196958ORIG ),NAL TO CITY CEE§k LICEr1SE COMMLTTEF 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GEN RAL FORM COUNCIL � FILE NO 9 PRESENTED I NER ! — 4TF May 3, 1960 TrMEREAS: Proper notice has been received of the change of an officer in Jay Jay, Inc. 249 West Seventh Street, holders of On Sale Liquor License No. 5641, expiring I.1 • r � January 31, 1961, therefore, be it That the new officeri„ Edward G. Springer, Vice- president replacing John Graff who was Vice-president and resigned, be and the same is hereby approved. ON SALE LIQUOFZ ESTASLISBM, IT (Change Officer) Council File No. 198958 —By Bernard T. Holland— Severin A. Mortinson- Robert F. Peterson — Whereas, Proper notice has been re- deived of the change of an officer in Jay Jay, Inc., 249 West Seventh Street, holders of On Sale Liquor License No. 5841, expiring January 31, 1961, there- fore, be it Resolved, That the new officer, Ed- ward G. Springer, Vice- president re- placing John Graff who was Vice - president and resigned, be and the same is hereby approved. Adopted by the Council May 3, 1960. Approved May 3, 1960. (May 7, 1960) F R Copies of letter of notification attached to City Clerk's Copy of Resolution. Orig. Appn. 5940 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Martinson Peterson n Favor Rosen Winkel .Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -69 8 MAY 3 I Adopted by the Council 19 tjP,Y 31965 Approved 19 CIO P. Y' f ' fit 4 ( Letterhead° Schultz & S,pringe 4 - - Attorneys at "Law ` 'Harold W. Schultz Edward G'-. Springer _ Arnold E. Kempe - - Robert Wm. Patterson - James F. Finley Capital 2 -5585 122Q MA=esota Building Saint Paul 1, Minnesota _ February 16,. 1960 - Mr. A R. Anderson License 'Inspeeto r - - Public .Safety Building ° Saint Paul, Minnesota Re: Jay ".Tay; 'Eno. Dear Mr. Andersons I was-advised recently, that the "records iri- vour office in regard the On -Sale Liquor License of Jay Jay,. Inc. show 'the'Honorable John We Graff is vice- president•of this, corporation. - I know of my knowledge that Judge• Graff resigned "from -this 'sitipr� prior to taking his oath and proper place on the bench May;8, 1959: The co "rpdrate''recorde which I T have personally kept reflect the resignation of_Judge Graft and the appointment of Edward G; Springer; 1220 Minnesota tuildirig, to- succeed Judge ,Graff. ;in_ the capacity of vice- present - of -Jay Jay, Inc.' . Firs. - Edmund (Louise) James obviously had forgotten .that 14r. Springer_ replaced- Judge. Graff as vice - president. 'The =- death of A._Jerome Hoffmann and the resignation,of- Joseph M. Donauhe, followed by;Judge driffts' resignation, :all which occurred within• an approximate 'twelve (12) month-period nay well have ,accounted - fo.r this- oversight Mrs. James. r _ - It is,- with what I trust you -will consider 0ccusable neglect, that I stubmit to you; this corrective 3.nformation as to the present officers of Jay Jay, Inc. I apologize -for not having informed you,and your offfce°of thig change in personnel. If further, information is necessary to correct your - record I wil -ibd' ' most willing -t6. assist' you. Yours very, truly, SCML.'r2 & SPITrNGER : L S/Robert. Wm. Patterson Robert T*a. Patterson RWP:ts i _ COPY ( Copied from a copy submitted to-this office) ' SCHULTZ & SPRINGER, . ATTORNEYS AT 1A.W . February.1 7r 1960 ~ City �Clerkis Office ' City 0f Saint- Paul _' • _ City Hall and Court House t Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Res Jay Jay., Inc. Dear Mr. Okoneski i I We wish to advise you of the names of the oresent officers of the above named corporation. Neither Mr. Hofftan, now deceased nor Mr. Joseph :M. Donahue are now officers of the corporation: • The names of -the- present officers .and their' titles are: Louise•J&mes- President 249 West - Seventh Street Edward G. Springdr- Vice-president . 1220 Minnesota Building Louis J. NkkiesW Sectre_ tary- Treasurer -- 305 East Seventh Street - If any further information is needed or desired please let syours,' me know. Very truly SCHULTZ SPRINGER. (Signed) nobert W. Patterson , Robert Wm:- Patterson