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RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING s CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR r In the matter of.._.condemning and taking__an_- easement_ in the land._neCessary_for__slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Winona Street from So. Robert Street easterly to the east line of Lot 11, Cushing s Addition R SOLING RATIFYING AND CON - FIRMDVG CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR Council File No. 195996 - 1a–the matter of. condemning and under Preliminary Order --------------- 192739......................... approved _--------- �Tune__11 ___l Intermediary Order----------------- - - - - -- 1949. -- ----------------- - - - - -, approved - -• - - -. December_ 8,.--1959 ............... Final Order-------------------------------- - - - --- 195235 --------------------- - - - - -, approved-- - - - - -- Januarys ---------------------- - - - - -- A .public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be- it. further- Resolved,- -that -the _ said- assessment- be- and -it- is- _hereby_ Aetem in ed - to..Jae- payable s- to-e�acsh- pareel- ef- le�ld- dese�itied- thergn, File 14561 RD 2 4 IF ' Adopted by the Council----- - - - - -- ---------------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- Councilman DeCOURCY Councilman HOLLAND - - - -- = --- - - - - -- _ -------------------------- Councilman MORTINSON 1 City Clerk Councilman PETERSON 60 � 4 NO Councilman ROSEN pproved----------------------------------_--------------r------------ Councilman WINKEL DILLON--------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- -- Mayor Mayor �._In Favor ' ............ Against 2M 10-66 f 195568 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND A. BESSMENT OF BENEFITS 1 (15996 In the matter of__ condemningL and_takin an easement in -the- land -necessary -for ------ slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Winona Street from So. Robert Street easterly to the east line of Lot 11, Cushing's Addition under Preliminary Order -__ 199739 - - - -_, approved -------------- June -11j_ 195 ------------------ Intermediary Order -------- 194928 approved__ _________ __�cember_$r_.g59________ - - - - -- Final Order -------- - - - - -- X5235 - - - - -, approved -------------- JAnuary _1L,- _-q_6Q--------- - - - - -- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. --------- - - - - -- ----- - --- '- - - - -- -- Commissioner of F'in • e.7- St. Paul,Minn. Feb. 12,1960 Mrs Donald M. DeCourcy Commissioner of Finance I� City of St. Paul,Minn. / Dear Madam. In the matter of grading and surfacing Winona street from S. Robert St. to the east.;line of Lot 11, Cushing's Addition. Your notice of Jan. 26,1960 pertaining to Council meeting Feb. 24,1960 at 10.a.m in which objection to taking such lands or easements therein or awards of damages must be in writing and filed with the Council at the time herein fixed for said hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. I also note the assessment of benefits to property from making of said improvements. I attended the Council meeting of Jan 5 1960 when the Council approved of making the above improvement. At that hearin I was onDose to the notice I rec &ived stating my assessments will be 9352.0 0 against 3 parcels of property Lot 6 and 7 plus 80 feet of lot A. in �idwells Addition. I was inform that I should attend the meeting when the queston of assessments was being taken up by the Eity Council. Mr. Gmmer attended meeting, he was also oppose to his notice, he was informed by .Dehm�to disregard that notice. Mr. Gimmer owns lot directly across the s et from my lot 7 his lot lies up on the hill, my lot 7 lies 30 feet down in a hole,hills around 3 sides of this lot space is 25 wide 70 long rest of lot id hills, all the water from the hills run over it- Lot A is an alley way lies between my lots facing Belvidere and lot 6 &7 which face Winona which will not be graded. This property is 129 ft. from the closest point to this street, Mr. Wickers home lies 80 feet east of the end of this street facing Winona also he is not being assessed. Why then has the City put an assessment on Lot 7 and Lot A. Lot 6 lies east of lot 11 facing Winona, hill in front of it covering part of lot, as no street will be graded in front of this lot and only way a road ould be put to this lot is cuting part of the hill down. Due to this street being put in in which I have no objection I am going to have to fill in lot 6 as the street will be 4 -1/2 feet higher then the swamp area, water that now drains down from these hill s which is a the natural lay of that land into the swamp, lot 6 will become a mud hole in spring time when snow is melting or in heavy rains. Lots have no value as building lots only value they have being part of property that lies facing Belvidere St. As there is no sewer or water going to be put in this ungraded St. and lots face high hill in front of them'surely no one build a home on there. I own a mortgage on L @t 11 which the Eity is taking some of this lot for a turn around, that queston is up to Mr. Moe who owns this lot as to damage. I believe the property owners who petition the City for this said improvement whosproperty b orders this street should bear the cost of said improvement not parties who will receive no benefits from this improvement. I am enclosing two picture one picture of lots taken from my back deck pgpih,,,covers lots 7 and 6 facing this hill , other picture covers swamp area which road will be build across. Yours truly 1 C.F. �Heiberger 168 E. Belvidere St. _ _ -To •the•-Couai:il' of .the.' Ci'ty.'1'of `Stt _Paui'r i Ci ty Hai l ;.and Court Hou °s e" _i .S,t! Paul. .2, Minnesota,,. - _ � y: .. -.. '. - ' ''. mss= --'.L f'- - •' ..- ..':-r• • -• ±- ' ,, .:° ,'2 -M1 ' i• . _Rest �n ~'fhe >ratter of , Grading and ;.Surf ading; a.18*- condemning { - a-nd taking�an Ba'sement 'in,a.the °1'and neceaaar for slopes' a cuts- an4' f ills - in 'giading and :surf acing ;U ( irionw- Street 'r _ - `iron- South Robert Street easterly to the 'east- line of 11;,- q.ushing s ..Additi-6n, ,' �:..uade =_ ".Preli�ainairy 'Otder °192.72 tine' 9 9. 9; appro.ve.d` Juh 1 s -mnde r Preiisxinar ,Order 19 7 ,, y 2' 30, 'approved ' -Jume 'll 11939. ' . petitioriteis Eligio,.Munots 'and Ga =ole.e Muno ' -_ _ � � husband send•_.: t :wife'. i►endees, uriider con,trsi,ct, f or. d;e f i e ein - e d or 'the property h r of ter . describ -ed herµeb ob <=e t, to r ` coil ' i f+ e. aivard''of ` v{ { .= o you deanation of and•' <.th ,-. c .. -. _ c —_, 'y .•'. - r _ + -. � -, - ' damagea..fot -t#ie. `taping of � r. � y • ..- = ' 'Lot Four .z g r (4), and_ Fi�►e (S)� and that part of Lot : . Sii Z6) _-no$ titki;n. for'.- Winona = S;tr.eet known ,and =4e4e,ri°bed. as L•u.cy Auditorsa Subdivision of Lot Six - (d),. Bid'we'130s _s _' ?;: ;' • -Ad **ion.-. acfor•di_ng to the-` plat_• - thereof-'on t •le i• �'_ ; ?i ` . ind.of- tecor'd'- itt-1he" office of'_tfie.�_Register- -of -, Deed'a in,x and "for• sa -id Risco cvuhtf: upon the•fo 6wing ••round l:.7 That thy; ezandeiarlatiori: of- the - sail! laild "I's hot s ' - _ •;,`,i -Ya _ r ''f. ': -` -f S � - � - y -• . _•: t•L ', ' _ :T' ter. v' , / " ,y.rieceess-sa - the _develop,eent ?yand-- c_oxpietidn of,said- Wi,nona,Stree•;t, roe- South-' - ,Robert Street eas'terly_?tb jhe easrt .line of L Cushin't's Addition. That said - uprovement can' be •'aecoitplished without F ;iikidg said, Ia'nd,., That the takirng elf the' 'psopes ty - is improper and _ contrary td la* `.. ' _tvr • '• •-- <. /:, i ' -r j• '� .M � , r1: -r •- ••'- 'i -aYv•' ". -, ? -e r .. " " - ' r . .• :� _ _ - 4*,,, ? That: the, aiward yf or data ;o. the a •- B' a Prope.•r;tl owned bj'. the. ob.•ectora, is.rgra "ss'ly iriadeQ uate': ' • 1 -, � is "' _ .1`�- - •',' _ r: '- � -- �; , .. - r ', + _M .. Ttisi t thee. seid - ac'tiod- of the City Council is arbi vf..trary and `unlawf ul, "and ,deprive s • th_ e-' oab jectors -of thei r J i ; proper ty- .., . .f' - `J _ Y '` I�,� ..i .ts ,'' rti = l� 'rte „a _ .- v 9- ^ - + a • - _ .withou,t ;just coal) ents ation, - F•` v tea.. _ "_, : - _., +.'r. `, ,`' . J - ,•t ` -`; _ .' •�- - _ MUHOS�'f -rv— .. `' - '.w • ' - • '' - • -'z. FTM• •. _ T V ^""`ice `. .. ��, • - r -• _ CARQL$B MUNOS ^� r • _ - :'�±�. ; ;' -_.y_i - r _. ,y^ { - •- .. - . -• Ail �_ -, ` - - - -i- - ' brunzy, Z2; 1.960 To; th0' Cc.uncil-• Of th'e City of� `St-.£ Pike ' -City Hal l• and 'Court House: y _ - $ �.. 'PAU1 �!', {'Mi�nnen ©ta . > ate;. Ia the, matter; of aradiaQ= agd.fSurf�.Gug coadegning ' - and `taking a►n 'Baaeiceat, in the land 'neeesasary for „slopes _ cu to • and f•ilia ` in : grading -and surf aci ng' Winoba 5 tre�et from South Qbtiert Stree*�,vast.erly to the- east_=13ne of _ Lot Ili .'�ushi'a'g's'l►dditipo. uAder�Preel.i'ainary Otd-*r ,192729, : app;dYed .ions. 11; 1959.", under Pre iwtry. Uudo %'_1'92730, apps ed June' 11, -1959 _- Petitioners- $ligio Munos wnd Car.olee Muoos, husband and wife'.'-viindees under contract f orf deed for -'the = property hesatinaf ter describedi, hereby a_ bject_ to your" coadei;n.a►.tion of ^gad ..the swazd `of d i16ir'ith* .t ,ping oi: Lots4`Vour -(4) arn.d.Piv'e'. (+5) :and that part 4f' Lot Siac-(•6) not tai on, 'for.l inona 5- trei;t. -'knows iad described as:`Lucq Sheet, all its - _Auditota Subdivision, of; Lot `33x.(6), eidaa.i:•a s� Addition,` according to the plat - thetreof ofi, f ile _ and of , record fa the office of the .Register Lof ti. - !•' zr, -r '� -5 -De Ede is and for' aaid - RamdpY'Couh.ty. u of then f,o110 tar rousdara • . F . ; ' ' 1.. Mist., the:`condemnation''of the said la ad is' not ��.:` •- � -.. � ice. - '4 - _ _ f •: �,' '* '_. r- __ .. 7, .. _ ; r 3• - ' _ ' .. geceiaarary 'for the development Bind. 'c•owpletion of :+said- Winoha - Street; > f roar South LRo1•ert` Street ea to - - :,1'y , to =the east 1irie; 'of .'Lot 'ii•, -" Cushi a Addit Lon .1 +- a.' That said' improvement- -can bea'aecomplis.hed without r „' ;taking• said liiod, 36 ha at .the taking of the proper ty is iwpr.eaper, ! cpat ary to law. That the Award.-f or `damages to, the 'preiperty owned = r = f br the.i'objectoira- -is graas adiquate. •; - 3} r` :• .. Th4t, the said. ad'tioif: of, :the' Q t.y cih is'- a>rb.i trv►rg►: and unlawful' and deprives 'the ob;jectprb `of their property - Fr,fbbuf! just` coipenaation.. BLIC3I MUN-OS .s" ~; • _ '; _+ _ ' �� .. a •� by - , '.a 1 •j' .�, {`� — `—�-f - - '_ .' •• .' - •, - ,CAROLBB MUNOS " - '_541' � 1' i _ ' _ •t 'i _ - ,. ♦ + ' ebruary ''22, 1960 _ r To. 'th6,'Coua6il•t'9f the.:City''of _ St.:Pau1• ' City Hall and` Gou'rt- House;Rr - .{, -. .t f�ia_neaot�i _ Res -In' the, ma•tttr•.,,of••- grading and Surfacing, also condemning ;and- taki'ixg 'an' Eaisenent, its tfie land - peceas4rq for slopes ;cuts and fiJ;la;in gixding and, surf,acipg liinpna Sfieet i f,yoa ,SQUth- Robert'Street ria'terl -to the sane line of - ~' .ot Al, _Cuuhiiig's Additi;ba. _ - undeir Preliminary order 192729,, approved 'June 11, ' 1959. ' ... r> ♦. - _ undex' Preliat try Ord.er,-192730, approved'° June 11, `1959. petition - ,, � .• - � .. - -• ._ - - . '� ,4 ers Blagio Munos and Carol.ee 'Munos, 'husband and _ e-j._ !vendees 'uiader coiltrrlC = ; t f or 'deed - Foi 'the p'r_operty hcre.inaf ter deacribed,-_'her.e'by 'ob,ject to Your condexnition' of and :.this award of _. cffia� ages. for the biking o €:_ - Late .Pout (4) mind, Pure (3:) sud .than part ''of Lo =t. - i,+l;_. ° Six (6) ao t ta�kea� .f nor - t�inonat" S #rest; f�7ry known"And - described as _Lucy -Street,' all •$q-- - _- `~ Auditors °SubdivIiIi .-'of.•=Lot Six" (6),` B�dweji;t a Addition, ,-according to thi plat- thereof- on file And of, recoil 3 -n t44. office of the' hegiater of Dee4w, in "and - 'fbr "laid _Rande•y 'CO-4hty. loNing Jgroua.da.s 'Tfi, t V`t`h coaidemnation of • h 3 = t e said land is not., ;neceaaary for_ the deve,lopmeAt :.and •coiiipletion. of Raid- .Winona 'S reet, . . • _. • _ _• • ._ • - _ ...E - . - -� - ,f rojt� Sou th• Robe,t t {S tree,#. ea:ster),LV ° to -the ea8 t line of Lot il.' ,. _ Cushing'sAddittoia. . r- 6 2. ThA az a id improveimen t can 'be a cc•omplish ed with out` 'tak'ing, �eaid land. i 370 - ',That the taking of -the-proper ty As improper 'and. coatr:ary, to liw.,b ~; �i . , . {_ - � • .' ;; _ 4: _That the �iwa',d fro - d. r r anagea to• the_ �roper�ty owned by tf.e: "Objector4 is 'gro'sslyI'inadtqua(t ' `" 4•' •`5: That the sola''action of.rthe ,Ci #- y_.�Council is irbl' , tra=y ,', asid unlaiwf.ul nail - depri�ea " ttie -db ject -ors :of *their'• ro p, perty 3 -w_ i thbu t ;just coapenas tion. ' _• • -_ -k. - '-c, i''•',. ; _ _` v t. iELIG - MUNOS . .ra _`f r.-' yf -�_' r. - „ -- •t 'f `,' �' - _ • as: ^_ , - - " f-'- f- , _ -t- ` ; , •- - CAROLBB •MUNOS 7 'Q. R /' V, I/,. A� Aft it rw I �cp I