199795r Council File No. 199795 —By Mrs. Donald M. DeCdurcy— Robert F. Peterson —I ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK t Milton Rosen — Resolved, That licenses applied for • • CITY OF ST. R by °the persons named on the list at- I tached to this resolution be and the OFFICE OF THE CIl same are hereby granted, and the City; LICENSE COMPfITTEE F Clerk is instructed to issue such li- C NCIL RESOLUTION —� censes upo nthepayment into the City treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council November 23, PRESENTED BY 1960. COMMISSIONOL A Approved November 23,, 1960. •1 (November 26, 1960) RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Armand Charboneau 939 W. Minnehaha Restaurant If if Cigarette App, 8089 New Old Loco n n n It It Pepsi -Cola Bottling Co. of Mpls. & St. Paul Dorothy Lu_kosli & Lauretta Taggart 1189 N. Snelling V. M. Loc. " 10612 If New a Esther Zakzaska 279 Edmund Beauty Shop " 10992 n if n Alfred Steiro 244 E. Winona Scavanger " 11623 Wm. P. Berger % Caterpillar Tractor Co. 429 N. Prior V. M. Loc. " 12042 " Old m St. Paul 7 -up Bottling Co. % Andy's Valet 374 Robert " " 12077 " New " " American Optical Co. 616 Bremer Arcade a " 12078 a % Minnesota Farm Bureau • 50 Chester " " 12135 If 0ld " Rasmussen Practical Business School 380 Minnesota n a 12155 " New a St. Paul 7 -up Bottling Co. Raymer Harddrare Warehoise 41 E. Fairfield " " 12156 " Old a " % Scholl, Inc. 1371 Selby " " 12170 " % Town & Country Motors Inc. 1800 University " " 12182 Vending Service Corp. % Wabasha Theatre Co., Inc. 450 Wabasha V. M. loc. " 12191 If % Minnesota Amusement Co. 449 Wabasha 2t-10-4 n It n N OV 1960 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council — Yeas Nays 2 3 NO DeCourcy NOV Holland 19— Loss Mortinson Tn Favor Tida r ' Peterson Mayor Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ISM 5.60 QP0 2 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK • -- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. i9,9795 LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY November 23, 1960 COMMISSIONER DATE PACE • 2 :,.tialS Vending Service Corp. % Minnesota Amusement Co. 22 W. 7th V. M. loc. App. 12194 New Old Lodi Walter E.Swanson 107 Thomas Foodstuff M. D. P. W. App. 12205 " New " 1 Vehicle n 12206 "; " " Vick Theatre Corp. 21 W. 7th Confectionery " 12302 " Old " f1 It Cigarette if " u it n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 5M 5 -50 2 In Favor v Against J � 2 3 1960 Adopted by the Council 19- NOV 2 3 1960 Approved 19— Mayor