199827ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ` 199827 • CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK z_C?tIL RES OLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONS , DATF RESOLVED, upon the pertinent appeal of North Empanuf-1 Lutheraii-Church under Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Zoning Code, owner,' of the following described real property, located at the northwest corner of Hatch Avenue and Matilda Street, in the City of Saint Paul, to -wits Lots 5, 6, and 7, Block 37, Auerbach & Hands Addition to the City of St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County,,Minnesota, that the provisions of said Zoning Code shall be and hereby are varied so as to establish an 8 foot building line set back from Matilda Street, on the hereinabove described property, in accord- ance with appellant's plan approved November 3, 1960. Council File No. 199827 —By ,Frank L. Loss— Resolved, Upon the pertinent appeal of North Emgfanuel Lutheran Church under Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Zon- ing Code, owner of the following described real property, located at the northwest corner of Hatch Avenue and Matilda Street, in the City of Saint Paul, to -wit: ` Lots 5, 6, and 7. Block 37, Auerbach & Hands Addition to the City of St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, that the provisions of said Zoning Code shall 'be and hereby are varied COUNT line setback tablish an 8 foot Matilda Street, on the hereinabove described property, Yeas in accordance with appellant's plan approved November 3 ,1960. Adopted by the Council December 1,� DeC 1960. i j Approved November 1, 1960. Hollc (December 3, 1960) Loss Favor Mortinson Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Vavoulis SM 5 -60 2 DEC 1' Adopted by the Council 19— DEC. 1 190 pproved 19— Mayor 1 QFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota November 23, 1960 MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder Mr. Robert J. Swords Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of North Fmg&nuei Lutheran Church to establish an 8-ft. building set back from Nf.tilda St. on property at the northwest corner of Hatch Ave. and Matilda St., on Lots 5, 6, 7, Block 37, Auerbach and Hand's Addition, in accordance with appellant's plan approved Nov. 3, 1960. l 71ry trul yous .O tv Clerk sq :SOTA la V F < -> I ................ ' ..... ...... ....;_....: MRD OF ZONING, • CITY OF SAINT PAUL ............ ...... :•. •ikd.1jS �.ONS 131- 131 -133 1313 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSI SAINT PAUL 1,MINNSSOTA November 22, 1960 Mrs.Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: This is in the matter of the appeal of the North Immanuel Lutheran Church to establish an 8 foot building line set back from Matilda Street on property located at the northwest corner of Hatch Avenue and Matilda,Street. The property is described as Lots 5, 6, 7; Block 37, Auerbach and Hands Addition. The zoning is "B" residence and has been since the adoption of the Ordinance in 1922. On September 3, 1960, the applicant secured an approval from the City Council to construct an administration and Sunday school addition to the existing church structure which would be built within 4 feet of 'the side yard lines as part of an overall building program. They have now decided to go ahead with their entire building program at this time and propose to remove the existing church structure and erect a new one together with the administration and Sunday school wing. The present building line along Matilda Street as established by the existing residences in the block between Hatch and Lawson Avenues is 17 feet and the applicant is requesting an 8 foot building line set back. The property has a frontage along Matilda Street of 1223 feet, and 132 feet along Hatch Street resulting in an area of approximately 16,170 square feet. North and adjoining is the church parsonage, farther to the north are four singslb- family residences fronting on Matilda Street; directly west and adjoining is a single - family residence which fronts on Hatch Avenue, this property being owned by the church, also a single - family residence fronting on Farrington Street; to the east and across Matilda Street and to the south across Hatch Avenue are single- family residences. The Board of Zoning considered this matter at their meeting on Novem- ber 3, 1960, and recommend the granting of the appeal to establish an 8 foot building line set back from Matilda Street on the above described property in accordance with the applicant's plan approved on that date. Sincerely, H. C. Wieland Secretary HCW :FGI Board of Zoning Encl. A.F. 4566 du N t, � 0 r NORTH EMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH The Jionorable Mayor and'City Council c/o City Clerk Room 386, City Hall and Court House Gentlemen: 01.;d nb L v Saint Paul, Minn., October 25, 1960 Below please find information in connection with appeal herewith made affecting residentially zoned land relative to our proposed building program: Name of applicant North Emanuel Lutheran Church Legal description of property Lots 5, 6 & 7, Block 37, Auerbach & Hands Addition, City of St. Paul, Minn. Street location J.W. corner of Hatch Ave. and Matilda St. Present use of Property For church and Sunday school buildings Proposed use of Property For enlarged church and educational buildings to take care of increasing membership. Purpose of appeal For relaxation of the property set -back restrictions with regard to the new church building. Need of appeal To utilize as much of the property as possible for building purposes. Section of Ordinance appealing under CH 60.14 Legislative Building Code 61.03, Paragraph I Two copies of the plot plan are enclosed. Am also enclosing check in the punt of $20*00 covering filing fee. We recently received approval from the City Counci].Yie relaxation of property set back restrictions for the educational, or school, building,and the appeal now being made is for the new sanctuary, or church, building, which is as follows :, On the Hatch Ave. (south side) - - - - to be 6t g- 21r from property line On the Matilda St. (east side) - - - - to be 8t from property line I understand the reason the question of relaxation of the property lines for the new church was not considered at the same time the appeal for the school, or educational build- ing was brought up, was because we were not ready to state at that time when construction of the new church building would start. We can now say that it is the intention to carry out the whole program at one time, that is, both the educational building and the church building will constructed at the same time. E 0 E � V R U OCT 21 6 1960 CITY PLANNING BOARD Saint Paul N4innc--otA ti The honorable Mayor and City Council Oct. 25, 1960 Page 2 We will appreciate very much an early favorable ruling on this appeal, as we are ex- tremely anxious to get started on our building program this fall' Sincerely yours, NORTH EMA,NUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 0 By Ro ert H. Severin Secretary, Building Committd.e Home Address: 1359 Breda Ave. St. Paul 13 - Minn. Mr 6 -5951 Business: 1220 GN B ldg CA 4-5588 Ext. 497 •aaunuW P WwPodaa 041 wo .11 fuss aq a2140N siq} sarmbaJ aa}rogo AND aql aaunut,3 jo aauolsslutuio0 CNN IZOH 'S (I H�'NHHEI LOT gI eI �3 0961 `£Z aagiusdoH uo ;yAI•V xaoRo 00:OI p `Inud 'IS jo AIi0 aql ui Euipltna IInH 410 pun asnoH 3ano0 aq4 jo saaquinu0 I13uno0 aqj ui plan aq III& 2uiavaq ollgnd v pqj pue 'ppQr s &;apu- p, sp uosw-i'sH 6£ �100111 'g'LQggglyp s4oZ OSAV euded puB ao:. ,jsSpa ueaigeq °e .&v �SoH jo epTs °8 eqq uo 40I 2uTq.1-ad .xamo!lsno x90 gg v egB•zado pII8 IlWouz oq. q-Psad , so j ' nluzag -0 uogl Th 'jo t uo Iq.B olrtddB jo aapum aql aaptsuoo IItm In 'eci jo AIIOL qj jo 11oun60 auj J-'sul pagtgou gaaaq eau noX 09 - "UUI .W °Z Irma qS aOISVrII,3 ,dO 1151lSOISSIIALNO0 aHS aO a0I33O