199695ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL OFFICE NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER Milton Rosen — Dept of Kblic Works • oarF November 16, 1960 WHEREAS, Quality Park Envelope Company have requested the Department of Public Works to name the frontage as con- structed in conjunction with and west of T. H. 280, VM known as Eustis Street Expressway, between Como Avenue and Doswell Avenue,"Hunting Valley Road? therefore be it RESOLVED, That the frontage road crest of T. H. 280, also known as Eustis Street Expressway, between Como Avenue and Doswell Avenue, should hereafter be known and designated by name of "Hunting Valley Road" v COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis sm 5.6o 2 in Favor - Q Against Council File` No. 199695 — By Milton Rosen— W here as, Quality Park Envelope Company have requested the Depart- ment of Public Works to name the frontage road as constructed in con- junction with and west of T.H. 280, also known as Eustis. Street Expressway, between Como Avenue and Doswell Avenue, :'Hunting Valley Road, t there- fore, be it Resolved, That the frontage road west of T. H. 280, also known as Eustis Street Expressway, between Como Ave -', nue and Doswell Avenue, should here- i after be known and designated byl name of "Hunting Valley Road." Adopted by the Council November 16,' 1960. Approved November 16, 1960. (November 12, 1960) ouncI 16 Adopted by the ll 19— DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ����� _ . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COMMISSIIONER W-1ton Rosen - Dept, of pablic Works DATE November 16. 1960 1 HMWS, Quality Park Envelope Conpan have a ed the Department of Public Works to name the frontage �Iaov structed in conjunction with end we =st of T. 9. 280, also known as Eustis Street Expresaway, between Como Avenue and Doartell Avenue, *Hunting Valley Road" therefore be it RESOLVED, That the frontage road west of T. H. 280, also known as Eustis Street Expreoffay, between Como Avenue and Doswell. Avenue., should hereafter be known and designated by name of Venting Valley Road! COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss In Favor Mortinson Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Vavoulis SM E -80 a2 NOV 16 LOBO Adopted by the Council 19— Approve �� 19— Mayor