Council File # !� '��
Green Sheet # 3053171
2 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul we recognizes that people and property in the community are at
3 risk from a vaziety of hazards including fire, floods, tornadoes, lightning, and snow or ice storms; and
� WHEREAS these disasters have the potential for causing widespread injury, loss of lives, and
6 damage to property, community infrastructure, and the environment; and
8 WHEREAS the City recognizes that effective pre-disaster mitigation, thorough preparedness,
9 timely waming, and well-trained and equipped response forces can reduce injuries and deaths caused by a
10 hazard;and
12 WHEREAS the hurricane seasons of 2004 and 2005, the flooding in 2006 and 2007, and the
13 tornado and wildfire seasons of 2006 and 2007 clearly demonstrate our nations' on-going vulnerability to
14 all forms of natural hazards; and
16 WHEREAS the devastating impact of recent natural events is evidence of the need for heightened
17 local, state and federal attention to coordinated measures to mitigate the impact of natural hazards on our
18 communities, and has demonstrated a significant need to support the effective work of building code
19 authorities; and
WHEREAS the adoption of modern codes is a first step in responsible local governance of the
built-environment that must then be coupled with effective local capabilities and programs in code
administration. Thorough and effective administration of codes allows the maximum benefit of those
regulations to be realized in local building safety, enhanced property value, energy efficiency,
sustainability, hazazd mitigation and the availability and affordability of personal and commercial property
WHEREAS, the national benefit providing support for local building code enforcement is clearly
evidenced by a recent report of the National Institute for Building Safety that demonstrated that for each
federal dollar spent on mitigation the federal government saves nearly $4 in future disaster recovery
expenses; and
WHEREAS, the Community Building Code Administration Grant Act of 2007, when enacted and
fiznded, will provide competitively evaluated federal grants, locally matched, to local governments who
seek to build-up or improve their local code administration and enforcement capabilities; now therefore be
43 RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul hereby encourages Congress to support the passage and
44 funding of H.R. 4461/S. 2458, The Community Building Code Administration Grant Act of 2007. The
45 City further encourages the International Code Council to deliver this Resolution to Congress and to
46 continue its work on behalf of the enacrinent and funding of the Community Buildin� Code Administration
47 Grant Act of 2007.
Yeas Nays Absent
Bostrom ,/
Carter �/
Harris �/
Helgen `
Stark ✓
Thune �
Adopted by Council: Date p�'�
Adoptron Certified by Council Secreta
By: �
Approv a r: Date � L(
Requested by Departme of:
S4�r�� citi Z1,50«l'�OhS
By: J� "' ��7
�yV t aC�i
Approved by the Office of Financial Services
Appraz y"»' ity Attorney
Approve y ay or Submissi n to Coun�il
By n � ��
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
ag -���
DepartmenUo�celcouncii: � Date �nitiated: ,
$� - Dcpt. of Safcry & Inspections 30-APR-08
Green Sheet NO: 3053171
Contac[ Person 8 Phone: � , Deaartment Sent To Person initial/Date
, Bob Kessler - � 0 beo�. of Satety & InspeMions '
266-9013 � qssign ' I '�Deot ofSafeN & Insoections Deoartment Director �
'�� Must Be on Council Agenda by iDate): ' Number , Z Citv Attornev J
, For . ___ __ _ _._
-- , Routing � 3 MaVOPs Office Mayor/ASS�smnt _ _ .
'� Doa Type: RESOLUTION I Ord¢r , q ;Council ' �
— —
�/ �� 5 City Clerk ' CiN Clerk ' �
� E-DocumeM Required: 19 ) ;� — '
DocumentContact:� ({w+P�far I �
, Contad Phone: 6— 91 �� � , I
�- — _
�� Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Lowtions for Signature) _ I�
. Action Requested: 'i
I' Approval of a Resolution encouraging the US Congress to support the passage and funding of HR 4461/S 2455, the Community '
I Building Code Administration Grant Act of 2007. In addition, encouraging the Intemational Code Council to deliver this Resolution '
to Congress and to continue tis work on behalf of the enachnent and funding of the Coummunity Building Code Administration �'!
� Grant Act o£ 2007. j
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civil Service Gommission
7. Has this personlfrm ever worked under a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this person/frm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3 Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The devastating impact of recent natural events is evidence of the need for heightened (ocal, state and federal atte�tion to coordinated
measures to mitigate the impact of natuial hazards on our communities, and has demonstrated a significant need to suport the effective
work of building code authorities.
i Advantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Funding Source:
Financial lnformation:
CosURevenue Budgeted:
Activity Number:
April 30, 2008 10:03 AM Page 1
DK - y-r�7
170Tn CO\('rRF..S'.S" �^I • ��r (7
i.i i� t�
Tu prumofc xmd culianec thc operation nY local building codc i�uforca•mcut
administratiou across Lhe i�omd.�.� b� i•stxblisLin�� a ronipetiti� Federal
matrl�ing grzint program.
.l[s. L�tinxrN:r iiitrodt�ced thc fo➢o��ing bill; �clvch was rcad tw�cc aud
rcfc��•i�d tu tlic Comiuittcc oii Bankuin, Iionsin��, and I'rbxn �f't'air
'Po promote a,nd eYiha�nec the operation of loca.l bliildir��;� eode
enforcement a,dministration acr•oss the country by estab-
lishit�g a competiti�-c Fcdcra�l xna�tcYiing ,�•a.nt px•on-ra�in.
1 73e it e7r,rxete�l by the .5e��rcte n��.rl Tlouse �f Represe�nta-
2 tiuPS of'th� 11�i,ited .5't,ates qf'1L�n�i.e�°ica �;�i C,o�nq�°ess assenrbled,
4 This Aet ina�� be cited tis the "Communit�� Buildin�
5 Codc 1ldruinistra.tion Gr�nt Act of 2007".
7 (a) G��T ArrxoRZZn�rrov.—'Che Secr•eta�� ofi
8 Housing and Urban Development shttll pr•o�-ide �rants to
9 loca.i k�uilding codo crifiorcerucnt dcpar•trncnts.
1 (b) CO_IIPFTITI�'F 1�R'�1RDS.—Tlle Secl•etal�' s}l�ll
2 a�card g;rants undcr snbscetion (a) on a��oinpctit,i�c basis
3 ptti•sua�nt to the critei•ia set forth in seetio3i 6, b�tt also
4 talzinn into �onsider•ation the follo�
5 (1) Thc financial >>ccd of cacYi buildin�; cod�� cn-
6 forcci��ent depxrtment.
7 (2) The benefit to the local jti�risdiction ofi hav-
8 ing ztin adequatel�� fiinded building code enfiorecment
9 deparh�ic�it.
10 (3) Thc dcrnonstr•r�ted abilit�� of c�c�h bt�ildir��;
11 code enforcement depa,rtment to work cooperativcly
12 �dth otheY• local code enforcement of'fices, health de-
13 pa�i�tmcnts, and local prosccutotla�l a,�encics.
14 (c) MA�'I,12IINI AMOT'yT.—Thc maxin»zm amolznt af
15 an,y g�ra�nt a�warded under this section shall not excecd
16 $1,000,000.
18 In ordcr to be eliglble for d�ra�nt under section 2,
19 a loea� bnilding code enfor•cement departnlent shall snbmit
20 to the Secretar;�- the follo��ing:
21 (l) A dci��onstra�tion ofi Y,l�tc jurisdiction's uceds
22 in c�ecutin� buildinb eode enforecment a,dministra�
23 tion.
24 (2) A pla�n foi• the use of any fund� receired
25 under this 11eY. Y.11a.t add�°csses t}ic nceds disensscd in
•S 2458 IS
1 pai•agraph (1) ai�d that is consisY,ent �� th�� ala-
2 t.horizcd nscs cst.ablishcd iri scct,ion 4.
3 (3) � plan for local aoeernmental actions to bc
4 ta.ken to establish and sust�in local buildinn code en-
5 forccu�icr�t administration funct.ions, « con-
6 tinuin�; Feder�l support, at ti level �t le�xst cyiziva-
7 lent to that proposed in the �rant application.
8 (4) A}�la�n to create and maintain a pro�;�•am oY
9 pnblie out�°ca,ch tY�at includes a ro�;ularl�- npd�T.cd
10 xrid readily a�ccussiblc mcsans of pnbli�; comrnm�ii����-
ll tion, interaction, and repo�°ting� re�;a�°ding thc scr�--
12 ices and wor•k of the local building code enforeement
13 depa.rtmcut ko bc supportcd by tlic gra�nt.
14 (5) A pldl� for ensw�n� the timely tmd efficctive
15 �dmixiistrati� enfiorcement of buildiri� sztfetp and
16 fire pre�ention violations.
18 (a,) 1�rTi3oRIZED UsES.—Gr�nts aw�rded under sec-
19 tion � may be tased by the grant reeipient to supplemerit
20 e�-istin� State or• local f'undinb for buildin� code e��fiorce-
21 mcnt adn�inisY.�°ation. Stzch fiznds nia��� bc used to iiicrca,sc
22 sta�ffing, provide stt�ff trdinin�;, inci°exsc stx�ff <;arnUetcn�e
23 and pxrofcssional qtilalifications, suppox•t individtilal ecrtifi-
24 ca,tion or depai•tmental �.ccredita.tion, or for capita�l ex-
•S 2458 IS
6 � ��� 7
1�x�nditures specifieall� dedicated to t,Le aduiinistration of
2 thc lor,�l buildinn c�odc crtfor��cu�cnt departiuciit.
3 (b) .ITAT('IIISU Fi"y'DS RFQi'iHED.—
4 (1) I� vE�ERni,.—To bc cligiblc to recei�•e a
5 grai�t undcr this 11ct, a. local bnildin�; codc enfiorco-
6 �ncnt depai�tment scrvin�
7 (A) a, commnnity that is ��ci,y e��onomica�ll��
8 disad� shall providc matching, non-
9 Federal fiinds in an �tmount equ�l t.o not loss
10 tlian 5 perccnt of tlic total �rnolznt of aiiy �,�°arit
11 to be awarded under this Act;
12 (B) a eommunity that is moderatel� eco-
13 nomic��lly disa.dv�nta�;ed, sl�all pro�ridc rnatch-
14 in�;, non-Federz�l f'uncls in an a,inount e�qua�l to
15 not less tlian ] 0 Uer•cei7t of the tot�l amount of
16 a��Y grant to be awarded under this net; oi•
17 (C) a,n�° othcr comnim�it��, shall providc
18 rnatcliin�, non-Federdl fimds in an a�rnount
19 equal to not less thari 20 percerit of the tota�l
20 aniount oY any �;ra�nt to be ����.rded w�der this
21 2ct.
23 (A) Iv GF� Secretarv may
24 wa�ive tl�e imatehin�; f'und t•equirements undcr
25 par��;r�tph (1), �,nd institutc, k�y rc�;�ll�,t.ion, new
•S 2458 IS
08 -c�� �
1 u��tcliin�; fimd r��qnire�nents has��d npon the
2 1<�� of ccoiiorr�ic dist.ress of tlic loc,al jm-isdic-
3 tion in �3•hich thc loexl hnildinr rode enforc�c-
4 inent depai•tment seekina sucli n�•zult is lo�xted.
$ (B) CO\TEST OF REGLrI..1TIOSS. .1nt�
6 re�2ile�tions instit�ited izndcr subp�rx�raph (��)
7 shall inehidc—
8 (i) a metliod that z�➢ows fior a com-
9 p�rison of tho degrce of oconoruic distress
10 amori�; the lo�a�l jnrisdictions ofi �;rxnt ap-
11 plicants, as measured b}� the diffcrcrices in
12 ttic e�tent of growth la�, t}�e estent of pov-
13 crt,y, �nd thc a,djustcd ��c ofi 3�ousinn in
14 snch jurisdiction; and
15 (ii) any otLer factor determined to be
16 relevant by tl�e SecY•etary in a,ssessin� tl�c
17 com�a�rativc dc� ec of cconomic distress
18 d.mon�; �nch local jm�sdi�tions.
19 (c) I�-Kt�rn Co�TxrsTrr7o�s.—Ir� dctelmi��i��g� tl�c
20 non-Fedcr•al shar•e requir•ed to be pr•ovided undex• sub-
21 scction (b), thc Sccretar�� shall considcn• in-kind contribu-
22 tions, not to exceed �0 per•cent of thc ainount th�t the
23 depa�rtmerit contributes in non-Federal funds.
24 (d) a��rvE� oF .1�I�7 Rrc�rzrF:�rE��r.—The
25 Sccrota�ry s}�a.11 w�i�c thc maY.chin� tiznd roquircin�ents
•S 2458 IS
1 m�der slzhsection (h) fbr an�- reeipient jurisdiction that h�s
2 lo�,islaticcl� dc�licated all buildin�,� codc I�crmiT.tiu� tccs to
3 the condnet ofi loeal bliildixi� code enforre�nent.
5 Eligihlc a.pl�lications sha�ll bc ratcd a,nd rankcd a��-
6 cordin� to the �ritcria describ�d in scction 6. All eompleY.c
7 applications �rill bc compa,i•cd to one anothcr arid points
8 assigned on a. contimlum �vithin exch crite��on, with the
9 uiasiinum poinis awa,r•ded to the a�pplicatio�i that hesi,
10 7nects thc �ritcrion.
11 SEC. 6. CRITERiA.
12 (a) N�E� n�� Coi�lr��rY BEVEFl•r FrotiT ConE
13 E��oxcF�tE�T GFn,���r Ft'��ns.—Applicat.;ons shrll bc
14 rated and ranked on t}�o degrce to which thc xppli�sxtiori
15 demonstratcs the intent and meaiis to ens�u•e coopera�tive
16 and effecti�-e �vor•king relationships bet�veen local building
17 codc cnforeouicrit of'ticials a,nd othcr local a,gcncics, a,s �vcll
18 as a cominunitp-oriented �pproach to buildin� code eri-
19 force�nent, with tl�e award of points as follo�vs:
Description I Mazimum Points
1 detaded desoi�phai ofi thc rapital r�penditin�os to 0-10
be acqt�ired �vith hra�d (uuds aud n dcmonsh�a-
tiun tlia� t�hc itcins' cusLs arc rc<�sonnblc.
79ic jui�sdictiou's uucd Yor ttic uxpital cs]x;udihn•c 0-10
m�d Im�c 9�hc ;,��mit timds �rill liulfill this nccd.
•S 3455 IS
08 -c�y�
Description I Magimum Points
Tlio.loint brn<•fita pro�idcd b�' thi� prupu+od r��iond-
imrc Yur tLc Yullo�� �n�ou7xc ur acrnincs: I'ru-
ndc a biicf aq�lauatiun ut� thc bcucfit (t puiut
�rilt bc a�cxrdcd Yor c�cL res�ionsc. .-� points mas-
L Code euforcewent pi�om�ani.
�. Conmmuitc or jm�sdictiou.
3. Interdiseiphnail* code euforcemcut Cexuu.
-k. IIons�ng lireset�t irliabilitation progl�auis, m�
nin�hbmfiood iwprtrvemi•irt 7n ograius.
.i Spcci�d n<rds �motips (disabled, cldrilc or lo�c or
cm'C-lo�c incomi�. ��tc )
Da�s thr propuscd eapitdl raprudidvr proz�dr a
cost sa��nns bcnr.fit to Uic.jmisdictiou' I'�o�ide a
buof i�xpl:mxfion of thc cost sa��uns.
1 (b) Cra�RF��r ConF F�FOxc;F����r n�n IIor�r�r,
2 CO�sE�v��rIO� YzAN.—Ea,ch application shall be rated
3�nd ra,iikcd on thc dc�7•cc to which tho local lcgislati��c
4 body i» �al�ich thc �pplieant resides adoUted a"plan"
5 which addresses resideritial structure conser�-ation and
6 buil�3ing cocle enforcemei�t, ��ith tl�e a�ward of poin�s a�s
7 follows:
Description Maximum Points
'L'Le plau pro��dr,s for proxotn-c code cuforecwrnt
(not jnst respoudmo� to rowplaints), nn intrr'
disciphnail' r�pproacL, and invliides fiindm� op-
tions for repan s and rr.habilitation.
TLr plan ordy pro�ridrs for proAehcc codc enforcc-
meut (iro[ ,jnst rospouQiny to coiuplxmts) arid
calls for an mterdisciplmail ap}�rozich Rud docs
nnt address fiiriding uphmis fm� rcpairs �md rrha-
Th<` plan pr�n�des fot' some tvpe of proach��e eodr
r,nfm�ccment (oHir.r 8tan just respoud�rtg to c•om-
plamts) btrt dorsn'Y address r.omxlinatr.d inter-
disciplinail- aetmiries �mth other lo��al pnbli��
anencics or fi�udui�,' optim�s.
The plan procides for only reaoti�-i� codi` cuforac-
•S 2458 1S
�8 � c�c� �
Description Masimum Points
'Clie plen milc rcfcrs tu x ucccl io prcxcil'c xuiVor - 2
impr�n-c c�istiuz� housinb stocl:. �tithout anv cudc
cnfurectncnt pro�.n�a�n.
\o existino- plar�. 0
1 (c) Co�n11 oR I��rFr�nrscmr.r�_�;r
2 Coul, E�t�oi;c�;�r��:xT.—E�ch �pplication shall lx� r�tcd
3 and rariked oii the d��gr•ee to v,�hich the applicatioYi d��m-
4 onstrates the intent a�nd means to ei�sure eooperativic etind
5 cH'cctivc �vorizin; rclationships l�ctwoen bnildin� cod�; cn-
6 for��c�rient of'ficia.ls xnd othcr local a�;en��ics, as w�ll as <�
7 conumlznity-oriented approa�ch to codc enforcement, with
8 tl�c a1�Tard of poi��ts as follo�vs:
Description I Maeimum Points
Identlft- ci�nent or proposed interdisciplinaiy eode
enforr,emeut pro�rams or ar.b��hes and tlic tcam
mombrrs (i��amplr rod�� oufmrement, police,
loeNl prosccutors, h��ltli dcparhncnt, bnildinn
a.nd ylanum�, firc, cPe.) Pro�ndc a dcsrr�phon of
the tcam's eode rnfnmrinrnt and aoordiuflha❑
pruocdi�rrs, a�ri.n�ii,ics auS sciviccs providod. II� Ihr
corriuii, piu�;raws or rcam�rcrs arc IiuuLrd m
sixipc, c��il.nu hu�c ruci7iL oF 6hc ,�,��aut ��rill bi�
usal to improcu Lhc pin„�n�aru
idvntit5� cun�cnt or prapuscd cunnnunih
eode cnfurecincut p��o�;l�ains, acC��t��w ur sci��ees
(E�am7iles: comuiunity clean-ups, �Teighborhood
VC:�tch piogrvms, connnvnit�� uicctings, door-ta
door code m�fmrmneut la�or,l: and f�llrs, etc). If
tPm ovrrent progr�a�us or resourecs arc hmitcd in
sre�pc, ca lio�c rcecipt of thc �ztnt �vdl be
nscd to nnpro�ro thc 7» og��aw
9 (d) PkoACTn� ConF E��oRCEtirE���r Ac2
10 Eaeh a�pplication shall bc rated a�nd raaiked on thc cfficc-
ll tiveness of thc proposed or esistin�; proa.ctive �,ctivities a�xid
•S 2458 IS
1 piro�,�°ams o2�ei ated bt� an�- etistina bnildinn eode enforee-
2 mcnt pronma.n�i, �viT�h thc ��card of points a,s follo«�s:
Description I Maximum Points
F.u�•ourxnes repaiis m�d presercattmi, rather tL�n
demoLtiou or abandomnent, of subtitandard resi-
.\baterucut of (a) lo�d Lav.aird6 and lcad-bascd
paints, (b) toaie molds aud datiqniess, crid (��)
displaerment or relorat�on ofi resdents
Couummity clr�n-np cawpaigns, �cLirL mac meliidr
mcyrlinnv d<�trs, fi�r or mdnr.rd disposal rntrs at
dnmpsrtc, pubhc cican-np d.�ca tl�at curom agc rc_
mocxtil of mncantcd ar czrrss d�bris by malciug
�i��ailablc c:eh�a h�asL piek-nps, dnmpeitus m� Crash
or rct,n°chug r,ontamors on spr.rifi�� datrs to dis-
pos� of hon5ekidd dr,bns, inop��rzblr cehicles,
Tires, to��c materials, ete.
Resomrot� m� refcnal progr¢�.ms fur Federal, State,
local, tind p����ate fimds aud other rrsom�ocs
available m pour jin-isdichou that eau a,ssist �ci4h
housin� rekiabditatiou and repaiis to rcekify codc
Pubhc cducahou pin�n�rams ou housiur issncs Thcsc
cunlil inrludi� <�onmiuuitp Lunsiug inectiuy,e dcai-
mg �t�IL humco��'ncrsln7i, icuaul/Imidlord issncs,
hoasiuo i�odc cnL'm�ouxncut, sc•,huol n�c childrrn's
pro;,�rduis «�tli colorin� books ur hmidunts, hotas-
iu� saYct}- pawplilcts, ctc.
Programs tliat cucoura�c commpmt5- iuvolccment
���th tirroups; e�.�ch as scliools, ohurcL uon-profits,
conmiunit}- scilicc �;roups, utilit}' r.ompanics,
locul stores, housino agmicV hanl:s, etu.
3 (e) Uni���r,rry To Fzva�c�u,1.1 t��n TFCri��rc�LLY
5 application sl�iall be rated dnd � anked on tYie de�re<� to
6 which the application demoristrates the jurisdiction's fi-
7 nancial ai�d technical capacit�� to properl}� Zis�� and success-
8 ti1113� support thc proposod eapita] c�cnditnrc durin� thc
9 terrn of the �rant, t�rith the a�«�ard of poir�ts as fiollo�vs:
•S 2458 IS
°� -���
Description I Maxim.um Points
Thr anhei�intcd unrmu;; pn��i�am fimdiu� fur ihc
duiatiun of fbe �n�aut �iro�.n�nm is adcquhtc tu fi-
uancinll�' suppor[ tLc usc oY tLc ��,rant-fivauced
cqnipnicnt ivaludc detatls oY fuudiu!, and tcch-
nieal su�i�ioit som�res fm� tlic �•apiTal c�penditurc
(c�ampies: nsm�an<;e, paper, maiutc»aucc. traiu-
in;�,. supplict. persmuml, noutlilc billing costs.
TLr �iu�isdictiou has tlir teelnn�•al r�pabilitics to use
�nd s�ipport rqnipu�rnt (i�zauiplrs: adoqnaYoly
h�aincd staff or �csonrccs to pro��d<� tl�xining to
oprratr tn�hniral vqnipuu•n[, loual sril�rc pro-
��der for ��ell pLonv� m'?-�v,ic iadius, tramed pei-
sornirl to apri atc rqmpiuent, rt��.).
2 (a) I� GE�EP,AL.—Gra�nt recipients shall—
3 (7) bc obli�;ated to fizlly acconnY. a,iid report f'or
4 the nsc of all �,ru�nts fnnds; and
5 (2) pro�ride a rcport to t}�e Secreta�ry on the ef-
6 fectieeness of the pr•ogram undcrta,ken by tlie �;r•a.nt-
7 ec and axiy othor crit�ria requcsted by Y,hc Secretxry
8 for thc ptirpose of indicating� the ef[`ectiveness of',
9 and ideas for, r•efinement of the �;r•��nt pro��•ztitn.
1Q (b) RFroR'r.—The report rcquired under subsection
11 (a)(Z) shall inchzdc a, discnssion oY—
12 (1) the specific capabilitics and ftu�ctious in
13 local building code enf'orcement administration that
14 were a.ddressed usil�g fui�ds receivcd �znder this Act;
15 (2) the lcssons lcar��ed in carryin�; olzt thc pla�ns
16 sttpported by thc �;i•ant; anc7
•S 2458 IS
1 (:�) th�� n�aim��r in R tL�� pro�;r�uis snp-
2 portcd b� t�hc �rant ar�� t,o be n��int,�in��d l��• th�•
3 �rantec.
4 (c) Co�TE�T oF RF.roxTS.—Thc Sc��•eta��•�- shall—
5 (1) r•cquirr ea,eh rceipicnt, of a�r�nt, nnd��r tl�s
6 A��t. to file intcrim and fin�l reports under s�ibs<�cT,ion
7 (b) to ensnre that �rant filnds arc bein� �ised as i�i-
8 tended and to measure the e'ff'cetiveness and benefits
9 of thc grant progr•a�n�; and
10 (2) devclop �tind maintain a iucaris whcrcby thc
11 pnblic can access suc�l repoY�ts, at no cost, via thc
12 Internet.
14 For purposes of this nct, the follo�vir��; definitions
15 sliall a�ppl,y:
16 (1) BzrrL�i��G co�E En�FO�r.FivtFn��r nFna��r-
17 :vIE�T.—Thc te���i "huildin�� codc <�nforccnicnt dc-
18 p�rtmettt" rucans t}�e btiuldin� �ode inspection or en-
19 forcement a,gency ofi a local jt�risdiction.
20 (2) JT�RISDICTIOn.—The term "jurisdiction"
21 mca��is � city, count��, pa��lsh, cit�- and counT,y a�uthor-
22 it��, or city and pai�isl� t�nthox�ty hauin�; loc�l author-
23 it�� to enfor•ce building eodes and re�,� a,nd col-
24 lect fees for• btzildinb pern�its.
•S 2458 IS
, ��
1 � �� �E('I3F'PdRY.—�l tPY'lll " �p(•1'('f�ll'V''� 711PR11S
2 thc Sccrctar� of IIonsiu� and Lh°ban D���
4 (8) IS (1F.SER\L.- xre authoriicd to kte appro-
5 priat��d $100,000,000 for ca.ch ofi fise�l �•cars '?OOh
6 t,hron�h 2013 to thc ���cr��tar� of IIoizsin<�� xnd tirban D��-
7 vclopmcnt to cariy ont thc pro�-isions ofi this .Act.
8 (b) R�ESFRPATio�.—From the znnount made z��vail-
9 ablo nndcr subsoction (�,), thc Sccretar�- rn�y roscr� not
10 rnorc than 5 porr,ent for administrdtivic eosts.
11 (c) A�.�Ii.��Ii.I'rF.—An�� fiznds appropriated pnr•str
12 ant to subsection (a) sliall remain a,uailable until espended.
•S 2458 IS
Section l. Short Tftle
The popular [i[le of the bill is Ihe "Community Building Code Administration Gran[ Act of 2007°.
Sectlon 2. Authorization of Grant Progrem
Esiablishes [he authority and responsib�hty for [he Secretary of Housmg and Urban Development [o adminis[er a new �rant
pro�ram. The maximum amount of a�y individual gran[shall be SI million. Grant appLCahons shall be:
• Competitivelyevalua[ed,
• Scored in cons�deratwn of [he financial cond�tion of [he communrty,
• Scored on demonstra[ion of benefiLS [o [he local commumty of an adequately funded code enforcement office,
• Seored on demons[rated capability Lo work eooperatively with other code enforcement offices and publie safety agenaes.
Section 3. Required Elements in Crant Proposals
Apphca[ions for fundmg shall include:
• A demonstra[ion of needs for resources [o aid local building code enforcement,
• A presentation ofa specific ptan for the use of the grant funds that addresses the demonstrated needs,
• A pIan for how the grant rec�pient wilI self-sustam the new Ievel of code enforcement actrvrties after the grant
• A plan W infortn and educate the public about [he purpose and use of [he gran[ funded programs,
• A plan W ensure admini3ra[ive and judic�al action in enforcement of building fire and health codes.
Section 4. Use of Funds and Matching Funds Requirements
Eligible use of the funding includes supplementing departmental actrvmes with
• An mcrease m s[affing,
• Staff training and professionai cerufication,
• Departmentai acereditation, Poc capital aequisi[�on, and for
• S�milar expenses that directly support enhanced building and fire code enforcemen[
Rules for maroh funding from local resources include:
• Matching requirements shall be scaled to as litde as 5% depending upon local condttlons,
• Matching funds may mclude in-kind contributions,
• Local match can be warved for�unsd�chons thst dedica[e perm¢ fees to the local code enforoement program.
Section 5. And Secdon 6. Rating and Ranking of Applications and Selection Criteria
This sect�on prescribes scoring criteria for each of [he items m Seckon 3 Required Etenients ui Grmi[ Proposats.
Seetiou 7. Evaluation and Report
Grant recip�ents shall be required to rzport on uses of grant funds includmg:
• The code enfolcemen[ capabih[�es [ha[ were impac[ed by use of the grant,
• Lessons leamed in executing the plan suppor[ed by the grant,
• Recommendaiions for changes in [he grant pro�ram.
HUD is to maintain a system for free public access to reports via the Intemet
Secfion 8. Defni[ions
Defines an eligible remp�ent as a eiry, county, parish or similar author3ty, or a cmnbined authonty, wiih junsdictional to enforce
bmlding codes and regulatioos.
Section 9. Authorization of Appropriations
Establishes a 5 year au[horization of �100 milhon per year and allows HUD [o reserve 5%for i[s own administranve expenses.
ICC Congress�onal Relations - 202-370-1800 - iccsafe.org/congress
S. 2458 was mtroduced on December 12. 2007 and has been referted to the Senate Bankmg Commntee.
H.R. 4461 was mtroduced on December 12, 2007 and has been referred to the Nouse Finanaal Services Committee
Bob Kessler, Dirutor
ChristopherB. Coleman, Mayor
8 Fourth Street Eas; Suite 200
St Paul, Mirsnesot¢ 55101-1024
Interdepartmental Memorandum
Bob Kessler, Tom Riddering, & Trudy Moloney
Greg Johnson
May 9, 2008
Telephone: 651-1669090
Focsimil e: 651-2669724
Web: wwwsmaul zov/dsi
Item 25 — 08-447
RE: Resolution - 0&447 / The Community Building Code Administration Grant Act
The purpose of the Community Building Code Administrarion Grant Act is to offer local
governments a source of funding dedicated to programs to promote effective administration of
building and fire codes. A dedicated funding source ensures that applicants applying for these
grants are not compefing to use scarce resources that are also available for other prioriries.
Though a communiry's building code administrarion acrivities are most significantly focused on
new construcfion, the legislarion would support all code administration efforts, including building
code inspection and enforcement programs for both new and existing buildings.
The program is designed to be a bottom-up approach, based on local iniriative and responsive to
a community. A jurisdiction may be best served by more training and certification of existing
employees and better equipping them to perform enforcement funcrions. Other locations may
need funding primarily to establish or increase building code compliance staff.
In St. Paul, for example, grant funds could be used to train and certify DSI staff in green building
compliance pracrices.
Each year gant proposals aze to be evaluated competitively with all other applications for
available funding, with individual grants of up to $1 million. The legislation does not establish a
limit on years of eligibility.
The legislation does not make a change to local and state authonty over building and fire codes.
This program will create a federal grant program singularly devoted to improving local
govenunent operations in building code administration.
Local or state governments or subdivisions that have responsibility in administering laws and
regulations addressing building safety and fire prevenfion aze eligible. A grant is scaled
dependent upon local condirions, requiring as low as a 5% local match, with allowances for
counting in-ldnd contributions. The Act allows waiver of the local match if a grantee has legally
dedicated its building permit receipts to local building code administration.
Under the Act HUD may also waive the in-ldnd contriburion under condifions of economic
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