195722Original to City Cleric 195722 CITY OF. ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK WHEREAS: The Processed Potatoes, Inc. desire to withdraw Application F -6782 for Foodstuff - Manufacturing, Distributing, Processing and Wholesaling License at 1422 Carroll Avenue and request the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the Processed Potatoes, Inc. the fee of $ 30.00 and to cancel said application f r license. 1 ' WITHDRAWAL ( Refund) (Properly licensed under Appn. 5357 to 12- 31 -60) r1 Attn: Geoe E. Cromer COUNCILMEN,, Yeas _ Nays DeCourcy Holland T ?..,,.04eR - Mortinson fFete Rosen,pt! esM6jtL 7 on sM Vice president (Peterson) ouncil File No. 195722 —By Severin A.1 Mortinson —Robert F. Peterson — Whereas, The Pfocessed Potatoes, Inc.' esire to withdraw Application F -8782 >r Foodstuff - Manufacturing, Distribut -t ig, Processing and Wholesaling IA-1 anse at 1422 Carroll Avenue and re -, uest the return of the license fee eposited thereon, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers e and they are hereby authorized to fund to the Processed Potatoes, Inc. ie fee of 530.00 and to cancel said, pplication for license. Adopted by the Council February 9,� Aso. Approved February 9, 1960. (February 13, 1960) r FEB Adopted by the Council 195 - FEB 91960 Approved 195 — In Favor Actin Mayor Against