195959ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED COMM ISSIOI CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COUNCI LII FILE �• RESOLVED, that the free use of Stem Hall of the Municipal Auditorium be granted to Fourth District American Legion on March 25th, 1960, for a mass initiation, the cost of opening and operating said section on said date to be set up in Auditorium Fund No. 1021. Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 ,S Council rile No. 195959 —By Severin A. Mortinson— Resolved, That the free use of Stem the Municipal Auditorium be Hall of R, to Fourth 25th, fr American ass i Legion on March 25th, and the cost of oPeate to initiation, operating said section itorium�Fund No. be set up 1021. the Council February 19, Adopted by 1960. 19, 1960. ebruary APProve�February 27, 1960) FEE 8194 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy g 1yQ Holland Approved 19 Martinson Peterson In Favor Mayor Rosen Winkel A gainst Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 ,S