08-423Council File # OS � � �'3
Green Sheet # 3052390
Presented by
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, as per resolution (CF93-892 approved the Burlington Northern Regional
Trail Corridor Master Plan, and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, as per resolution (CF 00-389) approved the renaming of this corridor to
the Bruce Venm Regional Trail, and
6 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation has been worldng for several years with the Lower Phalen Creek
7 Group to acquixe and make improvements to city properties lmown as the Sruce Vento Nature Sanctuary (including
8 properties to be acquired), Bruce Vento Regional Trail Connector, and the Payne /7th Trail Access,
9 WHEREAS, the Division of Pazks and Recreation has also been worldng for many years with several community
10 groups and other Saint Paul City Deparhnents to acquire, design and construct the Eastside Heritage Park (formerly
11 Phalen Arcade Park) and the Phalen Boulevard Trail Connector. (CFQS-299)
12 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation has prepared a master plan amendment to the Bruce Vento
13 Regional Trail Master Plan (Exhibit A) for submittal to the Metropolitan Council which includes the above
14 referenced park and trail additions. These properties will become Regional Park Facilities once this amendment is
15 approved:
16 ❑ Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary (including properties to be acquired)
17 ❑ Bruce Vento Regional Txail Connectoc
18 ❑ Payne /7th Trail Access
19 ❑ Eastside Heritage Pazk (Formerly Phalen Arcade Park)
20 ❑ Phalen Boulevard Trail Connector
WHEREAS, if this amendment request is approved by the Metropolitan Council, it is the intenrion of the City to
purchase property located at 293 Commercial Street in Saint Paul for the public purpose of removing existing blight
and providing land for the future conshuctlon of the Bruce Vento Interprerive Center; and
WHEREAS, said properry additions to the Bruce Vento Master Plan were recommended for approval by the Parks
and Recreation Commission March 2006 (Resoluhon #06-07); and
WI�REAS, the Lower Phalen Creek Group has been informally working with City staff and Trust for Public Land
(TPL), to secure the purchase of said property, and
WFIEREAS, it is the intention of the City to purchase said property from TPL, based upon a fair and reasonable
value as determined by an independent appraisal, negotiated and agreed to between the properry owner and TPL; and
WAEREAS, the Division of Parks & Recreation intends to seek grant funds from the Metropolitan Council Land
Acquisition Opportunity Fund for 75% of the cost of said property;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves and adopts the
Bruce Vento Regional Trail Master Plan Amendment and is hereby authorized to submit said master plan
amendment to the Metropolitan Council for review and approval.
41 FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the City hereby requests and concurs with
42 the participation of the Trust for Public Land in the acquisition of 293 commercial Street to ensure preservarion of
43 this properry for a use compatible with the Nature Sanctuary, and
45 FURTHER RESOLVED, that proper city officials are hereby authorized to enter into and participate with the Trust
46 for Public Land in the negoriations for said properiy,
48 F'IlVALLY RESOLVED, that the Parks and Recrearion Division is authorized to accept, if approved, gant funding
49 from the Metropolitan CounciPs Land Acquisirion Opportunity Fund for this purchase.
Adopted by Council: Date '������pa�
Adoption Certified by Co il Secretary
BY� // /lsli�// �is.�Cfa�J
Apgcoved' , Date � '.�' � �
By pp �v��ry .
Requested by Departme t of:
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By: 9��i�. �
Approved by the O�fice, of Financial Ser�ic°�
B — '
Approved by City f�r..,, aiey � ���
By: t/` �
Appro y Mayo f ubmissi t cil
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
PR —Parks and Recreation
Co�tact Person & Phone:
Jody Martinez
Must Be on Council Agend�
E-DOCUment Required: Y
Document Contach
Contact Phone:
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Green Sheet NO: 3052390
U azluandRecreation �
1 arks and Recreafim De artment Director �
2 ' Attorne
3 a or's Office Ms or/Assisffiut
4 ounc7
5 ' Clerk Ci Clerk
6 arks and Recreation Jod Martinez
Action Requestetl:
Approve Resolution to amend the Bruce Vento Regional Trail Master Plan into the regional park system and concurring with Pazks
Commission Resolution 06-07 to adjust the Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary boundary to include additional properties to allow for
construction of an interprerive center, entrance azea and space for pazking and to approve a grant submittal for purchase of said
propertytothe �Qtroplitan Council Land Acquisition Opportunity Fund.
Approve (A) or
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civil Service Commission
1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Ves No
3. Does this person/frm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain alt yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem,155ues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Wfiere, Whyj:
Many new trails and pazks have been constructed or planned near or adjacent to the Bmce Vento Regionai Trail. It is advantageous to
formally add them to the Regional Park system through a masterplan amendment process so that Regional Park maintenance and
operation funds can supplement local funds. In addition, the Lower Phalen Creek Group has been working informally with Tmst for
Public Land and City Staff to acquire property ad}acenT to the Sruce Vento Nature SancNary for putposes of an Interpretive Center,
parking and entrance azea. Lastly, Parks & Recreation intends to purchase properry from TPL and will seek funding for this
acquisition through the Metropolitan Land Acquisition Opportunity Fund and other soucces.
Master Plan will be submitted for approval by the Melroplitan Council, and if approved, operation and maintenance fiwding for St.
Paul will inccease. The Trust for Public Land will be able to negodate a fair price for the desired property for future ownership by the
City. City staff will be able to request grant funding to purchase proper[y from TPL through the Land Acuisition Opportunity Fund.
Disadvantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approvetl:
City will not be able to receive additional operation and mainteuance funds, pruchase needed property or submit a grant to the
Metropolitan Land Acuisition Opportunity Fund to acquiie needed property.
Funding Source:
Financial Information:
ActiVity Number:
CosHRevenue Budgeted:
April 15, 2008 5:49 AM Page 1
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3043 E.�i3T Hati fuxaex, 25 W. 4th S`trseT, 3aini Pavf, ivLN SSt f32 -{S52)25b-640t�
WI3EIZEAS, the Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation Commission ("Commission") is an appointed
body established to advise the Mayor and Cify Council on long-range and city-wide matters
related to Pazks and Recreation; and
WI�REAS, the Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary Master Plan boundaries need to be revised to
reflect the desired acquisition of additional properties to allow for the construction of an
interpretive center, entrance and necessary parking; and
WI3ERAS, the Lower Phalen Creek Task Force, Audubon Minnesota, City Council and City
Staff have all been working together to facilatate the acquisition of these properties to
complement and enhance the newly constructed Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary- a 27 acre former
brownfield and RR yard converted to a beautiful natural area; and
WHEREAS, we have been involved 'ua discussions with adjoining properry owners and also with
the Minnesota Legislature about adding certain pazcels of land to the Bruce Vento Naiure
Sanctuary to facilitate the future construction of a nature interpretive center; and now, therefare,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation Commission recommends for
approval that the Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary master plan boundaries be revised to reflect
these properry additions.
Adopted by the Saint Paul Parks and Recreatiott Commission on
Approved: Yeas �
Nays �
Resolution 06-07 Attested to by:
Staff to the Parks d Recreation Commission
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Table of Contents ......................................
Boundaries and Acquisition Costs
Stewardship Pian ......................................
Demand Forecast ....................................
Development Concept .........................
Public Services .........................................
Citizen Participation .................................
Public Awareness .....................................
Special Needs ..............................................
Natural Resources ��� •••...�� •• ....................
11- 12
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This amendment to the Bruce Vento Regional Trail Master Plan includes the
incorporation of the Sruce Vento Nature Sanctuary, Bruce Vento Regional Trail
Connector, Payne/Seventh Trail Access, Eastside Heritage Park, and the Phalen
Boulevard Regional Trail Connector. The locations of the proposed plan additions are
shown on the map below.
The plan amendment will address the eleven elements identified for Regionai Parks and
Open Space Master Plans in the Metropolitan Council Parks and Open Space
Development Guide/Policy Plan. It is specifically intended to meet the criteria required by
the Metropolitan Council and once adopted, will make the City eligible to appiy for funding
to implement plans for the new areas identified in this pfan amendment.
Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary
Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary is defined by Keliogg Street on the North, BNSF Railroad/
Warner Road on the West and Commercial StreeUlndian Mounds Regional Park on the
East. It is a 27 acre park acquired by Yhe City af Saint Paul Parks and Recreation from
BNSF Railroad in 2002 at a cost of $2,170,000.00. This amendment also identifies
additionai properties adjacent to the Sanctuary to be acquired for development of an
Interpretive Facility.
Bruce Vento Regional Trail Connector
Bruce Vento Regionai Trail Connector is a 2.0 mile bicycle and pedestrian trail connection
to the Bruce Vento Regiona{ Trail. The trail connects Bruce Vento ftegionai Trail to indian
Mounds Regional Park via Commercial Street, Lowertown via Fourth Street, Bruce Vento
Nature Sanctuary and the Sam Morgan Regional Trail along the Mississippi River. The traii
is constructed on property owned by the City o4 Saint Paul and Ramsey County Regional
Rail Authority.
Payne/Seventh Street Trail Access
Payne/Seventh Street Trail Access is on the site of a former auto sales lot acquired by the
City of Saint Paui in the mid-1990's. Located south of the intersection of Payne Avenue
and Seventh street, it provides parking and pedestrian access to the Bruce Vento Regional
Eastside Heritage Park
Eastside Neritage Park is a 5 acre park acquired by Saint Paul Parks and Recreation as
part of the development of the Phalen Corridor Project. The park is located west ofArcade
Street at the intersection of Phalen Boulevard and Neid Lane.
Phaien Boulevard Regionai Trail Connector
The Phalen Boulevard Regional Trail Connector is a 1.5 mile bicycle and pedestrian
trail which connects the Gateway State Traii West of Interstate 35E to the Bruce Vento
Regional Trail at the intersection of Phalen Boulevard and Neid Lane.
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The City of Saint Paul owns and maintains the Bruce Vento Regional Trail Connector,
Phalen Boulevard Regional Trai{ Connector, Eastside Heritage Park and Bruce Vento
Nature Sanctuary. The Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation advised the appropri-
ate law enforcement agency, the Saint Paul Police, of its ownership and requested their
cooperation in maintaini�g public safety. There are no non-residential uses or collection
of revenues from such uses planned at this time. Should such uses occur in the future,
revenues will be utilized consistent with the adopted Recreation Open Space Development
Guide/Policy Plan.
The Bruce Vento Regional Trail was used by 26% of all regional trail users in Ramsey
Cous�ty in 2005. The extension of tha Sruce Vento Regional Trai{ system wiff provide an
important link to the Sam Morgan Trail, Gateway State Trail, downtown Saint Paul and
Indian Mounds Regionai Park.
A 2005 Visitation Estimate by the Metropolitan Council estimates 218,500 visi•ts to the
Bruce Vento Regiona! Trail within Ramsey County. The Sam Morgan Trail received
186,400 visits in 2005. These figures were based on a 4 year average of visitation data
ftom 2002 to 2005. Overali trail usage increased in Saint Paul by 4.8%. Based on a
July 1988 study by the Metropolitan Council, it was estimated that annual traii use could
increase by 25% when a rivertront link is provided to the Bruce Vento Regional Trail.
There have been no demand forecasts prepared for the new Bruce Vento Nature
Sanctuary and Interpretive Facility, however, with its rivertront location in the heart of a
major environment, this interpretive center/nature sanctuary would be the only site of its
kind in the entire Midwest.
Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary
Site remediation activities and construction of the Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary began in
2003, folfowing the acquisition of the majority of the sanctuary in 2002. Although this
brownfield site suffered from years of industrial use, it was believed to offer extreme potential
for redevelopment as a nature sanctuary and historical and ecological Interpretive Center.
The property contains the site of Carver's CavelWakan Tipi,
a Dakota sacred site; and is the location of Saint Paul's
first brewery, the Northstar Brewery. {n addition, it was the � �,,� _ x ., ,�r. .;
site of one of the largest railroad maintenance yards in the E'
upper Midwest and in pre-european times it was a major
riverfront wetland fed by natural springs from the adjacent ,- '�'
sandstonebluffs. _�,.,��,ai` �� '"f° �
Completed development activities include excavation and
removal of contaminated soils, excavation of historic cave
openings from the brewery and Carver's Cave,
daylighting of natural springs, creation of wetlands and
ponds, so+! remediation, and extensive planting of native
plant material to restore the site to a pre-european state,
Some remnants of the past railroad use have been
retained. Existing caves have been protected for future
interpretive and educationai activities and foundations of
the old brewery have been located for future interpretation.
Local and regional trails weave through the site making all
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Bruce Vento Trail Extension
The Bruce Vento Trail Extension project is a 1.5 mile
paved bicycle and pedestrian trail that extends the existing
Bruce Vento Trai4 providing access to Lowertown in Saint
Paul, Indian Mounds Regional Park, Bruce Vento Nature
Sanctuary and the Sam Morgan Regional Trail, which is
part of the National Scenic Byways Trail system along the
Mississippi River. With the exception of the link to the Sam
Morgan Regional Trail, the Bruce Vento Trai{ Extension
project was completed and opened to the public in 2007.
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Payne/Seventh Trail Access
The Payne/Seventh Trail Access project was comp�eted in the mid-1990's on former auto
sales property acquired by the City of Saint Paui. It serves as a parking lot and trail head
facility for the Bruce Vento Regional Trail .
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Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary
The o�ly conflicts involving the Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary is the location of
adjacent industrial property. The City of Saint Paul along with Trust for Public Lands is
currentiy in negotiations with adjacent property owners for the acquisition of property to
construct the Interpretive Facility. Land with contamination issues wili be resolved upon
acquisition of the property.
Bruce Vento Trail Extension
There are no known conflicts with this project . Previous conflicts with adjacent
landowners have been resofved when construction was completed.
Payne/Seventh Trail Access
This property has been under ownership of the City of Saint Paul since the mid-1990's
and there are no conflicts with adjacent property owners or land uses.
Eastside Heritage Park
All confficts with adjacent prnperty owners were resoived at the time of property
Phalen Boulevard Regional Trail Connector
There are no known conflicts with adjacent land uses or property owners.
Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary
Reconstruction of Fourth Street in 20�7 provided a needed new access from downtown to
the Nature Sanctuary property. Upon acquisition of additional property for the Interpretive
Faciliiy, access road , sewer, water and electricai hookups wiil need to be provided and
will be instailed at the time of construction of the new Facility. Utilities are located in
adjacent access roads.
Bruce Vento Trail Extension
No additional pubfic services will be required, with the possible exception of electrical at
the time the pedestrian bridge is constructed over Warner Road.
All other public services were completed with trail construction in 2007.
Payne/Seventh Trail Access
This facility is complete. No additional public services are required.
Eastside Heritage Park
Utifities were extended to the Park with the construction of Phafen Boulevard and Neid
Lane. No additional public services are anticipated with the exception of required utility
hookups to the proposed restroom facilities.
Phafen Soulevard Regional Trail Connector
No additional public services are anticipated. This project is largely complete.
The City of Saint Paul, operates and maintains the Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary, Bruce
Vento Trail Extension, Payne/Seventh Trail Access, Eastside Heritage Park, and the Phalen
Boulevard Regional Trail Connector. Patrolling of the facilities is provided by the Saint Paul
Pofice Department. Under city jurisdiction, existing city rules, regulations, and ordinances
for its operation and maintenance will appiy. Estimated costs for operation and
maintenance are as follows:
Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary
Cutting natural areas
Natural area detaifed maintenance
Trail, asphalt maintenance
Litter pick up, waste disposal
Snow Removal
Trades (carpenter, electrician, plumber
Bruce Vento Trail Extension
Turf maintenance (6 ft either side)
Brooming — two passes
Snow removal, sanding
Litter pick up, waste disposal
Brush back
Annual trail, asphalt maintenance
Seal coat 7 yr, reclaim 21 yr, program
Phaien Boulevard Regional Trail Connector
Turf maintenance (6 ft either side)
Brooming — two passes
Snow removal, sanding
Litter pick up, waste disposai
Brush back
Annual trail, asphalt maintenance
Seal coat 7 yr, reclaim 21 yr, program
Eastside Heritage Park
Custodial duties
TurF, shrub & tree maintenance
Litter pick up, waste disposal
Trail, asphalt maintenance
Snow removal, sanding
Trades (carpenter, electrician, plumber..
Utility costs
48 hrs
100 hrs
30 hrs
104 hrs
12 hrs
20 hrs
12 hrs
6.5 hrs
25 hrs
70 hrs
6.5 hrs
6.5 hrs
10 hrs
6 hrs
20 hrs
55 hrs
6 hrs
6 hrs
150 hrs
60 hrs
80 hrs
20 hrs
16 hrs
20 hrs
$6, 500
Total = $18,400
Total = $12,660
$4, 800
Total = $9,900
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Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary
An extremely active and involved publiclprivate group of
citizens and City of Saint Paul staff organized as the Lower
Phalen Creek Project, has directed the acquisition and
development of the Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary over
the past seven years and continues to be involved.
Citizens have been involved in a!I aspects of the project
ranging from initial concept design to the removal of
invasive plant species. A summary of community
involvement is provided in Volunteers for Bruce Vento
Nature Sanctuary Table.
Bruce Vento Trail Extension
A community m2eting and design workshop was held in 2003 to solicit input on alternative
trail alignments. Additional
meetings involving locai agen-
cies were also held to receive
input on historical, environmen-
tal and transportation issues
associated with the project.
Currently, the National park
Service in conjunction with
Saint Paul Parks and Recre-
ation has been meeting monthly
afong with a Citizen design
advisory group to devefop a
design for the finai portion of
the Trail extension — the pedes-
trian bridge over Warner Road.
Phalen Boulevard Regional
Trail Connector
The Phalen Boulevard Regionaf
Trail Connecfor concept was
developed as part of a two year
study by a public lprivate orga-
nization of citizens, business
groups, neighborhood organiza-
tions, school officiafs and City
staff called the Phalen Corridor
initiative. Extensive community ;
meetings and workshops were heid over a period of two years to develop a design for a new
Phalen Boulevard. These trail connections evolved as part of that study with the purpose of
creating a trail system that safely responds to the needs of the community.
Eastside Heritage Park �jq
Neighborhood meetings have been occurring since 20�2 to gather community input on
the design of Eastside Heritage Park. These meetings and workshops have resulted in
design for Easfside Heritage Park that reflects the needs of the adjacent community.
The Lower Phalen Creek Project in association
with Saint Paui Parks and Recreation has promoted
an extensive outreach and pub(ic awareness pro-
gram for the sanctuary. Volunteer groups have
been an integral part in site clean up and pianting.
Numerous articfes have been published regarding
the development of the Nature Sanctuary increas-
ing public knowledge and awareness of the project.
Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary is a4so part of MNRRA
and has been the site for periodic interpretive tours by Park Service Rangers.
Bruce Vento Trail Extension, PaynelSeventh Trai4 Access, Eastside Heritage Park and
Phalen Boulevard Regional Trail Connector
Trail extensions will be public+zed in city maps, brochures, and on the City's webpage.
Metropolitan Council wiil aiso promote the projects through maps and information of
area park and trail systems.
Access to and within each of these trails and parks are designed in
accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act providing access
for persons with special needs. Ail parking areas provide accessible
parking with ramps to access trai{s and other site amenities. A11 of
these facilities can be used by all segments of the population and
there are no charges to use these trails and facilities.
! Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary
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Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary
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The Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary was once a combination of floodplain forest and
open wetland. However, previous operations from filling and industrial pollution have
made it impossible to restore all of the land to its condition prior to European
Settlement in the 1850's. Refer to Figure 1 for Existing Vegetation.
Surtace and groundwater were both present at Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary prior to
European Settiement, however the hydrology ofi these resources have been altered.
Currently, half of the nature sanctuary is located within in the 100 year floodplain.
Two major springs discharge at the toe of the bluff. They are Montana Bill's Cave and
Carver's Cave. Both springs flow along the base of the bluff and outlet into an existing
storm sewer. Refer to Figure 2 for Ground Water Profile.
The vegetation management plan selected for Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary includes
a mix of woodland, savanna, prairie and wetland, Proposed communities are seleeted
to mimic the natural communities that would be expected to occur based on site
characteristics. Refer to Figure 3 for proposed planting areas.
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Figure 1 :
Existing Vegetation
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� Deciduous Woodland w/out Concrete Slab
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Groundwater Profile
Bili's Cave
The topography of the bluffs require specific vegetation management. Dry Sand-Gravel
Prairie is proposed along the top of the Mounds Park Bluff line, while on the steepest
slopes, Bedrock Bluff Prairie is proposed. This wifl help preserve the outstanding vistas
along the Mississippi bluff line.
The majority of the site is within the floodplain resulting in fluctuations of water levels.
During the spring, the site may be under several feet of water due to snow melt runoff and
precipitation rates. Later in the summer, the site may be very dry. The dry/mesic prairie
mix is designed to accommodate both extremes.
Dry Oak Savanna wi41 occupy portions of the site near the toe of the bluff. Existing trees
will be preserved to provide canopy cover as well as habitat for wildiife. The Dry Oak
Savanna will be a transitional area located between the toe of the bluff and Dry/Mesic
Oak Woodiand is proposed for the middfe to lower slopes of the Bruce Vento Nature
Sanctuary. This area was dominated by invasive tree and shrub species. Existing
buckthorn and invasive shrubs are removed initially to protect the existing slope. Grasses
and forbs are broadcast seeded and inter planted between existing trees. After one or
two years of establishment, invasive trees can be removed.
A variety of vegetation treatments are proposed around the stream and wetland.
These include a Mixed Hardwood Seepage Swamp for portions of the wetland
associated with spring water discharge at Montana Bill's Cave, a Tamarack Seepage
Swamp, and a Wet Prairie and Wet Meadow for deeper, open water marsh areas. A
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�' Sedrock Bluff Prairie
; Dry Oak Savanna
�' Dry Sand Gravel Prairie
�` Dry/Mesic Prairie
�'� Floodplain Forest
� Figure 3 :
Proposed Naturai
-._._ Communities
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�' Oak Woodland �l Emergent Marsh
��,z Wet Prairie
���,= Wet Meadow
� Tamarack Seepage Swamp
' Mixed Hardwood Seepage Swamp
Mixed Emergent Marsh will occupy the deepest portion of the wetland and will inc{ude
areas of open water with submerged aquatic p4ants.
The exiting cottonwood forest will be built upon with the introduction of floodplain
grasses and forbs. This area is called the Floodplain Forest.
The vegetation plan for Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary will protect existing vegetation,
provide a diverse habitat for wifdiife, and maintain water quality on site. Creating a
diverse mix of natural communities that mimic the historic ecosysterr5s will create greater
diversity for wildlife. To maxim+ze the benefits to wildlife from plant communities,
emphasis will be placed on woody and herbaceous species with a high value for wildiife
food and cover.
Bruce Vento Trai{ Extension ���V ��
in the early 1860's, a natural valiey formed by the Trout Brook and Phalen Creek was
converted into an industrial rail corridor. Material was brought into the site filling the flats
of the former delta associated with the waterways. Existing creeks were channelized
through canals, culverts, and underground sewers.
Wetlands delineated on site where determined to be a resuit of roadway construction and
were not naturally occurring. Prior to recent traii construction, groundwater seeps collected
on the roadway and discharged into the Trout Brook Canal. Rebuilding of Fourth Street has
red+rected this water away from the roadway.
Payne/Seventh Trail Access
When this site was developed in the mid-1990's, contaminated soils were removed and the
site was planted with native materials. Recently, a rain garden was developed on-site with
the Capitol Region Watershed District to treat water from the parking lot.
Eastside Heritage Park
Plans for this new park calf for pfanting of native vegetation and creation of raingardens to
filter water from the parking lot and development of interpretive signage to explain the
raingarden concept.
Phalen Boulevard Regional Trail Connector
Phalen Boulevard Regional Trail Connector is compatible with and complements the
existing fand uses and protects existing natural resources.