195865ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL !l OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM TE 1 95865 . - COUNCIL NO. FILE RESOLVED, that the use of the Auditorium Arena be given to the Central Livestock Association, Inc. for its annual banquet and meeting on February 17, 1960, at a cost of $300.009 the balance of the cost of opening and operating to be set up in Auditorium Fund 1021. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Rolland Mortinson n Rosen f drm" Mr.'s�,Fr-esident,TDill0 sm y-h V42tbWdug GPr; of Council File No. 19588fi:-- By'.��everin A. Mortinson— }t i�trisI -tl Resolved, That tli* -u* toi' Jt66e- Audi- torium Arena be ei to,4ffie;Gihtral Livestock Associat�q Sfnc. forXIts* an- nual banquet and: eting on February 17, 1960, at a cost ,54, (100, the balance of the cost of openfi, �7d operating to be set up in AVdttor>� -Fund 1021: Adopted by the Cbuneil"3Nbruary 10, 1960. Approved February 18y61960. (February 20, 1960) FED 16011 Adopted by the Council 19 FEB 6X960 Approved 19 Favor ACtiAg'- Mayor Against