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ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENT COMMISS 3. A CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CONCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that the accounting procedure as COUNCIL 97064 NO. FILE established and documented, for the City and County Joint Hospital Facility Building Commission, a copy whereof is hereto attached and hereby incorporated herein, approved by the Chairman, of said Commission, the Corporation Counsel, the City Comptroller, the County Attorney and the County Auditor hereby is approved. I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Rosen Winkel '" 4 Mr. President, Dillon �7' 6M 7 -59 ,8 Council File No. 197084 —By Severin A. Mortinson- Resolved, That the accounting pro- cedure as established and documented, for the City and County Joint Hospital Facility Building Commission, a copy whereof is hereto attached and hereby incorporated herein, approved by the L Chairman of said Commission, the Corporation Counsel, the City Comp- troller, the County Attorney and the County Auditor hereby is approved. Adopted by the Council May 10, 1960. Approved May 10, 1960. (May 14, 1960) Y4F Favor ainst Q Adopted by the Council�Y 19 MSPITAL FACILITY BUILDING COMISSION ' LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY. ' • ' - 97064 Chapter 939;' haws of Minnesota for-1957, Section 39 states in part that TIThe county shall have power to borrow, for the purposes defined in this .act, a sum not to exceed $11,6004,000.00, or as much-thereof is the board of County Commissioners of said county may deem necessary, to defray the countyls share of the cost and expense- of the acquisition of landd for, the erection, equipping and furnishing of said hospital and nurses' home.° Section 5 provides in part that nay county authorized to proceed under this •` act is authorized to use any moneys in the county treasury, not set aside for•other' purposes, to carry out the purposes of this act.' If moneys in the said treasury are insufficient,, and if sufficient moneys cannot' be secured - under'statutes permitting any such county to levy a tax for general revenue purposea,'the board of county commis- sioners may levy an additional tax for the purpose of this ac$ll: Section 6 in part provides that °Any such city of the first class shall have the power to borrow, for the purposes defined in this act, a sum not to exceed $4,400E000.00, or so much thereof as the governing body of such city may deem neces- sary;, too defray its share of the expense of the acquisition of land, the erection, equipping and furnishing of said hospital and nurses' home". ACCOUNTING PROCEDURE (1), The Hospital Facility Building Commission shall name the person or persons authorized to sign payrolls and to requisition for equipment, supplies or services; and shall notify in writing the city comptroller and county auditor, the persons so named. (2) All requisitions for materials, supplies or serfices are to be submitted to the County Auditorts'purchasing agent who will prepare a purchase order in quad ruplicate on which the County Auditor (Accounting Department) will encumber the fund. All copies thereof are then submitted to the City Comptroller for his acknowledgment of the City "'s liability of the total cost listed thereon. The City Comptroller will retain one copy and return three copies to the County Auditor; the original for the —1— s vendor., one copy for the accounting department and one for the County Auditors purchasing agent:. (Sf another copy of the purchase order is available,• it would be sent to the Executive Secretary of the Commission. However, present County purchase orders are in four copies only). r (j)--Claims for payment of materials, supplies and services shall be made in triplicate on County claim forms and shall be forwarded by the vendor to the Commis" sion. The claims shall be signed by the Executive Secretary of'the Commission acknowledging.that the property or services have been received and ahali be approved by the Commission, which approval shall be indicated thereon;' after approval, the claims shall be signed by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Commission. Before payment is made,,, each claim shall be approved by the County $ttorney' and the, City Comptroller who shall retain the "third copy and forward the remdining'two copies to the County Auditor. The original is to be used as authority for payment. by..the County Auditor and the remaining copy is for the Commission: (The County-Attorney,, r . in an opinion dated November 19, 1959, has advised that the approval of .these claims f by the County Board is not required). (4) A request for authorization of expenditures, F'A 'as expenses incurred by Commission members, should be distinguished from a requisition for supplies or services as outlined above. Said request for authorization of expenditures must be approved by the Commission, the City Council and the County Board.' 'The Executive Secretary, of the Commission, the Secretary of the County Bpard:'and the City Clerk, shall advise the City Comptroller and County Auditor of iaid,adttoa wktio will then r encumber the funds and make the payments upon a duly certified claim., (5) The Commission shall authorize, in accordance'with rules governing car allowance adopted by the Board of County Commissions which of *its employees shall be allowed mileage on the straight mileage basis, (Plan A). 'Yotice .thereof shall be given to the .City Comptroller and County Auditor. Should the Commission wish to hav© any of its'employees,receive mileage allowance pursuant to Chapter 796 Laws of 1955 (basic allowance in addition to mileage allowance, referred to as Plan B), approval thereof shall finst be obtained from the City Council and County Board. -2r The reports and claims required by the County shall be used in reporting mileage; they shall require the same approval as claims for materials, supplies and services as indicated in paragraph 3,., . , (6) The. Commission is authorized to employ architects,-engineers, draftsmen and such clerical help.as may be deemed necessary for the preparation of ,the plans and specifications as provided in Section 14 of Chapter 9399,,and as provided in Section 17 to, employ architects, .engineers, .supervisors, inspectors, clerks and other employees as it may deem necessary or,advisable to supervise and inspect the work and to assist in the performance:of the duties of the,Commission. The compen- sation and employment of such emp ;oyeesfshall be pursuant to the resolution adopted by the Commission on January 22, 1959,- which is, as follows:,. x "RESOLVED, That pursuant to, the provisions of Laws of Minnesota for, 1957, Chapter -939, the Commission establishes hereby a system for the processing of all payroll matters as follows:, 1, The hiring and employment of any person-by,this Commission shall be done pursuant to resolution of this Commission, said resolution setting--out the name of the employees,- capacity, in which employed, salary, and any other matters pertinent to individual personnel and,position..• 2. Copies of.such resolution, certified by the Chairman of the Commission, shall be forwarded to the Saint Paul City,Council and the Board of County'Commis— ..,sioners of the County of Ramsey, requesting the approval of said,governing bodies$ according -to law. r - ., ,3, That at the,end of-any payroll period of the Commission which shall .hereafter be established, the Chairman of,the Commission or the Executive Secretary of the Commission is hereby.empowered to,certify each individual payroll'to the ,proper county and city officials for payment, pursuant to laws made and provided therefor." , -This procedure has been approved by the County Attorney, a copy of his opinion attached. ti3-- r (7) Payrolls are to be certified by the Chairman or Eicecutive Secretary of the Commission. The City Comptroller shall acknowledge thereon for the City's liability. The County payroll form is to be used and is to be prepared in five copies with one copy retained by the llxecut'ive Secretary, one copy for the City Comptroller.and the remaining three copies to be forwarded to the County Auditor for encumbrance of funds and payment. (S) Contracts for work, materials, or,both; according to plans and specif " cations shall be awarded by the Commission to the responsible.bidder, whose bid or , proposal is the moot favorable to the City and the County. Any contract awarded by the Commission shall be subject to approval by the governing body of the City and the County, The contrasts shall be in the name, City and County. (9) Reimbursement by the City of St. Paul tothe County of Ramsey shall be on the following basist.. (a)-On a monthly basis, (b) County invoice shall list the vendor and anount, and payroll showing periodp copies of which have previously been. furnished the City Comptroller. (10) Receipts'are to be deposited with the County. The County will•roult 2705 of the receipts to the City Commisoioner of Finance and deliver such remit- Lances to the City Comptroller, at least semi- ,annualy. APPROVEDs S/ T. M. Quayle Chairman Hospital Facility Building fommission S/ Louis P. Sheahan ttorney S1 Edward K. Delaney Chairman Hospital Facility Building Commission .TLIi' M3.tCl'1 °�.1. City Comptroller S/ Eugene A. Monick County ,Auditor 500 -- 3/4/59 ' 4- Mr. Eugene.A. Monick Ramsey County Auditor 132 Court douse St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Sirs February 259 1959 On February 3, 1959, you presented to this office by letter a request for an opinion with reference to the following .question: Does the resolution adopted by the Hospital Facility Building Commission 'at °lta Lgeeting of January 229 1959, empowering the chairman or executive .secretary of the Commission to certify each payroll meet the requirements of Chapter 939, Laws of 1959? In reply thereto, you are advised that the natter has been considered previously by this office, and opinions dated January 99 1956 and November 19, 1959 have been issued. The particular subject natter is covered by Sections 14 and 17 of the Act. ' The resolution of the Hospital Facility Building Commission which you have submitted provides that the Commission shall hire employees, set their salary, prescribe their duties and provide for other natters pertinent to the position. It further provides that any such resolution of the. Commission shall be submitted to the St. Paul City Council and the Ramsey County Board for approval. Under th© Act this action of the Commission will not be effective until the resolution has been approved by both the City Council and the County Board, It is my opinion that action taken pursuant to this resolution will suffioo for compliance with the provisions of the Act relating totthe duties of the Commission. If the action of the chairman of the Commission. or the executive secretary in certifying an individual payroll is supported by an approved resolution, you should issue your warrant- -check in accordance with such certification. However,'in your administrative prodedure you should provide a method insuring that the payroll certification of the chairman or the executive secretary is supported by & current proper resolution of the Commission, approved by the City Council and the,County Board. It is not necessary that each individual payroll be approved by the Commission. Very truly yours, THOMAS M. QUAYLE Assistant County Attorney r J ' ` Mr. Eugene.A. Monick Ramsey County Auditor 132 Court douse St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Sirs February 259 1959 On February 3, 1959, you presented to this office by letter a request for an opinion with reference to the following .question: Does the resolution adopted by the Hospital Facility Building Commission 'at °lta Lgeeting of January 229 1959, empowering the chairman or executive .secretary of the Commission to certify each payroll meet the requirements of Chapter 939, Laws of 1959? In reply thereto, you are advised that the natter has been considered previously by this office, and opinions dated January 99 1956 and November 19, 1959 have been issued. The particular subject natter is covered by Sections 14 and 17 of the Act. ' The resolution of the Hospital Facility Building Commission which you have submitted provides that the Commission shall hire employees, set their salary, prescribe their duties and provide for other natters pertinent to the position. It further provides that any such resolution of the. Commission shall be submitted to the St. Paul City Council and the Ramsey County Board for approval. Under th© Act this action of the Commission will not be effective until the resolution has been approved by both the City Council and the County Board, It is my opinion that action taken pursuant to this resolution will suffioo for compliance with the provisions of the Act relating totthe duties of the Commission. If the action of the chairman of the Commission. or the executive secretary in certifying an individual payroll is supported by an approved resolution, you should issue your warrant- -check in accordance with such certification. However,'in your administrative prodedure you should provide a method insuring that the payroll certification of the chairman or the executive secretary is supported by & current proper resolution of the Commission, approved by the City Council and the,County Board. It is not necessary that each individual payroll be approved by the Commission. Very truly yours, THOMAS M. QUAYLE Assistant County Attorney