195901ay . ;rte F ` a' s • 1n Council File No.....�'. V RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME _OF_ s ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES RESOLUTION SM NT AND APPROV- ING ING ASSESSIIIENT AND FIXIIdG TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD, OF DAMAGES Council File No. 195901 — a Inthe matter of .........................................•-------.....--•---------••-------•--------•--•-----•--------...•....._.--•-------...... .- •----- •- •••••--- ••--- ...... -- openin and .xtidening Youngman Avenue between the: easterly north''ancl - "� ♦ t ' r �y 'south 4 -line- of Section,• 15; Township 28.46itb;-7'range 23 •West an " . a•. the weft section line 'of - Section 22, Townah „2$ North., Range 23 West, ' .Y as an_- &xtension of - Shepard Road..by condem6iiig.,.an4 taking the fo4owing - lots and-parcels--of land, all in the City o� ,. Sta.= Paul.;} , • - ' Commencing, for the -purpose of establishing a reference”' ine—, av a point oft the easterly north and south a 1 `Line bf� Sect`ion 15, Township 28 ,North) Range 23 West, that is 328.70 feet north of�°'i�ts intersection with the south. - section line of the said Section 15; thence in a southwesterly directionr on ar straight line to the point of its intersection with the prolonga=tion of the. southwesterly line of Rankin Street at a distance of- 70 feet from the southeasterly corner of Lot 32, Block 2, Youngman and Labm's Addition as measured along the said prolongation: . All those parts of Lot 11 to 15 inclusive of F. T. Watson's Sub of ` Lot 22 Fort St. Outlots and Lots 7 to 12 inclusive of Briggs Sub of Lot 23 Fort St. Outlots included between the present Youngiah Avenue and a line 70 ft. distant northwesterly from and parallel to the aforesaid'described reference line; also those parts of Lots 1 to 4 inclusive in Thauwald's Addition and Lots 24, 252 26 and East a of Lot 27, Fort St. Outlots included in the 70 ft. wide strip northwesterly of the above \ e described reference line and extending from Briggs Sub of Lot-23 3-Fort St. Ot tlots to Youngman an& fi I;emin's Additions; also those parts of Loth 9 to 13 inclusive, Block 1, Young - man And Iamtti's Addition inbiuded between the present Youngman' Avenue and a Line 70 ft. distant northwesterly from and parallel to the aforesaid de- scribed reference line; also those parts of Lots 24, 25, 26 and East 4 of Lot 27, Fort St. Outlots lying southeasterly of above described reference line. Lot 16, F. T. Watson's Sub of Lot 22, Fort St. Outlots, Lot C and Lots 5 to 7 inclusive in Block 15, Youngman and Lamm's _Addition. .Those parts of the $E' of the NWJ Section 22 and the NWj of the NE-41, +. Section,22, Township 28 forth, Range 23 West lying northwesterly of a line exte'nding - from the southwesterly corner of Lot 17, F. T. Watson's Sub of Lot 22, Fort St. Outlots to a point on the northeasterly line.of Lot 9, Block 15, Youngman and Lamm's Addition that is,160 ft. southeasterlj of the northeasterly corner of said Lot 9. Except the 6-asterly 60 feet; Lots 1 and 2, Block 13, Youngman and Lamm's Addition. That part of Government Lot 1, Section 22, Township 28 North, Range 23 West, lying between the southwesterly line of Alton Street and the south- westerly fine of Elsa Place and northwesterly of a line 160 ft. southeasterly of and parallel with the southeasterly line of Youngman Avenue. Lots 22 �aiid 23, .tune's Addition. . Also opening, and extending Homer Avenue as an access road to the above extension of Shepard Road by condemning a,hd taking a strip of land 66 ft. in width over and across Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Thauwald',s Addition, and extending from Stewart Avenue to the aforesaid extension of Shepard Road, the center line of which is described as follows: Commencing at a point on the southeasterly line of Stewart Avenue that is the intersection of said southeasterly line with the center line of present Homer Avenue produced; thence in a southeasterly direction on a straight line at a right angle with the present Stewart Avenue to the northwesterly. line of Shepard Road extension as previously described in this order