owens, Jr. Vi President and Janager IT �tOTtG HEREBY l$, GI-Mi Thatr Northern States Power r Company# as public.. utility sUppjier' Of' eleotrid, energy within , ' the. City of, Sa.ir�t' Paul,, thereunder;. and pursuant to /said City's - Ordinance No.�41762 s _.e, proved dune 2].;4'l9Ca filed with the -Cbmm�,meioner cif, Public Ut �,itiea° and. with 'the ,' "Qlt ^Clerk, of - *_... said' : City.t a Regiai.ori f , i ule, of said . Compar r' a!� (eneral' "Rules - and. RegulatioAs. "pertinent "'t© oertain types of e.leo.trics - 'service . `eupplied'by said Company, as`` uch pubila1u ilitY under said Qrdinanae, • - snd ,vailab sdhedul_es'.of} ra es.�theref'or,1 no manner designed to adversely,,affect "any - existl customer -of said Company,, as much publia utliity.fgup lier of eleatria energy under- $,aid.,Ordinanco., _ = and `, that. said Revision �f - "said:.Rule.' shall remain.. on `file ifi : said ' mxinloipal oftices• open -'to- public -�nspeation and examination, at all 'reasoriablo .t•im6t by all. persons concerned. _ That $a d,._Revision of _said ' Aule' 7 hereby - is ' incorporated . 'herein by , reference `end mach .part hereof with: the same, intent, pure ©,fie. an -affect 'a6* If. ta►id Rev a,ion.' wage fully set` Forth, heroin trerbatims vand,. that pure t to he 4 p d = . uati t a com any3ng, request ,of said Company said", Revision shill be d ®timed• effective, on,,all pertinent . bids of - gaid,; Company :b40ec -on. its . regular meter; readings on and. after_ Jung- ley -1, . 3j,,.*, sub � Oct to• the .exercisB by� said City a ; �" :Council of 'aj. ' power ar lauthority in'respeo� of the- Rate` Schedules, .. ' General `'Rulge' acid Regulations, ServiQp Contraots,and- other. ma.ttora _ .T connoted ' v ith: the operations of-said Company$ reserved` to said Council under and` by ;said ©rdinance , -No, 117.E2, That -said' Recision :of said Rule -7: was'' f' ijed 3:n each said 'riunicipal Office" August, -•19, 1',- MINES U.' ONNELL City Clerk,- City of.,Saint Pau11 l ; . ' _• ' _... s "ere .; ., n�: `= _ .r, -_ ,- • - ._ R •` �`��ti _ 'kv. _ y : LAW OFFICES OF _ r SOUTHILET, DAUBNEY & SWENSON q__,N .� _ - 1 7100 PIONEER BUILDING _ %E 1r1_ ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA- . .e rT� _ k _• "-tJ .. -- - -; _- - - ' - - • `• ` a - JOHN O. BOUTHILET - _ - >' JOHN 6 DAUBNEY - _ CARL A. SWENSON '• ,. _ r - - . _` _ - , Clio Rom �- sftfi 4uvt1% propwi_d 01vt e'xtr fraaw" t ,.Z o0t;7► ad*` to.'the Ul ': :; "i # ;w. fi 1iCi`�t �°I lntr"3dsi��#� * . t l� ,'� s� ix• >:qc #tjo ;j 4, of ih �eW Ordi alkn4e - tas�► to road P-1 _lows, = sryy�_ / -y' ft - «,E.r ,,�# -� ;`sit y��• '< d� >+Y / '►T �i frliY Wf.- '{. ilb C *r;W4F rsL' ;:.14% •'lf1 Wra Any., or 4 #x�•apt *,a• la �; ldv Wilt 146 tat, ' , ,Cffeet 3401 Y _ IAWOVO by *110 oi:f c- ► li3t 10301 t laa f iftaen ( 1-�V) days 4-0r� . WO an'leudment wwAd bnV4 two e'teyt of vejfArlat; thq 91-4rAzoil •_ And it it G zz r r council cd4ild At# the defter Oa fora pubuc 'rodid, not oath pt04 ;a t4e m would t' i• _ �7r .lf _L NSP NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY ST. PAUL 2 MINNESOTA January 31, 1961 OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGER The Honorable Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk, City of Saint Paul Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mrs. O'Connell: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, Northern States Power Company does hereby file the attached two revised schedules replacing corresponding schedules now on file. The revisions, which will not adversely affect any existing customer, are as follows: LARGE COMMERCIAL SERVICE -HIGH VOLTAGE (25. 652). This schedule is revised by removal of the words "except that in Company's low voltage network areas service is available only at secondary voltage which is not supplied hereunder" from paragraph headed "Kind of Service. " Such paragraph will then read as follows: KIND OF SERVICE: Alternating current, three phase, at 12, 400 volts or higher. Service voltage available in any given case is dependent upon voltage and capacity of existing Company lines in vicinity of customer's premises. LARGE INDUSTRIAL SERVICE (27. 723) This schedule is revised by addition of the words "and high voltage" at the end of the paragraph headed "Kind of Service. " Such paragraph will then read as follows: KIND OF SERVICE: Alternating current at the following nominal voltages: (a) For Secondary Voltage Service: - three phase at 208 volts or higher, (b) For Primary Voltage Service: - three phase at 2400 volts or higher, -2- Honorable Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell Jan. 31, 1961 (c) For High Voltage Service: - three phase at 12, 400 volts or higher. Service voltage available in any given case is dependent upon voltage and capacity of existing Company lines in vicinity of customer's premises except that in Company's low voltage AC network areas service is available only at secondary voltage and high voltage. Also pursuant to said Ordinance No. 11762 the Company hereby_ gives written notice of the withdrawal of the following rate schedule: FLOOR SURFACING (24. 500) This schedule has not been used by any customer since July 1960 , and is therefore withdrawn. A withdrawal sheet is attached for your files. Yours very truly, J F. Owens, Jr. r t and Manager City of St. Paul LARGE COMMERCIAL SERVICE HIGH VOLTAGE (25.652) AVAILABILITY Available, to Any'commercial customer for combined lighting and power purposes. KIND OF SERVICE Alternating current, three phase, at `12,x+00 volts or higher. Service voltage available in any given case is dependent upon voltage and capacity of existing Company-lines in vicinity of customer's premises. RATE Demand Charge: First 200 kilovolt - amperes or less of demand -. $275.00 per month Excess kilovolt - amperes -of demand @ M2 per kva per month Plus, an ,Energy Charge, of First 2'000 kilowatt -hours per month, @ 3.50 per kwh Next 3 QOO IT T� n n @ IT n Next 15,000 tt 0. K 0 @ -2.5 1.5 'r K Next 30 000 IT 7t it It @ 1.3 n it Next 50 000 ff Tt it n @ 1.15 '< " Next 100 000 'T " IT 'T @ 1.05 1t tt Next 300 000 IT n Tf tt @ .94 tT it Neat 500 000 n.' IT n @ .82 't Next 1 000 000 IT n it @ .76 Excess n it n n @ .70 tt K PROMPT.PAiMENT, PROVISION A charge of 5% will be added to net bill, computed at the RATE s}iown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. DETERMINATION. OF DEMAND The demand in kilovolt - amperes for billing purposes shall be determined by dividing the maxima= demand in kilowatts by the __monthly average power factor, but in 'no month shall the demand to be billed be 'considered as Tess than 50% of the greatest demand in kva billed during the preceding Eleven months nor in any event less than 200 kva. MEimum Demand - The maximum demand in kilo*atte jhall be the greatest '15- minute' load during the month' for which bill is 'r'e'ndered. Average, Pbye�r, Factor„ :. The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtaimed by dividing the 'kilowatt =hours used during the month by the square root of the sum of the'squares: of the kilowatt- �houra used and the la zing reactive kilovoltrtamperew hours supplied during the same period: Any leading kilovolt= iampere�-hours �supplled during the period will not be considered in determining the average power factor, (Continued on follovi.ng sheet ) CITY OF ST. PAUL LARGE COMMERCIAL SERVICE :HIGH VOLTAGE (Continued) ' (25.652) Mlinimum Demand to be Billed - The monthly demand charge shall not be less than provided above, whether or not energy is used. X -RAY MACHINES, TRANSFORMER TYPE WELDERS, ETC. X -ray, transformer type welding, and other equipment, with intermittent and rapidly fluctuating operating characteristics shall be subject to a service charge, added to the Demand Charge, equal to 40¢ per month per kilovolt- ampere of excess capacity provided by Company to prevent impairment of Company's service by customer's operation of such equipment. CLAUSE There shall be added to or deducted from the net monthly bill computed according to the above schedule fourteen - hundredths mill (.014¢) per kilowatt -hour for each whole cent by which the cost of fuel is more or less, respectively, than twenty -six cents (26¢) per million Btu. The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the steam electric generating stations of Northern States Power Company.(Minnesota) supplying energy to its interconnected - transmission system serving customer and shall include purchase cost, freight, demurrage, weighing or measuring, unloading, testing, rehandling in storage, and delivery into said steam stations. TERM OF AGREEMENT Service agreement shall be for a'term of one year, and, if not then terminated by at least 6 months' prior written notice by either party, shall continue until so terminated, Where service is being initiated•cr enlar�ed and requires special investment on the part of the. Company, a lon[-er term may be required. City of St. Paul- LARGE INDUSTRIAL SERVICE (27.723) AVAILABILITY Available to any industrial customer for power and incidental lighting purposes. KIND OF SERVICE Alternating Current at the following nominal voltages: a For Secondary Voltage Service: -- three phase at 208 volts or higher,_ (b) For Primary Voltage Service: -- three phase at 2+00 volts or higher, (c) For,-High Voltage Service: three phase at 12,400 volts or higher. Service voltage available in any given case is dependent upon voltage and capacity of existing Company lines in vicinity of customer's premises except that in Company's low voltage AC network areas service is available only at secondary voltage and high voltage. RATE Demand Charge for Secondary Voltage Service: First 100 kilovolt= amperes of demand @ $1.90 per-kva per month Next 100 It it it if @ 1.55 n n tt tr Excess rt it it it @ 1.27 "1 Demand Charge for Primary Volta a Service: The, Demand Charge for Secondary Voltage Service less .15 per month per kilovolt- ampere of demand. Demand Charge for Hie Voltage Service; The Demand Charge for Secondary Voltage Service less .35 per month per kilovoltwampere of demand. Plus an Energy Charge of: First 10 000 kilowatt - hours . per month @ 1.75¢ per kwh Naxt 10 000 't ?' >< '* @ '1, 50 Next, 30 000 " " tt 't @ 1.28 tt rt Next 50 000 't TM TM " @ 1.05 tt n Next 400 000 ,r n n n @ .94 n tt Next 500 000 ff n " it @ .82 n Next 1 000 000 ff tr it tr @ -76 ►r n Excess rr rt n @ .70 n tr PROMPT PAYMENT PROVISION A charge of 5% will be added to net bill; computed at the RATE shown above, 'which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. DETERMINATION OF DEMAND The demand in kilovolt- amperes for billing purposes shall be determined by dividing the maximum demand in kilowatts by the monthly average 'power factor, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than 50 %'of the greatest demand in kva billed during the preceding eleven months, nor in any event less than 50 kva. (Continued on following sheet) CITY OF ST. PAUL LARUE aDUbTit SERVICE (Continued) (27.723) Maximum Demand - The maximum demand in kilowatts shall be'the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered. Average Power Factor - The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtained by dividing the kilowatt -hours used during the month by the square root of the sum of the squares of the kilowatt -hours used and the lagging reactive kilovolt- ampere -hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt- ampere -hours supplied during the period will not be considered in determining the average power factor. Minimum Demand to be Billed - The monthly demand charge shall not be less than provided above, whether or not energy is used. X -RAY MACHINES, TRANSFORMER TYPE WELDERS, ETC. X -ray, transformer type welding, and other equipment, with intermittent and rapidly fluctuating operating characteristics shall be subject to a service charge, added to the Demand Charge, equal to 40¢ per month per kilovolt- ampere of excess capacity - provided by Company to prevent impairment of Company's service by custom- er's operation of such equipment. FUEL CLAUSE There shall be added to or deducted from the net monthly bill com- puted according to the above schedule fourteen - hundredths mill (.011¢) per kilowatt -hour for each whole cent by which the cost of fuel is more or less, respectively, than twenty -six cents (26¢) per million Btu. The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the steam electric generating stations of Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) supplying energy to its interconnected transmission system serving customer and shall include purchase cost, freight, demurrage, weighing or measuring, unloading, testing, rehandling in storage, and delivery into said steam stations. TERM OF AGREEMENT Service agreement shall be for a term of one year, and, if not then terminated by at least 6 months) prior written notice_by either party, shall continue until so terminated. Where service is being initiated or enlarged and requires special investment on the part of the Company, a longer term may be required. City of St. Paul LARGE INDUSPRIA.L SERVICE (Continued) STANDBY AND SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICE Availability Available to any large industrial customer who normally supplies part or all of his electric power requirements from another independent source of power for which the Company's service may be sub- stituted wholly or in part. Customer shall contract for capacity ade- quate to supply the entire electric requirements for which such service may be used which capacity shall equal or exceed the agreed kva demand for standby to customer's other source of power. Company shall not be obligated to supply capacity in excess of that contracted for. Rate The billing shall be in accordance with Company's Large Industrial Service rate schedule for high voltage service except that the paragraph "Determination of Billing Demand" shall be modified to read as follows: "The demand in kilovolt- amperes for billing purposes shall be determined by dividing the maximum demand in kilowatts by the monthly average power factor, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than the agreed standby demand plus 50� of the greatest excess de- mand in kva over such standby demand, billed during the preceding eleven months nor in any event less than 2500 kva." Parallel Operation Interconnection and parallel operation of Customer's inde- pendent source of power (Customer's system) and Company's service (Company's system) will be permitted by Company under the following conditions 1. The interconnection between the systems must be at 12,400 volts or higher at a point on Company's system where Customer's operations will not interfere with the quality of Company's serv- ice to any of its other customers. 2. Customer agrees to provide the necessary equipment as approved by Company to enable Customer to operate its generating equipment in parallel with Company's system. Since the power factor and the voltage at which Company's system and Customer's system are operated will vary, each party agrees to operate its system at such power factor and voltage as is conducive to best operating standards and in such manner as to absorb its,share of the reactive power. 3. Company reserves the right to disconnect service ,ill the event ,service to Customer results in trouble on Company's system such as interruptions, grounds, radio or telephone interference, surges or objectionable voltage fluctuations, where such trouble is caused by negligence of Customer if, after giving notice in writing to Customer of such trouble, Customer fails to remedy the causes thereof within a reasonable time. 4. Company's meters-will be ratcheted to measure the flow of power and energy from Company to Customer only. Reverse flow if anywill be ignored unless the amount is substantial in which event it will be a matter for negotiation and further agreement between the parties. City of 'St. Paul FLOOR SURFACING (24-500) C- A- N- C- E= L -L -E -D Note: This schedule not used by any customer since July 1960. Schedule withdrawn. 14SP NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY ST. PAUL 2 MINNESOTA January 31, 1961 OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGER The Honorable Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk City of Saint Paul Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mrs. O'Connell: Pursuant to provisions of Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, Northern States Power Company does hereby file the attached three amended sheets to replace corresponding sheets of the General Rules and Regulations for electric service now on file. Electric rule 10 and electric rule 16 are changed by the amendments to said sheets as follows: RULE 10. AVAILABILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE OF RATE SCHEDULES This rule is amended by substituting for the words "a nominal goltage of 120 /208" the words "secondary voltage or at high voltage" at the end of the second paragraph. RULE 16. BILLING The paragraph relating to fractional month billings is amended to read as follows: "Fractional month billings shall be prorated on a daily basis except that the meter reading date may be advanced or postponed not more than 5 days without adjustment for the billing period. " urs very truly, J. F. Owens, Jr. r ice President and Manager . City of St. Paul GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS (continued) for commercial purposes, such as stores, offioes, shops, hotelef apartment hgtels, multiple flats o:' apartments, wholesale hduses, warehouses, garages; and filling-stations. Se'hools, churches,• and other institutions of a simi- lar nature dill be classified as commercial customers. c. Industrial Customer An industrial customer is one using electric service for the production of commerce through manufacturing; processing, refining; mining,- and fabricat- ingor for pumping plants, railroad shops', laundries, radio transmitting stations, Newspaper and periodical printing plants,,gra3n elevators, and stockyards_. d. Miscellaneous .Customers Customers using electric service for purposes not included in the above classification's. 10. AVAILABILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE OF RATE SCHEDULES. Availability of a rate schedule with respect to the purpose for which service thereunder may be used and the class or classes of customers to which the schedule applies shall be as specified in the rate schedule. Rate schedules are applicable to alternating current%service only, except for those schedules Which_specifically'state that they'are available for direct current service. Availability-of service under a rate schedule at any particular location in a community or territory where the schedule is shown to be effective, and the kind of current, capacity, voltage, phase, and frequency which the Company holds itself out to supply, depends upon the proximity of the particular location to adequate Company facilities. The extent to which Company will extend, enlarge, or change its facilities to supply service is determined by its Extension Rule. In areas served by Company's A�C low voltage network systems, all new customers and any cus- tomers desiring to change the voltage or type of service will be supplied only al- ternating current at secondary voltage or at high voltage. A rate schedule shall become effective on electric service used subsequent to the first regular meter reading on and after its effective date. 11. CHOICE OF OPTIONAL RATES. When two or more rate schedules are available for the same class of service as indicated by the complete copy of the Company's rates open to public inspection in the Company's office, 'and the- customer is undecided as to which schedule will result in the lowest cost, the Company wi.11.assist the customer in the choice of the most favorable schedule_, the customer then to designate the sched= ule'he desires. In'those cases in which decision as to the most favorable schedule is difficiiit, of predetekmination 'the customer will, be given opportunity to change to any other schedule after a reasonable trial of "the ;schedule originally designatedf pro- vided.# 'however.* that the Comipany, may hot be required to- make a change in .schedule after the first change mare 'often than once in twelve months 'nor may the Compamv'be required to make 'any change in A fixed: berm contract except as provided therein. (Continued on following sheet) s City of St. Paul GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS (continued) 15. STANDBY, SUPPLEMENTARY, AND EMERGENCY SERVICES. Unless otherwise specifically provided; Company's rate schedules contemplate that customer will take his entire electrical requirements for equipment electrically connected to the Company's system from the Company. Company's service is not to be used for standby, breakdown, supplementary, auxiliary, or emer- gency with respect to any other source of power except when served under a rate schedule providing for these-services defined as follows: a. STANDBY (Breakdown) SERVICE shall be defined as service con- tinuously available through a permanent connection to provide capacity for use by customer in case of failure of his usual source of supply. b. SUPPLEMENTARY (Auxiliary) SERVICE shall be defined as service con- tinuously available through a permanent connection to supplement or augment customer's usual source of supply, as for example, when his requirements are in excess of his generating plant capacity or when he curtails the operation of his generating plant. c. EMERGENCY SERVICE shall be defined as service supplied through a temporary connection for customer's use when his usual source of supply has failed. 16. BILLING. Bills will normally be rendered monthly. An estimated bill will be rendered if Company is unable to obtain a reading of the meter, and adjustments, if any, will be made in the bill based on the next reading obtained. Bills are due.and payable upon presentation and may be paid at the office of the Company or its duly authorized agents during regular business hours. A "month" as used for billing purposes does not mean a calendar month, but means the interval between two consecutive periodic meter reading dates which'are as nearly as prac"tica`6U at thirty day intervals. Fractional month billings shall be prorated on a daily basis except that the meter reading date may be advanced or postponed not more than 5 days without adjustment for the billing period. The total period of service for billing purposes shall in no event be considered as less than one month. (Continued on following sheet) City of St. Paul GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS (continued) 17. COMPANY'S RIGHT TO DISCONTINUE OR CURTAIL SUPPLY. Company shall have the right to discontinue or curtail the supply of electric service for any of the following reasons: For failure to pay amounts payable when due, or to establish credit when requested; to prevent fraud or abuse; when evidence is found of diversion of electric service, or tampering with service wires, meters, or appurtenances on customer's premises; when necessary to make re- pairs, replacements, or changes in Company's equipment; when Company is pre- vented from furnishing electric service to customer because of lack of per- mits or necessary rights -of -Way privileges; when necessary to comply with any order or 'request of any governmental authority having jurisdiction; or for failure to comply with any of the other provisions of Company's rates, rules; and regulations. Any discontinuance or curtailment of supply shall not relieve customer from his obligations to Company. 18. WAIVER OF RIGHTS OR DEFAULT$. No delay by Company in enforcing any of its rights shall be deemed a waiver of such rights, nor shall a waiver by Company of one of cus'tomer's defaults be deemed a waiver of any other or sub- sequent defaults. 19. EXTENSION RULE a. General Policy The Company will, at its own expense, extend, enlarge, or change its distribution or other facilities for supplying electric service when the anticipated revenue from the sale of additional service to result therefrom is such as to justify the expenditure. When the expenditure is not so justified, the extension, enlargement, or change of facili- ties may nevertheless be made by (1) payment by customer to Company of the portion of the capital expenditure not 'justified. by the anticipated annual revenue (with or without provision for refund of all or part of such payment), or (2) a guarantee by customer to pay annually to Company a specified minimum charge or service connection charge, or (3) a combin- ation of both methods. (Continued on following sheet) INSIP 196 q NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY ST. PAUL 2 MINNESOTA October 3, 1961 OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGER TT a Honorable Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk City of Saint Paul Court .House - St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mrs. O'Connell: FILED Q6l OCT 3 An 9 42 CITY SAIN i pMJL. MINN. 6 Pursuant to Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, Northern States Power Company does hereby file the attached four revised electric rate schedules replacing corresponding schedules now on file. No existing customer will be adversely affected by these four revised rate schedules. The- revisions. are. summarized as follows: All Electric Residential Service The rate level of this schedule is reduced and all customers presently served thereunder will benefit. Also, the avail- ability of this schedule is, broadened so that in addition to being available to customers having both electric water heating and electric space heating it is made available to customers having either electric water heating or electric space heating on the regular service meter. Such water heating and space heating must meet the specifications in the schedule. Commercial Water Heating Service The title of this schedule is changed from Uncontrolled Water Heating Service - Separate Meter and the text of the schedule is changed accordingly. The rate level is unchanged. This schedule will be used mostly by commercial customers. Residential customers having electric water heating will in most cases find the new rate for All Electric Residential Service advantageous. In the exceptional case, the residential customer will take separately metered water heating under this rate where it is to his advantage to do so. Honorable. Mrs. Agnes O'Connell October 3, 1961 Uncontrolled Water Heating Service (Closed) This schedule is changed to limit it to customers taking service thereunder on November 1, 1961 and is closed to new customers and new installations with the. object of retiring the schedule as soon, as possible in favor of the All Electric Residential Service schedule. The rate level is unchanged. Controlled Water .Heating, Service (Closed) This 'schedule is changed to limit it to installations served thereunder on November 1, 1961 and is closed to new installations 'with the object of retiring the schedule eventually in favor of the All Electric Residential Service- schedule and the�,Commercial Water Heating Service schedule. The rate level is unchanged. Yours, very, truly, J.' F. Owens, Jr. ice. President and Manager City of St. Paul ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (00,052 WH &SH) (00.053 WH) (00.054 SH) AVAILABILITY Available upon written application to any residential customer in a single private residence for domestic purposes only where 120240 volt single phase electric service is used through one meter and customer has in regular use either an Approved Water Heating Installation or an Approved Space Heating Installation or both. RATE One -half of .the consumption in excess of 100 kilowatt -hours per month @ 1.05¢ per kwh Balance of the consumption: First 50 kilowatt -hours per month @ 5.0¢ per kwh Next 150 " @ 3.0 if if Next 300 It It It " @ 2.25 "" " Excess " it If IT @ 2.1 IT it MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE $2.00 RULES FOR APPLICATION OF ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE RATE 1. The specifications for an Approved Water Heating Installation under this rate are as follows: a. The water heater shall be equipped with two thermostatically operated noninductive heating elements designed for 240 volts. One element shall be near the bottom and the other not more than one- fourth the distance from the top of the tank and so connected or interlocked that they cannot operate simultaneously. b. The bottom heating element and the top heating element shall each be 4500 watts or less. c. The storage capacity of the tank shall be 40 gallons or more. (Continued on following sheet) City of St. Paul ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (Continued) (00.052 WH &SH) (00:053 WH) (00.054 SH) d. The water heating installation may consist of two or more tanks provided that each tank meets the specifications for a single tank and that all are located on the same premises for one customer's use. e. Electric water heating service will be supplied only under a single applicable rate schedule. f. The installation shall not be used to supplement any other system of providing hot water service. g. Company reserves the right to control the water heating load. 2. The specifications for an Approved Space Heating Installation under this rate are as follows: a. Electric space heating equipment (except 120 volt units less than 15 amperes) shall be designed to operate at 240 volts, shall be per- manently installed and shall be the sole source of space heating except that provided by fireplaces. b. Not more than 10 kilowatts shall be switched at one time by the heating system controls. c. Company reserves the right to control the space heating load, 3. Snow melting installations or other infrequently used loads totaling more than 10 kilowatts will not be permitted on this rate except where customer has an Approved Space Heating Installation in which case 10 kw or 50% of the space heating load, whichever is greater, will be allowed. In all other cases the Commercial Service rate or other rates are avail- able for such loads. 4. A customer occupying a building or apartment for residential and com- mercial purposes jointly, may combine his residential and commercial use on such commercial service rates as are available for the respective classes of service but not under this rate. City of St. Paul COMMERCIAL WATER HEATING SERVICE (21.213 Commercial) (01.213 Residential) AVAILABILITY Available to any commercial customer for 240 volt single phase service 208 volts in some commercial areas) uncontrolled as to time of use, for an Approved Commercial Water Heating Installation supplied through a separate meter. RATE 1.6¢ per kilowatt -hour. MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE $1.00 APPROVED COMMERCIAL WATER HEATING INSTALLATION The specifications for an approved commercial water heating installation under this rate are as follows: 1. The water heater shall be equipped with two thermostatically operated non- inductive heating elements designed for 240 volts (208 volts in some commercial areas). One element shall be near the bottom and the other not more than one - fourth the distance from the top of the tank and so connected or interlocked that they cannot operate simultaneously. 2. The water heater (both elements) shall be connected by means of a tamper- proof circuit to Company's water heating meter. 3. The bottom heating element and the top heating element shall each be 4500 watts or less. 4. The storage capacity of the tank shall be 40 gallons or more. 5. The water heating installation may consist of two or more tanks provided that each tank meets the specifications for a single tank and that all are located on the same premises for one customer's use. 6. Electric water heating service will be supplied only under a single appli, cable rate schedule. 7. The installation-shall not be used to supply hot water for space heating purposes. 8. The installation shall not be used to supplement any other system of providing hot water service. City of St. Paul UNCONTROLLED WATER HEATING SERVICE (Closed) (ol.413) AVAILABILITY Available to any residential-customer taking.service hereunder on November 1, 1961 for an Uncontrolled Water Heating Installation supplied in combination with Residential Service through one meter. No successor customer or new water heating installation made after November 1, 1961 will be served under this rate. CONSUMPTION DESIGNATED AS WATER HEATING SERVICE The consumption designated as water heating service to be billed he under shall be the consumption, not to exceed 300 kilowatt -hours in any month, which is in excess of 100 kilowatt - hours of monthly registration on the Residential Service meter. RATE 1.5¢ per kilowatt -hour. MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE None APPROVED UNCONTROLLED WATER HEATING INSTALLATION The specifications for an approved uncontrolled water heating installation under this rate are as follows: 1. The water heater shall be equipped with two thermostatically operated noninductive heating elements designed for 240 volts. One element shall be near the bottom and the other not more than one - fourth the distance from the top of the tank and so connected or interlocked that they cannot operate simultaneously,. 2. The water heater (both elements) shall be connected to customer's general service wiring and the energy used shall be registered on Company's Residen- tial Service meter which also measures customer's other uses of electric service. 3. The bottom heating element and the top heating element shall each be 4500 watts or less. 4. The storage capacity of the tank shall be 40 gallons or more. 5. The water heating installation may consist of two or more tanks provided that each tank meets the specifications for a single tank and that all are located on the same premises for one customer's use. 6. The installation shall not be used to supply hot water for space heating purposes. 7. The installation shall not be used to supplement any other system of providing hot water service. City of St. Paul CONTROLLED WATER HEATING SERVICE (Closed) (01.026 Residential) (21.026 Commercial) AVAILABILITY Available to any residential or commercial Controlled Water Heating Installation supplied through a separate meter and served here- under on November 1, 1961. No new water heating installation made after November 1, 1961 will be served under this rate. RATE Energy Charge: 1.250 per kilowatt -hour. Excess Wattage Charge: One Element Tank - If the capacity of the heating element exceeds 20 watts per gallon of tank capacity, an additional charge of 10¢'per month per whole 100 watts will be made for such excess capacity. Two Element Tank = If the capacity of the bottom element exceeds 20 watts per gallon of tank capacity or the top element exceeds 4500 watts, an additional charge of 10¢ per month per whole 100 watts will be made for the greater of such excess capacities. MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE $1.00 TIME CONTROL An electrical control device will be furnished by Company which will control the service so that no energy will be supplied during the following periods: 10:00 a.m. to Noon and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. or such other daily period or periods as the Company may elect from time to,time but not to exceed a total of five hours daily. APPROVED CONTROLLED WATER HEATING INSTALLATION The specifications for an approved controlled water heating installation under this rate are as follows: 1. The water heater shall be of the storage type, equipped with one or two thermostatically operated noninductive heating elements designed for 240 volts (208 volts in some commercial areas). 2. If the water heater is of the two - element type it shall have one element near the bottom and the other not more than one - fourth the distance from the top of the tank and so connected or interlocked that they cannot operate simultaneously. (Continued on following sheet) City of St. Paul CONTROLLED WATER HEATING SERVICE (Closed) (Continued) (01.026 Residential) (21.026 Commercial) 3. The storage capacity of any water heater installed hereunder after January 1, 1959, shall be 80 gallons or more. 4. The water heater, whether one - element or two- element, shall.be connected by means of a tamperproof 'circuit to Company's controlled service meter. 5. At customer's option the top (emergency or booster) element of a two - element water heater may be permanently connected to either Company's con- trolled service meter or to Company's Residential Service or Commercial Service meter. 6. The water heating installation may consist of two or more tanks provided that the installation meets the specifications for a single tank and that all are located on the same premises for one customer's use. 7. The installation shall not be used to supply hot water for space heat- ing purposes. t i C� f Affidavit of Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey, � ..( t) ... '1048.8a.1 • ............................... being duly sworn, on oath, says: that he now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ....2.e a1 Publication . -. Puble..Notice. • • . , , • , . , • . . .............. . ... .................. ......... Y' /5�`1�Nf����� /, `��1� �������F ����Y'9�'���>/f tr•! �•���Y• %•�i�• ������f 'and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a b c d e f s h I t k r m n o p Q r t t u w z y z Subscribed and sworn to before me this. 3.1ptr.day of .......'JU3 ................ 19 ;L Notary gub c, Dakota County, Minnesota N: t, ;El'GRS, My commission eapli ,,ly• •Fub*q- -Dakota- •County;• •.i;ziab• • • • • • 19.... My commission expires April 30, 19650 For r ........................... ............................... Hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued daily, at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and •R• ^'�pTJ13[►C'ROTI Printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty -five per cent of news columns devoted Public Notice Is her Iv th t to Provisi011S Ot Ordinance to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which pursUpnt No. 11762, approved June 2t, ts60, regulating electric utilltY servicCe In has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- the city of saint Paul, No fIled. a ComPanlr has I a ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been States Polder revision of the following electric entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and rate schedules: Residential Service. All Electric Residenti 1 service,, •� Water Heat�ng service,_ near its said lace of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered P P P Y has had, has Controlled ' Uncontrolled Water Hea ing Sery, y and now en as second class mail matter is the to a subscribers try paying , , ice. lied water Heating sere. local ostoffice of its said lace of P p publication; that there has been and is on file in the teUnncontr e st parato Protective , 'L�ghtfng office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper service f service. proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub - Commercial Commercial Heating and cooking lication of legal notices sErvice. Commercial Lighting Service (Dk' rest current). general 'Power service. cenerai Power service (Direct ' Current). The effect of these revisions Is to T Q q That the .... LQ941............ NOTICE ...... 401 ........... hereto attached delete from the above rate sched- ules, the PromPt,Paymnt Provision was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in which reads as follows: . "A charya of 5% will be added to bill, computed at the rate net c ar 6 e shown above, which charflu shall constltu e a ass• i b" for pay - the English lan 8 Once each Wee for gu g� ..... One • 447 count from ggross h ment within the discount period." Dements CoPles of•the aboyt aum relating to Ordinanct No. 11762 are re tilfl@ to the office of the City ` ; CbOth �7 i that it was first so published on .... Q .��........... the .. Y ............... day of mlissipnerd of tPublOic Ice III 1es of which are situated in the City, Hail and C'AAG '�t1om� �f / / / / /�/ // / / /// / L / / /p'�/ �(1 /EY! / /lJ.lJ.I. / / / / / / / / /!. /v12 /Cae1f ES H. O'CONNEL� !T!i!,7 ................... 19.61 /Ll[etaerttl /W EYC� Y' /5�`1�Nf����� /, `��1� �������F ����Y'9�'���>/f tr•! �•���Y• %•�i�• ������f 'and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a b c d e f s h I t k r m n o p Q r t t u w z y z Subscribed and sworn to before me this. 3.1ptr.day of .......'JU3 ................ 19 ;L Notary gub c, Dakota County, Minnesota N: t, ;El'GRS, My commission eapli ,,ly• •Fub*q- -Dakota- •County;• •.i;ziab• • • • • • 19.... My commission expires April 30, 19650 For r CITY OF SAINT PAUL HYAM SEGELL LOUIS P. SHEAHAN DONALD L. LAIS LEGAL DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR OF LAW ROBERT E. FARICY GERALD C. RUMMEL ROBERT J. SWORDS ROBERT E. CONNELL JOHN J. Mc NEIL sFECUI wsslsTANr ASSISTANTS CORPORATION COUNSEL NEIL P. CONVERY INVESTIGATOR August 7, 1961 Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mrs. O'Connell: Enclosed is the Public Notice which you asked us to approve, and we are also returning herewith the amendments to Rule 14 which were submitted by Northern States Power Company. Very my yours, Richard J. B tis Asst. Corporation Counsel RJB:bl Enclosures M PUBLIC NOTICE Public- Notice is hereby given that pursuant to provisions of Ordinance No. 11762, approved June=21, 1960, - regulating electric utility-service in the City of- Saint Paul,-Northern States'Power Company-has filed a revision of Electric - ; Rule 14, TEMPORARY, SEASONAL AND TRAILER SERVICES. t ev ns , s r e opies of the a ove Mme dmen relating to Ordinance No. 62° are on file in t office of •the •City Clerk and in, the office of the COMMissioner of Public Utilities, .'.both of which are situated in the City Hall and Court House. AGNES- H. 0' CONNELL, City Clerk'. • _ ;- . L NSP NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY ST. PAUL 2 MINNCSOTA August 1, .1961 OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGER The Honorable Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mrs. O'Connell: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, Northern States Power Company does hereby file the attached two amended she to replace corresponding sheets of the General Rules and Regulations for electric service now on file. Electric Rule 14, TEMPORARY, SEASONAL, AND TRAILER SERVICES is changed by the amendments to said sheets so as to remove references to seasonal service and the $5 charge therefore. Yours very truly, �T. F. Owens, Jr. -e President and Manager / 1 r r _ f f City of St. Paul GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) 14. TEMPORARY AND TRAILER SERVICES. The following special requirements are prescribed to govern temporary service and service to trailers in trailer parks because Company's rates, rules and regulations contemplate that, unless otherwise provided, electric service will be used at a permanent service location: II (a) Temporary Service Defined as: Electric service supplied for circuses, car- nivals, and traveling shows; extraordinary lighting for garden parties. Christmas lighting, or occasional indoor entertainments; construction purposes; trailers not in trailer parks; and all other purposes which from their nature will require service for a relatively zhort period. Such temporary nonrecurring service is to be furnished under the rate schedule applicable to the class of'service rendered and, in addition, the customer shall pay in advance, on a labor, - material, and overhead basis, the entire cost of installation and removal, minus salvage value, of construction (including the meter) required to furnish the desired service to the customer. (Continued on following sheet) City of St. Paul GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) (b) Trailer- Service Defined as: Electric service supplied for trailer parks and trailers in trailer parks furnished in one or more of the following ways': (1) For service in the name of park operator, for operating 'a trailer park (consisting of office, service buildings, yard lighting,, etc,) and, at the option of park operator, for such trailer sites`as are rented with electricity included as an incident of tenancy withotjt specificecharge therefor— such service is to be furnished under an applicable commercial rate schedule. (2) For service used for domestic purposes in the name of trailer tenant - =such service is to be furnished under the residential rate schedule. (3) For service furnished at a trailer site for domestic purposes,: in the name of park operator - -such service is to be furnished under the residential rate scheduler it being understood that in order to make this convenient method of obtaining service available to a trailer tenant, park operator will sign for electric service and pay all monthly'bills rendered therefor including minimum charges. Palk operator shall keep such bills available for tenant's, informationrand shall collect the exact amount thereof from tenant, except that in the event a tenant either moves in or out during a'billing month, park operator shall determine directly from billing chart provided by Company the amount due and collect same from tenant. When first arranging for electric service for any tenant, the park operator shall inform tenant that he may obtain service at any time directly from Company as provided under (2) above. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the Company from requiring a customers, taking such temporary or trailer service to guarantee an-adequate minimum charge and or finance such portion of the cost of service as the Company may deem necessary to justify serving such customer. (Continued on following sheet) 4,i Council NO 197198 • File - - C ITY OF ST. P,'- L OFFICE OF THE CITY C I v K COUNCIL RESOrTrION - GE_;ERAL H 01LM • • Presented By Commissioner Date RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of St. Paul that said Council hereby entirely disapproves the proposed revision of Section 7 of the General Rules and Regulations affecting the operations of Northern States Power Company, filed by said Company in the office of the City Clerk and in the office of the Commissioner of Public Utilities on April 28, 1960, pursuant to Ordinance No. 9314, as amended. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Mortinson -Peterson - -Rose Winkel Mr. President, Dillon Adopted by the Council May 18, 1960 19, Approved 19_ In Favor Against Mayor 1 STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey, }ss. LEGAL NOTICES Ile Notice Is hereby given that Int to provisions of Ordinance 1762, approved June 21, 1960, ding electric utility service In .fly of St. Paul, Northern Power Company has tiled a >n of Electric Rule 1A, TEM- RY, SEASONAL AND TRAIL - _RVICES effect of those revisions Is move reference to seasonal e and the $5.00 Added charge ,r. es of the above amendment g to Ordinance No. 11762 are e in the office of the City and, In the office of the Com- ner of Public Utilities, both ich are situated in the City nd Court House. , GN5S H O'CONNELL City Clerk Affidavit of Publication l96 9`(f Qki i ) ... 01oria . being Kahl . ............................... duly sworn, on oath, says: that he now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed .... "Legal Publication = Public Notice "' .............. . ......................... ............................... Hereto attached, said 'newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued daily, at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty -five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the .... TAF.41............ NOTICE ...... $.410............ hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published ,ttherei /n`�in the English language, once each week, for .... one.. � .. .............eSti�{�v� /JeblEsf, that it was first so published on ... Yledrl8scr....... the /. /.,.... 9'�i1............ day' of AL1�l1Eit............1 19 b�, altldildli ld hilllllIIIIIII /16Vk 1odI rfeI that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both mcllteive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a b c d e f P h t t k I m it o p g r a t u Y w x y x Subscribed and sworn to before me this t4", . day of Au St .................. 19. 6� ............ ........ ....... .............. Notary Public, unty, Minnesota E. E. REISDORF, Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn, My commission expires .M.V..Comamiuion.Espirea ,Aug. 4.1966... 19... . Form Us STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey, �ss. Affidavit of Publication (Mrs Gloria Kahl • ........ ............................... m, on oath ......... .............. being duly sworn, says: that he now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the 4 printed ...."Legal Publication - Public Notice", ........................... ............................... Hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued daily, at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty -five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the ... JA9a7 ............. NOTICE ...... SAigl............ hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, once each week, for .... QnQ. *Y ............... da-U/UU,/ that it was first so published on ... Wednasday....... the ...... 9.1%............ day of Aust ............. /9"�' /'f'� /Y`f`�f`Y` / / / / / / /// • / / / / / / / /Nl'1�PY / / / / /f• /Y' /yf �• /y /Y• / /i•�3'•/ /and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a b c d e f e h I , kJ/ 1�/ m n o p� q r r s t u ♦ w z j z �J..[. /KJ....l..J. �.. ed......... . Subscribed and sworn to before me this!At'h .day of . 460tlSt .................. 19. 61 t Notary Public, ounty, Minnesota E. E. REISDOR):, Mary Public; Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires .... My..Commiagos•FaPirea Aug: 42,• 19"119.... Farm 115 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey, } ..1.� .9. p. )..CT r �. o1.4de "4i :........................... being duly sworn, on oath, says: that he now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the- printed... ...................... ............................... ........................... ............................... Hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued daily, at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty -five per cent of news columns devoted, to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which. has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the .....z- 10931 ........... NOTICE .........$,aid......... hereto attached' was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, once each week, for ...OAB.. CI3jr ................g /9w- AIV4/1 that it was first so published on .....$AtllX'q ....... the .........6t......... day of ...rte .................. 19.61, /9'gdloA 44 a, 4!// J/ 1/,//!/ 1//!,l !ldllII//// ////////////!XVI!111 and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a b c d e f t h l j k l m n o p g r s t u• w x y z Subscribed and sworn to before me this..hh.day of ....... UPT ...............1 19. 6! Not he, Dakota County, Minnesota J. N. MEYERS;" My commission expires DT: targ • d'�blia; • ?`nktr� • iejIItj; • riv::a 19.... My commission expires April 300 1965,, 1 • Form n5 n t- - ��t - NSP NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY ST. PAUL 2 MINNESOTA July 24, 1961 OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGER The Honorable Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk Court House Saint Paul,. Minnesota Dear Mrs. OtConnell: 1969yf Pursuant to provisions of Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, Northern States Power Company does hereby file the attached eleven revised electric rate schedules replacing corresponding schedules. now ont file.. The revisions, which will not adversely affect any existing customer, consist of removal _of the Prompt Payment Provision from each of the schedules.Jor the following services: Residential Service All Electric Residential Service Controlled Water Heating Service Uncontrolled Water Heating-service f Uncontrolled Water Heating Service - Separate Meter Automatic Protective Lighting Service Commercial Service Commercial Heating and Cooking Service Commercial Lighting Service (Direct Current) General Power `Service General Power Service (Direct Current) f Very truly yours, J. F. Owens, Jr. ice President and. Manager c r O -� City of St. Paul RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (00.051 Single) (04.051 Multiple) AVAILABILITY Available to any residential customer for domestic purposes only in a single private residence. RATE First 50 kilowatt -hours per month @ 5.00 per kwh Next 150 " It it if @ 3.0 if it Excess " It it if @ 2.25 11 " MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE $1.00 MULTIPLE DWELLINGS, ROOMING HOUSES, ETCH This schedule, when modified in accordance with Company's "Rules for Application of Residential Service Rates," is also available for rooming houses, multiple dwellings, and general service in apartment buildings. City of St. Paul ALL MECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (00.056) AVAILABILITY Available upon written application for electric service for an All Electric Home. An All Electric Home is defined as a single pri- vate residence where electric service is used through one meter for lighting, refrigeration, cooking, water heating,and space heating, and where electric service is the only source of energy for the residence. RATE First 500 kilowatt -hours or less - $12.60 per month Excess kilowatt -hours per month @ 1.85¢ per kwh MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE $12.60 APPROVED SPACE HEATING INSTALLATION The principal specifications for an approved space heating installation under this rate are as follows: 1. Electric space heating equipment shall be designed to operate at 240 volts, shall be permanently installed and shall be the sole source of space heating, except that provided by fireplaces. 2. Heating in each room, or zone, shall be controlled by one or more thermostats located within the room, or zone, but not more than five kilowatts shall be controlled by one thermostat. 3. The water heating installation shall meet the requirements for an Approved Uncontrolled Water Heating Installation. City of St. Paul CONTROLLED WATER HEATING SERVICE (01.026 Residential) (21.026 Commercial) AVAILABILITY Available to any residential or commercial, customer for time con - controlled 240 volt service (208 volts in some commercial areas) for an Approved Controlled Water Heating Installation supplied through a separate meter. RATE Energy Char e 1.250 per kilowatt -hour. Excess Wattage Charge One Element Tank - If the capacity of the heating element exceeds 20 watts per gallon of tank capacity, an additional charge of 10¢ per month per whole 100 watts will be made for such excess capacity. Two Element Tank - If the capacity of the bottom element exceeds 20 watts per gallon of tank capacity or the top element exceeds 4500 watts, an additional charge of 10¢ per month per whole 100 watts will be made for the greater of such excess capacities. MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE - $1.00 TIME CONTROL - An electrical control device will be furnished by Company which will control the service so that no energy will be supplied during the following periods: 10:00 a.m. to Noon and 4 :Q0 p.m. to 7:00 P.M. or such other daily period or periods as the Company may elect from time to time but not to exceed a total.of five hours daily. APPROVED CONTROLLED WATER HEATING INSTALLATION The principal specifications for an approved controlled water heating installation under this rate are as follows: I. The water heater shall be of the storage type, equipped with one or two thermostatically operated non - inductive heating elements designed for 240 volts (208 volts in some commercial areas). 2. If the water heater is of the two - element type it shall have one element near the bottom and the other not more than one - fourth the distance from the top of the tank and so connected or interlocked that they cannot operate simultaneously. 3. The storage capacity of any water heater installed hereunder after January 1, 1959, shall be 80 gallons or more. (Continued on following sheet) City of St. Paul CONTROLLED WATER HEATING SERVICE (Continued) (01.026 Residential) (21.026 Commercial) 4. The water heater, whether one - element or two- element, shall be connected by means of a tamperproof circuit to Company's controlled service meter. 5. At customer's option the top (emergency or booster) element of a two - element water heater may be permanently connected to either Company's con- trolled service meter or to Company's Residential Service or Commercial Service meter. 6. The water heating installation may consist of two or more tanks provided that the installation meets the specifications for a single tank and that all are located on the same premises for one customer's use. 7. A customer may not be served at the same time under Controlled Water Heating Service and Uncontrolled Water Heating Service (with or without separate meter). 8. The installation shall not be used to supply hot water for space heating purposes. 1 • � • � i, ♦L ry Fl�� � i4•`-T - _ , ) `"i - .1:�� �•� },' S,S �a .. fl�. �`'� i � .t'Ae r ` 1. _ l , _ ���1•. '. t-.. t _ a , 'tv . +' 'r, �. �,j: y j �. apt, -:`,ta, . + . �II , • � . iA i b {.`. •a- a •. -.. x'•,'` •f = ti '.'.J +�.. � - •; 4 •.' ,. L �,.•: 4 .' _ � .. ! �' rpi ar •— olaa,`• _ _• .,• ` -;,� -r n. �¢ -'E �,,a` r`.•�• .. � -�• y =' r < �`+ -'- ''~ .',. •rr. ,,r -. r. .. - •s 1 �.. +_ - .- 1.�- •ti� .. _'r � � •t' :• r•,. _ ` ~• � - `xf r ^+ ��.� -Ycf �r �,- •, � ��'��,q' •'+iY�T'• -.. `.a.. I ,f '. • � 1 s • - t , ' . j(j`, -t _y�r Fy3'i a iy�� ♦r �_ t��yJ•y{ ' ,J_• •! •� - -. _, r • ` ... - •L• ;~ , S•,j • r s.• ` ,'' `•a -'i Y, - - ., -3- y r+e'�L��R /R!I.�R�����,.T7M�+IwrT���i'r L..• '•V,�r., '• 4 -• _a •+.: r, .* 't' +, �' 4 . ''; .. r . ") r F Y -t{ `+ 4 , v • jp�y�•]}, W {q� Q• 5 ,� Y ' _ �• -.. + � .., .a • •` . _ ° ♦ t •. - •. ~' - Yr .r •7t � � '�VA1$' t Y M'Ma ' - ` •S'��' tr - .. .: •.. ` - s .. t a-, r , .ra ' X •C. ` 4 - to :.� ' �' °'lire #C�'€►�i+'., , ' _ - T•�.y_ - - ';• .. .,, > _' -tT'V `' {••� -_ •; w+.,Y -j •' ,T ' , `. .• .. ( y a'- V�.` 4 _ ]. r; -' =7 -`1 • -' 3- �!�> � =fir _ 'I •5 `s �• •y'_ � ". � � s� zr .a _ . � a•'• •+.••'• .:�a � - _ � ^�� .•r -'Lr._ a � �' ` -• rf �- •r 'V'•�• w � '.lw'`t' \' •+ t` ,'t _` ' , ' • { -`v- +•r .r •.'l1 •• '.f � r '.J. *,5, .1 j . ' •- , •. - •.. �• . •r4 _ •L•v!. � a� .' r - - ,_ _, "tiv! _ ; Y S i Y' ` qr » - � � _ r . ...r , - rt ' i � F T S'Y' _ y : -� :4l• 'cL`'3, ;r.i.' ., _f•Y � 4. � .- _r'�•rr ; ` ;• - ," _ ti :�' � ` ,`! .. �: _ 'gyp - .. -. _- .. .e., '�'�, .. _, .� . ,. 4a ,.4' a - ;_i f - � r ': s:', r • � Y - • +� -Tr•' l,,• . -.- .. _ -• - _'��� HSp OFF:IC`r_ ,LCO OF CITY NORTHERN STATES POWEMLEPPANY ST. PAUL 2 MINNESOTA May ,2, 1960 OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGER 1960 MAY 2 PM 3 23 To The Honorable Mayor and The Council of the City of Saint Paul, Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: SAINT PP.-Iii, -M,W,JESGTA ( �J Northern States Power Company hereby makes application to. the City of Saint Paul for a new ten year permit, commencing on January .1, 1961, to, be embraced in a. city ordinance-authorizing the use of the streets and other public property in the City for the transmission and distribution of electricity for all purposes upon terms to- be covered by said ordinance. The' issuance of a permit as above requested is made necessary by the expiration, of the present ten year permit which will end on December 31, 1960. Your early attention, to and favorable action upon this application will be much appreciated. Respectfully submitted, Vi a President and Ma ager J. F. Owens., Jr. HSp ,uz ,Ltn OF QC I NORTHERN STATES POWER OtE40hMPANY ST. PAUL 2 MINNESOTA 0 OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGER T"o the Honorable, the City Council Saint Patil, Minnesota 1960 JUL 6 A 1 11 37 SAW., :'t`�j.. hh,,W4ES01A July 6, 1960 CITY CLERK Gentlemen' and Comr. DeCourcy: The undersigned, Northern States Power Company, does hereby accept and agree to abide'by, keep and perform all the germ's., limitations, conditions and provisions of Council File No. 1969 5, being Qrdinance-No. 11762, adopted by the Council on June 21, 1960. NOR STATES. POWER COMPANY Y � Vi e- President and anager i AND Q n,rn ssi tart Secretary APPRQyE TO ORM: o poration Counsel i ... PUBLIC_ NOTICE ' _?' • ° ' . NOTICE HEREBY. Y -IS GIVENS That. 'Northern. States` Power '- Company;'as public utility supplier of.ele.ctria•,energy within the :City of _ Sai•nt , Paul-,' thereunder arid - 'pursuant 'to said City's . Ordinance' No: 1;1762, approved June 21, 1960, filed with the. r Commissioner of 'Public Utilities. and with the City Clerk, ' of said City., :a Revision of said Company_'-s schedules-of rates _ therefor, in no' manner-- designed to adversely affect any exist- - iag customer.- of'said Company, as such.public utility supplier �.. of electric energy, 'under''. said Ordinance; - and 'that said Fie- • vision is directed • to the inclusion of new schedules of 'rates, - ' for Automatic Protective' 'Lighting , Serv.ice,. to =wits for Automataia Protective . Lighting Serv'ic_ a -New -- , and = for: ' - Automatic Protective Lighting-Service (Glosed),-.respectively; and- shall ., -remain on file,.in said municipal offices open to public ihopeotion °and examination; at all"reasbnable times by all persons - concerned,: A` .,_ %Tha.t. said `hevision. hereby is inc orporated herein" , by reference arid, - made .part: hereof'•.with the same intent, pur- 5- _ pose and effect as' ^`if said - Revislon were fully _set ' forth , - herein 'verbatim: ° AGNES• H. 04 CONNELL ' - :.. "City Clerk, C i.ty of Swint Paul' STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. County of Ramsey, 196 9yi Affidavit of Publication ..... (AP A). J'10 . Ell, . Q.49 U ....................... being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed....... 19zA -AQ t1Qe ......................... ............................... ........................... ............................... Hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued daily, at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty -five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the ...... LQ941.......... NOTICE ...... , said ........ hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, esee- each - creek, for ....one .......... aueeea ve— �ree�a; that it was first so published on .. XOP90ay ....... the . *A Ly, n49hth .. day of �Rl str............ 196.3., md— thereafter -aa ........................ tf- eit h —week te.�sd- 4neludie��lhe ........................ daT-.4 ......................... 14....; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a b c d e f f h t t k l m n o p q r s t u w: y: Subscribed and sworn to before me this.29.thday of .- &U9L1rPt ................... 19.63 ..................... Notary Public, Dakota County, Minnesota DONALD W. FRIESEN, Notary Public, Washington Co., Minn. My commission expires U 9. CO mMission.Exiires.WV- 1.19W.... 19.... Form 115 7. . � . NORTHERN OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGER I1TSlp STATES P O W E R ST. PAUL 2 MINNESOTA December 28, 1962 i The Honorable Mrs. ,Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk City of Saint Paul Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mrs. O'Connell: 4 /96 9�f Pursuant to Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, Northern States Power Company hereby files the attached rate schedules: General Service - Supersedes present "Commercial Service" rate schedule. The title of this schedule is changed from Commercial Service and the availability is modified to- more clearly express the application of the schedule. The rate le el_ for .lare�,d�c.e�,cancthe rate monthly Minimum Char e revised. Large General Service - New This rate schedule is new and is designed, to_enco_urage „use of electric service by large, commercial and industxial7custozriexs. Introduction sl�ulewill2res t hL.substantal,x,educKions to many, .,c usto,mers by transfer to this rate. Large Industrial Service (.Closed) - Supersedes present "Large Industrial Servi�,e” r�t-e G� P ule err as+ it�I�Cb: i SmmbG SYR'f..i- I p This schedule is being closed to new or successor customers because of the introduction of the -Large General'Service schedule. The rate level is unchanged. General Water Heating Service - Supersedes present "Commercial Water Heating Service' rate schedule. The title of this schedule is changed from Commercial Water Heating Service and the text of the schedule is changed accordingly. The revised wording more clearly reflects the application of the schedule. The rate ,level is unchanged. d 'l } 1 pl., Cn =CO PA, N, Y C= - 4 /96 9�f Pursuant to Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, Northern States Power Company hereby files the attached rate schedules: General Service - Supersedes present "Commercial Service" rate schedule. The title of this schedule is changed from Commercial Service and the availability is modified to- more clearly express the application of the schedule. The rate le el_ for .lare�,d�c.e�,cancthe rate monthly Minimum Char e revised. Large General Service - New This rate schedule is new and is designed, to_enco_urage „use of electric service by large, commercial and industxial7custozriexs. Introduction sl�ulewill2res t hL.substantal,x,educKions to many, .,c usto,mers by transfer to this rate. Large Industrial Service (.Closed) - Supersedes present "Large Industrial Servi�,e” r�t-e G� P ule err as+ it�I�Cb: i SmmbG SYR'f..i- I p This schedule is being closed to new or successor customers because of the introduction of the -Large General'Service schedule. The rate level is unchanged. General Water Heating Service - Supersedes present "Commercial Water Heating Service' rate schedule. The title of this schedule is changed from Commercial Water Heating Service and the text of the schedule is changed accordingly. The revised wording more clearly reflects the application of the schedule. The rate ,level is unchanged. d 'l } 1 pl., The Honorable Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell -2- General Heating and Cooking Service - Supersedes present "Commercial Heating and Cooking Service" rate schedule. The title of this schedule is changed from Commercial Heating and Cooking Service. The rate level is unchanged. r Controlled Water Heating Service (Closed) All Electric Residential Service All Electric General Service Municipal General Service These schedules are revised to reflect the title changes and the new rate stated in the previous sections and supersede presently filed schedules of the same titles. Additionally, in S-ection 77b in the �PrPrai R771PS Ana Re- gulatAo0 ns� the words "Commercial Service Rate; or" are deleted„and re�� aced, by the words "General Service atearge ne Gera.l Service Rate, or" �y� .L4'��;f1i.�IC�yWHFRVIwM�'iaX �' �ir„-^ �' y" ` rbxiC•' AJCI� ISN'MtRiyc:.i.4°eOMM'�J No existing customer will be adversely affected by the foregoing changes. Yours very truly, Vill J. F. Owens, Jr. e President and Manager .. City of St. Paul GENERAL SERVICE '(DC115 ) AVAILABILITY Available to any customer for single or service supplied through one meter. RATE First 200 kilowatt -hours per month @ 5.3¢ Next 300 It " " it @ 4.5 Next 1 500 it it @ 3.5 Excess It " " " @ 2.63 three phase electric per kwh All energy in excess of 200 kilowatt - hours per month per kilowatt of demand @ 1.7 PRIMARY VOLTAGE DISCOUNT A discount of 5% will be allowed where customer takes service at available primary voltage. FUEL CLAUSE There shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above schedule .0140 per kilowatt -hour on all energy billed at the rates of 2.63¢ and 1.7¢ for each whole cent by which the cost of fuel is more or less, respectively, than 26¢ per million Btu.; The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the steam electric generating stations of'Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) supplying energy to its interconnected transmission system serv- ing customer and shall include purchase cost, freight, demurrage, weighing or measuring, unloading, testing, rehandling in storage, and delivery into said steam stations. MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE First 10 kilowatts or less of demand - $1.00 Excess kilowatts of demand @ $.50 per kw I DETERMINATION OF DEMAND The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes under the above RATE shall be the greatest 15- minute load (subject to power factor adjust- ment) during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall it be considered less than 5 kw for secondary voltage and 25 kw for primary voltage service. The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes under the above MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE shall be the greatest 15- minute load (subject to power factor adjustment) during the 12 -month period ending with the month for which bill is rendered. For billing purposes, a fraction of a kw if less than one -half will be dropped, if one -half or more will be billed as-one-half, Power Factor The "customer shall at all times take and use power in such manner that the average power factor shall be as near 100% as possible, but when the average power factor is less than 80 %, then the demand as determined above shall be adjusted by multiplying it by 80% and dividing the product thus obtained by the average power factor expressed in per cent. (Continued on following sheet) City of St. Paul GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) (DC115) The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtaihed by dividing the kilowatt -hours used during the month by the square root of the sum of 'the squares of the kilowatt -hours used and the lagging reac- tive kilovolt - ampere -hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt - ampere -hours supplied during the period will not be considered in determining the average power factor. Where customer's demand is less than 50 kw the average power factor may at the Company's option be determined by periodic test or measurement. X -RAY MACHINES, TRANSFORMER TYPE WELDERS, ETC. X -ray, transformer type welding, and other equipment, with intermittent and rapidly fluctuating operating characteristics shall be subject to a charge, added to the above RATE (not added to the Monthly Minimum Charge), equal to 400 per month per kilovolt- ampere over 9 kilovolt - amperes of total connected load of such equipment. , The kilovolt - ampere connected load shall be the rated maximum kva operating input to the equipment. If rated in kilowatts the power factor shall be assumed to be 80 per cent. In any case where there is reasonable doubt as to correctness of manufacturer's rating or where insufficient or no rating exists, the Company may fix the rating by test. The rated primary current of a transformer type welder shall be taken as 2/3 of the maximum final or stable short- circuit current obtainable. City of St. Paul GENERAL SERVICE RIDER - ATELETIC FIELD LIGHTING AVAILABILITY Available for service for separately metered athletic field lighting. RATE The billing shall be in accordance with the applicable General Service rate schedule, except that the Monthly Minimum Charge shall be $1.00. City of St. Paul LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (GK134 ) AVAILABILITY Available to any customer for general service. KIND OF SERVICE Alternating current at the following nominal voltages: (a) For Secondary Voltage Service: two or three wire single phase and three or four wire three phase at 208 volts or higher, (b) For Primary Voltage Service: three phase at 2400 volts or higher, (c) For High Voltage Service: three phase at 121400 volts or higher. Service voltage available in any given case is dependent upon voltage and capacity of existing Company lines in vicinity of customer's premises except that in Company's low voltage AC network areas service is available only at secondary voltage and high voltage. RATE Demand Charge for Secondary Voltage Service: ' First 100 kilovolt - amperes or less of demand - $185.00 per month Next 100 kilovolt - amperes of demand @ $1.-55, per kva per month Excess It II it it @ 1. 27 n n n II Demand Charge for Primary Voltage Service: The Demand Charge for Secondary Voltage Service less .15 per month per kilovolt - ampere of demand. Demand Charge,for High Voltage Service: The Demand Charge for Secondary Voltage Service less .35 per month per kilovolt - ampere of demand. Plus an Energy Charge of: First 20 000 'kilowatt -hours Next 30 000 " it Next 50 000 it of Next 400 000 it of Next 500 000 of It Next 1 000 000 " if Excess " If per month @ 1.60¢ per kWh It, It @ 1.28 II It It II @ 1.05 If It II 11. @ II it .94 II if @ .882 II II II II @ .76 11 IT IT II @ 70 II 11 PROMPT PAYMENT PROVISION A charge of 5% will be added to net bill, computed at the RATE shown above, which charge shall.constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. FUEL CLAUSE There shall be added to or deducted from the net monthly bill computed according to the above schedule .014¢ per kilowatt -hour for each whole cent by which ,the cost of fuel is more or less, respectively, than 260 per million Btu. The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the steam electric generating stations of Northern States Power Company (Minnesota)',supplying energy to its interconnected transmission system serving customer and shall include purchase cost, freight, demurrage, weighing or measuring, unloading, testing, rehandling in storage, and delivery into said steam stations. ` (Continued on following sheet) City of St. Paul LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Contd) (GK134 ) DETERMINATION'OF DEMAND The demand in kilovolt - amperes for billing purposes shall be determined by dividing the maximum demand in kilowatts by the monthly average power factor, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than 50 % -of the greatest demand in kva billed during the preceding eleven months nor in any event less than 100 kva.' Maximum Demand The maximum demand in kilowatts shall be the greatest 15- minute load during the month for which bill is rendered. Average Power Factor The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtained by dividing the kilowatt -hours used during the month by the square root of the sum of the squares of the kilowatt -hours used and the lagging reactive kilovolt - ampere -hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt - ampere -hours supplied during the period will not be considered in, determining the average power factor. Minimum Demand to Be Billed The monthly minimum billing demand shall not be less than provided above, whether or not energy is used. X -RAY MACHINES, TRANSFORMER TYPE WELDERS, ETC. X -ray, transformer type welding, and other equipment, with .intermittent and rapidly fluctuating operating characteristics shall be subject to a service charge, added to the Demand Charge, equal to 400 per month per kilovolt - ampere of excess capacity provided by Company to prevent impairment of Company's service by customer's operation of such equip- ment. TERM OF AGREEMENT, Service agreement shall be for a term of one year, and, if not then terminated,by at least 6 months' prior written notice by- either party, shall continue until so terminated. Where service is being initiated or enlarged and requires special investment on the part of the Company a longer term may be required. Standby and Supplementary Service AVAILABILITY Available to any large commercial or industrial customer who normally supplies part or all of his electric power requirements from another independent source of power for which the Company's service may be substituted wholly or in part. Customer shall contract for capacity adequate to supply the entire elec- tric requirements for which such service may be used which capacity shall equal or exceed the agreed kva demand for standby to Customer's other source of power. Company shall not be obligated to supply capacity in excess of that contracted for. (Continued on following sheet) City of St. Paul LARGE GMTERAL SERVICE (Contd) RATE The 'billing shall be in accordance with Company's Large General Service rate schedule for high voltage service except that the paragraph "Determination of i Billing Demand" shall be modified to read as follows: "The demand in kilovolt- amperes for billing purposes shall be determined by dividing the maximum demand in kilowatts',by the monthly average power factor, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than the agreed standby demand plus 50% of the greatest excess demand in kva over such standby demand, billed dur- ing the preceding eleven months nor in any event less than 2500 kva." PARALLEL OPERATION Interconnection and parallel operation of Customer's inde- pendent source of power (Customer's system) and Company's service (Company's system) will be permitted by Company under the following conditions: 1. The interconnection between the systems must be at 12,400 volts or higher at a point on Company's system where Customer's operations will I not interfere with the quality of Company's service to any of its other customers. 2. Customer agrees to provide the necessary equipment as approved by Company to enable Customer to operate its generating equipment in parallel with Company's system. Since the power factor and the voltage at which Company's-system and Customer's system are operated will vary, each party agrees to operate its system at such power factor and voltage as is condu- cive to best operating standards and in such manner as to absorb its share F of the reactive power. 3. Company reserves the right to disconnect service in the event service to Customer results in trouble on Company's system such as interruptions, grounds, radio,or telephone interference, surges or objectionable voltage fluctuations, where such trouble is caused by negligence of Customer if, after giving notice in,writing to Customer of such trouble, Customer fails to remedy the causes thereof'within a reasonable time. l 4. Company's meters will be ratcheted to measure the flow of power and energy from Company to Customer only. Reverse flow if any will be ignored unless the amount is substantial in which event it will be a matter for negotiation and further agreement between the parties. 0 City of St. Paul LARGE INDUSTRIAL SERVICE (Closed) (GD114) AVAILABILITY Available to any industrial customer taking service hereunder on March 1, 1963 for power and incidental lighting purposes until he materially alters or enlareges his installation, moves to another location or elects to take his electrical requirements under some other available rate schedule. No successor customer or new installation made after "March 1, 1963 will be served under this rate. KIND OF SERVICE Alternating current at the following nominal voltages: (a) For Secondary Voltage Service: three phase at 208 volts or higher, (b) For - Primary Voltage Service: three phase at 2400 volts or higher, (c) For High Voltage Service: three phase at 12,400 volts or higher. Service voltage available in any given case is dependent upon voltage and capacity of exist- ing Company lines in vicinity of customer's premises except that in Company's low voltage AC network areas service is available only at secondary voltage and high voltage. RATE Demand Charge for Secondary Voltage Service: First 100 kilovolt - amperes of demand @ $1.90 per kva per month Next 100 " " if " @ 1.55 " " " 'I Excess it " if it @ 1.27 " it " It Demand Charge for Primary Voltage Service: The Demand Charge for Secondary Voltage Service less .15 per month per kilovolt - ampere of demand. Demand Charge for High Voltage Service: The Demand Charge for Secondary Voltage Service less .35 per month per kilovolt- ampere of demand. Plus an Energy Charge of: First 10 000 kilowatt -hours per month @ 1.75¢ per kwh Next 10 000 It if " if @ 1.50 f f if Next 30 000 It f f " @ 1.28 if it Next 50 000 ff if " @ 1.05 if Next 400 000 " " It " @ .94 if Next 500 000 " ff if " @ .82 it it Next 1 000 000 it if it It @ .76 if " Excess it it 11 it @ .70 it ff PROMPT PAYMENT PROVISION A charge of 5% will be added to net bill, computed at the RATE shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. (Continued on.following sheet) City of St. Paul LARGE INDUSTRIAL SERVICE (Closed) (Contd) (GD114) FUEL CLAUSE There shall be added to or deducted from the net monthly bill com- puted according to the above schedule .014¢ per kilowatt -hour for each whole cent by which the cost of fuel is more or lesp, respectively, than 26¢ per million Btu. The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the steam electric generating stations of Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) supplying energy to its intercon- nected transmission system serving customer and shall include, purchase cost, freight, demurrage, weighing or measuring, unloading, testing, rehandling in storage, and delivery into said steam stations. DETERMINATION OF DEMAND The demand in kilovolt - amperes for billing purposes shall be determined by dividing the maximum demand in kilowatts by the monthly average power factor, but, in no month shall the demand to be billed be con- sidered as less than 50% of the greatest demand in kva billed during the preceding eleven months nor in any event less than 50 kva. Maximum Demand 'The maximum demand in kilowatts shall be the greatest 15- minute load during °the month for which bill is rendered. Average Power Factor The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtained by dividing the kilowatt -hours used during the month by the-square root of the sum,of the squares of the kilowatt -hours used and the lagging reactive kilovolt - ampere =hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt - ampere -hours supplied during the period will not be considered in determining the average power factor. Minimum Demand to Be Billed The monthly demand charge shall not be less than provided above, whether or not energy is used. X -RAY MACHINES, TRANSFORMER TYPE WELDERS, ETC. X -ray, transformer type welding, and other equipment, with intermittent and rapidly fluctuating operating characteristics shall be subject to a service charge, added to the Demand Charge, equal to 40¢ per month per kilovolt - ampere of excess capacity provided by Company to prevent impairment of Company's service,by customer's operation of such equipment. TERM OF AGREERENT. Service agreement shall be for a term of one year, and, if not then terminated by at least 6 months' prior written notice by either party, shall continue until so terminated. .. Standby and Supplementary Service AVAILABILITY Available to any large industrial customer who normally supplies part or all of his electric power requirements from another independent source of power for which the Company's service may be substituted wholly or in part. Cus- tomer shall contract for capacity adequate to supply the entire electric require- ments for which such service may be used which capacity shall equal or exceed the agreed kva demand for standby to customer's other source of power. Company shall .not be obligated.to supply capacity in excess of that contracted for. (Continued on following sheet) City of St. Paul —LARGE INDUSTRIAL SERVICE (Closed) (Contd) RATE The billing shall be in accordance with Company's Large Industrial Service rate schedule for high voltage service except that the paragraph "Determination of Billing Demand" shall be modified to read as follows: "The demand in kilovolt - amperes for billing purposes shall be determined by dividng the maximum demand in kilowatts by the monthly average power factor, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than the agreed standby demand plus 50% of the greatest excess demand in'kva over such standby demand, billed during the preceding eleven months nor in any event less than 2500 kva." PARALLEL OPERATION Interconnection and parallel operation of Customer's indepen- dent source of power (Customer's system) and Company's service (Company's system) will be permitted by Company under the following conditions: 1. The interconnection between the systems must be at 12,400 volts or higher at a point on Company's system where Customer's operations will not interfere with the quality of Company's service to any of its other customers. 2. Customer agrees to provide the necessary equipment as approved by Company to enable Customer to operate its generating equipment in parallel with Company's system. Since the power factor and the voltage at which Company's system and Customer's system are operated will vary, each party agrees to operate its system at such power factor and voltage as is conducive to best operating standards and in such manner as to ab- sorb its share of the reactive power. 3. Company reserves the right to disconnect service in the event service to Customer results in trouble on Company's system such as interruptions, grounds, radio or telephone interference, surges or objectionable voltage fluctuations,. where such trouble is caused by negligence of Customer if, after giving notice in writing to Customer of'such trouble, Customer fails to remedy the causes thereof within a reasonable time. 4. Company's meters will be ratcheted'to measure the flow of power and energy from Company to Customer only. Reverse flow if any will be ignored unless the amount is substantial in which event it will be a matter for negotiation and further agreement between the parties. City of St. Paul GENERAL WATER HEATING SERVICE (DS008 Commercial) (AS008 Residential) AVAILABILITY Available to any customer for 240 volt single phase service (208 volts in some commercial areas) uncontrolled as to time of use, for an Approved General Water Heating Installation supplied through a separate meter. RATE 1.6¢ per kilowatt -hour. _- MDYMY MINIMUM CHARGE_ $1.00 APPROVED GENERAL WATER HEATING INSTALLATION The specifications for an approved general water heating installation under this rate are as follows: 1. The water heater shall be equipped with two thermostatically operated non- inductive heating elements designed for 240 volts (208 volts in some commer- cial areas). One element shall be near the bottom and the other not more than one - fourth the distance from the top of the tank and so connected or interlocked that they cannot operate simultaneously. 2. The water heater (both elements) shall be connected by means of a tamper- proof circuit to Company's water heating meter. 3. The bottom heating element and the top heating element shall each be 4500 watts or less. 4. The storage capactty of the tank shall be 40 gallons or more. 5. The water heating installation may consist of two or more tanks provided that each tank meets the specifications for a single tank and that all are located on the same premises for one customer's use. 6. Electric water heating service will be supplied only under a single appli- cable rate schedule. 7. The installation shall not be used to supply hot water for space heating purposes. 8. The installation shall not be used to supplement any other system of providing hot 'water service. City of St. Paul GENERAL HEATING AND COOKING SERVICE (DQ000) AVAILABILITY Available to any customer for service supplied through a separate meter and a separate circuit connected solely to cooking and heating apparatus of*noninductive type. In addition to meeting the usual safety requirements such circuit shall at all times meet the Company's specifications requiring (1) conductors in conduit or approved cable, (2) Company's seal on all open- ings to the conductors, and (3) permanent connection of the conductors to the apparatus to be served, except that connection through plug -in assemblies will be permitted if they are of large polarized type approved by the Company. RATE First 100 kilowatt -hours per month @ 4.5¢ per kwh Next 100 " if it @ 3.5 it " Excess it it It @ 2.5 ft 11 MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE $.50 per kilowatt of connected load, but not less than $2.50. SPECIAL CONDITIONS Small motors, pilot lights, oven lights, etc., which are an integral part of a heating appliance and which operate as a unit with the appliance will be served under this schedule in combination with the heating element of such appliance. This shall not be construed to include any motors used for refrigeration, nor any motors larger than 1/4 horsepower, nor any lights used for general illumination. Unless customer uses service only for the purposes provided in this schedule the service shall be billed under other available rates. 5 City of St. Paul CONTROLLED WATER HEATING SERVICE (Closed) (AW118 Residential) (DW118 Commercial) AVAILABILITY Available to any residential or commercial Controlled Water Heating Installation supplied through a separate meter and served here- under on November 1, 1961. No new-water heating installation made after November 1, 1961 will be served under this rate. RATE Energy °Charge: 1.250 per kilowatt -hour. Excess Wattage Charge: One Element Tank - If the capacity of the heating element exceeds 20 watts per gallon of tank capacity, an additional charge of 10¢ per month per whole 100 watts will be made for such excess capacity. Two Element Tank - If the capacity of the bottom element exceeds 20 watts per gallon of tank capacity or the top element exceeds 4500 watts, an additional charge of 10¢ per month per whole 100 watts will be made for the,;greater of such excess capacities. MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE $1.00 TIME CONTROL An electrical control device will be furnished by Company which will control the service so that no energy will be supplied during the following periods: 10:00 a.m. to Noon and 4 :00 p.m. to 7:00 P.M. or such other daily period or periods as the Company may elect. -from time to time but not to exceed a total of five hours daily. APPROVED CONTROLLED WATER HEATING INSTALLATION The specifications for an approved controlled water heating installation under this rate are as follows: - 1. The water heater shall be of the storage type, equipped with one or two thermostatically operated noninductive heating elements designed for 240 volts (208 volts in some commercial areas). 2. If the water'heater is of the two - element type it shall have one element near the bottom and the other not more than one - fourth the dis- tance from the top of the tank and so connected or interlocked that they cannot operate simultaneously. (Continued on following sheet) City of St. Paul CONTROLT WATER HEATING SERVICE (Closed) (Contd) 3. The storage capacity of any water heater installed hereunder after January 1, 1959 shall be 80 gallons or more. 4. The water heater, whether one- element or two - element, shall be connected by means of a tamperproof circuit to Company's controlled service meter. 5. At customer's option the top (emergency or booster) element of a two - element water heater may be permanently connected to either Company's con- trolled service meter or to Company's Residential Service or General Service meter. - 6. The water heating installation may consist of tw6 or more tanks provided that the installation meets the specifications for a single tank and that all are located on the same premises for one customer's use. 7. The installation shall not be used to supply hot water for space heating purposes. s City of St. Paul ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (AA110 WH &SH) (AY110 WH) (AB110 SH) AVAILABILITY Available upon written application to any residential customer in a single private residence for domestic purposes only where 120240 volt single phase electric service is used through one meter and customer has in regular use either an Approved Water Heating Installation or an Approved Space Heating Installation or both. RATE One -half of the consumption in excess of 100 kilowatt -hours per month @ 1.05¢ per kwh Balance of the consumption: First 50 kilowatt -hours per month @ 5.0¢ per kwh Next 150 It It It @ 3.0 Next 300 It it If " @ 2.25 Excess It It If @ 2.1 MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARG=E $2. 00 RULES FOR APPLICATION OF ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE RATE 1. The specifications for an Approved Water Heating Installation under this rate are as follows: a. The water heater shall be equipped with two thermostatically operated noninductive heating elements designed for 240 volts. One element shall be near the bottom and the other not more than one - fourth the distance from the top of the tank and so connected or interlocked that they cannot operate simultaneously. b. The bottom heating element and the top heating element shall each be 4500 watts or less. c. The storage capacity of the tank shall be 40 gallons or more. (Continued on following sheet) City of St. Paul ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (Contd) d. The water heating installation may consist of two or more tanks provided that each tank meets the specifications for a single tank and that all are located on the same premises for one customer's use. e. Electric water heating service will be supplied only under a single applicable rate schedule. f. The installation shall not be used to supplement any other system of providing hot water service. g. Company reserves the right to control the water heating load. 2. The specifications for an Approved Space Heating Installation under this rate are as follows: a. Electric space heating equipment (except 120 volt units individually rated at 15 amperes or less) shall be designed to operate-at 240 volts, shall be permanently installed and shall be the sole source of space heating except that provided by fireplaces. b. Not more than 10 kilowatts shall be switched at one time by the heating system controls. c. Company reserves the right to control the space heating load. 3. Snow melting installations or other infrequently used loads totaling more than 10 kilowatts will not be permitted on this rate except where customer has an Approved Space Heating Installation in which case 10 kw or 50% of the space heating load, whichever is greater, will be allowed. In all other cases the General Service rate or other rates are available for such loads. 4. A customer occupying a building or apartment for residential and commercial purposes jointly may combine his residential and commercial use on such rates as are available to commercial customers for the respective classes but not under this rate. City of St. Paul ALL ELECTRIC GENERAL SERVICE (DB115) All Electric General Service shall be the General Service schedule modified by the following: RIDER AVAILABILITY Available upon written application to any customer who has in regular use an Approved Space Heating Installation supplied in combination with customer's general service requirements through one meter on the appli- cable General Service rate schedule. RATE All energy within the first 200 kwh per month per kw'of demand: One half @ 1.050 per kwh One half @ General Service RATE All energy in excess of 200 kwh per month per kw of demand at the appli- cable rate in the General Service RATE. , FUEL CLAUSE The Fuel Clause contained in the General Service rate schedule shall also apply to the energy billed at 1.05¢ per kwh. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 1. The specifications for an Approved Space Heating Installation are as follows: a. Electric space heating equipment (except 120 volt units individually rated at 15j.amperes or less) shall be designed to operate at 208 volts or higher, shall be permanently installed and shall be the sole source of space heating for the customer's premises. b. All space heating energy must be supplied through the general service meter serving the customer's electrically heated premises. c. Permanently connected space heating load must be at least 30% of the total connected load. d. Company reserves the right to control the space heating load. 2. Air conditioning equipment serving customer's premises and under his control must utilize electrical energy as the sole source of energy for the operation of 'such equipment. City of St. Paul MUNICIPAL GENERAL SERVICE (M5118) AVAILABILITY Available for metered alternating and direct current energy used by the.City of St. Paul for all lighting, power, and heating pur- poses, except street lighting and traffic signals. RATE 2.5¢ per kilowatt -hour. DISCOUNT None OPTIONS This is the only schedule available to the City-for the above pur- poses except, -that the following schedules are optional hereto when appli- cable to the service rendered: 1. Large General Service 2. Large Commercial Service 3. Large Industrial Service (Closed) 4. Controlled Water Heating Service (Closed) 5. General Water Heating Service / �� �r lMSp NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY ST. PAUL 2 MINNESOTA July 30, 1963 OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGER The Honorable Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk City of Saint Paul Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mrs. O'Connell: Pursuant!to Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, Northern States Power Company hereby files the attached revised electric rate schedules for RESIDENTIAL SERVICE and ALL�ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE to replace the corresponding schedules now on file. The revised rate schedules, which will not adversely affect any, existing customer,- are designed to encourage greater use of electric service by our residential customers. Yours very truly, yt '4. F. Owens, Jr. ice President and Manager c ~ City of St. Paul RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (AR111 Single) (AM111 Multiple) AVAILABILITY Available to any residential customer for domestic purposes only, in a single private residence. RATE First 50 kilowatt -hours per month @ 5.0¢ per kwh Next 150 " " @ 2.85 " it Excess @ 2.1 ty it MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE $1.00 MULTIPLE DWELLINGS, ROOMING HOUSES, ETC. This schedule, when modified in accordance with Company's Rules for Application of Residential Service Rates," is also available for rooming houses, multiple dwellings, and general service in apartment buildings. City of St. Paul ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (AA111 WH &SH) (AY111 WH) (AB111 SH) AVAILABILITY Available upon written application to any residential customer in a single private residence for domestic purposes only where 120240 volt single phase electric service is used through one meter and-customer has in regular use either an Approved Water Heating Installation or an Approved Space Heating Installation or both. RATE One -half of the consumption in excess of 100 kilowatt -hours per month @ 1.05¢ per kwh Balance of the consumption: First 50 kilowatt -hours per month @ 5.0¢ per kwh Next 150 " " " 11 @ 2.85 it if Excess 11 if @ 2.1 It it MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE $1.00 RULES FOR APPLICATION OF ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE RATE 1. The specifications for an Approved Water Heating Installation under this rate are as follows: a. The water heater shall be equipped with two thermostatically operated noninductive heating elements designed for 240 volts. One element shall be near the bottom and the other not more than one - fourth the distance from the top of the tank and so connected or interlocked that they cannot operate simultaneously. b. The bottom heating element and the top heating element shall each be 4500 watts or less. c. The storage capacity of the tank shall be 40 gallons or more. d. The water heating installation may consist of two or more tanks provided that each tank meets the specifications for a single tank and that all are located on the same premises for one customer's use. e. Electric water heating service will be supplied only under a single applicable rate schedule. f. The installation shall not be used to supplement any other system of providing hot water service. g. Company reserves the right to control the water heating load. (Continued on following sheet) r • C City of St. Paul ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (Cont'd) (AA111 WH&SH) (AY111 WH) (AB111 SH) 2. The specifications for an Approved Space Heating Installation under this rate are as follows: a. Electric space heating equipment (except 120 volt units individually rated at 15 amperes or less) shall be designed to operate at 240 volts, shall be permanently installed and shall be the sole source of space heating except that provided by fireplaces. b. Not more than 10 kilowatts shall be switched at one time by the heating system controls. c. Company reserves the right to control the space heating load. 3. Snow melting installations or other infrequently used loads totaling more than 10 kilowatts will not be permitted on this rate except where customer has an Approved Space Heating Installation in which case 10 kw or 50% of the space heating load, whichever is greater, will be allowed. In all other cases the General Service rate or other rates are available for such loads. 4. A customer occupying a building or apartment for residential and commercial purposes jointly may combine his residential and commercial use on such rates as are available to commercial customers for the respective classes of service but not under this rate. NORTHERN OFFICE OF VICE PREi1DENT AND MANAGER J_ STATE SL" POW E''R° a_ ST. PAUL 2 MINNESOTA= March 19, 1964 CS Honorable Harold J. Riordan City Clerk City Hall and Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Riordan: C,0 -;VI P A N Y --1 F-- . c' g Pursuant to Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, as amended, Northern States Power Company hereby files the attached amended sheets to replace corresponding sheets of the General Rules and Regulations for electric service now on The Rules for Application of Residential Service Rates are amended in paragraphs 6b and 6c to conform to the blocking of the Residential Service schedule on file. No customer will be adversely affected by these changes. Yours very truly, 0 0 ao J. F. Owens, Jr. Vice President and Manager 13 City of St. Paul GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) RULES FOR APPLICATION OF RESIDENTIAL SERVICE RATES 1. The Residential Service rate is available to any residential customer for domestic purposes only, for lighting, heating, cooking, and domestic power service in a single private residence, except as hereinafter provided. 2. a. All normally sized equipment for domestic illuminating, heating, cooking, and power, used strictly for household purposes, may be supplied through one meter. b. Motors and other equipment which interfere with service to neighboring customers, all motors larger than 5 horsepower, and snow melting installa- tions or other temporary or seasonal loads totaling more than 10 kilowatts will not be permitted on the Residential Service rate. 3• Only single phase service, rendered through one meter, is available under the Residential Service rate. 4. Three phase service, service to motors larger than 5 horsepower, and service to snow melting installations totaling more than 10 kilowatts may be had under such rates as are available to commercial customers for the respective classes of service. 5. A customer occupying a building or apartment for residential and commercial purposes jointly may combine his residential and commercial use on such rates as are available to commercial customers for the respective classes of service. 6. Apartment Buildings, Rooming Houses, and General Service: a. Apartment Buildings and Multiple Dwellings - Each apartment or dwelling unit shall be considered as a single private residence but service for two or more apartments may be taken through one meter under a single billing provided the kilowatt -hour blocks shall be the sum of the kilowatt -hour blocks under separate billing. An apartment is defined to be a room or suite of rooms used for the general functions of a household and permanently equipped with a sink and cooking facilities, occupying space specifically designed for them, such as a kitchen, kitchenette or pullman kitchen. b.* Rooming Houses - A rooming house of fifteen rooms or less shall be considered as a single private residence. Service to rooming houses of more than fifteen rooms may be supplied on a residential schedule provided the kilowatt -hours in the first three blocks -of the rate schedule be increased by '50, 150, and 500 kilowatt - hours, respectively, for each five rooms or fraction thereof in excess of fifteen. (Continued on following sheet) City of St. Paul GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) RULES FOR APPLICATION OF RESIDENTIAL SERVICE RATES (Contd) c. General Service - The general service required by the apartment building, such as service for hall lighting, garages for private use, laundry rooms, drying rooms, boiler rooms, janitor's supply rooms, refrigeration equipment, oil burners, furnace stokers, and air condi- tioning equipment, may be taken on the residential schedule provided the kilowatt -hours in the second and third blocks of the rate schedule be increased by 150 and 500 kilowatt- hours, respectively, for each apartment not served on this same meter. d. Where apartments and individual rooms are served together on one meter, the kilowatt -hour blocks of the rate schedule shall be the stun of the kilowatt -hour blocks for the apartments as determined under section (a) hereof plus the kilowatt -hour blocks for the individual rooms as determined under section (b) hereof except that where the number of individual rooms is less than five, no kilowatt -hour blocks will be considered for the individual rooms. W NORTHERN OFFICE OF , VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGER Honorable Harold J. Riordan City Clerk City of Saint Paul Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Riordan: Pursuant to Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, as amended by Ordinance No. 12660, Northern States Power Company hereby files the attached revised electric rate schedules to replace the corresponding rate schedules now on file. The revised schedules, which will not adversely affect any existing customer, are as follows: Residential Service All Electric Residential Service General Service Municipal General Service It islrequested.that the revised-'electric rate schedules be made effective on bills based on regular_meter'readings on and after April 30, 1964, the same date similar schedules will become effective in other Communities served by Northern States Power Company. Yours very truly, J. F. Owens, Jr. Vice President and Manager U3 � X � STATES IPOWERI � C6,M -PANY ST. PAUL 2 MINNESOTA .. March 19 11 1964 a Honorable Harold J. Riordan City Clerk City of Saint Paul Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Riordan: Pursuant to Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, as amended by Ordinance No. 12660, Northern States Power Company hereby files the attached revised electric rate schedules to replace the corresponding rate schedules now on file. The revised schedules, which will not adversely affect any existing customer, are as follows: Residential Service All Electric Residential Service General Service Municipal General Service It islrequested.that the revised-'electric rate schedules be made effective on bills based on regular_meter'readings on and after April 30, 1964, the same date similar schedules will become effective in other Communities served by Northern States Power Company. Yours very truly, J. F. Owens, Jr. Vice President and Manager City of St. Paul RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (AR110 Single) (AM110 Mutt.) AVAILABILITY Available to any re in a single private residence. RATE First 50 kilowatt -hours Next 150 " Next 500 " Excess sident ial per wont] It tt It II It ti customer f z @ 4.84¢ @ 2.74 @ 2.11 @ 1.58 :)r domestic purposes only, per kwh MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE $1.00 MULTIPLE DWELLINGS, ROOMING HOUSES, ETC. This schedule, when modified in accordance with Company's Rules for Application of Residential Service Rates," is also available for rooming houses, multiple dwellings, and general service in apartment buildings. s ' City of St. Paul RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (AR110 Single) (AM110 Mutt.) AVAILABILITY Available to any re in a single private residence. RATE First 50 kilowatt -hours Next 150 " Next 500 " Excess sident ial per wont] It tt It II It ti customer f z @ 4.84¢ @ 2.74 @ 2.11 @ 1.58 :)r domestic purposes only, per kwh MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE $1.00 MULTIPLE DWELLINGS, ROOMING HOUSES, ETC. This schedule, when modified in accordance with Company's Rules for Application of Residential Service Rates," is also available for rooming houses, multiple dwellings, and general service in apartment buildings. U City of St. Paul ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (AA110 WH &SH) (AY110 WH) (AB110 SH) AVAILABILITY Available upon written application to any residential customer in a single private residence for domestic purposes only where 120240 volt single phase electric service is used through one meter and customer has in regular use either an Approved Water Heating Installation or an Approved Space Heating Installation or both. RATE One -half of the consumption in excess of 100 kilowatt -hours per month @ 1.05¢ per kwh Balance of the consumption: First 50 kilowatt -hours per month @ 4.84¢ per kwh Next 150 " 11 if if @ 2.74 it it Next 500 " " if if @ 2.11 " " Excess It fy It 11 @ 1.58 It it MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE $1.00 RULES FOR APPLICATION OF ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE RATE 1. The specifications for an Approved Water Heating Installation under this rate are as follows: a. The water heater shall be equipped. with two thermostatically operated noninductive heating elements designed for 240 volts. One element shall be near the bottom and the other not more than one - fourth the distance from the top of the tank and so connected or interlocked that they cannot operate simultaneously. b. The bottom heating element and the top heating element shall each be 4500 watts or less. c. The storage capacity of the tank shall be 40 gallons or more. d. The water heating installation may consist of two or more tanks provided that each tank meets the specifications for a single tank and that all are located on the same premises for one customer's use. (Continued on following sheet) City of St. Paul ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (Cont'd) (AA110 WH&SH) (AY110 WH) (AB110 SH) e. Electric water heating service will be supplied only under a single applicable rate schedule. f. The installation shall not be used to supplement any other system of providing hot water service. g. Company reserves the right to control the water heating load. 2. The specifications for an Approved Space Heating Installation under this rate are as follows: a. Electric space heating equipment (except 120 volt units individually rated at 15 amperes or less) shall be designed to operate at 240 volts, shall be permanently installed and shall be the sole source of space heating except that provided by fireplaces. b. Not more than 10 kilowatts shall be switched at one time by the heating system controls. c. Company reserves the right to control the space heating load. 3. Snow melting installations or other infrequently used loads totaling more than 10 kilowatts will not be permitted on this rate except where customer has an Approved Space Heating Installation in which case 10 kw or 50% of the space heating load, whichever is greater, will be allowed. In all other cases the General Service rate or other rates are available for such loads. 4. A customer occupying a building or apartment for residential and commercial purposes jointly may combine his residential and commercial use on such rates as are available to commercial customers for the respective classes of service but not under this rate. City of St. Paul GENERAL SERVICE (DC114 Small) (GC114 Large) AVAILABILITY Available to any customer for single or three phase electric service supplied through one meter. RATE First 200 kilowatt -hours per month @ 4.84¢ per kwh Next 300 'r n It n @ 3.90 n it Next 500 " it IT " @ 3.16 If " Excess " it 11 @ 2.63 it " All energy in excess of 200 kilowatt - hours per month per kilowatt of demand @ 1.7¢ It if PRIMARY VOLTAGE DISCOUNT A discount of 5% will be allowed where customer takes service at available primary voltage. FUEL CLAUSE There shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above schedule .014¢ per kilowatt -hour on all energy billed at the rates of 2.63¢ and 1.7¢ for each whole cent by which the cost of fuel is more or less, respectively, than 26¢ per million Btu. The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the steam electric generating stations of Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) supplying energy to its interconnected transmission system serving customer and shall include purchase cost, freight, demurrage, weighing or measuring, unloading, testing, rehandling in ;storage, and delivery into said steam stations. MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE First 10 kilowatts or less of demand - $1.00 Excess kilowatts of demand @ $.50 per kw DETERMINATION OF DEMAND The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes under the above RATE shall be the greatest 15- minute load (subject to power factor adjust- ment) during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall it be considered less than 5 kw for secondary voltage and 25 kw for primary voltage service. The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes under the above MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE shall be the greatest 15- minute load (subject to power factor adjustment) during the 12 -month period ending with the month for which bill is rendered. For billing purposes, a fraction of a kw if less than one -half will be dropped, if one -half or more will be billed as one -half. (Continued on following sheet) b 1 r City of St. Paul GENERAL SERVICE (Cont'd) (DC114 Small) (GCll4 Large) Power Factor The customer shall at all times take and use power in such manner that the average power factor shall be as near 100% as possible, but when the average power factor is less than 80 %, then the demand as determined above shall be adjusted by multiplying it by 80% and dividing the product thus obtained by the average power factor expressed in per cent. The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtained by dividing the kilowatt -hours used during the month by the square root of the sum of the squares of the kilowatt -hours used and the lagging reac- tive kilovolt- ampere -hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt - ampere -hours supplied during the period will not be considered in determining the average power factor. Where customer's demand is less than 50 kw the average power factor may at the Company's option be determined by periodic test or measurement. X -RAY MACHINES, TRARSFORMER TYPE WELDERS, ETC. X -ray, transformer type welding, and other equipment, with intermittent and rapidly fluctuating operating characteristics shall be subject to a charge, added to the above RATE (not added to the Monthly Minimum Charge), equal to 40¢ per month per kilovolt - ampere over 9 kilovolt - amperes of total connected load of such equipment. The kilovolt - ampere connected load shall be the rated maximum kva opera- ting input to the equipment. If rated in kilowatts the power factor shall be assumed to be 80 per cent. In any case where there is reasonable doubt as to correctness of manu- facturer's rating or where insufficient or no rating exists, the Company may fix the rating by test. The rated primary current of a transformer type welder shall be taken as 2/3 of the maximum final or stable short - circuit current obtainable. City of St. Paul MOICIPAL GENERAL SERVICE (M5118) AVAILABILITY Available for metered alternating and direct current energy used by the City of St. Paul for all lighting, power, and heating purposes, except street lighting and traffic signals. RATE 2.5¢ per kilowatt -hour. OPTIONS This is the only schedule available to the City for the above purposes except that the following schedules are optional hereto when applicable to the service rendered: 1. Large General Service 2. All Electric General Service 3. Controlled Water Heating Service (Closed) 4. General Water Heating Service Note: This schedule is also subject to the "General Rules and Regulations." STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey, � N Affidavit of Publication Dagr1.Mt. WuCh ik ........................... being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed.............. Legal Notice .................. ............................... ........................... ............................... Hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued daily, at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty -five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the ....... TA941......... NOTICE .....Said , . , .. , , , . hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, once each week, for ...... OXI.P- Snje,G',I�........... that it was first so published on .....S�ednesda�..... the .....25th............ day of • ......................... HK...; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a D c Q o f s It t t t t m n o p q r a t a w z y s 7• Subscribed and sworn to before me this.26th .day of ..... X4r -Q 1 . ...............1 1964. Jt-C� Notary P li Dakota County, Minnesota J. . MEYERS, My commission expires .... N9tary, . Publics Dakota County, , Mintg.... My commission expires April 30, 1965. 215 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Northern States Power Company, public utility supplier of electric energy, in the City of Saint Paul, under Ordinance No. 117621, approved June 21, 1960, pursuant to said Ordinance, filed with the City Clerk and with the Commissioner of Public Utilities, revisions of its electric street lighting service rate schedule, under date of February 7, 1964, hereby incorporated herein by reference and made part and parcel of this Notice; and that said revisions are and shall remain on file in the offices of said City Clerk and said Commissioner, in the City Hall and Court House, at Saint Paul, Minnesota, open to public inspection, and in no instance or particular appear to adversely affect any customer of said Company. HAROLD J. RIORDAN City Clerk v a . r. . 1 w 1 r' NORTHERN i STATES POWER COMPANY ST. PAUL 2 MINNESOTA lFebruary 7, 1964 OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGER Honorable Mrs. Agnes HJ O'Connell City Clerk City of Saint Paul Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mrs. O'Connell: Pursuant to Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, Northern States Power Company hereby files the attached revised electric rate schedules for STREET LIGHTING SERVICE to replace corresponding schedules filed June 30, 1960. The revised rate schedules cover the addition of a new type ,and size of street light not covered by the schedules presently on file. This addition is shown in the attached as III: D. Yours very truly, M J. F. Owens, Jr. Vice President and Manager _4 1 [ 4 r41 City of St. Paul STREET LIGHTING SERVICE - (Continued) III. Multiple Ornamental A. City owns and maintains lamps, and glassware. Company furnishes energy designated by Company. 1. Single -Light Posts 'd Rat e Lamp per Lamp Size 1 000 Lumen 1 5W n 2 500 " 4 000 'r 6 000 " 10 000 " 15 000 " 2. Two-Light Posts 3• Lamp Size '2 500 Lumen 4 OOO 'r 6 wo n 10 000 II 15 000 " NoTrc� o 1'ubhc, F1'Uga Z 1t to ce i`�C`�TION IIa62, the pro hereb . . Clog -jeer 0velsions o give', Esc tCofipa tetr�,laulittility a 2I din nce ? 16s es s eAjacigl here S I rep Ioaf anti�eAand rtre°spotn . OF as fo ajtect tah es rat has filnedng �jar6e Co 1lotvs, any a tvhlcbs °heel underground cables gT vOletcial se sti °g au tionzelt ' g e-yt, rate (25.65,2)rwce- voth gene the av ule is only at central dis to a 100 he (12allabt1l revise y Y eecorree this are�'ork �, volts of 1'i gh V014 as � a Iudp ate See servi a lid fe�erel b,Ylh�e schect Servlc uses. °k1Y. No Rate per he er) Itogee slew °f avw se23re All -night ohas beeenerM ore lop (X21400 vtlity soP �. .00 FIOOr gut° Chan to to serge in thi !t or 9.00 .th tas pourrent(za Oo)ate ec eduilCage, 12.00 on theate $or o� g of es. 18 .00 Alsoently Sery their any wiitthdrraern 25.00 Noithe o u11762 nt to ptdereon. is be Qs . o 38.00 a;e� weneesapouov Jns ofor 5 3 •0O servlee how tions to t Oc n, j, Idi9ep e 10 c e ate la lilt as toll wst he e e �s Ra voittaZO /2 8e itv od tided bed°jes. t ge t Y s bs 2AN�f N he secoat Inch or Inal'�v tjtut_ r th nsioThjs n earagraAhge at tbed�Y /�i1 00 37 • } s r the rkhagea oltage Aet end /)1.00 �O •(Ru1T�s 8tjlbjnve vised rate rOyjdegjseo e �r �QO 74 tional Paragra Slings der 6.0o 100 bjelal�ngss fO bs4k lattnB 64.00 atis exchal! be', 'biais.afien° frae_ Three -Light Ornamental Posts ,etmereYebe that 1'theated onl$n'°ntb Lamp is Note. q°hr the b j daYsewfirtAo t adingY Size .S' on a° place Aura 9Aer. out aaf4 e 1 500 Lumen tnto aataoY basactionai this re . P , 5 gro dividineplacjngg°nth bi -sion ulo 11�61nt to As of seveetioaal Arewat B. City owns and maintains posts i grin aAArpZOVislo a1 clays ,sware. 1 cE? t Statess serviced June of pr s each ! Company owns and maintains under Itulesjn, awe °wet jn St. 21, lssoi °ante s energy to base of each post. Rules as wir a la is ° onany &S Or�g- Goosenecks Lamp Size 1 500 Lumen 2 500 6 000 " 10 000 rr C. City owns and maintains ballasts and glassware. at least 90%. Company furnishes energy designated by Company. Mercury Lamps Lamp Size 250 Watt 400 ' 000 " 700 " 700 rr Nett and draw OILS fo he G fed epNot LOaT Reg�anpn e orAgas setnvei'ral Of a�tcegate th Port of this Taking t0 p ta t tionsi�g onhnewlndhanyg r�ijeg is to ,,ear eay bendegatyll��adS, to c stome�atteaa5.00 se° idestO f aerdA a',dutdooride corind a5 .00 Aron onA a ed o� tiaalr o Thisr viyee,g 1-8 .00 Cojded forfractt hadailYtb bfg allot 1 .0O oAie and 1 as gs tdinanc Of the er. exist. 22th brat', drip tnethe °o 1 762 88linBs rules s� as fcury lamps, 2.1 1'ubUe a offlce ice ap d No, ilatjng to er factor Of CGNties f the the s,o erk LY a' Es If o•co n points Ci'llc rk. (Continued on following sheet) 'd Rat e Burning per Lamp Schedule per Year AN 17.00 AN 25.50 MN 19.50 AN 45.00 Mil 31.00 (Continued on following sheet) City of 'St. Paul. STREET LIGHTID ?G SERVICE - (Continued) D. City owns and maintains underground cables, posts, fluorescent lamps, ballasts, and glassware. Ballasts shall provide a power factor of at, least 90%. Company furnishes energy only ut central distribution points designated by Co4ipany. Fluorescent Lamps Rate Number and Size Burning per Unit of Lamps per Unit :schedule per Year 1-r-48EHO AN 10.00 Schedule of Burning, Group:; A, B, C, and D - All -night lamps lighted and extinguished by photo - electric control. Mid- night lamps are lighted by photo- electric control and ex- tinguished at midnight Central Standard Time. IV. Multiple Overhead City owns and maintains lamp units, lamps, and glassware. Company owns and maintains distribution system including hangers, and furnishes energy at the lamp unit. A. Incandescent Lamps Rate Lamp Burning per Lamp Size Schedule per Year 2 500 Lumen AN 17.00 4 0oo AN 21.50 6 000 " AN 31.00 10 000 AN 47.50 B. Mercury Lamps Rate Lamp Burning per Lamp - Size Schedule per Year 250 Watt AN 25,00 400 11 AN 38.00 Mercury lamps shall be installed in groups of 6 or more units supplied from one point. Mercury lamps shall include high power factor ballasts giving a power factor of at least 90%. Schedule of Burning, Groups A and B - All night, lighted and extin- guished by photo - electric control. Rates in this section based on supplying service to an average of not less than one 4,000 lumen lamp per 600 lineal feet of pole line. (Continued on following sheet) . INSp NORTHERN STATES POWER C O M PA ST. PAUL 2 MINNESOTA January 30, 1964 �� \ ��( OFFICE OF �J VICE PRESIDENT AND ,ANAGER 2 Honorable Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk City of Saint Paul Dear Mrs. O'Connell: Pursuant to Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, Northern States Power Company hereby files the attached revised electric rate schedules to replace the corresponding rate schedules now on file. The following schedules involve a reduction in rate: Residential Service All Electric Residential Service General Service Large General Service The following schedules which modify the above Residential Service or General Service rate schedules are being revised only as to rate code identification number: Uncontrolled Water Heating Service (Closed) All Electric General Service The following schedule is being closed since the number of customers served is decreasing and other rate schedules are available for this service: General Heating and Cooking Service (Closed) The above revised rate schedules will not adversely affect any existing customers. J. F. Owens, Jr. Yours very truly, <1ePr'esid'eUnt and Manager • =rL b • J A'1 �� AVAILABILITY in a singl RATE First Next Next Excess City of St. Paul_ RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (AR110 Single) (AM110 Mutt.) Available to any r private residence. 50 kilowatt - hours 150 11 11 500 11 11 11 11 asidential customer for d, per month @ 4.95¢ per 11 11 @ 2.85 11 II 11 CQ 2.10 t1 II 11 @ 1.58 It Dmestic purposes only, kwh 11 11 11 MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE $1.00 MULTIPLE DWELLINGS, ROOMING HOUSES, ETC. This schedule, when modified in accordance with Company's Rules for Application of Residential Service Rates," is also available for rooming houses, multiple dwellings, and general service in apartment buildings. 33 of i ILE NN STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. County of Ramsey, P IC NOTICE NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN: That Northern States Power Com- pqqny, public utility- permittee sup plier of, electric energy thereunder, porsvYsansihofatCi o sub SalnttoPaul Ordinance No. 11762 approved June I� 21, 1960 as amended, flied a re- vision. of Its Electric Rate SCheduies for Street Lighting Service, together with its withdrawal of Its filed rate for Large Commercial Service —High Voltage, with the City Clerk and with the Commissioner of Public Utilities of said City on the 23rd day of Aprli, 1961, the ertinent filed document for such revision and such withdrawal being on file In the Office of said City Clerk and In the fi lesidn Is4italPanliic Utiiti i the C Hl d Court House Building, Saint Paul; Minnesota, sublect to public inspec. tion, and the same is hereby made part and parcel of this Notice by reference; and that said revision of said Street Lighting Service Rate Schedule provides for coverage of an additional new type and size of flu- orescent unit not covered by said rate schedule flied at the time of the filing f said tolonthe n Large Commercial Service —High Voltage Rate Schedule, filed January 31, 1961, and now obsolete. Dated April 29, 1961. HAROLD J. RIORDAN, City Clerk. (Dispatch, Thurs., April 30, 1954 Affidavit of Publication ............ Dawn, ,M. , WQY, ghik ............................ being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed........J�.eg84l..Uptice ....................................................... ........................... ............................... Hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued daily, at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty -five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the ...... TA94........... NOTICE .....gaud ............. hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, once each week, for ....Q?l@..WRQk .............7 that it was first so published on ....7hurSC1a_Y.. , , , , , , the , .. .. 34th• , • , , , , , , , , , day of .... April........... 19.64 .........................avc ...................... 1........................, FDIC...; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a b c d e f C h 1 3 k 1 m n o p g r a t a• w x y s .. y__40L Subscribed and sworn to before me this.3M . day of :I�ZJ2'i� , , , • . , , , , , , . 1964. . L .................... i4otary Public, Dakota County, Minnesota M ' DONALD W. FRIESEN, 19 My commission expires NDYaYy.f'ubI1C; 1Nh8Ningrbh''C6:,' Mfnri: My Commission Expires Nov. 1, 1961 Form 1116 I STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of , Ramsey, } Foafltp BL C OTIC E HEREBY IS GIVEN: orthern States Power Com- public _ utilitypermittee sup- electric, enemy thereunder, t thereto and subiett to the pro is[ of City of 5a nt Paul ce No. 11762 approved June as amended, filed a re- f ifs Electric Rate Schedules for Street Lighting Service, together with Its withdrawal of its filed rate for Large Commercial Service —High Voltage with the City Clerk and UtiltieseofCs�aid�Cityeon of- tie 23rd day of. April, 1961, the ertinent filed document for such revision and such withdrawal being on file In the Office of said City Clerk and in the Office of said Commissioner of Pub- lic Utilities in the City Hail and Court House Building, Saint Paul, ,Minnesota, subject to public inspec- tion, and the same is hereby made part and parcel of this Notlte by reference; and that said revision of said Street Lighting Service Rate Schedule provides for coverage of an additional new type and size of flu- orescent unit not covered by said rate schedule filed at the time of the filing of said ,revision, and said withdrawal relates to the Large Commercial Service —High Voltage Rate Schedule, filed January 31, 1961, and now obsolete. Dated April 29, 19 J.' HAROLD J. RIORDAN, City . Clerk. (Dispatch, - Thurs., April 30, 1911) Affidavit of Publication D$WCl �� wO�C�1 '�1{ ........................... ........... ..... . being duly sworn, on oath says: that he `now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ........ Le,$81• Notito e .............. . ........:...................... ... Hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued daily, at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at 'least 450 running inches of single column two inches 'wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of 'publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary 'material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty -five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of, interest to said community'it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other' publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof ,by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the ..... U19gl........... NOTICE .....edja ............. hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, once each week, for . , • one• 3�1� @k • • 11o�; that it was first so published on ....�iillr8 ....... the ...:. 30th ............ day of April ............. 19.64, pa g1mg ........................ . X 919 IMF ....................... C ........................ 1*,-..; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a b c d e t 6 h l t k l m n o p q r a t n v w s 7 z ......... Subscribed and sworn to before me this.30Wday of .,. A.. � ............... 19�. ........... ....... /1�lrP= �!� ............... Notary Public, Dakota County, Minnesota My commission expires ... DONALD W: FRI.ESEN....... 19.... idotary'pubiic, Washington Co., MinnFerm 115 MY Commission Expires Nov. 1, 1968 City of St. Paul ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (AA110 WH &SH) (AY110 WH) (AB110 SH) AVAILABILITY Available upon written application to any residential customer in a single private residence for domestic purpobes only where 120240 volt single phase electric service is used through one meter and customer has in regular use either an Approved Water Heating Installation or an Approved Space Heating Installation or both. RATE One -half of the consumption in excess of 100 kilowatt -hours per month @ 1.05¢ per kwh Balance of the consumption: First 50 kilowatt -hours per month @ 4.95¢ per kwh Next 150 It @ 2.85 11 " Next 500 it @ 2.10 " Excess it @ 1.58 " MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE $1.00 RULES FOR APPLICATION OF ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE RATE 1. The specifications for an Approved Water Heating Installation under this rate are as follows: a. The water heater shall be equipped with two thermostatically operated noninductive heating elements designed for 240 volts. One element shall be near the bottom and the other not more than one - fourth the distance from the top of the tank and so connected or interlocked that they cannot operate simultaneously. b. The bottom heating element and the top heating element shall each be 4500 watts or less. c. The storage capacity of the tank shall be 40 gallons or more. d. The water heating installation may consist of two or more tanks provided that each tank meets the specifications for a single tank and that all are located on the same premises for one customer's use. (Continued on following sheet) City of St. Paul ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (Cont'd) (AA110 WH&SH) (AY110 WH) (AB110 SH) e. Electric water heating service will be supplied only under a single applicable rate schedule. f. The installation shall not be used to supplement any other system of providing hot water service. g. Company reserves the right to control the water heating load. 2. The specifications for an Approved Space Heating Installation under this rate are as follows: a. Electric space heating equipment (except 120 volt units individually rated at 15 amperes or less) shall be designed to operate at 240 volts, shall be permanently installed and shall be the sole source of space heating except that provided by fireplaces. b. Not more than 10 kilowatts shall be switched at one time by the heating system controls. c. Company reserves the right to control the space heating load. 3. Snow melting installations or other infrequently used loads totaling more than 10 kilowatts will not be permitted on this rate except where customer has an Approved Space Heating Installation in which case 10 kw or 50% of the space heating load, whichever is greater, will be allowed. In all other cases the General Service rate or other rates are available for such loads. 4. A customer occupying a building or apartment for residential and commercial purposes jointly may combine his residential and commercial use on such rates as are available to commercial customers for the respective classes of service but not under this rate. City of St. Paul UNCONTROLLED WATER HEATING SERVICE (Closed) (AU118) AVAILABILITY Available to any residential customer taking service hereunder on November 1, 1961 for an Uncontrolled Water Heating Installation supplied in combination with Residential Service through one meter. No successor customer or new water heating installation made after November 1, 1961 will be served under this rate. CONSUMPTION DESIGNATED AS WATER HEATING SERVICE The consumption designated as water heating seryige to be billed hereunder shall be the consumption, not to exceed 300 kilowatt -hours in any month, which is in excess of 100 kilowatt - hours of monthly registration on the Residential Service meter. RATE 1.50 per kilowatt -hour MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE None APPROVED UNCONTROLLED WATER HEATING INSTALLATION The specifications for an approved uncontrolled'water heating installation under this rate are as follows: 1. The water heater shall be equipped with two thermostatically operated noninductive heating element$ designed for 240 volts. One element shall be near the bottom and the other not more than one - fourth the distance from the top of the tank and so connected or interlocked that they cannot operate simultaneously. 2. The water heater (both elements) shall be connected to customer's general service wiring and the energy used shall be registered on Company's Residential Service meter which also measures customer's other uses of electric service. 3. The bottom heating element and the top heating element shall each be 4500 watts or less. 4. The storage capacity of the tank shall_ be 40 gallons or more. 5. The water heating installation may consist of two or more tanks provided that each tank meets the specifications for a single tank and that all are located on the same premises for one customer's use. 6. The installation shall not be used to supply hot water for space heating purposes. 7. The installation shall not be used to supplement any other system of providing hot water service. City of St. Paul GENERAL SERVICE (DC114 Small) (GC114 Large) AVAILABILITY Available to any customer for single or three phase electric service supplied through one meter. RATE First 200 kilowatt -hours per month @ 4.95¢ per kwh Next 300 it 11 If @ 4.42 it " Next 500 if " It @ 3.16 " Excess It If @ 2.63 " All energy in excess of 200 kilowatt - hours per month per kilowatt of demand @ 1.7¢ " PRIMARY VOLTAGE DISCOUNT A discount of 5% will be allowed where customer takes service at available primary voltage, FUEL CLAUSE There shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above schedule .014¢ per kilowatt -hour on all energy billed at the rates of 2.63¢ and 1.7¢ for each whole cent by which the cost of fuel is more or less, respectively, than 26¢ per million Btu. The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the steam electric generating stations of Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) supplying energy to its interconnected transmission system serving customer and shall include purchase cost, freight, demurrage, weighing or mea- suring, unloading, testing, rehandling in storage, and delivery into said steam stations. MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE First 10 kilowatts or less of demand - $1.00 Excess kilowatts of demand @ $.50 per kw DETERMINATION OF DEMAND The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes under the above Rate shall be the greatest 15- minute load (subject to power factor adjust- ment) during the month f6r which bill is rendered, but in no event shall it be considered less than 5 kw for secondary voltage and 25 kw for primary voltage service. The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes under the above Monthly Minimum Charge shall be the greatest 15- minute load (subject to power factor adjustment) during the 12 -month period ending with the month for which bill is rendered. For billing purposes, a fraction of a kw if less than one -half will be dropped, if one,half or more will be billed as one -half. (Continued on following sheet) City of St. Paul GENERAL SERVICE (Cont'd) (DC114 Small) (GC114 Large) Power Factor The customer shall at all times take and use power in such manner that the average power factor shall be as near 100° As possible, but when the average power factor is less than 80 %, then the demand as determined above shall be adjusted by multiplying it by 80% and dividing the product thus obtained by the average power factor expressed in per cent. The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtained by dividing the kilowatt -hours used during the month by the square root of the sum of the squares of the kilowatt -hours used and the lagging reac- tive kilovolt- ampere - hours "supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt- ampere -hours supplied during the period will not be considered in determining the average power factor. Where customer's demand is less than 50 kw the average power factor may at the Company's option be determined by periodic test or measurement. X -RAY MACHINES, TRANSFORMER TYPE WELDERS, ETC. X -ray, transformer type welding, and other equipment, with intermittent and rapidly fluctuating operating characteristics shall be subject to a charge, added to the above Rate (not added to the Monthly Minimum Charge), equal to 40¢ per month per kilovolt- ampere over 9 kilovolt- amperes of total connected load of such equipment. The kilovolt - ampere connected load shall be the rated maximum kva operating input to the equipment. If rated in kilowatts the power factor shall be assumed to be 80 per cent. In any case where there is reasonable doubt as to correctness of manu- facturer's rating or where insufficient or no rating exists, the Company may fix the rating by test. The rated primary current of a transformer type welder shall be taken as 2/3 of the maximum final or stable short-circuit current obtainable. City of St. Paul ALL ELECTRIC GENERAL SERVICE (DB114 Small) (GB114 Large) All Electric General Service shall be the General Service schedule modified by the following: RIDER AVAILABILITY Available upon written application to any customer whq has in regular use an Approved,Space Heating Installation supplied in combination with customer's general service requirements through one meter on the appli- cable General Service rate schedule. RATE All energy within the first 200 kwh per month per kw of demand: One half @ 1.05¢ per kwh One half @ General Service RATE All energy in excess of 200 kwh per month per kw of demand at the applicable rate in the General Service RATE. FUEL CLAUSE The Fuel Clause contained in the General Service rate schedule shall also apply to the energy billed at 1.05¢ per kwh. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 1. The specifications for an Approved Space Heating Installation are as follows: a. Electric space heating equipment (except 120 volt units individually rated at 15 amperes or less) shall be designed to operate at 208 volts or higher, shall be permanently installed and shall be the sole source of space heating for the customer's premises. b. All space heating energy must be supplied through the general service meter serving the customer's electrically heated premises. c. Permanently connected space heating load must be at least 30% of the total connected load. d. Company reserves the right to control the space heating load. 2. Air conditioning equipment serving customer's premises and under his control must utilize electrical energy as the sole source of energy for the operation of such equipment. City of St. Paul GENERAL HEATING AND COOKING SERVICE (Closed) (DQ000 ) AVAILA$ILITY Available to each customer taking service hereunder as of March 1, 1964 until he materially alters or enlarges his installation, moves to another location or elects to take his heating and cooking requirements under some other available rate schedule. No successor customer or new heating and cooking installation made after March 1, 1964 will be served under this rate. RATE First 100 kilowatt -hours per month @ 4.5¢ per kwh Next 100 11 " It It @ 3.5 Excess It it it if @ 2.5 MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE $.50 per kilowatt of connected load, but not less than 2.50. SPECIAL CONDITIONS Service hereunder shall be supplied through a separate meter and a separate circuit connected solely to cooking and heating apparatus of noninductive type. In addition to meeting the usual safety requirements such circuit shall at all times meet the Company's specifications requiring (1) con- ductors in conduit or approved cable, (2) Company's seal on all openings to the conductors, and (3) permanent connection of the conductors to the apparatus to be served, except that connection through plug -in assemblies will be permitted if they are of large polarized type approved by the Company. Small motors, pilot lights, oven lights, etc., which are an integral part of a heating appliance and which operate as a unit with the appliance, will be served under this schedule in combination with the heating element of such appliance. This shall not be construed to include any motors used for refrig- eration, nor any motors larger than 1/4 horsepower, nor any lights used for general illumination. Unless customer uses service only for the purposes provided in this schedule the service shall be billed under other available rates. City of St. Paul LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (GK135) AVAILABILITY Available to any customer for general service. KIND OF SERVICE Alternating current at the Following nominal voltages: (a) For Secondary Voltage Service: two or three wire single phase and three or four wire three phase at 208 volts or higher, (b) For- Primary Voltage Service: three phase at 2400 volts or higher, (c) For High Voltage Service: three phase at 12,400 volts or higher. Service voltage available in any given case is dependent upon voltage and capacity of existing Company lines in vicinity of customer's premises except that in Company's low voltage AC network areas service is available only at secondary voltage and high voltage. RATE Demand Charge for Secondary Voltage Service: First 100 kilovolt- amperes or less of demand - $185.00 per month Next 100 kilovolt - amperes of demand @ $1.55 per kva per month Excess it if " It @ 1.27 " " " " Demand Charge for Primary Voltage Service: The Demand Charge for Secondary Voltage Service less .15 per month per kilovolt - ampere of demand. Demand Charge for High Voltage Service: The Demand Charge For Secondary Voltage Service less .35 per month per kilovolt- ampere of demand. Plus an Energy Charge of: First 20 000 kilowatt -hours Next 30 000 If " Next 50 000 " Next 400 000 Next 500 000 " Next 1 000 000 If If Next 3 000 000 " " Excess if per month @ 1.55¢ per kwh If It @ 1.28 it It tt If @ 1.05 if 11 if II @ .94 If It It if @ .80 It It It if @ .75 tt tt If It @ .70 If It tt It @ .65 tl If PROMPT PAYMENT PROVISION A charge of 5% will be added to net bill, computed at the Rate shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. FUEL CLAUSE There shall be added to or deducted from the net monthly bill com- puted according to the above schedule .0140 per kilowatt -hour for each whole cent by which the cost of fuel is more or less, respectively, than 26¢ per million btu. The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the steam electric generating stations of Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) supplying energy to its interconnected transmission system serving customer and shall include purchase cost, freight, demurrage, weighing or measuring, unloading, testing, rehandling in storage, and delivery into said steam stations. (Continued on following sheet) City of St. Paul LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Cont 'd) (Gx135 ) DETERMINATION OF DEMAND The demand in kilovolt- amperes for billing purposes shall be determined by dividing the maximum demand in kilowatts by the monthly average power factor, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be con- sidered as less than 50% of the greatest demand in kva billed during the preceding eleven months nor in any event less than 100 kva. Maximum Demand The maximum demand in kilowatts shall be the greatest 15- minute load during the month for which bill is rendered. Average Power Factor The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtained by dividing the kilowatt -hours used during the month by the Square root of the sum of the squares of the kilowatt -hours used and the lagging reactive kilovolt- ampere -hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt - ampere -hours supplied during the period will not be considered in determining the average power factor. Minimum Demand to Be Billed The monthly minimum billing demand shall not be less than provided above, whether or not energy is used. X -RAY MACHINES, TRANSFORMER TYPE WELDERS, ETC. X -ray, transformer type welding, and other equipment, with intermittent and rapidly fluctuating operating characteristics shall be subject to a service charge, added to the Demand Charge, equal, to 400 per month per kilovolt - ampere of excess capacity provided by Company to prevent impairment of Company's service by customer's operation of such equipment. TERM OF AGREEMENT Service agreement shall be for a term of one year, and, if not then terminated by at least 6 months' prior written notice by either party, shall continue until so terminated. Where service is being initiated or enlarged and requires special investment on the part of the Company, a longer term may be required. Standby and Supplementary Service AVAILABILITY Available to any large commercial or industrial customer who normally'supplies part or all of his electric power requirements from another independent source of power for which the Company's service may be substituted wholly or in part. Customer shall contract for capacity adequate to supply the entire electric requirements for which such service may be used which capacity shall equal or exceed the agreed kva demand for standby to Customer's other source of power. Company shall not be obligated to supply capacity in excess of that contracted for. (Continued on following sheet) City of St. Paul LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Cont'd) (GK1.3 5 ) RATE The billing shall be in accordance with Company's Large General Service rate schedule for high voltage service except that the paragraph "Determination of Billing Demand' shall be modified to read as follows: "The demand in kilovolt- amperes for billing purposes shall be determined by dividing the maxi- mum demand in kilowatts:by the monthly average power factor, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than the agreed standby demand plus 50% of the greatest excess demand in kva over such standby demand billed during the preceding eleven months nor in any event less than 2500 kva." PARALLEL OPERATION Interconnection and parallel operation of Customer's inde- pendent source of power (Customer's system) and Company's service (Company's system) will be permitted by Company under the following conditions: 1. The interconnection between the systems must be at 12,400 volts or higher at a point on Company's system where Customer's operations will not interfere with the quality of Company's service to any of its other customers. 2. Customer agrees to provide the necessary equipment as approved, by Company to enable Customer to operate its generating equipment in parallel with Company's system. Since the power factor and the voltage at which Company's system and Customer's system are operated will vary, each party agrees to operate its system at such power factor and voltage as is condu- cive to best operating standards and in such manner as to absorb its $hare of the reactive power. 3. Company reserves the right to disconnect service in the event service to Customer results in trouble on Company's system such as interruptions, grounds, radio or telephone interference, surges or objectionable voltage fluctuations, where such trouble is caused by negligence of Customer if, after giving notice in writing to Customer of such trouble, Customer fails to remedy the causes thereof within a reasonable time. 4. Company's meters will be ratcheted to measure the flow of power and energy from Company to Customer only. Reverse flow if any will be ignored unless the amount is substantial in which event it will be a matter for negotiation and further agreement between the parties. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Northern States Power Company, public utility supplier of electric energy, in the City of Saint Paul, under Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, pursuant to said Ordinance, filed with the City Clerk and with the Commissioner of Public Utilities, revisions of several of its electric rate schedules, under date of January 309 19649 hereby incorporated herein by reference and made part and parcel of this Notice and filed with the City Clerk and with the Commissioner of Public Utilities, said Company's request that said revisions of such electric rate schedule be made effective on bills of said Company based on regular meter readings on and after March 2, 1964; and that said revisions are and shall remain on file in the Offices of said City Clerk and said Commissioner, in the City Hall and Court House, at Saint Paul, Minnesota, open to public inspection, and in no instance or particular appear to adversely affect any customer of said Company. HAROLD J. RIORDAN City Clerk PUBLIC NOTICE'' ,., s J NOTICE'' IS HEREBY ;GMNJ that Northern- States -- Power _, Company; public. utility. suppl_ier"of electric ;energy,' in''the .City of Saint Paul,, under. Ordinance, - No�..11�6.2.;Z approved' June 21- 1960 pursuant. to s ai'd 'Oi4inance, failed with the.,C 'ity `Clerk and with-- the Commissioner of Public Utilti_;es,� ,revisions ,of several of its _ electric rate schedulesi'•- under. date .of "January 309 •19.61+,:, - hereby incorporated herein- by" ref erenae and made pa% rt and t' tt _• parcel ' of this Notice :.and ` fil'ed with :tie City Clerk and `,wi +tb J Y' the_ Commissioner: of kublic Utilities* •said, Company's requeS. = a that'. said -revisions,..of such 'elect`r.ic rate schedule be ,made i let, L . effective'-on bills' 'of -� said- Company based'o.n regular meter ~ ` readings on and-- after'March_ -2,' 1964; and ,that said r,evis'ons�` • i'. . • - _ S- • -i '* - • - :.: •• ' ^p• _` •' '• .i •�• •+ t ,. a,. tea.'• a •~- i~ •�' . _ • ' ~ - "- # _ are and shall remain'dn •fro in the.'Off ice s° of, said City,. • Clerk -and :said Con6is'sioner,-'` iri' the' Gity Hall' and' .Court .House 9F • at Saint paul, Minnesota, 'opeh',to `'pub'lic ~inspections and ' S in no instance `or .particular appear .to adversely affe'et 'and customer:,of- said Company.. t T'. . , • - wt . -}.'• • as S .• 'l.:• H ROtb "J-. RIORDAN, City C1_erk ;~ = .. a - � ;*. �4 •L..• r +,'�, F'_ ..'''• .-r - a f? +• � -; :.� _ _, -• ... � •' -- ' " • _. )` Y • _V • . ,� . ` -t. • - -I.�.- - � '- ._ �... '� i ',lam .•-„ .. _ t'_ i `•`' •``' •' s . , ,• •-. /�' fir• - r - . 's'r .. : . , i , ._ " . `� - - i ~ - ..' ' •_ 1-•; -. , NbTZCJE °I'S HEkk ,. GI Bff •that, l�orthern States Povor Company, •. - , - . t�bl-ia utili, ty supplier. _of elea,tri c - energy; in the City of 't _ ' Saint Paul,.' under Ordinance`, No. 117.6 , approved guns- 21,1'',.1960; : puxsuAn -*to, 'i. id. Ordinance,. `filed with the 't�ity-Clerk, and iith, the.•Co=iss,ioner. of Public revisions• of several- of�'_- - .Utilities',, . ua 64.; ® _ 9its 'sl u" Y • hereby ' inac rp crated harei i by reference end made part and r : y pa,r,ael,ot thy S. pti6q 'azy,,d 'filid43t4• the City. •C3erk and• wttri- he Commissioner of. Rdb110 lhilities saidd,. dompany'a request .4 that said o►rtivistons of 'such electric rate sahedula be made effective 5. rn bills , of 'aged Company based of 'regtt2er meter r±saiiin '' any and ' aftAr Maras 1964 and that 'laid revisions - - are and. Oia11 :remain, on,li.le •-1n the. Offices of said; city`, ' Clerk.. and said Com_ in ss on6r $� -in 'the City,' Hall' &0 Court .-Souse. : Y -+ _ at Saint haul', Mi#inas ©tai,' ~open` io',c 'public insg.edtion, and ' . - ri no instance or :paric�ular "appear ; toy adversely; affect any 1 ` • -- a d.ustgmer_ 'qf said: Company... _ i • r . y` t •• r •_ ` ` ' ' A- '- f{_ •.. '�•`' 1t '• ' '—• ., • •• -,f •. -+ i 1. ; , .. .' -' .! HARO LD J. - RIORDAR •. f. � . ,City 'Clerk � -, - .. Y _ • - .R -` ,y• 'tee ' •_'`• , •.f / f. -, -. - 'T -• - - -• - • : ^ Yf •• v . LU NORTHERN STATES POWER ,.� ST. PAUL 2 MINNESOTA 0-- April 23, 1964 C OFFICE OR VICE PREGIDENT AND MANAGER Honorable Harold Riordan City Clerk City of Saint Paul Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Riordan: _S Cb M P A N Y .r 1 fw � Pursuant to Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, as amended, Northern States Power Company hereby files the attached revised electric rate schedules for Street Lighting Service and proposes „to withdraw its filed rate for Large Commercial Service - High Voltage. The revised Street Lighting- Service rate schedules, which replace corresponding schedules filed February 7, 1964, cover the addition of a new type and size of fluorescent unit not covered by the schedules presently on file. The new unit,. 2 -F72HO lamps, is included in Section III D of the attached schedules. ` The Large Commercial Service - High Voltage rate schedule, filed January 31,; 1961, no longer applies to any customer in the City of St. Paul. Inasmuch as other available schedules are more advan- tageous the schedule is being withdrawn. Very truly yours, J X41 J. F. Owens, Jr. Vice President and Manager _A� I City of St. Paul STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) III. Multiple Ornamental A. City owns and maintains underground cables, posts, incandescent lamps, and glassware. Company furnishes energy only at central distribution points designated by Company. 1. Single -Light Posts Lamp Size 1 000 Lumen 1 500 " 2 500 " 4 000 " 6 000 " 10 000 " 15 000 " 2. Two -Light Posts Lamp Size 2 500 Lumen 4 000 6 000 " 10 000 " 15 000 Rate per Post per Year All -night Midnight .00 24.00 9.00 8.00 12.00 9.50 18.00 13.50 25.00 17.50 38.00 25.00 53.00 34.00 Rate per Post per year 2AN 1AN -lMN 2MN 24.00 20.00 1 .00 37.00 30.00 23.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 74.00 6o.00 46.00 100.00 82.00 64.00 3. Three -Light Ornamental Posts Burning Rate per Post Lamp Size Schedule per Year 1 500 Lumen 3 AN 27.00 B. City owns and maintains posts, incandescent lamps, and glassware. Company owns and maintains underground cables and furnishes energy to base of each post. Goosenecks Lamp Size 1 500 Lumen 2 500 " 6 000 " 10 000 " Burning Rate per Lamp Schedule per Year AN 12.00 AN 15.00 AN 28.00 AN 41.00 C. City owns and maintains underground cables, posts, mercury lamps, ballasts and glassware. Ballasts shall provide a power factor of at least 90%. Company furnishes energy only at central distribution points designated by Company. Mercury Lamps Burning Rate per Lamp Lamp Size Schedule per Year 250 Watt AN 17.00 000 " AN 25.50 400 MN 19.50 700 " AN 45.00 700 MN 31.00 (Continued on following sheet) City of St. Paul STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) City owns and maintains underground cables, posts, fluorescent lamps, ballasts, and glassware. Ballasts shall provide a power factor of at least 90%. Company furnishes energy only at central distribution points designated by Company. Fluorescent Lamps Rate Number and Size Burning per Unit of Lamps Per Unit Schedule per Year 1 -F HO AN 10.00 2 -F72HO AN 13.50 Schedule of Burning, Groups A, B, C and D - All -night lamps lighted -and extinguished by photo- electric control. Midnight lamps are lighted by photo- electric control and extinguished at midnight Central Standard Time. IV. Multiple Overhead City owns and maintains lamp units, lamps, and glassware. Company owns and maintains distribution system including hangers, and furnishes energy at the lamp unit. A. Incandescent Lamps Lamp Burning Size Schedule 2 500 Lumen AN 4 000 AN 6 000 " AN 10 000 " AN Rate per Lamp per Year 17.00 21.50 31.00 47.50 B. Mercury Lamps Rate Lamp Burning per Lamp Size Schedule per Year 250 Walt AN 25.00 400 " AN 38.00 Mercury lamps shall be installed in groups of 6 or more units supplied from one point. Mercury lamps shall include high power factor ballasts giving a power factor of at least 90%. Schedule of Burning Groups A and B - All - night, lighted and extinguished by photo- electric control. Rates in this section based on supplying service to an average of not less than one 4,000 lumen lamp per 600 lineal feet of pole line. (Continued on following sheet) STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey, � /96 ,7VI Affidavit of Publication Dawn .. M. Wo ghik ......................... y... ............................... being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed .............. Legal.. Notice.................. ............................... ........................... ............................... Hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued daily, at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty -five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the ....... LQ94 ......... NOTICE ..... said, , , , ,, , , , , , , , hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, once each week, for ............ g that it was first so published on ....7blWS dam ....... the . , .. 20th , . , .. , ..... day of ..... FebMAry......... 1964 ., ........................3000%00� Mir 110mampQ11K ....................... dEPO C. .......................XV9....; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a b c d e r z h t j t l m n o p g r t u v w z y z Subscribed and sworn to before me this.?.Q:t )l.day of ....F'2} XI'Ary............. 19.6.4 -A ................ Notary Public, Dakota County, Minnesota DOrdAI:D W. FRIEStM, Notary Public, Washington Co., Minn. My commission expires My. C:nrruiiissioli Fxpire6. NC> f.• 1; •196& • • • 19.... Form 1.15 1 Lbi IG�0M1# NORTHERN STATES POI•WER ANY ST. PAUL 2 MINNESOTA M U) 9. + t November 27, 1963 OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGER The Honorable Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mrs. O'Connell: X96 9&/J,__ Pursuant to provisions of Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, Northern States Power Company hereby files the attached two amended sheets to replace corresponding sheets of the. General Rules and Regula- tions for electric service now on file: Electi -c Rule 9 and the Rules for Application of Residential Service Rates are changed by these amendments to said sheets as follows: RULE 9. CLASSIFICATION OF CUSTOMERS (b. Commercial Customer) The only change to this rule is the addition of the words "greenhouses, nurseries, kennels, fur ranches, hospitals" in the first paragraph of this sheet which is a continuation of the definition of "Commercial Customer" from the preceding sheet. These additions are for clarification purposes only. No change in application or practice is involved and no customer will be adversely affected inasmuch as they have been treated as commercial customers in the past. RULES: FOR APPLICATION OF RESIDENTIAL SERVICE RATES These rules are amended only with respect to a minor change of wording in Paragraphs 4 and 5 occasioned by the recent change in title designation of the former Commercial Service schedule to General Service. In these two paragraphs the words "such�� ratesas� are avralal�Ie ,t,o-c.orxau�.e��.i,�, customers for the re�,sze�tive a ��a, e re s crow ••• m classes of service" have T. ,n,, tituted for AtYYi`Al•S:rJw__ .be.e§t� X. lrrwv .3(tVlfrhL7V!l_�Jl9Y'I+h J . Mrs. O'Connell -2- November 27, 1963 Paragraph 4 - "such commercial service or other rates as are available for the respective classes of service. " Paragraph 5 - • "such commercial service rates as are available for the respective classes of service. " No customer is adversely affected,by this change. Yours very truly, /] Vice President and Manager J. F. Owens, Jr. y' ` City of St. -Paul s GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS (continued) for commercial purposes, such as stores, offices, shops, hotels, apartment hotels, multiple flats or apartments, wholesale houses, warehouses, garages, filling stations, greenhouses, nurseries, kennels, and fur ranches. Schools, churches, hospitals, and other institutions of a similar nature will be classified as commercial customers. c. Industrial Customer An industrial customer is one using electric service for the production of commerce through manufacturing, processing, refining, mining, and fabricat- ing or for pumping plants, railroad shops, laundries, radio transmitting stations, newspaper and periodical printing plants, grain elevators, and stockyards. d. Miscellaneous Customers Customers using electric service for purposes not included in the above classifications. 10. AVAILABILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE OF RATE SCHEDULES. Availability of a rate schedule with respect to the purpose for which service thereunder may be used and the class or classes of customers to which the schedule applies shall be as specified in the rate schedule. Rate schedules are applicable to alternating current service only, except for those schedules which specifically state that they are available for direct current service. Availability of service under a rate schedule at any particular location in a community or territory where the schedule is shown to be effective, and the kind of current, capacity, voltage, phase, and frequency which the Company holds itself out to supply, depends upon the proximity of the particular location to adequate Company facilities. The extent to which Company will extend, enlarge, or change its facilities to supply service is determined by its Extension Rule. In areas served by Company's A -C low voltage network systems, all new customers and any cus- tomers desiring to change the voltage or type of service will be supplied only alternating current at secondary voltage or at high voltage. A rate schedule shall become effective on electric service used subsequent to the first regular meter reading on and after its effective date. 11. CHOICE OF OPTIONAL RATES. When two or more rate schedules are available for the same class of service as indicated by the complete copy of the Company's rates open to public inspection in the Company's office, and the customer is undecided as to which schedule will result in the lowest cost, the Company will assist the customer in the choice of the most favorable schedule, the customer then to designate the sched- ule he desires. In those cases in which decision as to the most favorable schedule is difficult of predetermination the customer will be given opportunity to change to another schedule after a reasonable trial of the schedule originally designated, pro- vided, however, that the Company may not be required to make a change in schedule after the first change more often than once in twelve months nor may the Company be required to make any change in a fixed term contract except as provided therein. (Continued on following sheet) City of St. -Paul GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS (continued) RULES FOR APPLICATION OF RESIDENTIAL SERVICE RATES 1. The Residential Service rate is available to any residential customer for domestic purposes only, for lighting, heating, cooking, and domestic power service in a single private residence, except as hereinafter provided. 2. a. All normally sized equipment for domestic illuminating, heating, cooking, and power, used strictly for household purposes, may be supplied through one meter. b. Motors and other equipment which interfere with service to neighboring customers, all motors larger than 5 horsepower, and snow melting installa- tions or other temporary or seasonal loads totaling more than 10 kilowatts will not be permitted on the Residential Service rate. 3• Only single phase service, rendered through one meter, is available under the Residential Service rate. 4. Three phase service, service to motors larger than 5 horsepower, and service to snow melting installations totaling more than 10 kilowatts may be had under such rates as are available to commercial customers for the respective classes of service. 5. A customer occupying a building or apartment for residential and commercial purposes jointly may combine his residential and commercial use on such rates as are available to commercial customers for the respective classes of service. 6. Apartment Buildings, Rooming Houses, and General Service: a. Apartment Buildings and Multiple Dwellings - Each apartment or dwelling unit shall be considered as a single private residence but service for two or more apartments may be taken through one meter under a single billing provided the kilowatt -hour blocks shall be the sum of the kilowatt -hour blocks under separate billing. An apartment is defined to be a room or suite of rooms used for the general functions of a household and permanently equipped with a sink and cooking facilities, occupying space specifically designed for them, such as a kitchen, kitchenette or pullman kitchen. b. Rooming Houses - A rooming house of fifteen rooms or less shall be considered as a single private residence. Service to rooming houses of more than fifteen rooms may be supplied on a residential schedule pro- vided the kilowatt -hours in the first two blocks of the rate schedule be increased by 50 and 150 kilowatt - hours, respectively, for each five rooms or fraction thereof in excess of fifteen. (Continued on following sheet) NSP 96gLIr NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY ST. PAUL 2 MINNESOTA April 28, 1961 OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGER The Honorable Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mrs. O'Connell: Pursuant to provisions of Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, Northern States Power Company does hereby file the attached amended sheet to replace the three corresponding sheets of the General Rules and Regulations for electric service now on file. ,i • The amended sheet provides for a revision in rule 19 EXTENSION RULE to remove the specific conditions under which single phase service will be extended and to remove the references to term contracts and title to extensions which are covered elsewhere in our rules. Yours very truly, F. Owens, J . Vice President and Manager M.N.1 / 1W r- - � , NSP 96gLIr NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY ST. PAUL 2 MINNESOTA April 28, 1961 OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGER The Honorable Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mrs. O'Connell: Pursuant to provisions of Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, Northern States Power Company does hereby file the attached amended sheet to replace the three corresponding sheets of the General Rules and Regulations for electric service now on file. ,i • The amended sheet provides for a revision in rule 19 EXTENSION RULE to remove the specific conditions under which single phase service will be extended and to remove the references to term contracts and title to extensions which are covered elsewhere in our rules. Yours very truly, F. Owens, J . Vice President and Manager M.N.1 / i" n --A CM f� m � ry M � o N i" City of St. Paul GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS (continued) 17. COMPANY'S RIGHT TO DISCONTINUE 013 CURTAIL: SUPPLY. Company shall have the right to discontinue or curtail the supply of electric service for any of the following reasons: For failure to pay amounts payable when due, or to establish credit when requested; to prevent fraud or abuse; when evidence is found of diversion of electric service, or tampering with service wires, meters, or appurtenances on customer's premises; when necessary to make re- pairs, replacements, or changes in Company's equipment; when Company is pre- vented from furnishing electric service to customer because of lack of per- mits or necessary rights -of -way privileges; when necessary to comply with any order or request of any governmental authority having jurisdiction; or for failure to comply with any of the other provisions of Company's rates, rules, and regulations. Any discontinuance'or curtailment of supply shall not relieve customer from his obligations to Company. 18. WAIVER OF RIGHTS OR DEFAULTS. No delay by Company in enforcing any of its rights shall be deemed a waiver of such rights, nor shall a waiver by _ Company of-one of customer's defaults be deemed a waiver of any other or sub - sequent defaults. 19. EXTENSION RULE. The Company will, at its own expense,,extend, enlarge, or change its distribution or other facilities for supplying electric service when the anticipated revenue from the sale of additional service to result therefrom is such as to justify the expenditure. When the expenditure is not so justified, the extension, enlargement, or change of facilities may nevertheless be made by (1) payment by customer to Company of the portion of the capital ex- penditure not justified by the anticipated annual revenue (with or without provision for refund of all or part of such payment), or (2) a guarantee by customer to pay annually to Company a specified minimum charge or service con- nection charge, or (3) a combination of both methods. In determining whether the expenditure is so justified, Company shall take into consideration the total cost of serving the applicant, and will apply the general principle that the rendering of service to the applicant shall not cast a burden on other customers. 20. INFORMATION AND REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SUPPLY OF ELECTRIC•SERVICE. The Company printed booklet entitled "Electric Service Information" is, by this reference, specifically made a part of these General Rules and Regulations. c', to e — � � a m .,(Continug4 on following sheet) co M � "ri PUBLIC NOTICE ' 4 \ Pursuant ,to provisions -of Ordinance No. 11762,,approved 6t� ,44 June -21, 1960, Northern States Power Company as filed " a revision of u e No.71 of the General Rules and Regulations for Electric Service,'this rule being cT-4 ' cerned with extension of service. The import of ,th revision is to remove the specific conditions under which single phase service -will be extended and to remove the references to term contracts and title textensions which are covered -in their present rules S1 AaOPtea b9 the COUV" Nags yeas eCOURCy �i __ r-. g,�NSON SON P ENT (V AV OvLIS) aaalia }uT Slgeuosgaaun o} Seen Ou ul se pa}eooi os aq llegs saoueualmdde aaq }o pue sadld so uta}sss ples }eq} 'Jana -moq 'papIAoad :sasodand Ile ao; saaums -uoa o} urea:p 2uTSanuoa so ssauTgnq aq} uo 2uTSaaeo Jo; 9eaueua:.mdde Saes -saoau Ile g }Inn Saloqueut pue sS' ns 'sadld To LualsAs a 2ul}eaado pIIe 2ul ule}uleut '2UI}onJ}suoo so asodand ag} io; asn gans apnlaul ITegs S }I0 tl3 ul pa }eaol S}Jadoad aTlgnd aag }o pue s }aaa }s aq} asn o} uolssluuad gang . •Ilatmoo S }T0 ag} Sq pa}eu2TSap aq autT} o} aurT} uroal Amu se saaeldd oTlgnd pue s }aaals aaq }o qans pue 'urea }s 2uTAIddns ao; aa1uea0 aq} Sq pasn 2ulaq enou S}Jadoad allgnd pue s}aaa}s Ile To asn aq} o} pug -xa Ilegs uoISSTuuad sItLL '1961 'I Axe -uef Jalpe PUB uro sJeaS (01) Ua} ; poTJad a ao; asodancl qons ao; S }I0 qa + ul pa }eaol 'SlJadoad or Ignd Jag }o p slaaals aq} asn o} uolssTuuad palue -` Sgaaaq 'su2lsse pus saossezons s}1 q} .1 19q10201 'sl '0961 'IE Jgqutaaaa uo sai }. -xa galgm %Tq6 'ON aaUeuTPdO JaPU'; 'Ined 114US To AID aqI Ulq }Ten urea; 2ulSlddns uolleagdioa aalnaas allgn 4 e 2uTaq ' „aa }ueJ-b aq}„ pa}eu2Tsa a aaUeulaaaq 'e}osauuTW 10 ale }S aq} 335 m sel aq} aapun pazTue so uogeaodac r,, e 'Sueduio0 Samoa sa }e}S uaag}aoM I x0i as I; . t :uTepaO saor Ined }uleS To S 110 ail} To ITounoO aql I! Ajaadoad oTlgn, aaq }o pue s}aaa }s s }I To Aouednano pu I asn aq} ao; S 1i0 aq} o} Aed Ilegs as -ueJO ag} galgen }urnoure aq} 2ululuua -ap pue 'aalnaas gans Jo; a2aego Am,, aa}ueJO aq} golgnn sa }ea 2uTglaosas d 'T96L 'I Saenuer Sal ;e pue uroa; Sava (01) ua} To uua} a Jo; sasodmd Ir ao; Uiea}s 2uTSlddns pus 2ulSan.uo0 J4 asodand ag} ao; Ined }uTeS To S;io aq.f ul pa}eool' S}aadoad allgnd aaq }o pu s' s }aaa }s a asn o} uolssluuad- 'su2ls s PUB Sao Sans s }I 'e}osanulyl - zo a }e eI ;Fpun pazTueao Uoag} ;o s 0 Jaanoa sa e }S eaodaoa US -qos a. } o} eas aausulpJO Iry — uaso}I uo}IlyI AE(09L1T olq aaueulPJO- 8P696T 'ON QUa Ilauno r (0961, '9Z aunf) *31-To S}T0 ',maxx00,0 73 SdxOv :}sa}l aoSe]Tl 'SI'MOAVA 'f HOHOaO '0961 11,Z aunt panoaddv •L— (STlnoneA) ;uaPT-saa, ayQ 'uaso'a 'uosaa}aa 1uoSUITJo1q 'SSO } 'puellog'Soanooa(j UaUt1T3uno3 —sea2L '0961 '1,9 aUnf ITaunoO ail} Sq Passea # •uoT}eallgnd pu Ienoadde Wessed SIT uodn aaao; ul a I pue ;Saga a4e} Ilegs aoUeUlpao STgy i b NomaS •S }a ;es pue ipleaq 'aaead allgnd ag} To uouenaasead aq} Jo; Baessgbau paaapuaa aoueulpao Sauasaawa Ue aq o} paaelaap Sgaaaq sl aaueuTpao sTgy E xOLLMS •papasaadns kgaaaq ape scat 'Ox aoueuTPaO so auoTsTeoad pue suol}Tpuoo 'suua} aq} Papinoad aao;aquTaaag se 'ague¢Ipso qq} To suolslnoad pue soup} ag} ci;ua eaa}Iluuad ag} Sq aoueliduioo uodn PUe 'apUeUIPJO slq} TO SUOTSlnoad ag} Fo }oa$a 2upM aq} uodn }egy '6 •31aai0 S }T0 aln g}Ib coaaaq} eaueldaoae uallTan a alg 'aaueu •Tpao slg} To a2essed aq} as }3E sSep )I uMITtA 'negs saa}}Tuuad pleS '9 .Pallas •uep aq 'lasuno0 uol 1eaodao0 aq} so io aJaslp aq} ul 'SeUr £ELTI 'o1S aaueu TP�O TO Z uOT}oaS TO L gdwNeaea Sq )apTAoad pucq aq} 'ulaaaq sluouraalnb aJ Puog ax:[} g }Ten aoueTldtuoa uodn Sores ag} To }no 2UTsTae ao }u..=an oil aq} To 2uT4uut at[} Sq pauolseaao :}aadoad ao suosiad o} anawe Sma eg} sasuadxa pue sa2Jega 's}soa 's}Tns s}uauftnr 'ssol 'S}TITgeTI Tie uioa; ,31:3 pies SsaiUUeu SAES pue S;IUUrapul SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1960 r SECTION 5 Should the Grantee's operating ex- penses increase over and above the normal increase due to the growth of business, through causes beyond its control, the Grantee, in view of the then changed conditions, will be en- titled to a revision of its rates to offset such increases, but the application of such revised rates shall not produce in excess of a reasonable return to the Grantee and shall be subject to rea- sonable regulation by the Council. r ,SECTION 6 This permit and all things con- structed hereunder or used in connec- tion herewith other than rolling stock and power, shall be subject to common use by the City of Saint Paul and by any other grantee or. assignee of any franchise whenever there shall be ne- cessity therefor, upon payment or ten- der of compensation for such use. The question of necessity, compensation, and all other questions relating thereto shall be judicial questions, but no ju- dicial proceeding shall suspend or post- pone such use if the person or corpora-1 tion desiring such use shall deposit in the Court such sum as the Court in a preliminary hearing may determine. SECTION 7 The Grantee shall reserve for the exclusive use of the City the upper arm of all poles or masts erected , or owned by it in said City, and one duct in each conduit now or hereafter erected or installed; provided, how- ever, that the Grantee may make use df the portions of said poles, masts or conduits reserved for the use of the City until such time as the City may desire to make use thereof. Whenever directed by the Council by resolution, the Grantee shall make reasonable ex- tensions of its street lighting facilities for the installation of street lights, without cost to said City, but said facil- ities shall remain the property,of the Grantee. SECTION 8 The Grantee shall file during each m month with the Comissioner of Pub- lic Utilities a report of the number of customers, sales and revenues by classes of service for the preceding month based upon its utility operations within the City of St. Paul. The Grantee shall also file with the Commissioner of Public Utilities with- in three months after January 1 of each year a 'complete detailed state- ment on forms to be approved by said Commissioner covering the utility op- erations within the City of St. Paul for the preceding year including all revenues, expenses and plant invest- ment, together with such breakdown ' • „Jaau -12ua 2UIdUma ;aM0 }Ue}STSSv„ gI }T} aq} ;oaaaq} nall uT 2ul1n4I1sgns Sq PUB }uaut}aedaa Ja}ejA�uaUrdTnbd IeJI - uegaa1q To }uapua }ulaadnS }ue}sTSsv„ al}l} ag} }no 2u131TJ 4s Sq papuaure aaq}.m; Sgaaaq sl autes aq} pue aq papuaIIie se 'aoueulpao ples }eqy S NOLLOSS •asUaall s,aaauTSua v apea0 ssela -}sail a gsluan; }snx •}uaur - Iaedaa as }end ag} UT ueutaal,3 Saeuol}e }S a se aoualaadxa saeag om} pue uol}eanpa 9pea2- q}1q2Td :suol}eaTlTlenb umurluTW •s}uaumxpul sulpaooaa pue sasne2 paoaaa pue }aadaa}uT 'Peaa oy •suol}eaado }}IIIs To spaoaaa d9931 oy •paalnbaz ;T }uaurdlnba no o,L •};IIIs a 2ulanp saa -dlaq }ueld Jannod PUS uauiaall so 31aom aq} 2uMAJadns uT }slsse oy •}uaurdlnba 2uTdumd o} saledea Sau02aaUra pue SJeUTpao a3leur oy }}7qs a sulanp uol }e}s 2uTdumd a To }IIaurdTnba Tie pue 'saossaad -uioo ale 'sdumd pa }eaado Slleola} -gala 'sdumd urea }s eanssaad g2Tq NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY ST. PAUL 2 MINNESOTA August 5, 1963 OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGER The Honorable Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota - Dear Mrs. O'Connell: Pursuant to Ordinance No. 11762, approved June 21, 1960, Northern States Power Company hereby files the attached handbook entitled "Electric Service Information. " This handbook which covers information and requirements for the supply of electric service replaces the old handbook entitled "Electric Service Information" filed in your office May 23, 1955 and made part of the "General Rules and Regulations. " This handbook covers only the general requirements, but was revised and updated to rearrange the material for convenience purposes, to include more helpful sketches, and to reflect the use of modern practices and materials. Very truly yours, Lv. F. Owens, r. President and anager ,i,ap 14A 4 X C- r r y., rr T ivl ~, j. y4 'pYA ,i,ap 14A 4 X )��u � 't Page 2 of two July 12, 1960 The Honorable Mayor, George Vavoulis and City Council: The undersigned customers of the Guardian Building respectfully request the City Council to continue in effect the present sub - metering provision in the Northern States Power Company contract, as its cancellation would undoubtedly result in an increase in our rental without any saving to us in the cost of electrical energy. NAME ROOM NUMBER BUILDING R. M V ge 514 -517 Guardian By: H. Steenerson Compa 519 -521 Guardian By: . r Marvin Law Book Company 4 Guardian By:_ A. C. Hostettler 6 Guardian By: Vic' V �et�ce 7 Guardian By: �� sz} •�*� -, Jerry nn 9 Guardian By Dunn Strin r 1 -14 Guardian By: George Williams Cigar Stand Guardian , By �1`// '''J' : �.w.�ws %°d4 4d r I u Page 1 of two July 12, 1960 The Honorable Mayor, George Vavoulis and City Council: The undersigned customers of the Guardian Building respectfully request the City Council to continue in effect the present sub- metering provision in the Northern States Power Company contract, as its cancellation would undoubtedly result in an increase in our rental without any saving to us in the cost of electrical energy. NAME ROOM NUMBER BUILDING Guardian Life Insurance Co. of America 702 -704 Guardian 1 By: J. Christopherson I 714 Guardian BY (�wwrArvu� St. Paul Board of Realtors By: 720 -721 Guardian Robert Liesch 615 Guardian By: Minnesota Engineers' Society 616 -619 Guardian By: Brotherhood /of Lo omotive Engi eers N.P.R.R. 620 Guardian Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers G.N.R.R. By: J• {d H. & Val J. Rothschild, Inc. By: 12=�, Z!!� , 9 621 Guardian 503 Guardian !. �} I. -S %.t 2n Laid over to � r 3rd and app ` A-dopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays DeConrcy DeCourcy Holland HbI Mortinson Mo • ' n Peterson Peterson Rosen Rosen r Winkeli'.idcel --� l uesident Dillon Mr. Presidennt,4XAon- s N PIONEER BUILDING Name Firm Address Walter T. Ryan 505 Lewis E. Solomon 505 Austin J. Baillon Baillon Co. 500 Frederick Brewster 1320 Arnold P. Baker Northwestern National Life Ins. 1415 Roy J. Mohan 1615 Howard Overmann Overmann Agency., Inc. 1308 F. E. Roy Aetna Life Insurance Co. 1300 Mrs. Francis Wheeler 1222 A. L. Rosenbaum 1222 Z. W. Finberg Great West Life Assurance Co. 1206 0. R. Taylor Taylor and McCaskill 1212 E. V. Dolan F. M. and E. V. Dolan 1022 Arnold Niemeyer Arnold M. Niemeyer and Associates 1018 Wharton C. Smith 1015 M. I. Johnson 1004 Dan I. York 1005 Roger Wheeler Bankers Life of Des Moines 906 Earl H. Sauer 912 John Steger Massachusetts Mutual Life 919 John P. Drews 800 Val S. Morehouse 816 Alfred Berchem $14 PIONEER BUILDING Name Firm Address Marjorie D. Lindgren 811 John W. Ivan c e 808 Louis Peilen Peilen and Peilen 704 Joseph Fremland' American Jewish World 709 Allen Gray Gray and Gray 720 Charles W. Bradley 719 Frances Garlock 713 Gerald E. Carlson 706 Elmer Wiblishauser 706 Leo Wells New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. 700 0. V. Arnold Auto — Owners Insurance Co. 1107 Peter Finnegan General Telephone Directory Co. 1604 Otto F. Christenson Minnesota Employers Association 1600 C. T. Vasilius Roberts and Schaeffer Co. 1605 H. J. DeGree Minnesota Investigators 1607 Eva Bergren Stanley Home Products, Inc. 1611 Fred Wolff, Jr. Cushing and Driscoll, Inc. 303 Harvey Knutson Macoubrey, Knutson, Olsen & Thielen 1311 James R. McClure 1323 C. 0. Peterson Vent —Air Contact Lens Specialists 1325 Paul Thomas Thomas, King, Daubney, Swenson, and Collatz 1100 J. Peter Devine Occidental Life Insurance Co. 604 James A. Harris 603 PIONEER BUILDING Name Firm Address F. John Ward boo Harry George 622 Gregory Guindon Guindon Agency, Inc. 610 R. Johnson I Johnson, Koriantz, McCarthy Agency 525 Richardson B. Okie 522 Sherman R. Rutzick Automation Equipment, Inc. 605 L. J. Rieks 200 John R. Stoltze Maple Island, Inc. 1220 William J. Cooper Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co- 1002 W. J. Steffen. 802 W. E. Halter W. E. Halter & Co. 813 Robert F. Wille, Jr. 817 B. E. Scott Continental Casualty Co. 1603 Robert M. Dunning 1612 J. G. Wallace Texaco, Inc. 1620 Vern C. Soash 1610 Dr. H. H. Godberson 1020 Fred E. Meyer Union Central Life Ins. Co. 409 R. B. Gerber Gerber -Gates Employment Agency 402 Domenic Stinziani 411 James E. Finley 412 Keith W. Vogt Minnesota'Telephone Association, Inc.1614 George Desmond U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. 323 t 5 PIONEER BUILDING Name Firm Address Elva F. Gensinger Alert Business Overload Services 314 John Schneeman 1622 William E. Pederson 400 Don Bishop Mutual Life Insurance Co. of N. Y. 1101 Eugene Kraut Durox of,Minnesota, Inc. 414 Robert L. Smith Robert L. Smith & Co. 418 Roy W. Moritz 419 Theodore W. Koch Riter & Co. 305 T. W. Howard K & H Employment Service 222 A. R. Krawetz Underwriters Service Co. 220 J. E. Marsh Main & Baker Co. 513 Alfred Sundberg 505 ANCHOR BUILDING Name Firm Donald G. Carlson Creative Art Services Michael A. O'Brien The O'Brien Companyp Inc. Phil Fitzpatrick PTC Cable Company 0. V. Simon Modern Business Institute Paul Allen Fidelity -Globe Loan Company P. J. Stein Stein Drugs Address 403 200 402• 307 111 120 't �! l NEW YORK BUILDING Name Firm Genevieve Wolf New York Business Service F. J. Armstrong Betty Brown Arthur E. Thom, Jr. Arthur E. Thom, Inc. Fred E. Neuenfeldt Robert Schaller Lincoln Service Agency J. I. Steed �► r Dorothy Marvin Dunphy Associates , Fred H. Hanselman Carlyle Knudtson Geo. A. Most Address 428 420 428 315 313 300 308 307 206 205 203 Roy L. Spaulding, Spaulding Engineering Company 201 L. A: Ristau , 409 r N. C. Shapira, 306 Ben P. Chernow New Yorker Restaurant Lobby Georgia Carlson Budget Weaving Shop 326 C. L. Birdsill Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen & Enginemen, N.P. Railroad 309 .Eugene V. Schaefer 304 .` Geo. B. Pfeifer North Star Dairy 625 J. D. Cain Fuel Economy Engineering Company 510, C. S. Kollmeyer Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. 531 Dr. Saul S. Kanun Dr. A. L. Greenberg r�600 !� 500 fi NEW YORK BUILDING Name Firm Address Fred N. Peterson 919 Frank Zimmerman Oliver Adjustment Company 604 Donald G. McCree McCree and Company 918 H. M. Breimhurst Foley Brothers., Inc. 900 ,George H. Stauff 408 Howard L. Hohl 400 Harold Liefschultz United Realty 415 John J. Carroll 411 William::Williamson 411 J. S. Turrell General Committee of Adjustment, Order of Railway Conductors, Northern Pacific Railway 525 Burton L. Wagner 525 Gilbert J. Schlagel 725 Robert Zech 712 Chester E. Erickson _ 709 Leslie M. Nelson Nelson Realty Company 717 Kenneth P. Griswold 716 Paul H. Ray - 20$ Sherman Sokol Lobby Kather3n Q. Brown Fisher Photo Supply Company 381 James Donohue Donohue Temporary Service 924 Arnold Devine 916 John W. Anderson - 814 ,Elmer Justus Phil C. Justus Company 815 NEW YORK BUILDING Name Firm Address John J. Daly, Jr. Waldrup, Cody & Daly 804 Morris Chase 801 Ray Wolterstorff Provident Mutual Life Ins. Co. 800 Aurelia VJharry'Leuthold 821 ' B. J. Gordon Dairy Record r 816 -1 Floyd Thompson Creamery Operators and Managers Association, and Dairy Products Association 416 Robert Park American Stores Produce Co. 1025 E. C. Mogren 1016 J. A`, Beran 1000 F. L. Palarine 923 F. J. Gould 713 r Worrel Clarkson, Jr. The Clarkson Coal Company 216 r Frank W. Wilkens 428 Earl D. Johnson Earl D. Johnson, C.P.A. 405 Benjamin E. Siegel 1001 " Laurence D. Cohen , 1007 Blanche W. Strouse 700 Paul I. McDermott McDermott Insurance Agency 714 Dr. Brian Doherty 611 Burtin Shay 607 R. Van Reyper 606 Walter T. Pehoski Mesabi Engineering Company 711 4i r . A ti NEW YORK BUILDING Name Firm Building George A. Stanch 407 Clarence H. Meyer Meyer Engraving Company 324 Mr. Carver Telex Hearing Aid Service 116 J. A. McHugh Central Company 204 Dr. L. A. Meyer 115 A. Katz M -108 C. W. Nelson C. W. Nelson, Inc. M -100 A. Irving Birnberg ' 605 i 2n V Laid over to � r 3rd and app ` " d.plel Yeas Nays Yeas Nays DeConrcy DeCourcy Holland Hiolla Mortinson Mo on Peterson Rosen Winkel 195ggwv e. ident Dillon L.� s Peterson Rosen Mr. President-Dillon— r/