199783Orl¢inal to City Clark n PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE O R D I N Council File No. 1997. Loss— An No. 199783 11877 —By Frank L. Loss — An ordinance amending Chapter 00 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code D. pertaining to the Zoning Code. This is / n an emergency ordinance rendered nec- !N�'� essary for the.-POWvationA of pcplic An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the"Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the Zoning Code. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of public peace, health and safety. I., THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOE'S QPDAIN: Section 1. That Secti6n`60.23, Off Street Parking, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by deleting the first paragraph of sub - section (7) Penalty Provisions, which reads as follows: "The provision, management and utilization of parking facili- ties as required in this, section shall -,be a continuing obliga- tion of the owner or sponsor of a given use or structure so long as the use or structure is in existence and so long as parking facilities are required hereunder and in connection therewith and it shall be unlawful to discontinue, change or dispense with such parking facilities without establishing al- ternate parking facilities that meet the requirements of this section. 11 - and adding in lieu thereof the following: !'The provision, management and utilization of parking facili- ties as required in this section shall be a continuing obliga- tion of the owner or sponsor of a.given use or structure sd long as the use or structure is in existence and so long as parking facilities are requited hereunder and in connection therewith and it shall be unlawful to discontinue, change or dispense with such•Parking.f.acilities without establishing al- ternate parking facilities that meet the requirements of this section and are approved by the Council." Section 2. That Section 60.23,.'Off Street Parking, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is further amended by deleting the fourth para- graph of sub - section (7) Penalty Provisions, which reads as follows: I�At any such time as the parking Facilities required hereunder shall fail to continue to- be available for the purpose, the Euilding Permit For the structure to.which the parking facili- ties are adjunct, and the Certificate.pf Conformance issued for the premises, and the Council Permit required under sub- paragraph (4) of this section shall be suspended until such time as the premises are placed in. conformance with this section.'" and adding in lieu thereof the following; Yeas VIV Attest: !'If at any time the parking_ facilities required hereunder shall cease to be available for parking purposes because of diverted use, sale or disposal of the area required for parking or for any other'reason, the occupancy of the building or buildings shall become illegal and-the right to use shall be suspended un- til the premises are again placed in conformance with the re- quirements of this section.11 Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Tn Favor Peterson Rosen % Against Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) , Approved: City Clerk IM 12 -57 u06�0. 8 Mayor W Odglnal to Cloy Cleric �1 ORDINANCE r ` COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Section 3,, That Chapter 60) Zoning Code Use Districts, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code) is hereby amended by adding Sec- tion 60.24) Density and Land Coverage, as follows: 1160624 Density and Land Coverage "For the purpose of maintaining a reasonable and desirable level of density and land coverage of property in connection with multiple residential use, a minimum of 11000 square feet of land area shall be provided for each dwelling unit in a building or structure and the total amount of area covered, by the building or structure shall not be more than 35% of the total area, any reduction in the areas required above sha�;j render the occupancy illegal and the right to use shah, be suspended until the premises are again placed in conformance with the requirements of this section,." Section 4. That Chapter 60, Zoning Code - Use Districts) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, is hereby amended by adding Sec -1 tion 60.25, as follows: "60.25 "When this code or the Building Code requires a minimum rear yard, side yard, building line set back) and lot area in order for a permit to be issued for the building or structure, the occupancy of such building or structure shall become il- legal if the lot or plot size is reduced by the sale) dispos- al or the transfer of ownership or control by the owner of any portion of such lot or plot and the right to use shall be suspended until the property is again placed in conform- ance with the requirements of this section. or the purpose l of clarification, the term lot or plot) as used in this sec- tion, shall mean the property described in the permit applica- tion and /or indicated on the plot plan." Section 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergen- cy ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland h�� Mortinson Peterson Rosen VRrrlo?Y -- Mr. President (- lHlvn-)— Attest Ci �i City Clerk/ 1M 12 -57 a o8 Passed by the Council Tn Favor ol ` Against Mayor I DapYeate to Printer PRESENTED BY 0 ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO. 199783 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Pawl Legislative Code pertaining to the Zoning Code. This'is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of public peace, health and safety:. THE, COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAINI Section 1. That Section 60.23, Off Street Parking, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by deleting the first paragraph of sub - section (7) Penalty Provisions, which reads as followsa "The provision, management and utilization of parking facill,- ties as required in this section shall be a continuing obliga- tion of the owner or sponsor .Of a given use or structure so long as the use or structure is in existence and so long as parking facilities are required hereunder and in connection therewith and it shall be unlawful to discontinue, change or dispense with such parking facilities without establishing .a1- ternate parking facilities that meet the requirements of this section.. tF and adding in lieu thereof the followings "The provision, management and utilization of parking facili- ties as required in this section shall be,aa continuing oblig.a- tiori of the owner or sponsor of a given use or structure se long as the use or structure is in existence and $o long as parking facilities are required hereunder'ond in' connection therewith and it shall be unlawful to discontinue, change or dispense with such. parking facilities without establishing al.- tarnaitte parking facilities; that meet the requirements of this section and are Approved by the Council. ". Section 2. That Section 60.23,, Off Street Parking, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is further amended by deleting the fourth para- graph of sub - section (7) Penalty provisions, which reads as followsl "At any such time as the parking facilities required hereunder shall fail to continue to be available for' the pur ose, the Building Permit for the structure to which-the parking facili- ties are adjunct, and the Certificate of Cbnformance issued for the premises end the Council. Permit required under sub - paragraph (4) of this section shall be suspended until such time as the premises are placed in conformance with this section." and adding in lieu thereof the following4 "If at any time the parking facilities required hereunder shall cease to be available for parking purposes because of diverted use, sale or disposal: -of the area required for parking or for any other reason, the occupancy of the building or buildings shall become illegal and the right to use shall be suspended un- til the premises are again placed in conformance with the re- quirements of this section." Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Tn Favor Peterson Rosen Against Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 12 -57 c010, B Duplicate to Printer PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. q � -5 Section 3. That Chapter 609 Zoning Code - Use Districts# of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, is hereby amended by adding Sec- tion 60.24, Density and Land Coverage, as follows$ "60.24 Density and Land Coverage "For the purpose of maintaining a reasonable and desirable level of density and land coverage of property in connection with multiple residential uses a minimum of 10000 square feet of land area shall be provided for each dwelling unit in a building or structure and the total amount of area covered by the building or structure shall not be more than 35% of the total area, any reduction in the areas required above shall render the occupancy illegal and the right to use shall be suspended until the premises are again placed in conformance with the requirements of this section." Section 4. That Chapter 60, Zoning Code - Use Districts, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, is hereby amended by adding Sec- tion 60.25, as follows "60.23 "When this code or the Building Code requires a minimum rear yard, side yard, building line (set back) and lot area in order for as permit to be issued for the building or structure, the occupancy of such building or structure ahall become il- legal if the lot or plot size is reduced by the sale; dispos- al or the transfer of ownership or control by the owner of any portion of such lot or plot and the right to use shall be suspended until the property is again planed in conform- ance with the requirements of this section. For the purpose of clarification, the term lot or plot, as used in this sec- tion, shall mean the property described in the permit applica- tion and /or indicated on the plot plan." Section 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergen- cy ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace; health and safety. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen DeCourcy Holland �O Mortins Peterson Rosen Vhb2kel- Mr. President (- DiRen-)a Attest: City Clerk 1M 12-57 '@W 8 Nays Passed by the Council— mr. 9 In Favor Against y Approved: Mayor am - Original to City clerk • - . ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE N.O. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE N Section 3. That Chapter 60, Zoning Code - Use istricts, of the Saint Pau Legislative Code, is hereby amended y adding Sec- tion 60.24, De sity and Land Coverage, as follows ;160.24 De sity and Land Coverage '(For the pu ose of maintaining a reaso ble and desirable level of den 'ty and land coverage of operty in connection with multiple residential use, a mini m of 1,000 square feet of land area s all be provided for e ch dwelling unit in a building or st cture and the total amount of area covered by the building or structure shall not be more than 35% of the total area, any eduction. in the reas required above shall render the occupa cy illegal and the right to use shall be suspended until th premises ar again placed in conformance with the requiremen s of this ec_tion.J1 Section 4. That Cha ter 60, oning Code - Use Districts, of the Saint Paul-Legislative -ode, is hereby amended by adding Sec- tion 60.25, as follows: 1160.25 AlWhen this code or the ui \ofthi ode requires a minimum rear yard, side yard, building et back) and lot area in order for a permit to e ior the building or structure, the occupancy of suc builstructure shall become il- legal if the lot or lot seduced by the sale, dispos- al or the transfer f owne control by the owner of any portion of suc lot or d the right to use shall be suspended unti the proagain placed in conform- ance with the re iremen.ts section:1" M Section 5. Thi ordinance is hereb declared to be an emergen- cy ordinance render d necessary for the p eservation of the public peace, health and f ety. Section 6. /his ordinance shall take e fect and be in force upon its passage pproval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland , Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 12 -57 8 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Against Dip 4T, PRESENTED BY L� D R Section 3,. That Chapter 60, the Saint Paul-­-Legislative Code, i tion 60.244 Density and Land Cove "60.24 Density .and,Land C0 2e COUNCIL FILE NO, ORDINANCE NO 1,9783 ding Code ,t Use Districts.# of hereby amended by adding Sec- e. as followss e "For the, purpose of maint.� ping a reasonable and desirable level of density and lan coverage of property in connection With multiple resident a' uses a minimum of ].,000 square feet of land area shall be p ovided for each dwelling unit in a building or structure d the total amount of area covered by the building or st cture shall not be more than 35% of'the total area, any Leduc ion in the areas required above shall render the occupancy illegal and the right. to use shall be suspended until the remises are again placed in conformance with the requireme s of this sect on." Section 4. 'That apter 60, Zoning Code Use Districts, of the Saint Paul I gist ive Code, is hereby amended by adding Sec - tion 60.25,, as folio s "60.25 "When this co a or the Building Code requires a minimum rear yard, side y d, building line (set back) and lot area in oxder for ermit to be issued for the building or structure, the oiccupan y of such building or structure shall become il- legsl if t lot or plot size is reduced by the sale, dispast al or the ransfer of ownership or control 1�y the owner of any.porti of such lot_or plot and the right to use shall - be suspe ad until the property is again placed in conforms- once wit the requirements of this section." Section 3. 'This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergen- cy ordinanc rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, heal and safety. Secti n 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon# its p ssage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourey Holland Mortinson Tn Favor Peterson Rosen Against Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 12-57 aqajo8 i Trlpllcate to the Comptroller V ^4 PRESENTED BY ORDINAN Section 3. That Chapter 60, _ the Saint paul'Legislative Code, is tion 66.24, Density and Lend Covers 1160.24 Density and Lend E COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO. T 99783 g Code a- Use Districts, of eby amended by sdding Sec- as follows$ Opor the 1aurpose.of maintsin ng a reasonable and desirable level of density and land t terage of property in connection with multiple residential e, a minimum of 1,O00 square feet of land area shall be prow ded for each dwelling unit In a building . or structure and he total amount of area covered by the building or struot re shall -not be more than 35% of the total area any reductio in th6 areas required above shall render the occupancy ill gal and the right to use shall be suspended until 'the pre i.ses are aga�i�n placed in conformance with the requirements this section." Section 4. That Chap r 64, Zoning Code - Use Vistricts, of the .,Saint Paul Legislative Code, is hereby amended by adding Sec- tion 60.,25, as followat "60.25 11hen this code /quirements he 'Building Code requires a minimum rear yard, side yardlding line (set back) and lot area in order for a pero be issued for the building or structure, the occupancy oh building or structure shall become il- legal if the loplot sire is reduced by the sale,, dispos- al or the tranaf ownership or control by the owner of any portion of lot or plot and the right to use shall be suspended un he property is again placed In conform- ance with the r of this section." Section 5. '�h s ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergen- cy ordinance render d necesa:ary for the preservation of the publc peace, health and afety. Section 6. is ordinance .shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 12 -57 H .. , Quadruplicate to Department PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO, 1--9,9783 Section 3.- Th $ sptor 600 onl Cods Use Distrlctst of the Solat Paul Le islst ve Codes is he e y ar ndad by Adding Se►c- tion 6£x.24, Density and Land Colvtraga ss follows 1160,24 Dens -i.ty and LaEnd Covers a "For the �urppse of . >�intaini a r*a9on*b1* and desirable level of ensity and sind cov TOO* of Property it connection With multiple res3iden Lol us s a minirp= of 19000 s"re foot of land area shall be rovid d for each dwellings unit in a building or structure d e total amount of area covered by �th,e buildings or stru tur. . shall not be more than 359 of the total area, any reducti n the areas recpAred above shall rsnder the occupancy i],1, .� 1 and the rijht to use shall be sua ended until tale prom #G art s *in ,placed in conformance with the requirements of is section." Soetion 4, That Chaptsr , Zonings Codes - Us* Districts* of the SAInt Paul Logisl&tive C det is hereby amended bit adding Se e- tion $3.'Z-, 64 folios "When VMS node QV th �u� idi � G*do reec�uires a mini rear �rard s side yard; but di : Z .n i Bret back) and lot are* in order for a ,pexmit t be issue for the building or structures the occupancy of sty buil+�ir r structure shall become 11- If the lot or plot size i reduced by the sale, dispos- al or the transfer f ownershlp r control her the owner of any portion of suc lot or pltot nd the right to used shall, be suspended until. the property �. #Oain placed in conform- ante with the To. ireoments of thy. section.' , Stction 6. Thi ordlnanoo is here y declaareEd to be s>� ems ezi,, cy crdina►neo rendera necessoty for the reservation of the public peaces health and s* _ eta►. Section 6. _ s ordinance shall tak effect and be in force upon its passlages pproval and publication Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland , Mortinson Tn Favor Peterson Rosen Against Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 12 -57 qws ERL66T s!InoesA ;uOPIsaid -JN lsasd - =AZ uasog �� uasog uosialad uosut;ao uo,ioyQ sso7/ "IW ssoZ Puu110H Pu9lIoH Saa7BUD)L l Sainoaaa sSsH sSUN seaA �a; np dds pus piE 14 jL11:0-14 Q-,�/ 51z] � o; iaeo P1sZ -pug C si i 1