199845ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - -1 99845 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. " OFFICE, OF THE CITY CLERK i COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER�� ��i - DATE 'v WHEREAS, the Hospital Facility Building Commission, at its regular business meeting held on November 239 1960, approved a request from the Department of Public Works of the Clty of Saint Paul for use of the Hospital site as a snow dumpIduring the L winter of 1960 -1961, in return for which the Department of Public Works shall- maintain said site during its use as a snow dump, and eradicate weeds thereon during the summer of 1961, and WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, under the provisions of the site acquisition contract, has approved such use of the Hospital site as a snow dump, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby concurs• in, the above'action of said Commission and authorizes and approves the same. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis sm 6•Bo 2 Council File No. 199845 —By Severin A. Mortinson— Robert F. Peterson— _ -- -� Whereas, The hospital Facility Build- ing Commission, at its regular business meeting held on November 23, 1960, approved a request from the Depart- ment of Public Works of the City of Saint Paul for use of the hospital site as a snow dump during the winter of 1960 -1961, in return for which the Department of Public Works shagp maintain said site during its use �s a snow dump, and eradicate weeds thereon during the summer of 1961, and 1 opmenteAuthorityy of the City of Saint Paul, under the provisions of the site . 77In Favor (.)-Against Adopted by the Councl , 19 Approvedre 19 Mayor t r 3 (Countm aubitor*q Office l y COVITY MAIN St. Paul, Minn., File Re. 3.691 Rude" ,.;5751 Re. December 5, iS 60 The attention of County Auditor. , - , City' Clerk City Comptroller +. Hospital FaciUty. Bt4ldlmg Commission is respectfully called to the following Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County, Minnesota, adopted at the meeting held on December 5,t 1964 By Commissioner Delaney: iaHE=S Tho: Hospital, Facility Building Commission at its, regular ' business meeting• weld on' November 23,, 1960, approved a request, of the Depart- meat of Public Works of the. City -of St. Paul to, 'use' the Hospital site as. a snow dump during the .winter. of 1960 -1961 and im return for this permission, the Department' of, Ptblic Works ]ms' agreed to Maintain the site during its use as %' onoo dump. -and to e_ rd4cate the needs during the summer of 1961; Wavj Therefore..; Be It RESMVED That the. 'Board of County Commissioners of `the County of Ramsey, hereby concurs in the action of theL Hospitaj V cil.ity Building Coma pissiod, and approves, the aforesaid action by said Commission. EUGENE A. MONiCL county Auditor By Deputy. Tam Aud. 200