195786Original to City Clerk Council File No. 195788 -- Ordinance No. _ �� O � � � � � 11890 —By Adrian P. Winkel — r An ordinance amending Ordinance o No. 11061, entitled: e "An ordinance ,granting permission - and authority to the Village of Maple- wood to connect the public sewer sys- tem of said Village of Maplewood to // A�/J •M� rsAr 3RI3I1�1rZ1•'I�C'LL"°'14b / PRESENTED BY ,x An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 11061, entitled: "An ordinance granting permission and authority to the Village of Maplewdod to connect the public sewer system of said Village of Maplewood to the public sewer system of the City of Saint Paul and there= after maintain and operate.the.same.as an outlet for said public sewer system of•_said Village for public sewage conveyance. and disposal purposes, and providing applicable terms and conditions" approved July 26, 1957, as amended. Th's is an emergency:ordi- nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public f J 41 peace, health and sa ety. y THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 11061, approved July 26, 1957, as•amended, be and the same hereby is further amended by adding to the first paragraph of Section 3 of said ordinance, after the legal description of certain property to which sewer connection has heretofore been granted, the following: 4-,1 Lij z o y H; r� Yeas I1 M ce 0 U a Councilmen DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel . President (D. 8 "And except that said Village of Maple- wood may permit the temporary installa- - tion, maintenance -and 8perati8'�i of,.- - sewer service connection between its said public sewer system and the follow- ing described real property lying beyond its corporate limits and situate in the City of Saint Paul, County;of Ramsey,, State of Minnesota, to -wit: City Clerk Tract B - Registered Land Survey No. 141, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of-the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County., Minns sots, upon the express condition, applicable to such temporary sewer connection, that the - same shall be discontinued and removed upon the construction by or for the City of Saint Paul of a public sanitary sewer abutting the subject parcel of real estate, and that thereupon the then owner of the subject parcel of real estate shall cause the same to be connected by proper sanitary sewer connection with such public sanitary sewer hereafter constructed by or for the City of Saint Paul, abutting the same." Nays Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Favor Against f Original to City Clerk �-- -ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO, PRESENTED BY 1 85786 ORDINANCE NO. 116 / o Section 2. That this amendatory ordinance shall be deemed dependent for.its operative effect upon the acceptance of the same and the concurrence therein by said Village of Maplewood, evidenced by an ordinance passed by its Village . Council or governing body, and the filing'of a certified copy of the same with the City Clerk not later than 60 days next after the official publication of this amendatory ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon 4ts passage, approval and publication. . Yeas ✓Councilmen Nays DeCourcy * Holland /Mortinson Peterson `Rosen / v Winkel President (Dillo Attes City Clerk 1M MAR 3 1960 Passed by the Council In 1 Favor 1 Against Approved: MAR 3 1960 Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 101 -AE ORDIEAME HLLLMG TO S3A ITT 5MM,, A]PMOMG MiXAm No. 11690 OF ZE CITY OF SAINT PAM AWDIff(; UMT PAUL CIr'Y ORDINANCE BO. 11061. TO PMWT CERTAIN PROPWr WIT= ME CITY ` • Off' SAIRT PAUL TO IS COWED TO T93 NAPLEWOOD SANITAM • SEAS if'XUMS COM0111 OAP THE 'tI IMAGE^ OI' APLEMOD. DOES -ORDAIN: Seotion 1. _ That _Ordinance ft. 11690 or #,ba GUY of Saint Paul, amendIng 9t. Paul ardinarioe fo: 11061, to hereby &pprovod and t1w term& and provisions vloreor are hereby aocepted by the Counoil. of the Village of Mapl.s• . wood for- -r _end on behalf of the mdd Village of Maplewood. Seotion 2.' That a coPy of this ardinsnoe, after publication, shall be _ forwarded to the Clerk',of the City of Saint PMA. ' ' Seotion 3. This ordinanc6. shall take erfiot and be in farce upon its " menage and publication. ' Passed the CounoU tbio I � 4w of 94roh f- 1960. D_ rAyor. Attest: a ' i Clerk. _ j 00 n -f C>0 Lr Cn ' r , VILLAGE 1900 CLARENCE SPring 7 -1323 March 30, 1960 L E W Q G-D 9, MINNESOT ®F C17'! CLERK 1960 MAR 31 AM 8 32 SAINT PA'JL*jItiNE54iR CITY CLERK Office of City Clerk Bureau of Records 386 City Hall & Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Sir: I am enclosing a copy of Village of Maplewood Ordinance No. 101, approving and accepting Ordinance No. 11690 of the City of St. Paul pertaining to the Maplewood Sanitary Sewer System. Very truly yours, ames M. Hafner Village Clerk JMH /ce 1 Laid over 3rd and a Yeas Nays Yeas DeConrcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President Dillon 9D to "! V 2nd 2,6 Holland I Mortinson eterson /en' /Wink el Mr. President Dillon s t