199689ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCI RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONED DATE RESOLVED, upon the pertinent appeal of C.J.Freseman under Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Zoning Code, owner of the following described real property located on the, east side of Skyway Drive north of Batavia Street, to -wit: Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 175, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, that the provisions of said Zoning Code shall be and hereby are varied so as to establish a 30 foot building line set -back for said premises. FFile No. 199689 — By Frank L. ed, Upon the pertinent apnea]{ 64 inclusive of he Saint Paul Chapters .` tive Code, Zoning Code, owner of the following described real property lo- cate F d on the east side of Skyway Drive f north of Batavia Street, to -wit: +I Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 175, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record, in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, j Minnesota, that the provisions of said Zoning Code shall be and hereby are varied so as to establish a 30 foot building line set - I back for said premises. Adopted by the Council November 16, 1960. Approved November 16, 1960. (November 19, 1960) ,i COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis sM l5.6o Qjp. 2 )r Y Adopted by the Council 19— NQU 16 100 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota November 10,1960 Mr. Robert J. Swords Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder �7 q (" X7 The City Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the appeal of C. J. Freseman for a building line set back of approximately 30 ft. from Skyway Drive on Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 175, as more fully described in the attached letter of Herbert C. Wieland. r Very truly `yours, City Clerk NOV 14 9960 CORPORAM, W Lu.ki.,-L 3 MINNESOTA F ::; �............... ?�;�;: R D OF ZONING,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ••••• .':':•:y(/�. §x.81•: 231 -292 -233 1213 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSI SAINT PAUL 2, MINNISOTA November 9, 1960 Mrs. Agnes H. OtConnell City Clerk Building Dear Madam; This is in the matter of the appeal of C. J. Freseman to establish a 30 foot building line set back on property located on the east side of Skyway Drive north of Batavia Street. The property is described as Tract B. Registered Land Survey No, 175. The zoning is n &n resi- dence. The site is presently vacant and the applicant proposes to develop it with a single family residence. This is a slightly irregularly shaped tract of land having a frontage along Skyway Drive of 92.13 feet, and an average depth of 268 feet resulting in an area of approximately 22,378 square feet. Under Chapter 62 of the Legislative Zoning Code, a building line set back of 54 feet would be required for this property. There is an extreme change in the elevation of approx- imately the north 120 feet of this tract which makes it impractical to use this portion for building purposes which leaves only the front 150 feet on which to build. North and adjoining is a single - family residence fronting on Skyway Drive which was built a number of years ago and maintains a set back of-approximately 30 feet; otherwise the entire area is vacant, some of which consists of a sheer bluff. Field investigation discloses no basic objections as the proposed set back appears to be reasonable in consideration of the topography of this property. In accordance with the above findings, the Board of Zoning recommends the granting of the appeal to establish a 30 foot building line set back on the above described property. HCWImm Encl. Sincerely, - Herbert C. Wieland Secretary Board of Zoning 9� St. Paul, Minnesota October 13, 1960 City Council City of St. Paul, Minnesota Honorable Members of The Councils This letter is a petition to the Council for authority to construct the front of my residence on tract B Registered Land Survey #175, dated October 3, 1960, at a minimum distance of 30r from the property line fronting on Skyway Drive, St. Paul, Minnesota. Attached hereto is a plat of the involved property. Due to the lateness of the seasom an early consideration of this request would be greatly appreciated. C. Freseman )75 / E ) VK 3Y" . �u A �O g t St. Paul, Minnesota October 13, 1960 City Council City of St. Paul, Minnesota Honorable Members of The Councils This letter is a petition to the Council for authority to construct the front of my residence on tract B Registered Land Survey #175, dated October 3, 1960, at a minimum distance of 30r from the property line fronting on Skyway Drive, St. Paul, Minnesota. Attached hereto is a plat of the involved property. Due to the lateness of the seasom an early consideration of this request would be greatly appreciated. C. Freseman )75 / E ) VK 3Y" . �u 1' A �O g n O C.: T X111 ^�jrn/1 rn) Q TSJ '19�� r W OCT 14 M rLANN1N o C1Ty $aint Paul G —a _ o � o 1' 1. The paragraph on Pages 2 and 3 of said Agreement 0-2556 M entitled 'State Trunk Highway Project No. 10 whioh.defiries the limits of said project, is-amended to read: Mate Trunk Highway Projeot•No, l: The location, construotion, reoonstruc- 'tion and, improvement- of State Trunk Highway No. 51,, Shelling Avenue .from Hewitt Avenue to Midway Parkway., which,shall inolude' the acquisition of right of way, the improving and widening of Shelling kvenue from Hindtt) Avenue to Midway Parkway, the reconstruc- tion and widening of the existing'9highway bridge over.the (heat Northern Railway Company tracks, or, as an alternate, an underpass for these tracks; and a separation of grade at the location of the'present,railroad,grade crossing with Shelling Avenue and -the . Northern Pacific.Railway Company tracks,'together with approaches on Melling Avenue and connection to and interchanges.with'the Northern Route and the proposed Kasota Avenue Highway, both of which int®rseceb Snelling Avenue - at approximately right angles. w: 2. The last paragraph of Page 3•of said Agreement C-2556 M is amended to reads 'WHIMAS'the estimated cost of said proposed ,State Trunk Highway Project No. 1, inclusive of right of way aaq�visition, is•approximately,$4,200,000 and the estimated - cost,of said proposed State Trunk ili.ghway Project No. 2, inclusive of right of way_ ; acquisition, -is approximately $10,500,000,'and such estimated cost of each said pro- posed Project would - necessarily require a delay in its programming, planning, engineer -, ing work.and execution if therefor reliance must be limited for necessary financing to methods legally available to said State and said City, exclusive of those provided _,by said Chapter 538,- Session Laws of Minnesota for-1959, and 3. Paragraph 5 of said Agreement C -2556 M 'is amended to- read: 5., That the. estimated cost of the - subject aforesaid proposed State Trunk Highwa Project No. 1 represents the amount of approximately•$1.��200,000, and the estimated cost of the•subjeot aforesaid proposed State Trunk Highway Pro- jeot No. 2 represents the amount of approximately - $10,500,000, in each instance, inclusive of right of way acquisition cost; that, among other things, any undertaking by -the State hereunder,of said proposed ' State Trunk Highway Projects, or either of the same, shall be deemed'contingent upon the - status of the -2- Ir 'same "as an -integral part -of 'the YStatd s Trunk Highway System. -and shall be further dependent upon the pre- cureanent of the necessary funds for the financing of', _ y tStetthe same , in the amount of' 50 per cent of said estimated oost of the same in the nature of a, grant by the. Federal to the State under and . pursuant tdr .Chapter 'l, Sections 101 to 131 inclusive•,. _ Title -23., United 'States Code, Annotated, 1959, and in ' an additional -amount -equal" to the remaining 50 per cent of said`.estimated cost of the same, in the nature of advances to the 'State by the 'City in cash or engineer - , ing services; -or both, - therefor under and - pursuant to the applicable provisions of said Chapter ,538,, Session Laws of Minnesota for 195940 '.4 Paragraph -7 of said�`Agreeaneart C -2556 M is '-deleted .and the folldwing is inserted: in lieu. thereof= 7, - That the State shall procure and provide- the 'necessary right of way for each ,said, State Trunk Highway Pro ject; - ' the cost..thereof in the amount of 50 percent ,to be olr tained from the Fed®ral Government and the rerfai,ning 50 j per. cent. of the cost thereof :from the application of the necessary portions.of 'the'City advanoes-provided for k , herein: 5. ` Paragraph. 9 of said Agreement C-2556 .m is amended to reads 9, That; as aforesaid, the, estimated cost of each such proposed State Trunk Highway Project to the extent of 50 per. cent thereof shan be borne by the Federal. Goverment and the remaining 50 per cent thereof -shall • be borne by the State$ and as aforesaid such estimated cost; in -each case, is the-estimated cost of the subject proposed Project, inclusive of right of way -6,: Paragraph 16 of said Agreement C-2556 M'is amended by deleting the last sentence therof: 70 Before this Supplemental Agreement becomies binding and effective, it shall be. authorized and approved by resolution of the City Council and shall be approved by .suoh State officers As the may provide, in addition to the Commissioner of HighwWp 841 Except as modified and amended herein, the provisions of said Agreement ,C -2556 M•shall remain in full force and effect. "3- + IN TESTIMONY WEOP' the parties ; have. duly- exeouted this' agreement by • their _ Buly authorized. of f ioexa 'and ;caused - theii, respective seals to be:' hereunto, affixed. Seal. +L, !..• r t CITY , OFY SAINT PAM' Attests r MY Ulerk .�, i - . Mayor APProved as to forms gy 7 ; i Comissioner of'Publio Works '. i Dountersgned: Corporation Coansel B, ' yty .. Comptroller - , .. ,Date DEPARTMENT 'OF RIWAYS- - STATE OF MINNESOTA. Recommended for Approval t ' Chief Engineer C s • over of Highways Approved a&'-to form and e$eou #ions Date - _ Date --o eefaen ; ecia l Assistan—f Attorney Genera