199711ORIS,INAL TO CITY CLERK ' r s CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ' =ULLCIL .RESOLUTION —GEN Council File No. 199711 —By Mrs. Donald M. DeC Bernard F. Holland— -t 99711 Frank L. . Los Loss�everin A. Mortinson — Robert F. Peterson — Milton Rosen — George J. Vavoulis, mayor — Resolved, That there be and is hereby � levied for the support of the various departments of the City of Saint Paul Egovernment and the Special' School District of said City, upon all the Property taxable therefor in the City of Saint Paul for -each CP11! J1F V, that there be and is hereby levied for the support of the various departments of the City of Saint Paul government and the Special School District of said City, upon all the property taxable therefor in the City of Saint Paul for each Charter Fund, a. tax for the year 1960, collectible in 1961, in an amount equal to the annual estimate of expenditures for each fund as herein recited and set forth after deducting therefrom the departmental receipts, State and Federal Aids:and Miscellaneous Receipts of the City as herein recited, being as follows: Code �l 2 3 4 7 -8 -9 All 7 8 7 -8 9 10, 11 12 14 15 16 -17 _.16 17 18 -20 18 20 21 22 23 24 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis Charter Fund Amount ' City Officers' Salaries 79';380.00 Mayor's Office 169,953.00 Corporation Counsel 151,519,00 City Clerk" 129,304.00 Finance Commissioner 231,914.00 Public Safety Administration 177,081.00 Police 31136,903.00 ,Fire 3,133,621.00 Police and Fire Alarm 195,450.00 Health 522.,177.00 Commissioner of Public Works 687,885.00 - Street Construction and Repair 5612000.00 Sewer Construction and Repair 1592700.00 Street and Sewer Cleaning,,-" 11272.,2/+7.00 , ,247.00 ;_Bridge Building and Repair, .1079292.00 .- Public Schools 18,527,338.00 °Library, Auditorium, Museums and Stadia Administration 34,235.00 Public Library. 948,862.00 Auditorium 94,000.00 Parks .and Recreation and Public Buildings Admiuintr"ation 56,4.50.00 Parks:and Recreation 1,!79,486.00 ,Public Buildings ' 44.4j,668.00 Public Utilities 158,964.00 .,' Public Lighting, 641, 943.00 ;Water Department 31880,277.00 Public Welfare 2,635,183.09_ Adopted by the Council SM 5 -Bo Z 1 ------In Favor Against + Approved 19 > Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ` 199711 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE =9� � '.l Code Charter Fund Amount 25 City Hall :and Court House 2192350.00 26 Interest 9682572.00 28 Redemption and Bonds and Notes 2,321,342.00 29 .Tudgment;and Compromise 25,000.00 30 FComptroller, and Civil Service 237,206.00 31 'General Fund 4,986,299.00 Total Charter Funds $,48,3w+,601.00 Less: State-and Federal - ..Aida $5.,1+951015-25 Special Taxes - Schools .2.0.9000.00 Miscellaneous Revenue 40672,508.00 Departmental Receipts 2,0362949.75 Self -Sustaining Receipts 32974,277.00 16,402,750.00 Tax Appropriation in 1961 Amended Budget 31,9712851.00 Add Estimated Net Shrinkage 319,718.00 Total Tax Levy 1961,Amended Budget $32,291,569.00 RESOLVED FURTHER., that the City Clerk be and she is hereby directed to certify a copy of the foregoing tax levy for the year 1960, collectible in 1961, to the County Auditor of Ramsey County immediately upon the adoption and approval of said resolution. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis z F In Favor Against SM Il -80 2 i Adopted by the Council my 17196® 19— QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTtAENT CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOUNCIL NO IP OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER- DATE I 'L99711 1=IXED# tbat tham b* m4 Is )iorobg I*vA*d for ter support of the -verloui 41epartm ate of t1to Oil of salon Paul "Vermimt. W. the Spec al 80061 flatlrlot of 6014 City $ u n eal. 06 property to =bl* thorefor in the Oitp of Beant Pau% for +each Charter ,mod, n tear for the Year 19601 collaotlbl* In 19611, In .zn emunt egn&l to tb6 Mull a timp4to of" axpeb4i€ res for o0b fund oa herein recited 4md set forth aftor d8duCtI49 thOref ft% that dopurtmont- . meipty, State and Facteracl. A10 and 1`tlecol jAnooud ptcai.atc Of the 101.ty ea, horelt rooltad, Wag as ,foll.ovat Sill; 2 3 6 10 1) 14 15. 16-17 16 17 1$-20 is 20 21 22, 24 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis SM 8 -80 aQ30.2 swt.er. Farad City Offf -corof 64arteo X„yor# 0 dfa" Co rpartttorx COOZ091 Gitr Clerk Tip, meo Co=Ixotomer Publio Oafatr Aduicdatration Police Firo - Police wo ftre Alarm > 081th Comtoolonor of Public Forks trAlet Construction and Pepais ,serer C=strucytl*n &%d lfopitr Otroot and Sewor '01vanttag aridgp, Builaire *ad ePais 70110 a thodis Library# Auditorlump 1iaxaeua; auji EtAdla. Admtr4strattou Public Librorr Audltorlum Pa*e and Wocraetlon IE'arka tad Seareation Publio SuIldinge 'Public Utilitiox Publio Lighting Vator Department publi. a v'olff�rq and Public suildiogs Tn Favor Against 169,9$3.00 151s,519"00 129, "d.4Q 231,911.00 1771,0$1.00 3,13689340 30133,621.00 19,5,4i0.}�0 522,177.00 687,80boo 139'700.�Q 107! 292.00 180327#33$.00 3402,35000 9480 862.00 94#000.00 Adai rl as trarLtion %1,450.,00 1 *47%A96.00 "40666.00 1'58,964.0 641 #943.00 )*880s2? 1 1.00 2,6350183000 Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT PRESENTED COMMISS11 Continwid Gad.... a_.�....._- 20 20 30 31 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM 2umz yucd pity 411 44d Court louse Tntareat ttora and Bonds and late* Sudgmant And covrosddo tompt"ll.ler and Civil 4ml c* Least S ,ts; and yed *a1 Aide Spaolel Taxo* - ftbaaalp xi.ecellaneow ftveauo Depa rt'aen$z. 9wipt* 1®1t- 9U0t.4iA10jF tacaipto DATE Tatalll 0hwto r Fftoo 454495 *013.25 4A7240840 20036,949.75 Toz Appropriation in 1+961 Acandad. Budget ;add fatixaw ltet 4riaksge Total. TAx L"7 1963 Azended, Su644t COUNCIL 99711 FILE NO r . Mod 219, M.00 9682 57,x.00 293210347.00 25A000.(u0 237,Zk.00 fARP374#601.00 314971s8'51r00 )19711.00 $320291.0%9.00 RVOLVE'D MTORg thou the City Clark be and *ho is hereby diroet+ed tO certify % copy of the foregoing tai lovy for tho year 1960# colloctibia in 19611, to tte County Auditor of Ra mooy County Imed3ately upon the adoption and Approvaal of vai. d r solution. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis sM D•so 2 ------In Favor Against NOV 17 q %0 Adopted by the Council 19— NOV 1719M Approved 19— Mayor 4A c -or wAt h "A for *sob . _ Wj v1G►lloo"iibis, Uk 1063. in' to **"At eu to 04l , . # #ffUkt# Of 40 ei4t V. *W014is *os,'stt forth Attu r - � • ' � � - -= � - Asa - • -' • - - _ .' ; �_ • - ' : • = : wrtt. col 3 x. 7 -14 ru Abe, P*0*001-.44, AI Ulldvtto, - mo Pil3,.jj -- � - • �. .. '• � •t ��17d3R �t!L��1�DR�� _ _ yyr �.yF� V�i+� f�,�/ _ _ •, .. _ ` +f�����.''7y```C'6'''F�iI��,y� ..[✓���IF'.r?TrM ,• . -.1. _ • w.Jy�y; toys l} - 'y�''{{ypper� ��yI�r�� �j� . � r � e{a,; '��y�yp�' _ '- ^^'� {(�t�� ± t . f"!���'lIF �R►����� _ ,�j, /A .ir �..+5'Y� - At _ _� ' '- -.9.9711 - , _ - - - - - t • '!ix1.�!M�ibVF}�. - ,. ._ g +}may 11 sod OGS04"00 ., • - . "*'I�� - �t�.y,d - r - _ ��}qit� at�a N A A 4 I A�11 aid 1cwa t�ky.�yR�f#� ajyr�Ytir► 00apt�rolltr a c1*11 vo' fo' #ice" �' }F #. 31 fftd toss, ; SPOO141 Too* 'd' x Appropriation 1,6- %9fil -Ak- OTO'O� awu i i.� t, 11ViV A44 ri till"W tot Pt y -ID Tara o u -st tbt, C'ttq. 40* ' And ebo to uVrOy m * *d to - eeti a vory afibe faro lag Uk 1ov)t for tho Ycw 1960* coilootible to 1961, 146V- 17