199800Council File No. 199800 —l3y Council-
s ' men Peterson and Holland -
U�INAL TO CITY CLERK • Whereas, The Flood Control Act of
CITY OF ST Congress , 8ers18855005thConges, 2d Session)
OFFICE OF THE authorized the project for flood control
on the Mississippi River at St. Paul,
• Minnesota to be constructed substsn-
C NCIL R OLUTION tially in accordance with the plans and
-ubject to the conditions recommended
PRESENTED BY by the Chief of Engineers in House
Document numbered 223, 85th Congress,
1st Session, including certain require-
ments of local cooperation: ,and
r ,,c
WHEREAS, the Flood Control Act of Congress approved 3 July 1958
(Public Law 85 -500, 85th Congress, 2d Session) authorized the project
for flood control on the Mississippi River at St. Paul, Minnesota to
be constructed substantially in accordance with the plans and subject
to the conditiono recommended by the Chief of - ngineers in House
Document numbered -22.3, 85th Congress,'lst Session, including certain
requirements of local cooperation;.and
WHEREAS, the approval and construction of said project is sub-
ject to the condition and requirement that a responsible local agency
furnish .assurances to the Chief of Engineers that it will:
(a) Provide without cost to the United States all,
lands, easements, :and rights-of-way necessary
for construction of the improvements;
(b) Hold and save the United States free from damages
due to the construction works;
(c) Maintain and operate all the works •after completion
in-accordance with regulations prescribed by the
Secretary of the army;
(d) Make at its own expense all necessary changes to
utilities, highways, and highway bridges including
approaches; and
(e) Furnish in cash or equivalent construction work a
contribution equal to 14.3 percent of the gross
Federal first cost of the improvements at St. Paul.
WHEREAS, the authorized project will afford protection for the
City of St. Paul and residents thereof against damage and injury from
floods on the Mississippi River, which protection is greatly needed
and of special benefit to the City.-and its residents; and
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Holland Approved 19—
------In Favor
Mr. President, Vavoulis
6M s.so 2 /�
ISM 5.60
. - FT
F OEUNCIL N0. x.99800
WHEREAS, the Flood Control Act of Congress approved 3 July 1958
(Public Law 85 -5000 85th Congress, 2d Session) authorized the project
for flood control on the Mississippi River at St. Paul, Minnesota to
be constructed substantially in accordance with the plans and subject
to the conditions recommended by the Chief of Ingineers in House
Document numbered 223, 85th Congress, let Session., including certain
requirements of local cooperation; and
WHEREAS, the approval and construction of said project is sub-
ject to the condition and requirement that a responsible local agency
furnish assurances to the Chief of Engineers that it will:
(a) Provide without cost to the United. States all
lands, easements, and rights -of -way necessary
for construction of the improvements;
(b) Hold and save the United States free from damages
due to the construction works;
(c) Maintain and operate all the works after completion
in accordance with regulations prescribed by the
Secretary of the Army;
(d) Make at its mm expense all necessary changes to
utilities, highways, and highway bridges including
approaches; and
(e) Furnish in cash or equivalent construction work a
contribution equal to 14.3 percent of the gross
Federal first cost of the improvements at St. Paul.
WHEREAS, the authorized project will afford protection for the
City of St. Paul and residents thereof against damage and injury from
floods on the Mississippi River, which protection is greatly needed
and of special benefit to the City and its residents: and
-1 .
3IUMAS, the City of St. Paul is a municipal corporation and
a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota and is authorized
and empowered to give the required assurances of local cooperation to
the Chief of Engineers and has the legal authority $nd financial abil-
ity to undertake and perform thb requirements of local cooperation.
NOW, THEREFORE, in order to comply with the Act of Congress and
to give to the Chief of Engineers the required assurances of local
cooperation IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
St. Paul, Minnesota that the-City of St. Paul does hereby agree and
assure to the Chief of Engineers, Department of the Army, that it will:
(a) Provide without cost to the United States all
lands, easements, and rights- of-way necessary
for construction of the improvements;
(b) Hold and save the United States free from damages
due to the construction works;
(c) Maintain and operate all the works after completion
in accordance with regulations prescribed by the
Secretary of the Army;
(d) Make at its own expense all necessary changes to
utilities, highways,-and highway bridges including
approaches; and
(e) Furnish in cash or equivalent construction work .a
contribution equal to 14.3 percent of the gross
Federal first cost of the improvements at St. Paul.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution
be filed with the District Engineer, U. S. Army Engineer District,
St. Paul, St. Paul, Minnesota, for and as the binding agreement and
assurance of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota to the Chief of Engineers,
Department of the Army, and that the Mayor -and City Clerk be and they
are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City
of St. Paul, Minnesota any other and additional documents and instru-
ments embodying the above undertakings, agreements and assurances as
may be required. NOV 25 1960
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays NOV 2 51960
Holland A roved 19—
n Favor
Mortinson 1 A%et�� --'- • Peterson (� Mayor
Mr. President, Vavoulis
BM 8.80 caol�2
r 1t
NO 19980
the City of St. Paul is a municipal corporation and
a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota and is authorized
and empowered to give the required assurances of local cooperation to
the Chief of Engineers and has the legal authority and financial abil-
ity to undertake and perform the requirements of local cooperation.
NOW, THEREFORE, in order to comply with the Act of Congress and
to give to the Chief of Engineers the required assurances of local
cooperation IT IS HEMP RESOLVED by the Ci* Council of the City of
St. Pau1j, Minnesota that the City of St: Paul does hereby agree and
assure to the Chief of Engineersp 'Department of the ,Army.. that it villa
(a) Provide without cost to the United States all
lands, easements, and rights -of -stay necessary
for construction of the improvements;
(b) Hold and save the United States free from damages
due to the construction works;
(c) Maintain and operate all the works after completion
in accordance with regulations prescribed by the
Secretary of the Army;
(d) Make at its own expense all necessary changes to
` utilities, highways,$ and highway bridges including
approaches; and
(e) Furnish in cash or equivalent construction work a
contribution equal to 11..3 percent of the gross
Federal first cost of the improvements at St. Paul.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution
be filed with the District Engineer, U. S. Army Engineer District,
St. Paul, "St. Paul, Minnesotag for and as the binding agreement and
assurance of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota to the Chief of Engineersp
Department of the Armyp and that the Mayor and City Clerk be and they
are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City
of St. Paul., Minnesota any other and additional documents and instru-
ments embodying the above undertakings, agreements and assurances as
may be required. '
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 19 'fit/
Yeas Nays
Holland Approved P " ' 19-4o
Loss Tn Favor
/� Mayor
Peterson �✓
Mr. President, Vavoulis
8M 5.60 2
Extract From Minutes of a Meoting
Of the City Council of the City of
t -t. Paul, 14innovota
A regglar reect.ing of the City Council of tLe, City of
Et. Paul wiLLa held in the CI ty Hall at 10— 0' clock k, N._ on the 5th —
day of November , 1960.
The follwAnk kembera of the Council wf re present:
CeCourgj ----
d_,_,._ ________
L4 i s
Mort i n oi}
Mr. 'resident. Vaeoulim _
/% 970 a
Pe t truer} _ __ �_.____ _ . __
sr.ve for cnQ nb6e3ntse, con;,ri si nq the full metabc r� hi;, of iht Council.
Th,,- folloi inv -ie,obom. werA n;reeeat:
Fogen —�--
Mr. Praaident. VWV)Ulig presiding
CouncilnEn Holl}nd Ln ?fter: rpffere:a tht- Following
Pet.olution and aoveO it. adoption:
3 0 L U i I0N
nNHER.F.V , the Floor' C ;:ntrol Act of Congress ap,•roved 3 Jul; X958
(Public Lau 85 -5W, 85th Cerrgrevs, 2d Fession) authorized tf.s rrojcct
for flood control on bier Miskies"iPpi River- at -t. ?au :, ,im;t_Z)LL to
be constructed sub.-Unticilly in °ccordrnee with the. i)l•nI ".nc .,abject
to the condition° recommonded by tl,F Chief of Yn:rin*.('rc An Hoare
Document nwnbcred X23, 15th Connrese, let I-eeseion, iriclu,�in;- certain
requirements of local coo,,E ration; and
MoEMMOO the approsal and oonstruction of said project is sub-
Jost to the condition and requiremeYtt that a responsible local agency
furnish assurances to the Md.ef of inginsere that it wills
"(a) Provide without soot to the United States all
lands, easements, and rights -of -sq necessary
for construction of the imp owsmentsi
"(b) Hold and save the United Stator free from damages
due to the construstion waaksl
"(o) Maintain and operate all the works niter completion
in aesordnee, with regulations prescribed by the
Secretary of the Army;
"(d) Make at titir ow wgwUMe all necessary changes to
utilities, higkwgs, and bleu; iy bridges including
approaches] and
"(o) Fwmish in sash or equivalent corstrastion stork a
contribution equal to 14.3 peroent of the gross
Federal first cost of the Improvements at St. Paul.
"amus# the aukhoelsed project rill afford protection for the
City of St. Paul and resibexts thereof against damage and injury f]rau
floods an the Mississippi Rivers wwlwish protection is greatly noodod
and of sposial benefit to the City and its residontsl and
M14ME8, the City of St. Pxal is a municipal csrporatisn and
a political wobdivision of the state of M neaorta and is auMmised
and agpov red to give the required asaummes of local cooperation, to
the Chiet of Eoginoors and has the legal authority and financial aldl-
ity to undertake and perform the requirements of local cooperation.
"NOW, ?M]RVCRZ, in order to comply with the Act of Congress and
to give to the Chief of Enginsers the required assuraness of local
cooperation IT IS HXR13Y EABCLVID by the City Council of the City of
St. Psoal, Minnesota that the City of St. Paul does 2areiy► agree mad
assure to the Chief of Engineers, Department of the Ann, that it wills
"(a) Provide without cost to the United States an
lands; easa vents, and xWr- of-wsr necessary
for sonstrwtiom of the imprarwsnats j
"(b) Hold and save the United States free from damages
dws to the eonat nwAlom works f
■ (a) Nain in mad apse UM all the e7rhs after completion
In a+seoardanos with regulations prescribed by the
Secretary of the AM)
*(d) maim at . -Iti', otrn aagww" all necessary chazwes to
%tintiN, hishittq's, and bi~ bridges including
aptressheef and
*(e) ash in sash or VZO-3 ent canatruation �oa�c a
contribution equal pear:= of the gross
federal first cost of the inprovINm is at 3t. Paul.
"es IT IF YMCLTID that aertifisd copies of this Resolution
be filed with the astriot Rtstinmer, II. S. Army ftginuw MArist,
St. fault it. lmt, ftww"U. for and as the WWI agreesent and
masurmaae of the City of at. Paul, Xinnesota to the chief of Engineers,
Dspartmut of the lrny, aw4 that the Mayor and City Cleric be and Upy
are hereby authaeised and dirested to execute on behalf of the (pity
of at. lanl, Minnesota any other and additional demwents and instra-
•eats embodying the abawe nadertakings, agreements and assurances as
my be required.01
The facegaiag Mien for the adoption of said Resolution vae
duly ssemded, p meented and adopW iq a n affirmative Vote of all
Mfrs present, phwVVM the presiding officer declared the
said Motion duly snaoted atai adopted.
x, ■.�_. ni�,�_ , do hereby certify that
r..�+ COMMON,
I am the day sppointod, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City
iof at. pml, yAmmosstai that 1 an in eharge of, amd have custody of
the books, records and files of said City Coumcilj that the foro90leg
Is a true cod aoarreet copy of a portion of the Mantes of the r_ .� p
meetist of the City Comwil of the City of 9t. Paul, Mianesota held
m the �Ajh dw of , 1960, and embodies the complete
ltosolution adopted at said mooting] that the official Mimites of said
ametl.r4l including ng the foregoing Resolution are now a part of tiw
parsanent records of the City Council of the City of 3t. meal, Miane-
sots, filed in the office of the City Clark.