195843COUNCIL FILE N0------------------------- Council File No. 195N4 _ FINAL ORDER � m N the Matter of grading Maryland �• Ave. frookomis St. to Luella St. In the Matter of grading Maryland Ave. from Nokomis St. to Luella. St. under Preliminary Order --------- 1.921$7 ---------------------- approved ------------- M�--- � 1. 959--------------------------- - - - - -- IntermediaryOrder ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- approved -------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- Ruth provement to be made by the said City is to grade Maryland Ave. from s St. to Luella St. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council --------------------- __�g F -ED 16 9960 Approved -_ - -- File 1 498 Councilman Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MORTINSON Councilman PffERSTM- Councilman ROSEN Councilman WtMK t" Mpyor-y d�'r-aka z -55 2M 2 ----------- V, ------------------------------ City Clerk. CITY OF ST. PAUL ._.. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of G3 ading Maryland Ave. from Nokomis Street to Luella Streetp 11 under Preliminary Order approved May 6, 1959 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 195843 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost of the above improvement is - - - - - - $12-0111 -?3 The estimated assessment per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ 6.35 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: II DESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. Form B. B. 10 1M 3 -68 8 CITY OF ST.'PX1.1L2 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION- ASSESSED VALUATION La BLtj lC�.?lg 28 1 _ Tilsent s Lincoln Park r i r I I 1� FORM 8.13.11 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) - IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION I LAND VALUATION BLDG. 261 Mvisinn 11S II I 97 h 1 St. P=1 Mi rm. II 75 II 1 281 )4 do 1I 7K I1 I 2, I��I do II 75 II ! !t 1 do II 75 III ,10I l 12 IK-aufhold's Addition 300 I431 71 Murray Zane Addition Plat 2 � 675 li I sterly of a line be inning at poin� �n sixth line of and 150 ft. from I I II 1�outheast corner thereof; thence nor�h hand northeasterly and parallel With I I I Feast line to north line of said ; I Al I Nor+nnlp, Lincoln Park � 200 II1 171 2 IParranio Bros. Addition No. 1 11 250 S 50200 !1 1 181 21 do I1 250 5.200 11Subject to Maryland Ave. and except Lst135 fL of parts southeasterly of a II E�0. parallel with and 206 ft. south Ry..R /0%W3 part of SW4 of SE ast rly rom center line of S. St. P. M. 1� 76 ft. southeasterly from said C L, I I Sec. 23, Town. 29, Range 22. II 799 itstriD of land 120 ft, in Jon n'ortherl side and 76 ft, o f outherly side of center line over a anra 22 d a rossl SW4 of SE4 of Sec. 23, Town. 29,� 675 railway right -of -way being !I!� ft. to n ndrthe�ly I and6 ft, on southerly bide II V _ 'L across NW4. Also a 50 ft. tr4et northerly of a line 106 ft, so ut erl ou*Ay fro of and adjoining said R 101W and parallel With original centbr 11 line and extending from westerly link ine of NWT. Also it triangle in NW ofllk.3, I corder of Hazel Park Plat B to westerly� NEJ, northerly of a line 76 ft.Jl outherly.from and parallel to origi ec. 26 Town. 29, R 2 a1 ente line as located over and acros 000 11 1 I 1 1 TOTAL 11 - -- ,_ .0 $102400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated r i:� , i N!x-a . A &='e Commissioner of Financ -vp Form B.B. 12 1M 3 -58 8 e OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . . ' � v0f May 11th , 19-0 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 192187 , approved May 6th , 19 59 , relative to grading Maryland Ave. from Nokomis Street to Luella Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 19,041.23 Engineering $1,384.82 Ins thereof is $ and the nature and extent of Cost per front foot $6.35 is as follows: and (or) desirable. _, and the total cost pection $346.21 said improvement Frontage 3000 ft. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition o` three more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. zow �_ �Fc Commissioner of Public Works L> 1� 1959 00 OP P GEORGE M. SHEPARD Stfeet & Highway Engineering Coordinator Y CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ADRIAN P. WINKEL, Commissioner CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner 234 City Hall & Court House 8 May 11, 1959 ARTHUR W. TEWS Chief Engineer Hon. Adrian P. Winkel Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading Mary- land Avenue from Nokomis Street to Luella Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 192187, approved May 6, 1959. Total Estimated Cost Engineering Inspection Cost per front foot Frontage Approved for transmission to the mmissioner Finance Adrian P. Winkel Commissioner of Public Works $19,041.23 1,384.82 346.21 6.35 3000 ft. Yours very truly, A thur W. Tews Chief Engineer 1N NMI 0 t 19`x.187 r� St. Paul, Minn ------------- AU.gt 10------------- 198 - - -- _To .The.Honorable,.The Coundl ....... _ _ _ ......_._...._. .... _. _ City of St. Paul, -Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvdment to be made: .- .CG.r.ade._.Mar.y.land._A vo-nue ..................... _ ... _ . .................... . .... _ ......... _.... ........... _ ..... ..........- ..... •--..-.....-....-. ................... ...... . .... _.... .........._....._.........._.,. -- ..................._...._......_..._...... ............ ......... - ... .. ...... _ .... _ ...................... _._ ....... - ... _ ................. _ ...... _ ........... St. Ave. from........... _ Ruth ......................................... _ ......... _ .................... ... St. 1M. to.._.. Z, u. ell a. ...................... .................................................... ...................... _ ... _. .... _ .................................. _ ......................... _ ........... St. XR. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION ederick erring a 0,1, Florence M.Herri 2 1-992 6 e� tn s tructi 'Com�an 16,17 4 Hazel Park Division S 3 24 4 Hazel Park Division - - 25 4 n u n -- 27 4 u u n - P � ;4 HN 5M 11-47 ULE.RK �r, l 1958 SEP 5 {" 3 0 TO: Tlie Mayor, and SVI MU- `.i!' "•x.601 A City Council of Saint Paul,Minn YCIL.UiK SEPT. 39I958 SUBJECT: _ Grading and Surfacing of east Maryland street,between LAla and RUTH STREETS. Do to the fact that a large number of homes have been builton the streets between Ruth and East ave,and between the Railroad tracks and the Hillcrest golf coarse,and because of the new grade cross- ing at Hawthorne and East ave., an undo amount of traffic has been using Hawthorne street as a main thoroughfare (also two children have been hid by cars ): THEREFORE: We the undersigned do hereby petition the GRADING and SURFACING OF east Maryland street between LiYlla and Ruth streets for the • main purpose of decreasing the amount of traffic on Hawthorne St. NAME ADHB,ESS ---------------------- s__ �_ .1�_ s - ��I ---------------- �- ---- L - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- /'�p ?Jr- f- 176 7_ -- - - - - - -- - -- - - - -- -- ----------------- --- -- rC - -N -�� - -- ----- - - - - -- -- I ,,� _ - - - -- - - - ,iiF,� e^ - - - - -- -- -- -- - - - - - -- - -- -- '' --- - - - - -- - - -e t , - f e -�fl -- - - -- - -- - ��- `------- C - - - - -- - / &-- ------- - - - - -- 40 a� i% • • • r T0:, Th•e Mayer, and.., ` City Council off' 4 it Paul ;Minh SX2CT: Grading and $urfaoing .RUTH STREETS,: t�o r SEPT* 3f.1958 of east Maryland street,between L111a and po,to the fact that a large number of homes have been builtron the is eets between Ruth and East avetand between the Railroad tracks 'and the HlllCpest golf coarse,and because of the new'grade cross ing at Hawthorne and East avew;, an undo amourit of ti eaffi,o has been using Hawthorne -street . a s .a+ main thoroughfare. ( also two children have been hid. by cars j THEREFORE We the undersigned do hereby petition the GRADING and SURFACING QF east Maryland street between UAla and Ruth streets for the main purpose 'of decreasing the amount of traffic, tin Hawthorne St. NAME Imo. —� —wi _.� � +r' .�.��.Ir•... �w� ' 4 all °e, - - oec.KeR k�iv ADBPZSS. r -------- — r - - -rr — — f WH i-rF- I :z rri VA DYKE Iri f, HAZEL FI :� I A rn .V E. hm-l"I"ll co rn N ml T R. ILI T. 0 i4 A A co , CITY OF SAINT PAUL " Capital of Minnesota I Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 1 ,.BUREAU OF I DIVISION OF FIRE PROTECTION ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner FIRE PREVENTION Frank E. Oberg, Fire Chief JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner Howard J. Scannell, Chief I i December 11, 1959 I i ,I Members of City Council City of St. Paul City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota To The Members'of the City Council: 1 I am aware that proceedings have been instituted to grade Maryland Avenue from Louella Street to Nokomis Avenue. Whiles my office was not instrumental in initiating this improvement, I,',nevertheless, wish to report to you its affect on our future operations. Fire Station 9, located at Maryland Avenue and Herbert Avenue, services this portion of the city with an engine company and a truck company. Response to all locations in the 22nd Precinct of the 2nd Ward must now be made via Maryland to White Bear to Case to the site of the emergency. As you can see, this involves a circuitous route to relatively nearby locations. As an example: the intersection of Maryland and Edgewater is one mile, as the crow flys, from Station 9. However, using presently graded streets, we log over two miles in making this run. The proposed grading will out this mileage in half. Naturally, I am interested in providing the, most direct 1 routing of our apparatus possible and consider this grading very desirable. Respectfully, r Frank E. Oberg 1 V Fire Chief , �' FEO : ab' THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER- OFFICE COMMUNICATION s i I f 1AA Y O , December 14, 1959 Mr.,Eugene V. Avery - Chief Engineer Department Dear Gene: Re: Extension of Maryland Ave. - Ruth to McKnight. The majority of drivers using Maryland distribute west of, or at White Bear. The ADT west of White Bear is approximately 8,000 VPD, whereas the volume just east of White Bear numbers approximately 1,500 VPD: One might expect the volume on Maryland east of White Bear to in- crease 100 -200 percent if the street is made continuous. The area bounded by the railroad, Ivy St., McKnight Rd., and Mary- land Ave. is zoned industrial. Therefore, if Maryland were cut through, there would be no legal basis for prohibiting trucks using it between McKnight and Hazel. The Minnesota Mining terminal at Case and Hazel might be expected to route a substantial number of trucks over this route to their facilities on McKnight as would other industries which could spring up east of,McKnight. It is true that some of the Lincoln Park areas are partially isolated, and an improved connection via Maryland would provide better traffic serv- ice:; However, the advantages of better access are offset by the increased traffic through a residential area. Maryland, if improved east of White Bear, would be advantageous to truck and local circulation traffic. Nonetheless, the justification of the route to supply needed capacity would be very difficult. The desir- ability of the route is primarily a planning decision, at least at the present time. If the city intends to permit or encourage industrial growth at the affected east city limit, the route would be quite useful. If this zone is to be residential, clarifications in zoning should pre- cede improvements of access. it would be very undesirable to create an- other truck route condition between White Bear and the Omaha trackage similar to the existing problem of truck routings between Marshall and St. Anthony west of Snelling. lie Mr. Eugene V. Avery -2- December 14, 1959 The extension of Maryland would not have any immediate effect on or usage by the Transit-,,Company. i For the abovementioned reasons, the following recommendations seem t desirable: 1. The city should reserve R -O -W on the Maryland routing so'that �� o a street could be constructed if traffic warrants it. 2. Until' zoning revisions and /or clarifications are included inthe proposal, the etossing installation should be deferred. } 3. Truck routing matters should also be included before a specific proposal is submitted. 4. The Planning Board should be consulted for the details of. an- -n /� �,,� lea, ticipated land use in the affected area. The Metropolitan as ' well as St. Paul city planners should be questioned. �i•dvi �s �� � Yours very truly, i DEANE M. WENGER �eW Sr. Traffic Engineer 'f Q"t froc`C Plans and Surveys - ifa t¢� DMW :bjh , yo fe m tO lv%L G , �I i Z i . . . . . . . . . . PELHA ;•`Wv � ''.EUSTIS i ;'.� i YM :. .. �• � .. m t°mnnn°wummrmnnpR� N .•' .. .: •:.D MT. CURVE p S l c N G7 �N l) _J 5a� ,I CLEVELAND asn D 71 m C m ^add L v 'n o F> Zv r- 0 3 'eto DGCUMBE 30 Z m Z m v < Z ALDINE D ° t SNELLING !� -� AVE. v `' Raj 5� m m mm:.,•: D HAMLINE m L. Fl ,,..,,.CUBE RD. '4•m...w o s nu= LEXINGTON PKWY.' :...............:.'; i Ln 00 N b r r CD ° O M o x = —� -�s DAL O ST. c m D D ::..:..... :.. :D z . N w -� ! r = (n MACKUBIN { o Z o 0 0 0 JO D D cn D �!K S -4 2 2 2 2 2 'a O m r r D m m m m m m m ff • 1 ''LnRO RICE -' `' ST• •. n lo lo r m v o on D ; .. C .. 71n�q 2 `° " i SMITH o = 2 o n a s. v =i =� O Z t� C SYLVAN m z a z c w m x x Z x D G) D D x o 0 ;U;D H c °c c z z Z y�.:' •::: AGATE czi D z T o o 0 3 m m cziczil'1 N ,Q — �'r ': ::z rn ..::....:.:...:....... 3 m o -� STRYKER 3 rn rn rri N17 N Lq E M C N� S. ROBERT n,: a a m m )N r r JESSIE �� I _. . o :• :• N < < m r D o z r:: z r _ < i 4.,�:'r:'!';:.: .. AVE. rn m o o m Z ..' •dV" o n n z I �rt� ,d \� :..,... N ARCADE ST. N r o r IZTt m_ m y r m m m ,. _ m 3 0 0 1 �' z 3 3 :RUSSELL m m x m to :• ym m o 15 H m° m °x V IdaI55 O ` ✓Oy DULUT aa�d\Id i v VSON ; .:• �....: ...f. a m Q °v. I H t BARCLAY( jE Y E 4 WHITE BEAIL AVE. kig if 9�3 r TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAID PAUL The undersigned owners of property which Would be affected by the proposal now before the Council for the opening, grading and otherwise "improving" of Maryland Avenue between Luella Avenue and Nokomis Avenue, do hereby protest and file this petition of remonstrance against the proposed isrprovement on the following grounds; 1. That there is no necessity for the so- called iWrovernnt, in that it would not izVro" or better public safety, convenience or travel to any appreciable extent. There now exists an adequate grade crossin , fully Protected,-over the railroad tracks at McKnight Road about exile to the East of the proposed "imProvesent ", another by a bridge over the tracks at White Bear Avenue about 1/2 stile to the West, and a pedestrian footbridge at Hazel Avenue, also over the tracks at a point only about 1/4 mile to the West. All of these crossings are sufficient to take care of all present and prospective traffic, and are far safer than the proposed opening could possibly be. 2. TO open Maryland Avenue over the tracks at the place proposed would not only be of no benefit to the properties of the undersigned, but would be severely damaging; for sooner or later Maryland Avenue would deteriorate from its present character as a residential street to a truck route. This would destroy the value of the abutting properties as residences and convert the area into a com mWe ial district. Bost of the residents in the area located where they are for the express purpose of 'getting away from trucks, heavy truck traffic and c,, -rcial uses of the properties. 1 3• To open the street as proposed would necessarily create extremely hazardous conditions. This is due both to the truck traffic already referred to, and also to the hazards of the railroad grade crossing which would also result. This crossing would be at an extremely acute aftle, crossing four tracks, over two of which high speed trains operate. lit would be but a question of tics until zooms serious accident occurred and it would be contrary to the public interest to create any such hazardous condition. '' MI j r / A VV I LIML FROiYME ON FAR7I RD AVE. I HATE SIGNED V L I 1 f i f TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL I The undersigned owners of property which would be affected by the proposal now before the Council for the opening, grading and otherwise "improving" of Maryland Avenue between Luella Avenue and Nokomis Avenue, do hereby protest and file this petition of remonstrance against the proposed improvement on the following grounds: 1.� That there is no necessity for the so- called improvement, in that it would not improve or better public safety, convenience or travel to any appreciable extent. There now exists an adequate grade crossiU,p fully protected, over the railroad tracks at McKnight Road about 2 mile to the Bast of the proposed "improvement ", another by a bridge over the tracks at White Bear Avenue about 1/2 mile to the West, and a pedestrian footbridge at Hazel Avenue, also over the tracks at a point Only about 1A mile to the blest. All of these crossings are sufficient to take care of all present and prospective traffic, and are far safer than the proposed opening could possibly be. 2.1 To open Maryland Avenue over the tracks at tho place proposed would not only be of no benefit to the properties of the undersigned, but would be severely damn ing; for sooner or later Maryland Avenue would deteriorate from its present character as a residential street to a truck route. This would destroy the value of the abutting proportion as residences and convert the area into a co®moreial district. Most of the residents in the area located where they are for the express purpose 02 Getting away from trucks, heavy truck traffic and comxercial uses of the properties. 3•! To open the street as proposed would necessarily create extremely hazardous conditions. This is due both to the truck traffic already referred to, and also to the hazards of the railroad grade crowing which would also result. This crossing would be at an extremely acute eagle, crossing four tracks, over two of which high speed trains operate. It would be but a question of tits until some serious accident occurred WA it would be contrary to the public interest to create any such hasardous condition. r �••; oil .v DhTF SI== b ,ZZ - 6 _.//- G b J F-76 1 TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAM PAUL The undersigned owners of property which Would be affected by the proposal now before the Council for the opening, grading and otherwise ,, iAWoying" of Maryland Avenue between Luella Avenue and Nokomis Avenue., do hereby protest end file this petition of remonstrance against proposed improvement on the following grounds: 1. That there is no necessity for the so- called �enaeoor in that it would not irprove or better public safety, convenience a or travel to any appreciable extent. There now exists an adeq crossin , fully protected, over the railroad tracks at McKnight r� about 1% mile to the East of the proposed "inprovement ", snoth by a bridge over the tracks at White Bear Avenue about 1/2 mile to the Nest, and a pedestrian footbridge at Hazel Avenue, also over the tracks at a point only about ]./�+ Wile to the Mast. �- these and are _- oudficient to take care adopresent uld possibly be. far "for than the proP06 2. To open M& yleAd Avenue over Tmoa —w,, -o f the undersigned., ---- - - - would not only be of no benefit to the prOperties o • but would be severely damaging; for sooner or later Maryland Avenue would deteriorate frog its present chsraeteras of residential properties to a trunk route. This would destroy district. Most of as residences and convert the area into a they are f for the express purpose the residents in the are& located traffic and comsvercial uses of of getting away frm trucks, the properties. r ` 3. To open the street as proposed would necessarily create extremely hazardous coadita s is due both to the truck a4ecirossing already referred to, and of the railroad V' which would also result. This crossing would be at an extremely acute over two of which high speed trains operate.. tracks., crossing four trec]u serious Qt would be but a questio� �� �o�i„ns�stto create anytsuch occurred and it would be contrary hazardous condition. NAW LINEAL FROIFME DCE ADEPSSg ON NUMAFD AVE. SIGNED p nw RG - Ilk ° 7 RI .. TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL The undersigned owners of property which would be affected by the proposal now before the Council for the opening,'grading and otherwise "improving" of M.aryl.and Avenue between Luella Avenue and Nokomis Avenue, do •iereby protest and file this petition of remonstrance against the proposed improvement on the following grounds: 1. Tnet there is no necessity for the so- called improvement, in .riat it would not reprove a better public_ safety, convenience or travel to any appreciable extent. There now exists an adequate grade crossing, fully protected, over the railroad tracks at McKnight Road about 1,12 mile to the East of the proposed "improvement ";' another by a bridge over the tracks at White Bear Avenue about 112 mile to the West, and a pedestrian footbridge at Hazel Avenue, also over.the tracks, at a point only about 1/4 vile to trie West. All of these crossings are sufficient to take care of all present and prospective traffic, and are far safer than the proposed opening could possibly be. 2. To'oper, Maryland Avenue over the tracks at the place pro- posed would not only be of no benefit to the properties of the undersigned, but would be severely damaging; for sooner or later Maryland Avenue would deteriorate from its present character as a residential street roperties to a ti-ucx route. This would destroy the value of the abutting p as residences and convert the area into a commercial district. Most of the residents in the area located where they are for the express purpose of getting away from trucks, heavy truck traffic and commercial uses of the properties. 3. To open the street as proposed would necessarily create extremely hazardous conditions. This is due botn to the truck traffic already referred to, and also to the nazards of the railroad grade crossing which would also result. This crossing would be at are extremely acute angle, crossing four tracks, over two of which high speed trains operate.. It would be but ,a question of time until some serious accdAentocc'urred and it would be contrary to the public interest to create any s hazardous condition. LIN TEAL FRONTAGE DATE NAME ADDRESS ON MARYLAND AVE. SIGNED 2L4 4 L D r q f PICTURES OF LOCATION INVOLVED IN PROPOSED MARYLAND AVENUE FROM NOKOMIS TO LUELLA STREETS FILES: 14498 and 14497 PAGE 1: DIAGRAM OF PICTURE LOCATIONS PAGES 2 -3: PICTURES Loj x �J m ` a 'A CD 0 o x V) 1 a y� I 4N F / rn s o aS o \ \ � Qj ,1 - Do ?O ^nr as �� ti Aj Sf 2 I I I a° co a s co Ric N� o/c s jt Z Co yam,+° ^� yrfr °�• / V n 1 co 3 °41 q�F, co y <� y p= f< l y^r N I I S y r 3 , / y2 Al ? / •O O ° No k o %40-- 0 0 f00 y f 0 m0021 o x i p / 1' in, v, m I \ N all n .� i I , y NO 9�9 � ` I i m / a IIII I (n e oI m F C) = m jS• 0 2 f I x o ,• O / ur y j ur .� phgOp� c C) o n � ti y i D`� iN a 3° y M cv m o C CL r h D I D 11 44 Ij Ii I o N I m I ° Illi y m r 0 Pictures taken December 16, 1959 in area of proposed opening of Maryland Ave over C&NW Ry tracks between Luella & Nokomis Sts. No. 1. View to N E from pedestrian footbridge (old streetcar bridge) at Hazel Avenue. No. 2. View to East on Maryland Avenue, from Hazel Ave. f _ z "-'.,-No.- 3. View to East from RR tracks along line of proposed street opening. No. 4. View to East along line of proposed street opening, showing RR tracks to be crossed. No 5. View to West along line of proposed street opening, from RR tracks No. 6. View to West from Nokomis along line of proposed street opening, toward RR tracks I�,�, m rn m FIRE STATION 9 r� O a 1 Av oa ST CD I a s CO) ny i a a a Or s'r i 1 44F @yFF � 1 � Ima a�• tu y^> a o 41, 02 oy C v 'ti 1 oa Fop .mac ayy^� 5 Cqp� 8£• SA£O �? 1 0� pyk er=a yAt &0 G E I £T CO. RUT 1 I R��C tom OZ y Cow `a � H = 1 ' O� • O� 00 X30 a 4� � y �y�� 4►rF G ti CO 0 G) 3 �UF h 30� /1• y� ^O 30S I y 301 � GJ tP4 , O a Y 3 4� a 3o I m R 30 ' :E FpcF �� a� ti o = �qrF o� C L 1 I A z o co m y = rn cn \ % ern 1 i 0 9 1 1 B m w y n, w�NTyq c o 2 / FN O �° 1 _ y Op 1p r D a 3 m `\ nr C3 ' M= C cii �� I 1 ` CIO C', / I T o C � o r Z -n � S r I D i C D S� Z :U v U) ;u m -mj I Iz I y z m n FIRE STATION 9 v N Z a� ' .mac y�3 I q ORgfi st ��oa a c � ICU 6q a of I , FFn' .^rc ST ny , c 4NO II V GI � rkf v m a y�fC c c� T ti -4 c�3 7 C"li o a � I I iI I F • „� i 2 C7 4� aye I C, s , C4,01� pfOF I pa O }k f y'� < � y�gRFyo�sF k /NG sTgF fT n'y+ °�"'r y�'ro� qv f l C Cq \ I o R \ , sRIOC �3 p s ^r RUTy ` I Q �3 co n� s y �f4 ?y 4p CO Cam@ 0 a Gn,'r a I s on,3 c, ` ��o NOkOMIS yOMOW ' � � � � a a +t° � f s n, m R 3� f a yn' F�gTFR �o� yc2 °�� I l y 9 p x Z rn rn o / ` \ °Z. \\\ / Y' _0 Uj , ! p , = F� \ ti� I m O rn c Z to 40 ' 30 °3 I l y rn WINT a o °. z Ir n D O I` O� r m I �� _m m D < �ti I 00 Z cv y" r F�syF D I n R S, z ;D �s rf) n m I v p FIRE STATION 9 � �/ ,�a .; � ►d c k f m k /NGsF a�y� NN4gp n I F( sT .16 a r � CD s I 6q a y y f FN �c sT n � C ° � a o'r ; l p yk f I m H I 0 H �° Co 1 0 1° n� as N lb n ; Cyo n, ' o s av Z 4f; ay y o `obi Cqp /', fp "' I °a prk�`' X0,3 q4 � f �JgRFyCUS F CD H I yT oa y � I • � ^3� q �f' C ie o G) C °Z 3 oZ Np k Mss Mpw 1 co a a @° fs j I m q y� °2• � TT tom a °Z 2 _ "+ Fpc f�q nlC y 1 �= tiO 4 t ; 0 rfQ yo y$ L� I m z o m H H / i° `9 O. 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