08-429Council File # �$ — �� Green Sheet # 30S �(3c�. RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by 1S 1 WHEREAS, the University of St. Thomas (hereinafter, "UST"), in PED Zoning File No. 07- 218054, 2 applied to the Saint Paul Plamiing Commission (hereinafter, the "Commission") for a site plan review 3 under the provisions of Leg. Code § 61.400 for the putpose of constructing a pazking ramp on the UST 4 campus near the southwest corner of Grand and Cretin which is commonly lrnown as 2260 Summit S Avenue (the UST general campus address), the specific site of the proposed ramp being legally described 6 as St. Paul Seminary Addition Part Of I,ot 2 Blk 1 Desc As Beg On Wl Of Sd I,ot 2& 30.97 Ft S From Sw 7 Cor Of Lot 1 Blk 1 Th N 89 Deg 15 Min 24 Sec E For 196.48 Ft Th N 0 Deg 27 Min 49 Sec W Far 138.16 8 Ft To Lot L Between Sd Lots 1& 2& All Of L,ot 1 Blk 1; and 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 WFIEREAS, on January 31, 2008, the Commission's Zoning Committee, pursuant to Leg. Code § 61303, duly conducted a public hearing on the UST application at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard and, at the close of the public hearing, moved to recommend approval of the said applicafion based upon the file, the report of staff and the testimony presented at the hearing; and WHEREAS, on February 8, 2008, the Commission took up the recommendation of the Zoning Committee and, following a discussion of the proposed parking ramp, moved to approve the said application with modifications to the specific conditions originally recommended by the Zoning Committee, based upon the following findings required under Leg. Code § 61.402(c) which are set forth in Commission Resolution No. 08-08, which sha11 be incorporated herein by reference along with the specific conditions therein which are also set forth herein below: 22 1. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 2. 37 38 39 40 41 The city's adopted comprehensive plan and development or project plans for sub-areas of the city., The Transportation Section of the Comprehensive Plan has two policies that are relevant to this project: Policy 40. The City should require construction of new parking ramps to be compatible with the neighborhood. Policy 43. The City should continue to work with other agencies to enhance the design of, _ transportation improvements (streets, lighting, bridges, parking facilities, transit shelters; bike paths, walkways) in accordanae with community and neighborhood objectives. The , City should continue its practice of using a community-inclusive design process far major` transportation projects. Applicable ordinances of the City of Saint Paul. The parking ramp will meet all city-wide zoning requirements as well as all the special requirements in the University's Conditional Use Permits. �� . � 42 3. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 4. 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 5. 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 6. 73 74 75 76 77 7. 78 79 80 S1 82 83 84 85 86 87 Preservation of unique geologic, geographic or historically signifzcant charactenstics of the city and environmentally sensitive areas. Storm water from the ramp will be treated to meet the standards of the Capitol Region Watershed before it goes to the Mississippi River. The site is near (but not in) the Summit Avenue Heritage Preservation District. No Heritage Preservation review or approval is required. Protection of adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for such matters as surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air, and those aspects of design which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. The ramp has been designed to minimize the effects on neighboring land uses. The ramp will not affect storm water drainage and it will be set back and landscaped so that views, light and air are not affected. Lighting for the ramp has been designed to minimize glare and spill-over light to the surrounding area. However, to ensure that the impact of light and noise on nearby properties is kept to a minimum, decorative elements, such as metal grillwork, should be added to the openings of the ramp on the east and south side. The arrangement of buildings, uses and facilities of the proposed development in order to assure abutting property and/or its occupants will not be unreasonably affected. The location of the entrance to the ramp and improvements that will be made to the adjacent streets are intended to assure that increased traffic will not wueasonably affect the abutting residents. The ramp will be set back 70' from the Cretin property line to reduce its visual impact. Creation of energy-consetving design through landscaping and location, orientation and elevation ofstructures. The ramp will be consistent with current design standards for energy conservation. Safety and convenience of both vehicular and pedestrian tra�c bath withzn the site and in relation to access streets, including traffzc circulation features, the locations and design of entrances and exits and parking areas withirt the site. The site plan is consistent with this finding. The University had a Traffic Study prepared by the SRF Consulting Group. The study, dated 6l8107, looked at the impact of the increased traffic that wouid be generated by the ramp in the azea immediately adjacent to it and recommended specific improvements to the adjacent streets and traffic sig�als to mitigate the impact of the increased traffic. The Study was reviewed by Saint Paul Public Warks Traffic Secrion and they agree with the Study's conclusions and the recommended improvements. Public Works comments are summarized in an email from Linda Murphy to Tom Beach dated 1/31108. / � a i 88 8. 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 9. 98 99 lOQ 101 102 10. 103 104 105 106 107 108 11. 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 The satisfactory availability and capacity of storm and sanitaty sewers, including solutions to any drainage problems in the area of the development. Most of the site is currently impervious pavement. The parking ramp will also be impervious but the design for handling storm water will significantly improve the drainage situation because it will include a series of lazge underground storage pipes that will allow storm water for all but the most intense storms to infiltrate into the ground. For the most intense storms, water that cannot infiltrate will be carried by pipe to the Mississippi River. Sufficient Zandscaping, fences, walls and parking necessary to meet the above objectives. The ramp will be set back 70' from the public sidewalk on Cretin and this area will be landscaped with trees, shrubs and grass to soften the visual impact of the ramp. Site aecessibility in accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), including parking spaces, passenger loading zones and accessible routes. The site plan call for providing 18 accessible parking spaces and will meet all other standards of the ADA. Provision for erosion and sediment control as specified in the "Ramsey Erosion Sediment and Control Handbook. " The University ramp must obtain a permit for ramp from the Capitol Region Watershed and the plan will meet all applicable standards for erosion and sediment control. [The said approval subject to the following conditions specified in Commission Resolurion No. 08-08 and incorporated herein by reference:] 2. 3. The University of St. Thomas is responsible for the cost of the street and signal modifications specified in the Traffic Study prepared by SRF Consulting Group. A copy of the Traffic Stud}� will be kept on file at DSI as a part of the approved site plan. Decorative elements, such as metal grillwork, will be added to the openings of the ramp on the east and south side to minimize the impact of light and noise on nearby properties. Final pians for utiliries, stormwater management, grading, landscaping and lighting must be approved by City staff. WIIEREAS, On ar about February 19, 2008 and pursuant to Leg. Code § 61.702(a), UST duly filed an appeal (PED Zoning File No. 08-031259) from the determination made by the Commission and requested a hearing before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Commission as set forth in UST's Application for Appeal which is specifically limited to Condition No. 2 as set forth in Commission Resolution 08-08; and 6 0 �70! 133 WHEREAS, Acting pursuant to Leg. Code § 61.702(b) and upon notice to affected parties, a public 134 hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on Mazch 19, 2008, where all interested parties were 135 given an opportuuity to be heard; and 136 137 WI3EREAS, The Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the application, the 138 report of staff, the record, minutes and recommendation of the Zoning Committee and the Commission's 139 resolurion; does hereby 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 RESOLVE, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Leg. Code §61.704, hereby grants the appeal of UST and reverses the decision of the Commission in this matter regazding Condition No. 2. The Council finds that the aesthetic elements of the proposed parking ramp which were of concern to the Commission had been thoroughly reviewed by the West Summit Neighborhood Advisory Committee wluch provided substantial input into the design of the proposed parking ramp and that the Advisory Committee had found that the design elements of the proposed ramp, as submitted to the City for site plan review by UST, were acceptable. The Council finds that the Commission's decision to impose additional "decarative" elements on the ramp design submitted by UST and recommended for approval by the Commission's Zoning Committee, was in error based upon the record before the Commission and the evidence and testimony submitted to the Council. AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the specific appeal of UST regarding Condition No. 2, as set forth in Commission Resolution 08-08, is hereby granted and the Council instructs that the finding set forth in the second paragraph of finding No. 4 of Commissioti Resolution 08-08 as well as Condition No.2 of the said resolution, shall be deleted consistent with this decision and, with those corrections, the Council adopts as its own the findings and decision of the Commission to approve the said site plan application. AND, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to UST, the 159 Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission. 160 161 l62 Bostrom Cartec Harris Helgen ✓ ✓ J Request ep toE G� � —"'� By: 9pproved by the Office of Financial Services Stazk �/ B y' Thune y' Approved by City Atto ` � By: !� F�ewrw^ �— �t — O�'' Adopted by Council: Date �����D� Approv y yo`� Submis �on to uncil Adoprion Certified by Couycil Secretary $y / � / , / / 7 l B y : _LJ��� i Approved� y� � 3D /� By: �.,� T � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �$ -�f�-y Department/officelcouncil: Dafe Initiated: cA ��TyA���. Zs�-0a Green Sheet NO: 3051432 CoMaM Person 8 Phone: Peter Wamer 266-87'10 Type: RESOLUTION � �� 0 ICityAttomeY I ' Attorne De artment Director 2 'tyAttomey I � ���` 3 ayor's O�ce Mavar/ASSis�nt I 4 ouncil i I 5 ' Clerk C7 Clerk E-Document Required: Y DocumeMContact: JulieKraus Order Contact Phone: 2668776 I I ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Memorializing City Council's Mazch 19, 2008 motion granting the appeal of the University of St. Thomas to a condirion imposed by the Planning Commission that required adding decorative elements to the openings (east and south side) of the new campus pazking ramp to be located at the SW comer of Grand and Cretin Avenues, in order to minimize the impact of light and noise on neazby properties. , Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 7. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Council is required pursuant to the City Charter to have its actions reduced to a wriring dependent upon the nature of the matker before it. The decision of the Council in this matter required a resolution in order to compiy with the Charter. Approva( of the attached resolurion fulfills the Council's duty under the Charter. Advantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Approved: Failure to approve the resolurion violates the City's Charter requirement. DisaWantages If Not Approved: Total Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Financiai Information: (Explain) Activity Number: CosflRevenue Budgeted: March 25, 2008 11:08 AM Page 1 ob-c./-�,9 DEPARIMENT OF SP.FEiY Ah'D INSPECTIONS Bob Keuleq Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor COMME.'RCEBUILDING 8 Fourth So-eet EasE, Suire 200 St Pav1, Mmnesota 5510f-1014 NOTICE OF PUBLIC AEARIIRG 'Ihe Saint Paul L:ty Cwnc1 wiII con- duct a public hearing on Wednesday, Mazch 19,, 20pS at 5:30 pm m tfie City Conacil Chambers, Third Floor, City HaIl/Cowthouse, "15 West KeIlogg Boule- vard, SF. Pav1, MN, to consider the aPP� by the.Universitp of St Thomas to a condi- tion impased by the Plavning Comarission ifiat r � Pi � adding decwrative elemeats to the openmgs (on the east and south side) of Yhe new campus parian.g ramp, to be located at the southwest�corner of Grand and (.7etiri Avenues, in order to TM��^�*m�P the ffipact of light and noise on nearby properpes, ' Dated: February 26, 2008 MARY ERICIfSON � Assistant IXty Council Seeretary - (Febxuary 28) - 5C PADL IEGAL lEDGER z2ieossa , Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City hall Saint Pauf, MN 55102 RE: Setting a hearing date for an appeal by the University of St. Thomas Dear Ms. Erickson: I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, March �9, 2008, forthe foilowing appeal of a decision bythe Planning. Hearing Date: March 19, 2008 Appellant: University of St. Thomas File Number: 08-031259 Purpose: When the Planning Commission approved the site plan for a new parking ramp on the campus of the University of St. Thomas, they added a condition that "decorative elements, such as metal grillwork, wili be added to the openings of the ramp on the east and south side to minimize the impact of light and noise on nearby properties:' The University of St. Thomas has filed an appeal, asking that this Condition be removed. Address: 2260 Summit Avenue (This is the address for the University. The parking ramp would be located on the University campus at the southwest corner of Grand and Cretin.j Legal Description of Property: ST. PAUL SEMINARY AD�ITION PART OF LOT 2 BLK 1 DESC AS BEG ON W � OF SD LOT 2& 3�.97 FT S FROM SW COR OF LOT 1 BLK 1 TN IJ 89 DEG 15 MIN 24 SEC E FOR 196.48 FT TH N 0 DEG 27 MIN 49 SEC W FOR 138.76 FT TO LOT L BETWEEN SD LOTS T& 2& ALL OF LOT 1 BLK 1 Previous Action: Planni�g Commission approved the site plan for the parking ramp with the condition to add "decorative elements" on a unanimous vote on February 8, 2008. Zoning Committee approved the sfte plan without this condition on a vote of 5-1, on January 31, 2008 I have confirmed this date with Councilmember Stark. My understanding is that you will publish notice ofi the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. if you have any questions, you can reach me at 651-266-9086 or tom.beach@cistpaul.mn.us. Sincerely, �� Tom Beach Zoning AA-ADA-EEO Empioyet DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS �� Bob Kusler, Director SAt!�T rxu� �' ��,a�►I lJ � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ChristopherB. Co[eman, Mayor Mazch 12, 2008 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 COMMERCEBUILDING Telephone: 651-266-9090 8 Fourlh Street East, Sxate 100 Facsimile: 651-266-9124 StPau7,Minnesom55701-IO2d Web: w�+nvsroard.eovldsi RE: Appeal by University of Saint Thomas (File 08-031259) Deaz Ms. Erickson: HEARING DATE: March 19, 2008, 5:30 p.m. at City Council Chambers PURPOSE OF THE HEARING: When the Planning Commission approved the site plan for a new 745-car�arking ramp on the campus of the University of St. Thomas, they added a condition that decorative elements, such as metal grillwork, will be added to the openings of the ramp on the east and south side to minimize the impact of light and noise on neazby properties." The University of St. Thomas has filed an appeai, asking that this condition be removed. APPEAL FILED BY: University of St. Thomas PLAN1�iNG COMNIISSION DECISION: Approve with condirions (Unanimous) February 8, 2008 ZONING COMNIITTEE RECOMNIENDATION: Approve (6-1) Januazy 31, 2008 STAFF RECONIlI�NDATION: Approve SUPPORT: No one spoke in support OPPOSITION: No one spoke in opposition DISTRICT COUNCIL: The University met with the West Smmiiit Neighborhood Advisory Committee for a year to get input on the parking ramp. The Macalester Groveland District Councii (District 14) supports the site plan and the locarion of the ramp. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The University of Saint Thomas plans to bnild a new 745-car pazking ramp on their campus at the southwest corner of Grand and Cretin. The ramp wouid have four levels above grade and one level below grade. The ramp would be set back 70' from the sidewalk on the Crehn side. The facade of the ramp would use two colors/textures of precast concrete based on other existing buiidings on campus: 'buff color concrete to simulate limestone and'Earthtone red' color concrete finish to simulate brick. (See attached drawings of the ramp.) The original plan submitted by St. Thomas showed openings on Level One "fitted with Security Grills based on the precedent o£ the existing fence along Cretin (around the Athletic Fields)" and the openin�s on the upper levels with "a steel fabricated guazd rail that is painted black (approx 16" high).' However, when the Planning Commission approveii the site pian they added a condihon requiring that "decarative elements, such as metal grillwork, will be added to [all] the openings of the ramp on the east and south side to minimize the impact of light and noise on neazby properties." AA-ADA-EEO Employer , 4 �_ THE APPEAL: The University of St. Thomas states that adding the decorative elements called for by the Planning Commission would add between $100,000 and $156,000 to the cost of the • ramp, dependuig on the materials and details used. St. Thomas also believes the ramp will be more attrachve wrth its plan that encloses the ground leveI and Ieaves the other levels open. Tf you have any quesrions, you can contact me at 651-266-9086 or tom,beacfiCcr�ci.staauI.mn.us. Sincerely, ��� ���— Tom Beach DSI Zoning ATTAC$NIENTS Page 1 Appeal from St. Thomas with drawings showing altematives for grillwork page 9 Planning �' � 1�, Zoning Committee minutes staff report Page 16 Site plan and drawings o£proposed ramp Page 20 Photos of other pazldng ramps in Saint Paul with and without grillwork � • u � �,Ch!�¢ ; . � jA �a SwITT Ph�ii I��I APPLIGATlON FOR APPEAL Deparhnent of Safety and Inspections 200 Commerce Building 8 Fourth S� E, Suite 200 Saint Pau� MN SSI01-IO24 65I-266-9008 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION NBme University of St. Thomas (contact: Doug Hennes) Address 2115 S�it Avenue (81ai1 Ido. I,OR-508) City St. Paul St. Mid Zip55105 Daytime.phone 651-962-6402 Name of owner (if different) I Address 2260 S�mit Avenue (southtuest comer of Cretin and Su�it) I Leg11 desCription: See attached sheet j(attach additional sheet if necessar}� TYPE OF APPEAL: Application is hereby made for an appeal to the: �] Board of Zoning Appeals � City Councii under the provisions of Chapter 61, Section , Paragraph of the Zoning Code, to appeal a decision made bythe St. Paul Planning Commission on Februar� 8 , 200 8. File number: 07-218054 GROUIdDS fOR APPEAL: Expfain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative officiai, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission. The university appeals a site plan amendment ap�roved by the Planning Commission requiring fhe'installation of glass and/or gri7�1 work en the second and third level openings along the east and south facades of a new parking ramp. The university believes its more-open design would be more attractive, and objects to the additional cost (up to $155,800, depending on the option chosen) for the glass and/or �rill work, See attachment for £urther explanation. (attach additional sheet if necessary) ApplicanYs signature ,� �• Date 2� �$ City agent � M . (l0'_/'�-� UNIVERSITY OF ST. THOMAS APPEAL OF ST. PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION � ON USE OF GLASS OR GRILL WORg ON PARffiNG RAMP Febmary 19, 2008 The University of St. Thomas is appealing one aspect of the St Paul Planning Coinmission's Febniaxp 8 decision on the site plan fox the university's new pasldng zatnp on the southwest comex of Cretin and G�and Avenues. The aspect involves a site plan ieport amendment, inteoduced at the Februaty 8 meeting by a commission member and apptoved by the coinmission, to zequue St. Thomas to install glass and/or grill woxk on the second- and thixd-level openings along the east and south facades. These facades face the zesidentiat neighbothoods iinxnediately to the east (Cxetin Avenue} and tfie south (Goodrich Avenue) of the St. Thomas campus. The nnivezsity zespectfixIly disagtees with the concept of adding glass oz gtillwozk to these openings, and believes at a more open oo wo e o . e e�ij�s �e t�r additional costs — up to $155,800 foi installation of these elements, depending on the option chosen, plus maintenance and deaning egpenses of up to $30,000 a yeaz. T1xe West Sununit Netghborhood Advisory Committee has reviewed SL Thomas' plan moYe than a half-dozen times since Octobei 2006, and St. Thomas has accepted significant input on the azchitectuxal design from the co�sunittee. The committee oi neighbots of the univetsitg did not drive � the Planning Comruission amendment The attached sketches show the east, south and north elevations of the zamp. The commission specified changes only to the east and south facades, but in examining the options the univ�sity also included the north facade foi design continuiry because of its visibility. The west facade is not dealt with hete because of its close proxiinity to the east wall of McCarthy Gymnasium and the need to keep the code-requited openings. St� Thomas prefers the sketch titled "Existing Scheme," wluch was submitted as part of the site plan. Thete ate four-level towexs on the north and south ends, and these towexs would be enclosed in limestone-colozed pte-cast conctete and glass. The ground-level openings would be fitted with security gxills, as zequixed by zoning code to discoutage trespassexs, and would zesemble the eaisting wxought-iton fence a[ong Cretin and Goodrich avenues. The openings in the limestone-colored panels on the second and thitd leveLs would have a black, steel fabricated guazd tail along on the east fa4ade, and all of the openings in the limestone-colored and earthtane-colored secdons on the uorth and south facades would have the same guatd Lail tseatments. Ryan Compaaies, the azchited and conixador foz the ramp, egauiined sevexal othex options to deal ' with tke Planuing Comnvssion amendment to add glass and/or grills to the second- and third-level op�ings along the south and east facades. The design of the options was confined by the 200G IBC ($ection 406.3) requitemeats for an Open Parking Garage. See the sketches foz deta�s: • "Infill Option 1" would have all east fac�ade openings covexed by glass, with all openings on • the north and south facades fitted with grills. This option would cost an additional $152,000. � �B - �fa � � St. Tbomas does not find this oprion visually acceptable; these would be too much glass on the east fac,ade and too much of a"prison" look on the north and south facades because of the many steel bazs. "Infill Option 2" telies entixely on gtill work fot all openings except the glass-enclosed northeast and southeast cornex towus, and would cost an additional $133,200. The univexsity finds this option totally unacceptable because of the heavy use of the gtills. "Infill Option 3" would have altemating sections of glass-covered, limestone-mloted openings and grill-fitted, earthtone-colozed openings. 'I7vs option would cost an additional $155,800. St. Thomas still does not caxe far the heavy use of glass and grills and the resulting prison look because of the many steel bazs. "Infill Option 4" would have glass-covexed openings on all limestone-coloxed sections and grill-fitted, earthtone-colozed openings on the first floor only. This oprion would cost an additional $99,900. St. Thomas does not caxe fot the heavy use of glass in comparison to the "empt�' openings in the eatthtone-colored panels at the second and third levels. Ovex the life of the ramp, all four of the above options would create undo costs to maintain the grills and to regiilarly dean and replace the glass because of the Open Ait Ramp design. It also is worth noting that the univetsity akeady has made $3.1 million in axchitectuxal and aesthetic • enhancements to the 700-car, $15 uvllion ptoject to ensure that it fits into both the campus and the adjacent xesidential neighboxhood. The limestone-coloxed panels that "butnp out" fxom the eazthtone-coloxed panels, along with the use of glass in the two Cowezs, add costs of $4,000 pex stall, ox $2.8 million overalL St. Thomas a]so is paying foi $300,000 in Cxetin Avenue unpzovements telated to left-hand tutn lanes, new curbs and new sidewalks, as well as all new uaffic signal equipment and city light poles for the Ctetin-Gxand intexsection. The univessitq thanks the St. Paul City Council foi considexing this appeal. For furthex inforxnation, please contact: Doug Hennes Vice President fox Universiry and Government Relations University of St Thomas 2115 Sntmnit Ave., Mail No. LOR-508 St. Paul, MN 55105 dehennes@stthomas.edu 651-962-6402 (woxk) and 612-327-0368 (cell) • � ►�-� i�� ��i �:. e ...:n._� '�.r_i. i�i ����� ....�, y�� �: �fi ��-�f a9 r U city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number � o$-o$ date Februarv 8. 2008 WHEREAS, the University of St. Thomas, File # 07 218054, has submitted a site plan for review under the provisions of Sec. 61.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, for the establis}unent of a parking ramp on property located at properLy address 2260 Sunvnit Ave , legally described as St. Paul Seminary Addirion Part Of Lot 2 Blk 1 Desc As Beg On Wl Of Sd Lot 2& 30.97 Ft S From Sw Cor Of Lot 1 Blk 1 Th N 89 Deg 15 Min 24 Sec E For 196.48 Ft Th N 0 Deg 27 Min 49 Sec W For 138.16 Ft To Lot L $etween Sd Lots 1& 2& All Of Lot 1 Bllc i; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on 1/31/2008 heid a public hearing at which all persons present wexe given an opportunity to be heazd pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of §61303 of tbe Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings as required under the provisions of §61.402(c) that the site plan is consistent with: 1. The city's adopted comprehensive plan and deveZopment or project plans for sub-areas of the city. The Transportation Section of the Comprehensive Plan has two policies that are relevant to this project: Policy 40. The City should require construction of new patking ramps to be compatible with the neighborhood. Policy 43. The City should continue to work with other agencies to enhance the design of transportation improvements (streets, lighting, bridges, pazking facilities, ttansit shelters, bike paths, walkways) in accordance with community and neighborhood objec6ves. The City should continue its practice of using a community-inclusive design process for major transportation projects. 2. Applicable ordinances of the City of Saint Paul. The pazking ramp will meet all city-wide zoning requirements as well as all the special requirements in the University's Conditional Use Permits. � moved by Morton seconded by in favor Unanimous against Q Zoning FIIe # 07-218054 Plauning Commission Resolution Page 2 of 3 3. Preservation of unique geologic, geog� or historically sign�cant characteristics of the city • and ercvironmentally sensitive areas. Storm water from the ramp will be treated to meet the standazds of the Capitol Region Watershed before it goes fo the Mississippi River. The site is near (but not in) the Summit Avenue Heritage Preservatioa District. No Heri#age Preservation review or approval is requued. 4. Protection of adjarent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for such matters as surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air, and those aspects of design which may have substantial effects on neighboring Zand uses. The ramp has been designed to .r�;n,`m;�e the effects on neighboring land uses. The ramp will not affect storm water drainage and it will be set back and landscaped so that views, light and air t affected LiehtinQ for the ramp has been designed to m;nim;�e glare and spill-ovez light to the surrounding azea. However, to ensiue that the impact of light and noise on nearby properties is kept to a minimum, decorative elements, such as metal grillwork, should be added to the openings of the ramp on the east and south side. 5. The arrangement of buildings, uses and facidities of the proposed developrneni in order to assure • abutting property andlor its occupants will not be unreasonably affected. The location of the entrance io the ramp and improvements that will be made to the adjacent streets aze intended to assure that increased traffic will not unreasonably afFect the abutring residents. The ramp will be set back 70' from the Cretin property line to reduce its visual impact 6. Creation of energy-corzserving design through landscaping and location, orientation and elevation of structures. The ramp wiII be consistent with current design standards for energy conservation. 7. Safety and corrvenience of both vehicular and pedestrian iruffte both within the site and fn relation to access streets, including trafj'tc circulation features, the locations and design of enirances and exits and parking areas within 1he site. The site plan is consistent with this finding. The University had a Traffic Study prepazed by the SRF CoasulUag Group. The study, dated 6/8/07, looked at the impact of the increased traffic that would be generated by the ramp in the area immediately adjacent to it and recommended specific improvements to the adjacent streets and traff'ic signals to mitigate the impact of the . increased traffic. The Study was reviewed by Saint Paul Public Works Traffic Section and they agree with the Study's conclusions and the recommended improvements. Public VJorks Zoning File # 07-218054 Planning Commission Resolurion Page 3 of 3 68 -�2-°I . comments aze summarized in an email from Linda Murphy to Tom Beach dated 1/31/08. 8. The satisfactory availability and capacity of storm and sanitary sewers, including solutions to any drainage problems in the area of the development. Most of the site is currently impervious pavement. The pazking ramp will also be impervious but the design for handling storm water will significantly improve the drainage situation because it will include a series of large underground storage pipes that will ailow storm water for all but the most intense storms to infiltrate into the ground. For the most intense storms, waCer that cannot infiltrate wili be carried by pipe to the Mississippi River. 9, Suffcient Zandscaping, fences, walds and parking necessary to meet the above objectives. The ramp will be set back 70' from the public sidewalk on Cretin and this azea will be landscaped with tcees, shrubs and grass to soften the visual impact of the ramp. 10. Site accessibility in accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabildties Act (ADA), including parking spaces, passenger loading zones and accessible routes. The site plan call for providing 18 accessible parking spaces and will meet all other standards of the ADA. • 11. Provision for erosion and sediment control as specified in the ' Ramsey Erosion Sediment and Controt Flandbook. " The University ramp must obtain a permit for ramp from the Capitol Region Watershed and the plan will meet all applicable standazds for erosion and sed'unent control. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, that the application of Dan Elenbaas for a site plan review for a new parking ramp at 2260 Summit Ave is hereby approved subject to the following condirions: 1. The University of St. Thomas is responsible for the cost of the street and signal modifications specified in the Tr�c Study prepazed by SRF Consulting Group. A copy of the Traffic Study will be kept on file at DSI as a part of the approved site plan. 2. Decorative elements, such as metai grillwork, will be added to the openings of the ramp on the east and south side to minimize the impact of light and noise on neazby properties. 3. Fina1 plans for utilities, stormwater management, grading, landscaping and lighting must be approved by City staff: � l� MlNUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, January 31, 2008 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: Alton, Donnelly-Cohen, Faricy, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton Johnson and Rosemark STAFF: Patricia James, Carol Martineau, and Peter Wamer The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Morton. St. Thomas Parking Lot - 07-218-054 — Site plan review for a new 745 - car parking ramp located on the west side of Cretin at Grand. Tom Beach presented the staff report with a recommendation to approve the site plan with conditions. Mr. Beach also stated District 14 submitted a letter recommending approval. There were no letters in suppoR, and no letters in opposition. . a uestion about usin limestone for the parking ramp, that limestone would be cost prohibitive. He went on to explain how the pre-cast concre e wou fit in with the neighborhood and the St. Thomas Campus. He also explained nobody in the neighborhood raised any objections to the pre-cast concrete. At the question of fhe Commissioners, Mr. Hennes stated the parking ramp would be used primarily by students and faculty. There wouid be some spaces for visitors during the day and the ramp could be used by the public for games and concerts. The parking fee has been changed to a flat rate for the students and the facuity with a sliding scale according to wages. He sYated that the ramp even after the surface parking at the northeast comer of Cretin and Summit is removed in the future to make room for new buildings, there wouid be two to three hundred exira parking spaces compared to what is fhere foday. This shoufd address some of fhe parking problems in the neighborhood. He also stated they couid not require the students to park in the ramp but the ramp would be more convenient than parking three to four blocks away from the campus. No one spoke in suppart or opposition. The pu6)ic hearing was closed_ There was a request by the Zoning Committee that a colored picture of the parking lot be submitted to the Planning Commission. CommissionerAlYon moved approval of the site plan. Commissioner ponnelly-Cohen seconded the motion. Commissioner Faricy stafed she would vote against ffie motion because limestone was not being used for the project and felt pre-cast concrete wouid not be compatible to the neighborhood. The motion passed by a vote of 5-1-0 with Commissioner Faricy votirtg against the motion. Adopted Drafted by: Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Yeas - 5 Nays —1 (Faricy) Submitted by: Tom Beach Zoning Section Absfained - 0 Approved by: Giadys Morton Chair n �J n U �( o$-�fa-y ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE # 07-218054 • 1. APPLICANT: University of St. Thomas HEARING DATE: 1/31/08 2. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Site Plan Review 8. DA7E RECEIVED: 12/12(07 3. LOCATION: Southwest corner of Grand and Cretin (The address for the St. Thomas campus is 2260 Summit Avenue.) 4. PIN & LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 052823420004 St. Paui Seminary Addition Part Of Lot 2 Blk 1 Desc As Beg On WI Of 5d Lot 2& 30.97 Ft S From Sw Cor Of Lot 1 Blk 1 Th N 89 Deg 15 Min 24 Sec E For 196.48 Ft Th N 0 Deg 27 Min 49 Sec W For 138.16 Ft To Lot L Between Sd Lots 1& 2& All Of Lot 1 Blk 1 5. PLANNING DISTRICT: 14 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 61.402.c 7. STAFF REPORT DATE: 1/24/08 PRESENT ZONING: R2 BY: Tom Beach r1 lJ n \J DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 2/10/08 A. PURPOSE: Site plan review for a new 700-car parking ramp. B. PARCEL SIZE: The parking ramp and the area immediately around it cover an area approximately 300' x 260' (78,000 square feet). C. EXISTING LAND USE: Surtace parking lots currently occupy the area where the ramp will go. The area is a part of the University of St. Thomas campus. D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: University of St. Thomas campus (classroom buildings) R2 East: Mixed density residential (R3 and RM2) South: University of St. Thomas campus(athletic field) with single family residential south of Goodrich (R2 and R3) West: University of St. Thomas campus (gymnasium and classroom buildings) R2 E. PROJECT DESCR►PTION: The site plan calls for a new parking ramp: • The ramp will have 700 parking spaces. . There will be one level below grade and 4 levels above grade. The ramp will be 32' high (measured from the ground to the surface of the top level). The ramp wiil be engineered so that two more levels could be added in the future. There will be a tower with elevators and stairs in the northeast corner that will be 50' tall. The University's Conditional Use Permit allows a height of 60'. • The ramp will be set back 70' from the property line on the Cretin side. This conforms to the setbacks estabfished by the 1995 Conditionai Use Permit ihat governs devetopment on this part of the campus. • The only entrance and exit to the ramp for cars wili be located on the north side of the ramp. To get to the entrance, cars wiN enter the campus from Cretin Avenue at Grand and drive west approximately 200'. � Z- . Improvements to Cretin Avenue will be made to accommodate increased tra�c as recommended by a Tra�c Study that was done for the project. The improvements include widening the street to provide a turn lane on south-bound Cretin, rebuilding curbs and sidewalks and moving traffic signals. The University will build and pay for these . improvements. • Eievators and the main stairs will be located at the northeast comer of the ramp. • The area around the ramp will Be landscaped to soften the visual impact of the ramp. • The primary material for the north, east and south facades of the ramp will be Precast Concrete. There will be two coforsltexfures of concrete. The panels that bump out wili be fabricated with an integral 'bufP color concrete to simulate a limestone similar to what is present on much of the campus. The panels that bump in will be fabricated with an integral 'Earthtone red` color concrete finish to simu(afe a uti(ity size brick (4"x8"j simitar to what is used on the nearby boiler plant and Cretin Hall. Openings on Level One will be fitted with Security Grills based on the precedent of the existing fence along Cretin (around the Athletic Fields). The openings in the Buff color panels (above Levef One} wilt have a sfeel fabricated guard rail that is painted black (approx '! 6" High). The stair tower glazing will be an Aluminum Storefront System. The peaked roofs will be a Prefinished Metal Panel. The remaining (west) side will have a less elaborate facade since it will be next fo a gymnasium building and will not be visible from the public right of way. •� :: - - _ .. - _- -..� -. G. HISTORYIDISCUSSION: The University of St. Thomas has received three Conditional Use Permits in the past (1990, 1995 and 2004). The 1995 Conditional Use Permit governs development on this part of the campus. Other recent significant building projects on the St. Thomas campus include; � • A new residence hall at the north end of the north campus • A childcare and small residence building at Grand and Finn. . A new classroom building for the College of Business at Summit and Cleveland (McNeely Hallj. The University of St. Thomas and the university-neighborhood relations committee (WSNAC - ffie West Summit Neighborhood Advisory Committee) have been meeting over the last year to develop an acceptable design for the proposed parking ramp. H. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: Staff has not heard from the Macalester Groveland Community Council on this project. I. FINDINGS: Section 62.108{c) of the Zoning Code says that in "order to approve the site plan, the planning commission shall consider and find that the site plan is consistent with" the findings listed below. 1. 7he city's adopted comprehensive plan and development or project plans for sub-areas of fhe city. The Transportation Section of the Comprehensive Plan has two policies that are relevant to this project: Policy 40. The City should require construction of new parking ramps to be compatible with fhe neighborhood. • r3 D����°/ Policy 43. The City shoutd continue to work with other agencies to enhance the design of transportation improvements (streets, lighting, bridges, parking facilities, transit • shelters, bike paths, walkways) in accordance with community and neighborhood objectives. The City should cont+nue its practice of using a community-inclusive design process for major transportation projects. 2. Applicabfe ordinances of fhe Cify of Sainf Paul. The parking ramp will meet all city-wide zoning requirements as well as ali the special requirements in the University's Conditional Use Permits. 1. Preservation of unique geologic, geographic or historically significant characteristics of the city and environmenta0y sensitive areas. Storm water from the ramp will be treated to meet the standards of the Capitol Region Watershed before it goes to the Mississippi River. The site is near (but not in) the Summit Avenue Heritage Preservation District. No Heritage Preservation review or approval is required. 4. Protection of adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for such mafters as surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air, and those aspects of design which may have substantial effects on neighboring tand uses. The ramp has been designed to minimize the effects on neighboring land uses. The ramp . will not affect storm water drainage and it will be set back and {andscaped so that views, light and air are not affected. Lighting for the ramp has been designed to minimize glare and spill-over light to the surrounding area. 5. The arrangement of buildings, uses and facilities of the proposed development in order to assure abutting property and/or its occupants will not be unreasonably affected. The location of the entrance to the ramp and improvements that will be made to the adjacent streets are intended to assure that increased traffic will not unreasonably affect the abutting residents. The ramp will be set back 70' from the Cretin property line to reduce its visual impact. 6. Creation of energy-conserving design through �andscaping and location, orienfation and elevation of structures. The ramp will be consistent with current design standards for energy conservation. 7. Safety and convenience of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic bofh within the site and in �elation to access streets, including traffic circulation features, the locations and design of entrances and exits and parking areas wifhin the site. The site plan is consistent with this finding. The University had a Traffic Study prepared by the SRF Consu{ting Group. The study, dated 6/8/07, {ooked at the impact of the increased • traffic that would be generated by the ramp in the area immediately adjacent to it and recommended specific improvements to the adjacent streets and tra�c signals to mitigate the impact of the increased traffic. The Study was reviewed by Saint Paul Public Works Traffic Section and they agree with the Study's conclusions and the recommended I� improvements. (A partial copy of the Traffic Study is attached. If you wouid like to see the complete study send me an email at tom.beachCa),ci.staaui.mn.us and I wiil email you a copy. A copy of the memo from Public Works is also attached.) • 8. The satisfactory availabilify and capacity of storm and sanitary sewers, including solutions to any drainage problems in the area of the deve(opment. Most of the site is currently impervious pavement. The parking ramp will also be impervious but the design for handling storm water will significantly improve the drainage situation because it will include a series of large underground storage pipes that wiil allow storm water for all but the most intense storms to infiltrate into fhe ground. For the most intense storms, water that cannot infiltrate wil! be carried by pipe to the Mississippi River. 9.. Suffrcient landscaping, fe�ces, walls and parking necessary fo meet the above objectives. The area around the ramp wiil be landscaped with trees, shrubs and grass to soften the visual impact of the ramp. 10. Site accessibility in accordance w'rth the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), including parking spaces, passenger loading zones and accessi6/e routes. The site plan call for providing 18 accessible parking spaces standards of the ADA. 11. Provision for erosion and sediment control as specified in the "Ramsey Erosion Sediment and Contro! Handbook." The University ramp must obtain a permit for ramp from the Capitol Region W atershed and • the plan will meet all appiicable standards for erosion and sediment control. J. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the findings above, the staff recommends approval of the site plan to allow a new parking ramp at the southwest corner of Grand and Cretin on the campus of the University of St. Tfiomas subject to the following conditions: 1. The University of St. Thomas is responsible for the cost of the street and signal modifications specified in the Traffic Study prepared by SRF Consulting Group. A copy of the Traffic Study will be kept on file at DSI as a part of the approved site plan. 2. Finat pians for utilities, stormwater management, grading, landscaping and lighting must be approved by City staff. ATTACHMENTS Page 1 Memo from Public Works in response to Tra�c Study Page 2 Faccerpts from the Traffic Study Page 7 Ptans and aerial photos • i5 ., ., ;_ � _ ;: , _ r i� y ' �.��� - � _ � � ;� �� �` n h� � �° � � - _ : , ��"� � � �^�— e ----''��-- .. a.,, � �. # r j�?.° �� ':_" � �. 3',�, :r.m .., - .t._a . � _ - :� -�.' .�-° . :i t � � .-. � - � v . 4 . L' ?�.. ��. j � �� �� . � G t_A �Kt C ? w.F.� =a � , e ..^-5 i� �Y t li:��' ' . S ��.�" �.; • s � �. : ' +n-� � , rt ; r „ i � = �� �. � � ��m� __::� ';b°� - ,.. . � —°` �,-�._.,..._-:,— , ., _ r " � ` `. _ wl ( t ) . 1 � t� � "'_"h'�� _ l - � �� f I ' I ' i � �' j - � i__. � 1 � �: � .. , . � . 'i � � _ 4 �� � _ _._' ..r � � M �,. . .. � � � . .�., . . , , . s ''� '. 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To: "'tom.beach@ci.stpaul.mn.us"' Date: 3i14i2008 1:24 PM Subject: UST Ramp AppeaUWest Summit Neighborhood Advisory Committee Resol ution Dear Tom, In anticipahon of the March 19 public hearing regazding the University of St. Thomas' appea] of the Planning Commission's decision to amend the St. Thomas Pazking Ramp Site Plan by re-designing its "window openings," I am enclosing a resolurion adopted by unanimous vote of the West Summit Neighboihood Advisory Committee (WSNAC) at its Mazch 11 meeting. WSNAC is a tovm and gown group whose existence is mandated by the August 2004 Condifional Use Permit (04-054- 501) fo7 expansion of campus boundaries. During the past 15 months, WSNAC has ieviewed and improved the pazking iamp plan, conducted public hearings, and, along with the two proximate communiry councils, has previously signed off on the onginal design, which the university would like to implement West Summit Neighborhood Advisory Committee Resolu4an March 11, 20D8 Whereas, the Wes[ Summit Neighborhaod Advisory Committee (W5NAC) conducted an extensive community process in considering the fuuction and design of the proposed parking ramp west of Cretin Avenue on the campus of the University of St. Thomas (UST); and Whereas, UST and WSNAC collaborated to improve the design and function of the proposed parking ramp such that WSNAC, District Council 14 (biacalester-Groveland) and District Council 13 (Union Park), approved the design in UST's original Site Plan submission; and Whereas WSNAC and UST carefully considered tive other designs in response to the concerns expressed by the Saint Panl Planning Commission and prefers the design previously approved; Therefore, the W est Summit Neighborhood Advisory Committee support UST's appeal of the Site Plan as amended by the Saint Paul Planning Commission and requests the Saint Paul City Cuuncil to approve the design as submitted in the Site Plan. Respectfully submitted as directed by the committee by, Scott Banas and John Hershey, WSNAC co-chairs lohn Hershey Neigh6o�hood Liaisw Univers�ry Relahons LOR508 Umve�srty of St Thomas 21 IS Summit Avenue St Paul, NQJ 55105 (651) 9626123 offioc (65l) 962-6410 facsim�te iwhershey(u�snhom W office� 7 t 0A Loras HaII �Piease rnnsitler the environment before printing file://C:�Documents and Settings\Crippend\i,ocal Settings\Temp�'grpwise\47DA9B17maildpol... 3/18/20Q8 r' � �//y/U� 6� ���-�/ -��� West Summit Neighborhood Advisory Committee Minutes March 11, 2008 Members Present: Scott Banas, John Bannigan, Joel Clemmer, Rebecca Cooke, John Hershey, Marc Manderscheid, , Jeanne Matross, J+m Sachs, Leo Viktora. Guests: Jane McClure, Highland Villager; Mark Welch, Ryan Companies. The meeting commenced at 6:37 p.m. Introductions, agenda and approval of minutes. Scott introduced new member, student representative Rebecca Cooke. The February 12, 2008 minutes were approved as submitted and will be posted at www.wsnac.net . The agenda was approved with one minor change. Parking ramp appeal issue. )ohn Hershey presented the history and rationale behind St. Thomas' decision to appea{ the Planning Commission's decision to alter the design of the parking ramp openings to accommodate concerns about appearance and liqht and noise emissions. He requested WSNAC support for the university's appeal. Joel expressed concerns about late introduction of new design elements and stated that WSNAC took "a serious and reasonable look" at the plans and offered ample opportunity for early public input. He further stated that the set-back distance from Cretin would likely mitigate the noise from the ramp. Marc asked pointed questions about window design and asked for clarification to insure that head lamp light would prevented from shining into the windows of the apartment across the street. Several members expressed opinions in support of the ramp design process which allowed for WSNAC and communiry council input. A BanniganJBanas motion for a WSNAC resolution to support the university's appeal was approved by an 8-0 vote: Whereas, the West Summit Neighborhood Advisory Committee (WSNAC) conducted an extensive community process in considering the function and design of the proposed parking ramp west of Cretin Avenue on the campus of the Universiry of St. Thomas (USI�; and Whereas, UST and WSNAC collaborated to improve the design and function of the proposed parking ramp such that WSNAC, District Council 14 (Macalester- r b8-�ay Groveland) and District Council 13 (Union Park), approved the design in UST's original Site Plan submission; and Whereas WSNAC and UST carefuliy considered five other designs in response to the concerns expressed by the Saint Paul Planning Commission and prefers the design previously approved; Therefore, the West Summit Neighborhood Advisory Committee support UST's appeal of the Site Plan as amended by the Saint Paul Planning Commission and requests the Saint Paul City Council to approve the design as submitted in tfie Site Plan. A Banas/Clemmer motion to communicate the resolution to city council was also approved by an 8-0 vote. Scott volunteered to write the resolution and John will send it to council members and to Tom Beach at PED. Parking ramp landscaping. There was additional conversation about the landscape design on the Cretin-side of the ramp. Marc Manderscheid requested that the university include larger plantings and Mark Welch identified two spots where soil depth could accommodate larger trees. Mare suggested that the university consider transplanting some larger trees from other parts of campus, perhaps from spot where trees will be removed as a part of student center construction. Jeanne suggested that design elements include the introduction of prairie grasses. The issue will be taken up at a later time. Co-chair appointment. A Manderscheid/Sachs motion to approve the appointment of Leo Viktora to two-year term as co-chair of Traffic, Parking, Safety and Student Relations subcommittee was approved by unanimous vote. Proxy voting. Scott reported that Marc, Les Meltzer, and John Bannigan have submitted a working draft to accommodate proxy voting and that, barring unforeseen pressing items, it will be considered at the next meeting. Traffic, Parking, Safety & Student Relations subcommittee report. Jim Sachs reported that the subcommittee's primary concern is to review pedestrian movement in light of the upcoming construction. Since the subcommittee membership has changed since the approval of the "sinuous path concept" and the introduction of pedestrian management elements to the McNeely project,