08-459Council File # �� � '1 �" 1 Green Sheet #__�� (� Presented by RESOLUTION CITY�FySAI,�PAUL, MINNESOTA ,� � �j0 1 R'I3II2EAS, under the federal SAFETEA-LU Transportation Act enacted in 2005, Miimeapolis and 2 adjoining commnnities have been allocated funds under the Non-Motorized Transportation Pilot Program; 3 and 4 5 WHERAS, the Non-Motorized Transportation Pilot Program will test how infrastructure unpmvements, 6 combined with planning, public education, and promotion can increase the number of people bicycling and 7 walldng and reduce driving with a focus on connections into and out of Miuneapolis by bicycling, walldng 8 or public transit; and 9 10 WHEREAS, Transit for Livable Communities is administering the Non-Motorized Transportation Pilot ll Program and is soliciting projects to be funded under the program; and 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has reviewed the qualifying and ranking criteria for the pmgram, and based on the qualifying criteria, city programs, pians and needs, the Department of Public works proposes to submit the Highland Pazkway Bicycle Boulevard and the Jefferson Avenue Bike Lanes to Transit for Livable Communities for review, rating and recommendation for Non-Motorized Transportadon Pilot Progratn funding: THEREFORE, BE TI' RESOLVED, that tlxe City Council has reviewed the aboue referenced pzojects, and approves that they be submitted to the Transit for Livable Communiues for review and possible funding vnder the Non-Motorized transportation Pilot Program. 23 BE IT FIJRTHER RESOLVED, if funding is approved for either of the above referenced projects, the 24 pmper ciry officials aze hereby aurhorized and d'uected to execute the grant agreements for the projects and 25 implement the activi6es as specified. Requested Department o � Public o ks By: Approved by the Office of Financial Services Adopdon Certifi BY� �/ /� Date �� By: Approved by City Attorne By� i�;�a �. �..vF�1 �Approv b ay � Sub 'ss'� n to un� � Adopted by Council: Date �f��,�/'��'_ � Green Sheet Gree� Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ����� PW -ruulicwnrks Cor�d Person 8 Phone: David Kuebler 266-6217 23-APR-0B by Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-0ocumerk Required: Y Document CoMad: �avid Kuebler CorrtactPhorre: 266b217 14APR-08 y Assign Number Fw RoWng Order Tofal # of Signature Pages _(CGp All Locations for Signaiure} Green Sheet NO: 3052360 0 eblic Works PaN SL Marfin 1 blicWorks De eutD'aeGOr 2 Akornev 3 a or's Office Ma or/Assistant 4 ounc� 5 " C7erk C' Clerk y.��S�o�'i To authorize the Department of Public Works to submit the Highland Pazkway Bicycle Boulevard and the Jefferson Bike L,anes pxojects to Transit for Livable Communities (TLC} for review, rating and xecommendation for Non-Motcsized Transportation Pilot (NT$) Program funding. watlons: npprove �n) or tt Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firm everworked undera contract forthis departrnent? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes Na 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a sKill not normally possessed by a�y current city empioyee? Yes No ExpWin all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, OpporWnity (Who, What, Wf�en, Where, Why): The issue is the need for more bicycle specific corridors that iransect the southem half of Saint Paul and link Minneapolis to the Sam Morgan Trail The ci¢rent opportunity is tUe second round of TLC NTP Grant funding. The grant is money targeted at nnproving bicycle infrastructure and education in communities adjacent to Minneapolis. Under tke 2005 SAFET'EA-LU N1P prog�am, Miuneapolis and adjoining commuuities have been allocated funds for such projects. AdvaMages tFApproved: A new bicycle specific wrridor in southem half of City that links the Sam Morgan Trail to Minneapdis. Increased bicycle lane miles and the first bicycle boulevazd in the City. More options for bicyclists to access St Paul, Minneapolis and the Sam Morgan Trail. Increased awareness of using bicycles for travel and not just recreation. Opportunity for being proactive relative to bicycle facilities. DisadvanWges If ApProved: None. Disadvairtages N NM Approvetl: None of the advantages stated above will be realized. Transadion: Funding Source: Financial InWrmation: (ExD�ain� Activity Number. APR 17 2008 CosURevenue Budgeted: April 14, 2008 10:A& AM Page 1