196986- --------------- -- --------------- Louncil File No ................................... .................. . .................................... Resolution In the matter of the assessment of CITY OF ST. PAUL Ratifying Assessment benefits,, cost and expenses for improving-00orge $Cre6ti bhia Street., Winifred Street and - SoUth, Wabasbj%- Striet. ' from Smith Avenue to Concord Street by rez9vingwood. block suifacins" on George, Street.- fi;oz tmith Avehm to Orleans Street and on, Winifred Street t ildin-S -4 from Charlton Stree _t --r Street and bu p :the present concrete - - - .9 StrylD base with- coacr;ete. vhers necessary t6 -bring the surfade 6,fAhe concrete base to the proper sub-grade of the new asphaltic concrete surftei4 or­by'c'on'- atructing new concrete base where necessary and surfacing with asphaltic concrete the reconstructed concrete base within these street limits; by surfacing with asphaltic concrete the existing sandstone Wearing course on George Street from Orleans Street to Ohio Streetj, by surfacing with gpha c Zoacrete-, the; .exiotizig sa&ls tone ,, wee ring, so on 014 cour 9 ,,j�treet;r,,� urtdLr Ic Ck-:6ig !rdti�eei,:� �i the iexisting.saqdst6uj( *aring course on Winifred Street from Chia.Street 'wL approvct�6--Char3tci�--iti;d4t--azd'jiron Stryker Street to South - Wabasha Ptre'et; by surfacing with asphaltic con 't riff on South Wabaoha Street f op sur- e _V1 -gre A L.- 3! 4 , - %q 'j, F, 'h con 01VI i If! *1 n�e�ll I 1 "0111, 7 3 A Xrq'l � Ar t -fadihg 44ith dilpwtic con I dittb` the -basWig track area' mherd the track cours a on SXabasha SU from required and repaving the saw with new concrete base and asphaltic cone surfacing; by reconstructing the paying., curbing and sidewalks on intersecting is h r(�, 40tN Y14,CkhW 4 LOWFI�q_O-ary, and A_44PO41. A9 L. PaPVWn M- R !!$OLVED. That the scar"I asser3,nent be and iu, is -hereby deter, iinc-d to Le rayab!t: -A in __.____...._...........equal installments. Mpg. 4: ING Adoptedby the CounciL ...... . ..................................... ----_.. ....---- ._._..._....19......... WIRY 419S® Approved.............. - -------------------------------------- 19 -------- Form B. B. 18 File 14025 6 "10 Clerk. Mayor. 1:0LJr mliTc}J _T2 r76cseevLX ssrq Tuq gOu.v .go eorj -4 Tlo- ix.oAep�u; e ;i Go# MtJGLG uo; Tty COUT,OLMT�P%, ;M7 �FJ ,PerT9 TmbLO.&rAmu.J' =q pa, gOTuR uTT o r,IrOL RfILL`J'CTU( ?! . p'h-L000U8.P rlC.PTrIR .P)xG bejn,TTA" Ctrx.P.TIJR 9uq eTgGARTye Ou TTi � x.eOc TrJR LGCTIYJ -L-,g auq LOb34TUR' �Pp`O 28= MT ;fir u6ii C©rJCLG�,gG P926 suq '98bJJS'r.P; C; COucLGfG bVATUR Tt ggGdfvp6 srug" p2, -L6YSIORTUR ;Po PLcfiCM'suq gLgGJC baAtwe - MUSLs SgPLOc.Pizoti TUC3 -uR :F-Plt 8P2'bll7TPTC GOIJCLO�^.6 Ppo' 6X72 .PTAR' (`7.P`CfC 8x63 MJZLG FJJG .Pl.flclz �� marporajit DnLe6 Ali oU eortPp,eAgapEr g ;LSSP T Lor�f 6�s rseo grrcosg '2LGG p1� erra.T,s3cTuR AT- PJJ .9zT- 'WT -PTc 'CO ��' ���r� M .�{r�' JOU ^Lr$Jg LOI !R.PlXTr6L eompR `j'vP2rePq,- �.PLGG.�! pi9O ;Tff sprG GXTe .PTu& esuga.pou6 M6tiLTIrR COfM2G Ou IITUTgx.sq r,,4x.G`6.P ;LOM OJJTO 1:91O6-P Tx.om sox � 2�xc6� Po �QTITT -LLOq R;LGG.c' p 2 ,2iYi.T,sJ GTr1R . Mx F Uev�J ]' T.c Ooucz. �G R8bJJ7TPT0 COUGLG.PG pJJ�-' rxTOP-TUR esr'uge;ous Mss.T.TzJR icofmL -G On CANTO 4.FLGG.P , ou (;fiOLF6 2 j x 6B x,0 !I OL]•ovite u'" i.FLOG F .F'O OJJTO 2.- LGG.r! . ,PX c- .ftLLVCTUR MT;IJ enLT, 'CTUIR MT.pN r'rebpJZT;TC cOJJCLG fv FJJG G:r.T2:PTuq LlWCj2.gPKlG AGIaLTIrR COrrx.e6 COIJCLc pz J: }TG LGcou; .;Lf!c rsq ; COACLG pG paeG ^TppTA plioao e.pLGop TTw.Tpe! p:1 3- PLJ!C.PT -UR UGM GOJJCLG.'6 p92E MPGLG IJGCG2a9'LX Otiq err Lvc3 -UR MTPN VabuuTpTC .FO PJIG DLObGL elTp -RlggG OT, PJ76 IJGk1. ff2bNg1 -gTC coi (mG-ps 4rxz.7Lgc:'UR_ OL p1 COU=- t�,:p -Ot -.PNs coucT:ccs pues �' ��OYJJ'-�J�.�-. pox; ,��•F'�6��'- F.,���G``��2�� -�rxJ �d��7•�nb��J.r�'bxs2c>#r.--�c . dIi LR6 x x 7 A IrG O- E 8 66 siJ7 Oii rJ L L6ro �` ry s The 4 4 LALLOATbl? Qs= .fFdi gio4i map,g� - `�' /�r�_" }- .! _. Y�T- �..'.f,.r', y-` !'� f"�•'N. l CITY OF ST. PAUL ��e OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment April 5, 1900 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for under Preliminary Order 185968 approved January 29, 1958 Intermediary Order 187013 , approved April 15, 1958 Final Order 187392 , approved May 13,, 1958 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the ex- penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Cost of construction .. ..............................$ 65,859.87 Engineering ........ ..............................$ 4,484.33 Inspection fees ................. ...................$ - •1,314.97 Postal cards ......... ..............................$ 24.90 Publications ........ ..............................$ 21+9.00 _ Court costs for confirmation ........................$ 24.90 Net Assessment, Total expenditures .............................$ 71,957-97 $29.,211-32 Charge to Twin City Rapid Transit Co., $11,300.00 - Municipal State Aid, $31,446.65 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 29,211.32 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. 'n 2M 12 -62 g Commissioner of Fin e s To the Council of the City of St.-Paul, C/o Mrs. Donald -M.. DeCourcy;. Commissioner of Finance. 541 Manomi n Ave.-,, St.-Paul,.Minnesota., 7 Tuesday.May 3rd, 1960.- Gentlemen and Madam: re File 14025 Page 1 Assessment for improving George St. Due to my rather advanced age I do not feel -able 'to personally appear at s the public.hearing set for 10 A.M. Wednesday May 4th in the Council Chamber. I would therefore request that this'statement be included with any that others may make at the hearing. I have -.been resident -at 541- Manomin- Aver, -for 4o years. G -eorge St. runs along 'north side of my property. As far-as I am concerned the extensive improvement of George St., is a distinct liability rather than any asset. The purposes of- myself -and others si�iliarly situated were amply satisfied by George St. as it was, with of course, minor repairs from- time'to time. 'The costly rebuilding of George St. is particularly-advantageous to the concern hauling crushed rock; sand and other roadbuilding material from their extensive quarries a couple of•miles west on Highway 13. a The old George St. paving was f ailing under this exceptionally heavy traffic and this improved paving . is first and foremost to and for their distinct advantage. I would not be surprised if their tonnage over this section of George St., was not greater than the combined tonnage of all other traffic on George.St. They come on a down grade from Annapolis Street on Smith Ave., turning East on George St.' These truck loads are exceptionally heavy and usually . are full to the top. They are never covered and as they make the turn some of the material is thrown off, resulting in a continuous dust -coat blowing around the neighborhood.t' Then.the city's sprinklers wash laFge amounts of this material up un the boulevards which has-caused most of the grass on these boulevards to,be.- _'smothered,. This.-unsightly condition is --in - evidence- today - 1T'youu wish ',to investigate. Sure someone should pay for, -the "improvement"'by all means, but why make those'of us pay who gain no'advantage• but suffer increased disadvantages as time goes on. Why not assess this -.Road Building Material Company for the cost of the. kind,_of a road .they need, and let .us residents pay for the upkeep of the kind of road that= answers_- all.our needs Very truly yours � eo .=B' well t -