199853ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL O NCIL NO. LICENSE CONiMLTM OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM `^ PRESENTED BY COMM SSIONE Sri✓ November 29, 19Eo +� DATF RESOLVED: That Application F -12337 for the Transfer of Off Sale Liquor License No. 1788, expiring January 31, 1961, issued to Joseph M. Donahue, Administrator CTA DD Estate of Charles P. Schwietz at 1110 Arcade Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Charles F. Schwietz and Rosemary H. Axtell at the same address. ExclAsive Liquor Storer J � TRANSFER {Licensees) Informally approved by Council November 8, 1960k �h COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 6M 5.60 2 Council File No. 199853 —By Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy — Robert F. -Peterson—. Milton Rosen — Resolved, That Application F- 12337 for the Transfer of Off Sale Ltquor License No. 1788, expiring January 31, 1961, issued to Joseph M. Donahue, Administrator C T A DE Estate of Charles P. Schwietz at 1110 Arcade Street be and the same is hereby trans- ferred to Charles, F. Schwietz and Rosemary H. Axtell at the same ad- dress. Adopted by the Council December 1, 1960. Approved December 1, 1960. (December 3, 1960) Ili, Favor Against DEC 1 Adopted by the Council 19— BEG i Mayor 600 11-54 .000® CITY OF SAINT PAUL �_F 199 S53 )2-1-40 APPLICATION FOR "OFF SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application N (Tbia form must be filled out in addition to the application form and sworn statement required by the Liquor Control Commissioner of the State of Minnesota.) e 38 Name of Applicant__ Charles F. Schwietz Rosemary H. Axtell Age-4 Residence Address 1038.3:cSessdmi.nd Ave. 795 E. Jessamine Ave. Telephone No. Are you a citizen of the United States Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? es When and Where? 1110 Arcade Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. If corporation, give date when incorporated r Name and address of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of manager of premises upon which liquor is to be Name of surety company which will write bond, if known Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 1110 Arcade East S. E. corner Jessamine Avenue ist How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ? 10,000 feet How many feet from church (measured along streets) ?___t600 feet How many feet from closest public or parochial high or grade school (measured along streets) ? 600 feet Name of closest school Saint Casimir l s Parochial Grade School How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? Commercial On what floor located? 1st If leased, give name of owner Edward. P. Schvietz Is application for drugstore, general food store or exclusive liquor store? Exclusive Liquor Store How long have you operated present business at present site? Business at that location over 20 year Do you now have an "On Sale" non - intoxicating liquor license? No. (This application must be signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an officer of the corporation.) (Note: The State application form and information muse erifi .) Issuance of license is not recommended. N, 9�'� Dated 19 License Inspector. APPLICANT. Form 8—Revised 4/1/60 77004 99MIA 14 , + STATE OF MINNESOTA' °LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSIONER r_� !. •r �C,,,._ : , ; .�,,_4 APPLICATION FOR .OFF SALE INTOXICATING_ LIQUOR -LICENSE- This application and the bond shall be submitted in duplicate - - Whoever shall, knowingly and wilfully falsify the answers to the following,: questionnaire shall be deemed guilty, of -perjury and shall be punished accordingly. , ,r In answering the, following questions[ "APPLICANTS" shall be governed as follows: For a' Corpora= .tion one officer'shall execute this application for all officers, directors and stockholders. For a partnership one of the "APPLICANTS" shall execute this application for all members of the —partnership.,-- , - EVERY _QUESTION: MUST BE ANSWERED. Y " f as (Individual owner, officer, or partner) , r - _ � �e�'�� ltd G�;as �'.. il�.�t�• :a�$ . t . ` for and in behalf of a:4U9'f#. • ?Sow" , hereby apply for an Off Sale U10 40adek - St�0ft; ! =Intoxicating Liquor License to ,be located ,at (Street Address, and /or Lot and Block Number), } t Municipality {'of • .• t ' . ; County of RGM80' ' , t State of Minnesota, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 340, commencing October 15 - - 19 and ending 2. Give applicants' date of birth • {� lee^ It INb ; `a t 1922 ` T L'- '(Day) (Month) (Year) ` :?T {? ni Jl?^rr! Il::':d 37,11{ 0�, :90thlna1f 10 4 (Day) (Month) (Year) Ir..T --jif ii"a 'fllfrnug,.'Inul �o (Lay) (Month) •(Year) 4 ; (Month) (Year) 0� Of 70 e�i' -.:.7 t _. 1. .i1'.�t :�t Y, �cl 3.,fi:: fll7 .P• 3. The residence -for each of the applicants_ named herein for the, past five years is as follows: �.,, .. ..a i g1l :l):lud ci!I '10 rw17.zu1 eAJ ei :roil ,•,.�:.....1:, V "Il' "C 1: `,.r ' v � GIi1�; �..., ' a eesmina Ayezue, Saiit Pw4v inzeaotaRosemory 8., Axtell 795 met S1y ,•. S� �? iC:Ofi�.: 11111 "1G ^'; t fi5 "'rFq j; .•.., .ftl r�r,OkiJ'.Y Af3hi'' ..i lil: Y. 't __, _'�i �' .. �. .� i �4. Is the applicant a citizen of the United jStates? 1 ^,.'1�) - 1(�;1.�.'r r ;� -• i J- rf.: _ f'tr:� f :' •:Cii7 i w: J ^ }::!i If naturalized state_ date and place of naturalization— " ,�.k.. If a "dorpdration; or partnership; state citizenship status-of -all officers- or partners:- - r 5. ,i_Th�' person who executes this application shall give wife's or husband's full-name and address il'=VGY,�W- .trtl4 M, R. ZOSA nine Avenue-, 80At. 1341 Num es;ft 6:. What occupations have applicant and; associates in this application followed for the past five years ? C> { � a_M mss ae' aW10yees of Charles P. Sohwf:etr and �btate of �lasrk�s �'. `s �t� a t r -` �.1{i J r3; �V.Ei T�e .: -._ -, tit r� r - .1.. .- i. :!t 11[ � :_ : .Il. :.1 '_J Ir :) 'tr!. ....1rL •t t* ae d. `" 7. If a aritnership, state name. and.address, of each ,member`of partnership aa�a9:ne.'AvW 6,Wt; Pain: =Russota ,j'/0,b6'e • Il..Axtell 795 aet edae_ :b a Awe sue i Saint P 13nzteeot� l +� • f ! hT .'1 rry fr r 1'CXJf1� .1• - . ?fl; tt, 'Stk .� fi# li 1�", - i ' ' rl.' 1 , F.'• [r/ OT Q$hs. l'�4 'kia&Uon, street., South ImUsne