08-451Council File # Presented By: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 3U RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # DS -�51 3051890 ,�"�" RESOLUED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Deparhnent, is authorized to enter into the attached agreement with the United States Department of Justice to participate in the Organzied Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forcf (OCDETF) from January 1, 2008 through September 30, 2008. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date��j�, ���� Adoption C%%�d by C�Buncil Secretary: BY� /��i���il���5drr Approved � �/�d� '" Q:\FiscalAffairs�AO&CR�2008\OCDETFI 1 08thru9 30 08GSF.xIs Approv d by yor for Sub issio to Council: By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � b�-�51 DepartmeM/officeleouncil: I Date Initiated: Po -Po�����en� ; o�-�R-0B : Green Sheet NO: 3051890 I Contact Person & Phone: Chief John Hartington 266-5588 Must Be on Council Aaen Doa Type: _ RESOLUTION E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Cdr Ryan Contact Phone: 266-5537 Total:# of Signature Pages � (Clip All Loeations for Signature) Signatures on the attached council resolu6on authorizing ihe City of Saint Paul, Police Department, to enter into the attached agieement with the United States Department of Justice, O[ganized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF). Recommentlations: Approve (A) or Fieject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answerthe Following �uestions: Planning Commission 7. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for this departmenY? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreni city employee? i Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet i '�, Inifia(ing Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � � The Saint Paul Police Department will participate in the OCDETF with the Uni[ed States Department of Justice. The Saint Paul I PQISce Departraent will be reimbursed for overtime expenses. Authorization is needed. i AtlVanWges If Approved: The Saint Paul Police Department will participate in the above mentioned federal task force with other federal and local agencies from January 1, 2008 through September 30, 2008. None: If APProved: ��, DisativanWges If Not Approvetl: � The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent will not participate in this federal task force. , . . Transaction: $5,000.00 Fu�ding source: United States Department of . � lnformation: �uStiCO -� (F,cplain) I CasURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: y .,�,.�....,a... ...���,,..., .,.,..o�.,o.. � 0 � olice Depariment Police Deoaz�ent ( Assign i 1 YditeDepactment PoliceDepaz�eni 1 Fo ; 2 CitVAqnrneY ' CStvAttorney I� ; Rou[ing I 3 �FSnaucial Services Director, FSO �___ _ i Order 4 dllavor's Office Mavor I i — s co��a i c��u 6 Ciro Clerk Cih Clerk i ` 7 dice Department Pdice Depaztruent _ � '' �, : •: ...)1:A Aprii 3, 2008 3:12 PM Page 1 6�-�f5� Matt GS #: 3051890 The attached resolution would allow the Police department to enter into an aa eement with the US Dept of Justice (DOJ). DOJ has formed an Organized Crime Dmg Enforcement Task Force. This agreement would pay for overtime up to $5000 for an officer to participate in this task force. This resolution would not address the budget changes that would be necessary. This would come later, so this resolution would not require a public hearing. This proposal seems reasonable and I recommend signing. Chris 4/28/0 D �� - /> � ORGANIZED CRIME DRUG ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCES AGREEMENT FOR THE USE OF THE STATE AND LOCAL OVERTIME AND AUTHORIZED EXPENSE PROGRAM Federal Tax Identification r�: 41-6005521 Amount Requested: $ 5.000.00 Number of Officers Listed: 1 DC #: OCDETF Investigation Number: GL-MN-184 Federal Agency Investigation Nuxnber: 245D-MP-69110 From: O1/01/2008 Beginning Date of Agreement 09/30/2008 Ending Date of Agreement State or Local Agency Contact Person: _Commander Ryan _ Telephone Number: _(651) 266-5537_ State or Local Agency Name and Address: _St. Paul Police Department ,367 Crrove Street _St. Paul, Minneapolis 55101_ Sponsoring Federal Agency(ies): ' Federal Bureau of Investigation Please provide the name, telephone number and e-mail address for the administrarive or financial staffperson atthe state or local agency, who is directiy responsible far the bilhngs under this Reimbursement Agreement: Name: Angela Anderson Telephone Number: _(651) 266-5537 E-mail Address: _angela.anderson@cistpaul.mn.us_ Fas Number: ! (651) 266-5908 Agreement (Oct. 06), Page 1. dg This agreement is between the above named State or Local law enforcement agency and the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement TaskForce (OCDETF) Program. This ageement shall be effective when sib ed by an authorized State or Local agency official, the sponsoring Federal agency Special Agent-Tn-Charge, the agency OCDETF Coordinator, and the Assistant United States Attomey OCDETF Coordinator. l. It is agreed that the State or Local law enforcement officers named on this agreement will assist in Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force investigations and prosecurions as set forth in the Or¢anized Crime Drue Enforcement Task Forces State and Local Overtime and Authorized Ex�ense Proeram, Policies and Procedures Manual, October, 2006. 2.No individual agreement with a State orLocal departmentmay exceed $20,000, and the cumulative amount of OCDETF State and Loca] overtime monies that may be expended on a single OCDETF investigation in a single fiscal year may not exceed $30,000 without express prior approval from the OCDETF Executive Office. The OCDETF Executive Office will entertain requests to exceed these funding levels in particulaz cases. Please submit a written request including justification approved by the AUSA Regional Coordinator to the OCDETF budget officer when seeking to exceed the above stated funding levels. 3. Each Reimbursable Agreement will be allowed four (4) modifications per year. In addition, if the funds for a particular agreement are completely deobligated with the intention of closmg that agreement, it will not count as a modification far puiposes of tkus policy. These amendments or changes must be transmitted by a memorandum approved and signed by the AUSA OCDETF Coordinator or designee for the region and forwarded to the OCDETF Executive Office. 4. If an Agreement does not have any activity during the last mnety (90) days, the funds shall be deobligated. Ttie OCDETF Execurive Office will assist with the monitoring of the aging Agreements. Further, if a State or Local agency indicates that it is no longer performing work under a particular Agreement, the State and Local Overtime Procedures Manua] requires that a modification memorandum identifying the amount to be deobligated be submitted to the QCDETF Executive Office within five (5) working days of deterxnining that no work is being perforxned. 5. The State and Local Police Departments are to provide monthly billing estimates or activiry upon request. 6. TheStateorLocallawenforcementagencyagreestoprovideexperienceddruglawenforcement officers who are identified in this agreement to work on the specified OCDETF investigation. Any change in law enforcement officers assigned must be agreed to by all approving officials. 7. Officers who aae not deputized shall posses no law enforcement authority other than that conferred by virtue of their position as a commissioned officer of their parent agency. 8. Officers who aze deputized may possess Federal law enforcement authority as specified by the agency affording the deputation. 9. Any State or Local officers assigned to an OCDETF invesrigarion in accordance with this agreement are not considered Federal employees and do not take on the benefits of Federal employment by virtue of their participation in the mvesrigation. Agreement (Oct. 06), Page 2 �b - �SI 10. OCDETF and the sponsoring Federal law enforcement agency(ies) for the approved OCDETF invesrigarion will provide to the assigned State/Local officers the clerical, operational and administrative support that is mutually agreed to by the paa to this agreement. 11. Officers assigned to OCDETF investigationsmustwork full-time on the invesrigation(s) in order to be paid overtime. In order to satisfy the "full-time" requirement, a law enforcement officer must work forty (40) hours per week or eight (8) hours per day on a single or mulriple OCDETF investigation(s). Any established exceptions or waivers to this definition shall be requested by the Regional Coordination Group and attached as Addendum A to the Agreement. [The parent State or Local agency must pay the base salary of their officers. In the event officers must work overtime on the OCDETF investigafion, the OCDETF Program will reimburse the parent State or Local law enforcement agency for a limited amount of those overtimecosts.] Theagencyisresponsibleforpayingitslawenforcementofficer(s)fortheirovertime,travel and per diem expenses. To ensure proper and complete utilization of OCDETF overtime and expense allocations, reimbursement claims must be submitted monthly on the OCDETF Reimbursement Request Form. The OCDETF Executive Office may refuse payment on any reimbursement request that is not submitted to the OCDBTF Regional Coardination Group within thirty (30) days of the close of the month in which the overtime was worked. 12. Analysis of reimbursement claims by the Regional Coordination Group may result in a modificarion of the obligation of funds contained within this agreement as well as the time period covered. The agency affected by any such modification will be telephonically advised ten (10) business days in advance of such modification with follow-up confirmation m writing. 13. Overtime payments, in any event, may not, on an annual per person basis, exceed 25% of the current approved Federal salary rate in effect at the time the overtime is performed. The State or Local agency is responsible for ensuring that this annual payment is not exceeded. The field office of the sponsoring Federal agency and the Agency OCDETF Coordinator also will monitor these payments. 14. The overtime log must be attached to the reimbursement request when submitting the monthly invoices. The Sponsoring Federal Agency Supervisory Special Agent and the State or Local official authorized to approve the Reimbursement Request must certify that only authorized expenses are claimed and that overtime has not exceeded 25% of the cunent Federal salary rate in effect at the time the overtime was worked. 15. Under no circumstances will the State or Local agency charge any indirect costs for the administration or implementation of this agreement. 16. The State or Local agency shall maintain complete and accurate records and accounts of all obligations and expenditures of funds under this agreement for a period of six (6) years and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles to facilitate inspectlon and auditing of such records and accounts. Agreement {Oct. 06), Page 3 dg -�=�/ 17. The State or Local agency shall permit examination and audiring by representarives of the OCDETF Program, the sponsoring Federal agency(ies), the U.S. Deparhnent of Justice, the Comptroller General of the United States, and/or any of their duly-authorized agents and representatives, of any and all records, documents, accounts, invoices, receipts, or expenditures relating to this agreement. 18. The State or Local agency will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all requirements applicable to QCDETF agreements pursuant to the regulations of the Departrnent of Justice see, e.�., 28 C.F.R. Part 42, Subparts C and G; 28 C.F.R. S03 (1991)) relating to discrimination on the gxounds of race, color, sex, age, national origin or handicap. 19. This agreement may be terminated by any of the parties by written notice to the other parties ten (10) business days prior to ternunation. Billing for outstanding obligarions shall be received by OCDETF within thirty (30) days of the notice of termination. 20. The Debt Collection Tmprovement Act of 1996 requires that mosf payments made by the Federal government, including vendor payments, must be made by electronic funds transfer (EFT). In accordance with the act, all OCDETF reimbursement payments will be issued via EFT. All participating State and Local agencies must complete and submit the attached EFT form. The OCDETF Executive Office must receive one EFT form from each participating agency or police depariment prior to processing their reimbursement payments. In certain circumstances the OCDETF Executive Office will make exceptions for agencies that are unable to accept this form of payment, however, they must mclude written justificarion in the addendum of each new agreement. 21. All changes made to the original agreement must be approved by the OCDET'F Executive Office and initialed by the Executive Assistant of the Regional Coordination Group making the revision. The OCDETF AUSA Coordinator or designee must initial all funding changes. Agreement (Oct. 06), Page 4 ��-vs r This agreement is not a contract or obligarion to commit Federal funds in the maYimum amounts projected. Funding allocations for the time period set forth and agreed to herein representproj ecrions only and are based upon consultarion between the sponsoring Federal agency and the State or Local law enforcement agency. They are, therefore, subject to modificarion by OCDETF based upon the progress and needs ofthe OCDETF mvestigation. Additionally, iesources are contingent upon the availability of funds per the approval and signature of the AUSA OCDETF Coordinators obligating authority. The OCDETF Executive Office will verify and accept that all the terms and conditions of the agreement have been met. Approved By: Authorized State or Local Official Approved By: F Sponsoring Federal Agency Special Agent in Charge or Approved By: Regional Spons� Approved By: Regional Assist� Funds are encumbered f above. Subject to availability ;. Accepted By: f OCDETF'ExecZ Approved By: Approved By: OCDETF f ,, t'U�zited S�tes Atto; `t ` 'the , � - ocal.Age f v`nds. ve Off ce Ci Date desi�nee Date ator Date OCDETF Coordinator Date overtime costs and authorized expenses specified rney Director, FSO Date Date Date Agreement (Oct. 06), Page 5 � ��� i ORGAI�IZED CRIME DRUG ENFORCEMENT TASK �ORCES STATE OR LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS ASSIGNED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE STATE AND LOCAL OVERTIME AND AUTHORIZED EXPENSE PROGRAM State or Local Agency: Minneapolis Police Department OCDETF Investigation Number: GL-MN-184 The law enforcement officers listed below will assist with the above identified OCDETF investigation. Any modification of the list of law enforcement officers must be agreed to in writing by all ofthe parties to this Agreement, made apart ofthe Agreement, and foruarded to the OCDETF Executive Office. NAME TITLEIRANK DOB 1. _Sandra L. Kennedy Officer 8/10/64_ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Agreement (Oct. 06), Page 6 - 6 �''�f5 / ORGANIZSD CRIMS DRUG $NFORCSMENT TASK FORC$ STATE & LOCAL OVSRTIMS AND AUTHQRIZEU F3XPENSL PROGRAM GREAT LAKES REGION ADDENDUM A The "full-time" rule states: Officers assigned to OCDETF investigations must work full-time on the investigation(s) in order to be paid overtime. In order to satisfy the "full-time" requirement, a law enforcement officer must work forty (40) hours per week or eight t8) hours per day on a single or multiple OCDETF investigation(s). �y established exceptions or waivers to this definition shall be requested by the Regional Coordination Group and attached as Addendum A to the Agreement. In paragraph I(9) of the Agreement approval section, there is an exception allowed for the "State or local officers unable to be assigned to an OCDETF investigation on a full-time basi�," when an exception is granted by the OCDETF coordination group. Given the si2e of narcotics units in some of the departments in this Region and the increasinq demands being placed on these units, the Great Lakes Regional Coordination Group has determined that some flexibility in application of the full-time rule is required. To that end the following exception policy best meets the demand of significant contribution by the state or local agency and the flexibility required to meet all the law enforcement demands: All overtime reimbursement requests that do not meet the forty hour week or eight hour day rule must indicate that the requesting department worked four times as many regular hours (base salary time) as overtime hours requested. Therefore, there must be a 4:1 ratio between regular hours worked and overtime hours requested. Officers who are working 40 hours a week or eight hours a day of regular time on the OCDETF investigation are excluded from this ratio calculation. Agreement (OCt. 06), Page 7