199799•' ORLGI AL TO CITY CLERK • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE FURTHER RESOLVED, that sealed proposals be received at the office of the City Comptroller, in the Court House and City Hall Building in said City of Saint Paul , at a time to be appointed by the subsequent Resolution of this Council, for the sale of all or none of said bonds after giving due notice of'such sale in the manner prescribed by law, in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger, the Official Newspaper of said City and in the Commercial West or Finance and Commerce, each being a financial periodical published in the State of Minnesota; and each bidder shall be required to accompany his bid by.a certified or cashier's check for two per cent (2%) of the amount of bonds bid for, which shall be forfeited to the City as liquidated damages if the bonds are not taken and paid for when ready for delivery. BE IT and said Ordinance PIo ' Engineer District, St. the proposed Flood Con mentioned in said Ordi t COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss . Mortinson Peterson Resux-- Mr. President, Vavoulis SM 5.60 a 2 ertified copies of this resolution WRY24,131Wwith the District Engineer, U. S. -Army aul', St. Paul, Minnesota, by the City Clerk forthwith, bl Project Plan mentioned hereinabove being that ce. w : , >r NOV 25 Adopted by the Council 19- NOV 2 5196® COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss . Mortinson Peterson Resux-- Mr. President, Vavoulis SM 5.60 a 2 ertified copies of this resolution WRY24,131Wwith the District Engineer, U. S. -Army aul', St. Paul, Minnesota, by the City Clerk forthwith, bl Project Plan mentioned hereinabove being that ce. w : , >r NOV 25 Adopted by the Council 19- NOV 2 5196® ° Council File No. 199799 —By Councilmen Holland and Peterson - ORMI AL 4o`Crry CLERK Whereas, It is deemed necessary • CITY OF ST, that the City of Saint Paul issue and sell the bonds of said City in the • p OFFICE OF THE par value amount of Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($700,000) provided and authorized to (No. 11862, Cou cilbFilelNoY 99604a ape CO NCI RESOLUTION proved November 25," 1960. enacted by authority of Chapter 685. Session Laws PRESENTED By of Minnesota for 1957, for the purpose of Comm]SSIONE the procurement by said City of Saint f1J � ! Paz ,l,af,:i;^- �S„in- .th.�axy,ln� of .Sera ��� p NO WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary that the City of Saint Paul issue, and sell the bonds of said City in the par value-amount of Seven Hun&V o cil File No. Dollars ('$700,000) provided and authorized to be sold by Ordinance �� 't , approved November 25, 1960, enacted by. authority of Chapter 685, Session Laws of �.. Minnesota for 1957, for the purpose of the procurement, by said City of Saint Paul, of funds in the amount of Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($700,000) necessary for payment on account of _said City's share of the cost and expense of flood control in said City and for the purpose of matching funds allocated by the United States �. Government for that purpose under xthY proposed Flood Control Project Plan as the same is now constituted and as the same shall be amended or extended; be it r, RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul issue -and sell, at this time, the bonds of Said City in the par value amount oft-Seven hundred Thousand Dollars ($700,000) authorized by Chapter 685, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1957, for the purpose of the procurement, by said City, of funds in Ethe amount of Seven Hundred Thousand 'Dollars ($700,000), for the payment thereof on account of said City's share of the cost and expense of flood control in said City andFfor the purpose of matching funds allocated by the United States Government for the purpose of flood control therein under Said proposed Flood Control Project Plan as the same is now constituted and as the .same shall be amended or extended, thereunder, 'and in accordance with the provisions, terms and conditions of said Chapter 685, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1957; ;,be it RESOLVED FURTHER, that said bonds shall:" be ii ' the `form of serial- bonds . ;and the same shall bear such date and mature at such times as such resolution shall prescribe, provided that the first installment of each issue of said bonds shall mature not later =than three (3) years from and after the date of the same and the last installment of each issue of said bonds shall mature not later than thirty (30) years from and after the date of the -same; that no amount of principal of each issue of said bonds payable in any calendar year shall exceed' five (5) times the-amount of the smallest amount of .principal maturing in any calendar year ending three (3) years or more after the date of issue of the same; that said bonds shall be issued and sold by said City, in the manner provided by law; that said bonds shall be in the denomination of $1000 each and shall bear interest not in excess of six per cent (6%) per annum payable semi - annually according to interest coupons to be atta ?hed to the same; that ,-said bonds shall be in the form prescribed by the Council .odf said City and approved by its Corpora- tion Counsel; that said bonds shall bear such interest as said City Council 4, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 19 Loss In Favor Mortinson _ Peterson Mayor Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis sm 5-6o q!� 2 V shall prescribe, and shall be sold by said City Council for not less than par value plus accrued interest, to the highest bidder therefor, after two weeks published notice of the time and place for receiving bids thereon; that the proceeds from the issuance and sale of said bonds, as received-by said City, shall be deposited by it in a fund of said City designated as "Flood Control Project Fund" allocated thereto and subject to disbursement only for the purpose aforesaid, in payment on account of said City's share of the cost and expense of flood control in said City and in matching of funds allocated by the United States Government for that purpose, under said proposed,Flood Control Project Plan as now constituted and as the same- , shall be amended or extended,'in the manner and for the purpose prescribed,by said Chapter 685, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1957; that the proceeds of the issuance and sale of said bonds hereby are appropriated thereto and shall be used only in payment of said City's share of the cost and expense of itood control in the City of Saint Paul and in matching of funds allocated by the United States Government for that purpose, under said proposed Flood Control Project Plan as now constituted and as, ,,the same shall be amended or extended, in the manner'and for the purpose prescribed by Chapter " 685, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1957; and that said bonds shall be,payable in lawful money of the United States of America, at {the Office of said City's Commissioner of Finance, in said City of SantPaul, or at the Office of'the Fiscal -Agent of said City in either„ Saint Paul;, Minnesota, or_ New York, New York,- at the option of the holder, and the full faith and credit of said City hereby are irrevocably pledged for :.the pro, mpt anal faithful payment of both principal and interest of said bonds; be it - RESOLVED FURTHER, that each of said bonds shall be sealed by the facsimile of the Official Seal of said City lithographed thereon and signed by the lithographed facsimile signature of its Mayor, attested by the litho- graphed facsimile signature of its City Clerk, and countersigned manually by its City Comptroller, and each interest coupon thereto attached shall be,signed by the lithographed facsimile signatures.of its said Officers; that said City's proper officers hereby are authorized, directed and required to set aside annually from the revenues of said.City an amount sufficient for the payment of-the interest on sa3d'hereby authorized bonds and the principal of any such bonds maturing in such y�arM.and hereby 'are authorized, directed and required to make a sufficient tax levy for the payment of the -same under and pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1957_, as amended; that such tax levies for all years shall be specified and shall be such that if collected they will produce at least 5 per cent in excess of the amount needed to meet, when due, the principal and interest on said bonds; that each such tax levy _ shall be by resolution of the Council of said City which shall, among other things, irrevocably appropriate the taxes thereby levied to said City's sinking fund or special,�ginking fund or account for the payment, when due, of the principal and interest on said bonds; and that such provisions of this paragraph are in addition to the pledge of the full faith and credit of said City for the payment of said bonds and are not in lieu of such pledge; be it } Pr -2 3 A, ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK v CITY OF ST. PAUL .��'. hr .iii. COUNCIL • ,,: • �.. . �1, E NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY, CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM • rr PRESENTED BY °= COMMISSIONER DATE - WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary that the City of Saint Paul issue, and sell the bonds of said City in the par value amount of Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($700,000) provided and authorized to be sold by Ordinance No. 199604, approved November 25, 1960, enacted by authority of Chapter 685, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1957# for the purpose of the procurement, by said City of Saint Paul, of funds in the amount of Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($700,000) necessary for payment on account of said City's share of the cost and expense of flood control in said City and for the purpose of matching funds allocated by the United States Government for that purpose under cthd proposed Flood Control Project Plan as the same is now constituted and as the same shall be amended or extended; be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul issue and sell, at this time, the bonds of said City in the par value amount of Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($700,000) authorized by Chapter 685, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1957, for the purpose of the procurement, by said City, of funds in the amount of Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars (1700,000), for the payment thereof on account of said City's share of the cost and expense of flood control in said City and for the purpose of matching funds allocated by the United:States Government for the purpose of flood control therein under said proposed Flood Control Project Plan as the same is now constituted and as the same shall be amended or extended, thereunderp and in accordance with the provisions, terms and conditions of said Chapter 685, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1957; be it RESOLVED FURTHER, that said bonds shall be in the form of serial bonds and the same shall bear such date and mature at such times as such resolution shall prescribe, provided that the first installment of each issue of said bonds shall mature not later than three (3) years from and after the date of the same and the last installment of each issue of said bonds shall mature not later than thirty (30) years from and after the date of the same; that no amount of principal of each issue of said bonds payable in any calendar year shall exceed five (5) times the amount of the smallest amount of principal maturing in any calendar year ending three (3) years or more after the date of issue of the same; that said bonds shall be issued and sold by said City, in the manner provided by law; that said bonds shall be in the denomination of '.1000 each and shall bear interest not in excess of six per cent (6%) per annum payable semi — annually according to interest coupons to be attached to the same; that said bonds shall be in the form prescribed by the Council of said City and approved by its Corpora- tion Counsel; that said bonds shall bear such interest as said City Council COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis sM s•s0 ° 2 -----In Favor _Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor 199799 shall prescribe, and shall be sold by said Cite Council for not less than par value plus accrued interest, to the highest bidder therefor, after two weeks published notice of the time and place for receiving bids thereon; that the proceeds from the issuance and sale of said bonds, as received by said City, shall be deposited by it in a fund of said City designated as "Blood Control Project Fund" allocated thereto and subject to disbursement only for the purpose aforesaidy in payment on account of said City's share of the cost and expense of flood control in said City, and in matching of funds allocated by the United States Government for that purpose, under said proposed Flood Control Project Plan as now constituted and as the same shall be amended or extended, in the manner and for the purpose prescribed by said Chapter 685, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1957; that the proceeds of the issuance and sale of said bonds hereby are appropriated thereto and shall be used only in payment of said City's share of the cost and expense of flood control in the City of Saint Paul and in matching of funds allocated by the United States Government for that purpose, under said proposed Flood Control Project Plan as now constituted and as the same shall be amended or extended, in the manner and for the purpose prescribed by Chapter 685, Session Lays of Minnesota for 1957; and that said bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America, at the Office of said City's Commissioner of Finance, in said City of Saint Paul, or at the Office of the Fiscal Agent of said City in either Saint Paulo Minnesota, or New York, New York, at the option of the holder, and the full faith and credit of said City hereby are irrevocably pledged for the prompt and faithful payment of both principal and interest of said bonds; be it RESOLVED FIIRTHER, that each of said bonds shall be sealed by the facsimile of the Official Seal of said City lithographed thereon and signed by the lithographed facsimile signature of its Mayor, attested by the litho- graphed facsimile signature of its City Clerk, and countersigned manually by its City Comptroller, and each interest coupon thereto attached shall be signed by the lithographed facsimile signaturesof its said Officers; that said City!a proper officers hereby are authorized, directed and required to set aside annually from the revenues of said City an amount sufficient for the payment of the interest on said hereby authorized bonds and the principal of any such bonds maturing in such year and hereby are authorized, directed and required to make a sufficient tax levy for the payment of the same under and pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1957, as amended; that such tax levies for all years shall be specified and shall be such that if collected they will produce at least 5 per cent in excess of the amount needed to meet, when due, the, principal and interest on said bonds; that each ouch tax levy shall be by resolution of the Council of said City which shall, among other things, irrevocably appropriate the taxes thereby levied to said City's-sinking fund or special sinking fund or account for the payment, when due, of the principal and interest on said bonds; and that such provisions of this paragraph are in addition to the pledge of the full faith and credit of said City for the payment of saiA bonds and are not in lieu of such pledge; be it �� t ` 4 -mat W r till 31 A ���► a� ��b �� � �.!� `� �3+�+� is ���+ �i►,1r ' �������������� - - *f Wo. 0440slo fad► *4o of all or llm tr odd UOU, 40 r, tlaw of Amu *4* 14 Us avomp pv�f tsd 1w Uvj, "16 - ' b+t MUSA fou"Arw of said C11r #ad fa U# ������ ; ��� . , i��� fAulfi � vertaolC4 owlt$Md lvk, � #A# ions or P 6 *6141 rid 044 Or4l**400 200 19904, U fi3 *d With 00. 14801 0 491 *04rp 16 O« imw SuRtAlser 1441triat, .ft. 4 ' SU P *MA# . 040to# 4 0 M M * *k forUmt-tho ' ����d °mod ���;� ���d� 3►� ����d �►�a�� � �b!�i� NOV 25 Im DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ,99799 J - CITY OF ST. PAUL COEUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM `PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Yeas VAMAS, It to deemed necessary th„ t; the City of Saint Paul iassues and , sell tLes; bonds of said City in the par value amount of Seven H TI- usrm 11o11ara (7QO,C}OQ) provided sand authorized to be gold b,f Crd3tsrznce Q:X File No. approved November 25: 1960* enacted b.* authority of Chapter 685, Session Laws of Xi=scota for 1957,E for than purpose of the procurement, by said City of Saint Paul., of funds in the amount. of Seven Hundred Tbouwmd Dollars; (V00,t`)W) necessary for pea went on account of said Ci.tyt o share of the cost and expense of flood +control In said City and for the purpose of maatcbing funds allocated by the United States Govorr.rcut for that purpose under thed proposed Flood Control Pro j eat Plan as the same is now constituted and as the acme shall be amended or extended; be it U- c,0L'VF�, that the City of Saint Paul iflsUe and 96111, at tbiS time, the bands of said Cllr in the par value aaaount of Seven `'Hundred Thous=d Doll.aaras � (000,000) authorised by Chapter 6850 Session Laws of Kinnee to for 13579 for the purpose of the procurement, by eaid City, of funds in the amount of Sevorn Hundred Thou iftd Doil,a:ra 0700p0W), for the payment; thoreof pn account of oai.d Ci.tye s share of the coast and expenses of flood control in said City and for the purpose of astohinzy funds allow4terd by the Uani.ted States Government for the purpose of flood control therein under nAd proposed Flood Control Project Plan as the came is now oonatituted and as the ame ahal,l be amended or extended, thorounder, and in accordance vi.th the provisions, terms and conditions of scald Ch'-ptor 615, Session Laws of Kinnaemoti for 1957; be it AFSOLVED YURT iM, that raid bonds shall be in the fora of eeriaal bones and the same sludl boar such date and ;nature at such times an such revolution shall preacri.be, provided that the first installment of each issue of aesi.d bonds shell mature not l::ter than three (3) rer.ra from sand after the detc of the acme and the 1rist ins =t&llment of each laws of vtld bonee; shall mature not later than thirty (30) ra nrs from and efter than data of the s, --ne; that no amount of principal of each ionm of said bon0a payable in any a ^lends r ye tr sehR11 exceed five (5) ti meaa the mount of the amalleet amount of principal mturing in W calendar Yecr ending three (3) yearns or rzore after the date of issue of the 'came; that said bonds shall be irivued snd sold by said City, in the mpnnebr provided by law; that said bonds shall be in the denomination of *1000 each rn-? sWL11 bearr iantare:st not in exceve of six per cent (6 %) per annum payabl eami- annually according to i.nterevt coupons to be attached to the cane; that said brands shell be in the form prescribed by the Council of assid City and approved by its Corpora- tion Counsel; that avid bonds shall bear such interest aar sai e City Council COUNCILMEN Nays DeCourey Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 5m 5.6o 2 In Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor ` -, - R' yam. ' _ •• - • _ ��' L ��� *)tall preacrIbr, and s W- 1 be sold by add Mtn Comsoll for �►t les& than par Value plus atcca ued Intereast #. to the Mjheeat bWor° therefor, after two woks published xnotice of the time and- pXage for .-rooeivin g bide ftereon; that -the groasrd4- from thti isou me mmd, sole of ii1d bands s as teeaativ#4 by sold -Gift,- oWl be dopoaaiW by it in &,f=4 of said City, dovigneterd as Mood Control Pfoj a of lend* 41l o sated tbere►to and . subject , to df sbur eement - a .li .4`or the pi oase '00rssaids, in payment on aaccou4t of said City's share of the cost and o2piense- of flood control In said 'City and In a6antobinng of finds aalleoeated by the United Staten: tiovorix ost, for that pur nose, under said proposed flood. Conti Projoct viaan to now coointituted and as tho aa+me aW.l be amendaed. or extended, to - tho aasiier, ad for. tbo purpose prosori bsd by. eaaid .Chapter 6951 - Sesslon Lana of Hinnesotat for 1)371 thst the, p racsads or erne Is suanes A rnd- e4o of said boo4 s �1e oby aa�rae approorlatod thsreto and small. be treed off► in, paor'son4 'of' said C14l's ahoro 'ot the coat_ end expeenot 4f -flood Control in Us City of Saint Paul and An atteMng of Tondo allooarte d 1 r the United - States Cbrertamont for that purpose,. ,.fader ataaid proposed Flood Control Pro j*dti ?Ian 'an nov cove stltutod *Ad as tW same sbAll be sa nded or tMended, in tho na nner ansd for the pnxrpoeo piseerdbed by Ctmptor 6$5, �Seseion Leteaa of Nitneaotir for 19571 rind thot vai4 bonds shall be payable in la wfol Mohrir of _ thee -Cniite,a Ptateas of Axeriea, at the Of-Vice of .scald 4 ytist. C0aaen18619wer of fttnan**, in said Citj -of 04inat Pa till* or at tbo Offico of tho f'ienca�l, Agent of amid ' A.v in eri.the<r ;game Paul, K"ianeeots.y ,or New 'forte, lov York, at ehi option of; the holder, and tho Aal fbAth and credit of said GiV h6reby irrammcably pledged: for the prompt and- faithful payment of both principal and interest of said; boadsl be it ` Vp84LVID Pt1A'i`Mj',, that sach of-o&14 bonds sbAil, be t eolerd by the facoWls of _ the -Offl of -aal. deal, of thereon and signed by the litbograagbed faspalelle-sigt►aturee _ of ire Meyt►sp iettasted by the ithc = gyaapiiend, t►oe ull.e .. del gtic:Eturta bf i to City ,Cl,erki -'and �a uettenn*ani a�a tieal:ly , y ` it# C3 �d' Coaperollet��., nand eacn� 1n rat_.oaupon _L�i�l^ataa. +xttaeahsd actual] be sige�d. ;eh's_litixe i d fACeeimile„ a3 ta$tui►aso ' i'L sai C C ftcora; tMt -aid City' s proper olficearffi his;ebr are ttathortssd, directed and required to aset, 'tfillo aanuueal,'ly frode the revenv6s of raid City An.a nouat sufficioat',tor the, payment, of tho ,itnterAmt ofn -said heiv —by -g4tioristad bonds and tho principal o "£ any such bai3da: reatvaritng an et�tnh.'yeeaaur '+tnd h ore* r 4 aatibaris*d dire+�tebd and x'at�ufanred -to make a auffi,ol.eennt tax levy_for the spa tetnt of the sate'undor and punranua nt to tits ,proviateris 'a t Chap'ttr 475; 91nou 000ta Stantutes 1957, as asmondedt that aaaeh Us. levies for 41 yoars,. asball - =be sjoeif#a4 and- $halo. be such toot � f eolleatead ' they 1.11 'produce at loaaat 3 per aenb in aex¢ess of the. annum toodod to erect,. : vhen diwo the p rin 4pas1 atnd inte:rast - ors Oa i4 bondal thlkt liaeb -6twh tar lev, , obaAl.l be by: risoluUorn. of tins Council of arid. Gtt*.erhtc�z ashall, ataong othor thing8, Irrevoeobly appropriate the taxes th+er6y levied to vaaid Cityes , inking fund or special, sinkl ag fWd orr aacount for tbo peyaent,' ahem dines of -the piri•gi+alpal at &,' Interest' on said bands; and that ouch provision& of thin p *rVreaph are in edditioan to the .0ladga of ft. M1 falft and a redi;t of 'aid City for the pray "tit of said bon0aa nn4 are not in Been of such pledge; be it . -Z� DUPLICATE TO PU-NTER 70 • CITY OF ST. PAUL COEUNCIL Wig. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE FURTHER RESOLVED, that sealed proposals be received at the office of the'City Comptrollers in the Court House and City Hall Building in said City of Saint Paul , at a time to be appointed by the subsequent Resolution of this Council, for the sale of all or none of said bonds after giving due notice of such sale in the manner prescribed by law, in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger, the Official Newapaper of said City and in the Commercial West or Finance and Commerce, each being a financial periodical published in the State of Minnesota; and each bidder shall be required to accompany his bid by a certified or cashier's check for two per cent (2%) of the amount of bonds bid for, which shall be forfeited to the City as liquidated damages if the bonds are not taken and paid for when ready for delivery. BE IT �5�9�� T zertified copies of this resolution and said Ordinance No. 1 (c a with the District Engineer, U. S. Army Engineer District, St. Paul.. St. Paul, Minnesota, by the City Clerk forthwith, the proposed Flood Control Project Plan mentioned hereinabove being that mentioned in said Ordinance. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss -----In Favor Mortinson Peterson — against Mr. President, Vavoulis 6M 8.60 2 -3- Nov 2 5 'see Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul 2, Minn., -November 4. 1960 ■ n You Are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of Mark Z. Jones Co. for ■ (permit to-install and operate °n. 23 ear customer parking lot on the east -side of Rice 3t. between Larpenteur and California . and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. on .November 17, 1960 BERNARD T. HOLLAND .File 15092 Commissioner of Finance. The City Charter requires this Notice be sent from the Department of Finance.