196971Council File No. 196971 —
In the matter of constructing a san-
itary sewer from the terminus of
Q the existing sanitary sewer said
terminus being approximately 392
#eet.5nuth.nf_j�? nn+h!xlh,r ^9ypz -s..,.
wConstiucting a sanitary sewer from the terminus of the existing sanitary sewer
said terminus being approximately 3�2 feet south,of the north line of the SW 1/4 *. .
of the NW 1/4 of Section ''e, Township 8 North, , Range -7-22 West and approximately
202 feet west of the' east .line• of tYie SW 1 /- 4,.,of the NW 1/4 of said Section 2, "
to.Burrrs Avenue in property that has been condemned for sewer purposes dnd in
an easement to be deeded to the City.
Also constructing a storm water sewer frdm Battle Creek.to =Burris Avenue in
property to be deeded to the•Ci-Cy for sewer purposes. `
Said,property that has been condemned for sewer purposes being described as,
All that 'part of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Sec. 2, T28,, R 22, lying northerly
of Upper Afton Road and lying southerly and easterly of the following described
line; Commencing at a 'point on the east line of'said SW 1/4 of said NW 1/4, said
point being 290 feet south of the WE corner of said SW 1/4 of said NW 1/4; thence
west at right angles a distance of 217.38 feet thence .S -31°05!: W a disttaneeyof
—150 feet;"'therce due,South a distance of 3�3 feet; thence S 31 005' W on a straight
lice tn;,,the portherly.'line of Upper Afton Road; except for that part lying southerly
grid' eas] y iaf' the , fol owing described line: Commencing at a point on said east
lifie "oP , sdi cl SW 1/4 of" NW 1/4 in said *Sec . " 2, T" 28; R 22, said point being 390 feet
sout4 ;of,..the BE corner, . of said SW 1,/4 of said, NW 1/4; thence W on right angles a
distf.nee of .,160.-'g. feet; thence S 31 °Q5' W, on a straight .line to the northerly:,line
'ton Road,
SA14 permanent easement (to be• deeded) for both „the `sanitary sewers.and'storm.water
sewers tp:be'.a';30 foot wide easement, .the centerline of said easement (to be.deeded) I ' I bed ri$; ¢eacr.'ibed as Follow8 i ”
Beginning ; at -a point that is 202.4 feet west of the east line of the SW 1/4 of the
Nw"3, 4 pf Sec,, ,2; T 28, R 22, and which point is 392 feet.south of the north line'
Of the, 1/4 of'the NW,1 14 of said.Section,2,'thence running on a bearing of N
48 °30'; W d .distance of 293'feet; thence on a deflection angle of 79 °30' to the
rights stzir}ce of "16.2 feet; thence on a deflection angle of 15 °30' to the right
g distance of `340,'feet more or less to a point that is 165 feet West of and parallel
to'the'Eas� line'of the West 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of said,Section 2; thence North,
paraL7 e1:, .to`tisaid east line,, a distance of 405; feet; thence. on a line deflecting to
the ;rfght.7.50 , a distance of .207 feet; thence on a line'deflecting to the right
19'�3011,a distance of 238 fe'et;:`thence on a line deflecting to the right 47 °00', a
distance of 169.85 feet to a point on said east line of the West 1/2 of the NW 1/4
of said Section 2; thence along the•east line of the West 1/2 of the NF 1/4 of, said
Section•2,, a distance of approximately 460 feet to the hE corner of the West 1/2
of the NW'1 /4 of said Section 2.
,Also constructing sanitary sewers and storm water sewers from the-aforementioned
easement,,'(to be deeded) to White Bear Avenue in an easement (to be deeded).
Said ea06me_nt (,to'be deeded) for both the sanitary sewers and storm water sewers
i6,be a.,30 foot kde•easement the centerline of said easement-(to be deeded) being
described as'followsi Commencing at a point on the West line of the NW 1/4 of
$I* 2, T 28;- 22,'a distance o� 1209 feet south of the NW corner of the NW 1/4
of said.Sec,. 2; thence running'on a bearing of N 84 °.i4' E as measured from the west
Brie of'the'fg i/4 of Sec. 2 a distance of 289.feet from said west line; thence on
4ne deflecting 90 000' to the right,.for a distance of 153.9 feet; thence south
1*raZiel tg "said West line, 257,feet;:thence on a line deflecting 65 806' to the
Left'; for a, distance of �'293 feet; thence on a line deflecting to the right„ 86 °26'
fgr,a' distance of 67 feet more or less to an intersection with a lime running west
at right'angles'to said East line of the W 1 /2'of`the W 1/2 of NW 1/4 of Section 2,
„At4";line.being parallel. -to the north line of the NW 1/4 of Section 2 and 280' north
,of, tne_;ceilter` lift of Upper Afton Road as measured along the east line of the W 1/2'•
o „tfie, t�:, /2 of, the NW 1/4 of Sec._ 2; thence approximately 271.2 feet. east a�.ong the
above desa"r'Aed•line that is 280' North of Upper Afton Road and parallel to the north
line•A,tk;e.NW „�4 of Section 2 to a point that is 162.2 feet east of the east line
W.1 /2 of_ .the NW 1/4 of Sec. 2; thence,on a .line deflecting 58 °30'
to ; to ref', ` for .a' distance, of 129.8 feet to point of ending.
o why cli ;i's to. bee known As the BATTLE CREEK SEWEN SYSTEM'-- E3T03IONS TO ,
above describe - •
line of the NW 1/4 of Section 2 to a point thai�t62ieeta��ue
of t)ae, Gi,1 /2, of .the W.1/2 of the NW 1/4 of Sec. 2; thence on a line deflecting 58 030'
to t}ie .eft, for.,a distance of 12.9..8 feet to point of ending.
f ;i hiph is•, to be known as .the. BATTLE CREEK SEWER -SYSTEM - -• E3�`I'EN�3IONS..T0
•EEAR:, AVENJE. AND ; BUMS. -AVE= * .. .. _